The Hero Kneels

Chapter 634 Super Large Jade Spiral Pill

? Boom!

He stepped out, the ground cracked, and he rushed towards Ye Dou.

Well done!

Ye Dou raised his palms and faced him head-on.

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang!

Both of them used fists and kicks, hard steel fronts, and dodging was meaningless to two guys with abnormal physiques. The true meaning of hand-to-hand combat was to use fists to the flesh and deadly moves. A dodge would lose the opportunity.

As their fists and palms continued to fall, their bodies were covered in blood.

In the deserted wilderness, they fought freely and bombarded each other frantically in order to gain a chance of survival.

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang...

Under the constant collision and bombardment between the two, the surrounding soil was splashed, deep pits appeared one after another, and trees were falling down and split into two pieces.

Ye Dou was already on full fire, using every punch and every chapter with all his strength, without any reservation.

To be honest, the opponent's physical strength and strength are not inferior to mine, and he is a full-fledged dragon-level power, but when it comes to fighting, he is really not that good. He is just a bastard boxer.

He also took this opportunity to gain an advantage. He always had the advantage in martial arts moves, so that the two sides were always in a tie, or even had a slight advantage.

Ye Dou also didn't expect that this so-called insect master would be so powerful, and that he would fight to the death whenever he encountered him.

He can't escape or lose this battle, otherwise there will be only death!

We must use all our firepower and fight to the death.

When the two separated again, Ye Dou's body was covered with various wounds. These wounds were not deep, but they were black and green. It seemed that the wounds had been invaded and looked extremely bad.

A hole the size of a bowl appeared in the insect master's lower abdomen and throat respectively, with flesh and blood rolling inside, and smoke constantly rising from the hole.

The after-effects of the Rasengan prevented him from healing quickly.


It’s so hard to fight!

Any of Zongzu’s subordinates,

It has reached the dragon level standard, which is really troublesome.

The defense and offense of the guy in front of me are really inhuman. In terms of physical strength, it is much stronger than the dragon-level rampage.

Why are bugs so powerful?

The opponent's Zerg body has an extremely amazing recovery ability. Ordinary damage can be recovered in an instant. Only heavy punches and palms with full strength can cause serious damage to this guy.

What a troublesome guy. It seems like he can only use his trump card.

Ye Dou lowered his head and looked at the injuries on his body, then opened his pocket and poured almost a whole bottle of Donkey Glue Blood Replenishing Granules and a bottle of Yunnan Baiyao oral medicine into his mouth.

Under the influence of the medicine, the wounds on his body immediately began to heal and scab at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although the Chong Master on the opposite side was panting, he looked at Ye Dou's injuries healing instantly with a strange look on his face.

I heard Zongzu said that you have a strange treasure that allows you to quickly recover from injuries. Is this the ability of this treasure? Zong Master asked in surprise.

Ye Dou's eyes were like ice caves: You know too much!

That thing is on your finger!

The Zong Master's eyes widened and he roared: Now I will use the power of Zongzu to completely defeat you, then eat you and get your treasure!

As he spoke, the muscles on his body began to deform and swell again. In the blink of an eye, the Zerg Master's face was deformed and distorted, a pair of black compound eyes appeared on his forehead, and more and more Zerg symbols appeared on his body.

While the body expanded rapidly, four huge black arms stretched out from behind, each arm was like an insect's sickle tentacles.

Tremble, be afraid, mortal, Zongzu will give me strength, and suffer death, hahahaha... Zong Master roared, looking at Ye Dou arrogantly, his four eyes filled with cruel green light.

However, he found that Ye Dou was smiling and calm.

What are you laughing at? I am now close to a demigod in strength. I can crush you to death as easily as an insect!

The insect master made an angry hand-squeezing gesture, full of strength.

I laugh? I laugh because you are too weak...

After saying that, Ye Dou took out the small blue pill in his hand, tapped it lightly, and then tapped it again.

I saw this little blue pill burst out with a faint blue light.

This is the second initiation!

Under the dazzling light, the insect master's eyes widened, and he watched in disbelief as Ye Dou opened his mouth and swallowed the pill that emitted a strange light into his mouth.

Click, click, crackle!


A strange blue halo appeared all over his body, and then his body swelled up again. His muscles quickly inflated and expanded, and his size grew bigger and bigger, directly expanding from nearly three meters to more than three meters. The blue muscles were like a piece of heavy armor. It enveloped the whole body, and then rose all the way to a height of four meters, and then five meters.

As his body expanded, the surrounding temperature immediately increased, and there was a huge spiral object in his palm that was constantly rotating and condensing.

Sure enough, after the second initiation, the efficacy of Viagra also increased dramatically. Originally, after taking an ordinary Viagra pill, his height would only exceed three meters, but now he has directly reached a height of five meters.

The muscles and bones of the whole body are filled with infinite strength and vitality, which makes him unparalleled in strength. Theoretically speaking, the chakra content in the body is also surprisingly high, almost unbelievably high.

Can be used to cast Rasengan

Ye Dou opened the corners of his mouth, revealing a row of huge white teeth, with a playful look in his eyes, and stretched out three thick blue fingers on his left hand.

I shouldn't have used Viagra for a second time... Now that I've used it, I'll kill you immediately!

Before he finished speaking, his strong giant-like body suddenly disappeared, and the next moment he appeared less than one meter in front of the insect master.

Super large jade rasengan!

The Rasengan in the palm of his right hand was picked up like a cannonball and smashed down hard.


The earth trembled, tree trunks swayed, and boulders swayed, as if a magnitude 12 earthquake had erupted in an instant.

All surrounding creatures could feel the ground shaking violently, and the ground within a radius of ten kilometers shook violently.

I saw Ye Dou's arms, which were thicker than telegraph poles, grabbing the super-large jade spiral pill and suddenly hitting the insect master on the head, directly smashing the insect master's brain.

The huge power of this super-large Jade Rasengan not only caused the non-human body to fall to the ground, but also instantly smashed the opponent's body and plunged it deeply into a huge pit.

In the deep pit more than twenty meters wide, the insect master's head and neck were smashed into mud, and only the trunk and limbs were still intact.

You want to know my secret?

I'll show you now!

The giant Ye Dou roared like a furious ancient beast.

If the other party knows his secret, he will never keep it and must smash it.

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