The Hero Kneels

Chapter 626 Sister-in-law-Shadow!

Ahem, Ye Dou, come on, let me take you to meet some colleagues, they have been waiting for you for a long time.

Back in the lobby, Starer immediately came up to him and signaled Ye Dou to leave the bar lobby.

The two of them came to a private room located in the hall and opened the door directly.

I saw a group of people wearing tights and various costumes playing cards and chatting inside.

Dangdang, everyone, welcome our new comrade!

As soon as Staring Man entered the private room, he pushed Ye Dou in and announced loudly.

Welcome, are you new?

What? Is there anyone willing to join our Black Iron Level Hero Club?

It's rare, it's rare! It's rare!

“It’s great that there are new people!”

These people stopped playing cards and other activities, put down their activities, and looked at Ye Dou one by one.

Ye Dou took a closer look and found an acquaintance inside.

The other party is the fart man wearing crotchless pants!

In addition to this, there were two other people, and the three of them happened to be at the same table, and they were still fighting against the landlord there, and the fight was in full swing, with spitting flying everywhere.

Two other people in the private room came forward. One of them, a man wearing a yellow coat and an egg shell on his head, with eggs hanging on his body, said loudly: Hello, I am Eggman!

Another young man with glasses wearing a white vest and big pants raised his head and said with a smile: Hello, I am the black iron hero pants man!

The Fart Man was surprised and asked: How could it be you? Comrade Ye Dou, are you here to pay me back?

Haha, we are really destined...and don't call me comrade, okay? Ye Dou said with an awkward smile.

Hi everybody, I'm……

Before Ye Dou could finish speaking, Staring Man took the lead and said, This is the newly promoted black iron hero Ye Dapao!

Ye Cannon?

Hey hey,

Don't make me use random nicknames.

My name is not Ye Dapao. Ye Dou corrected.

The glaring man nodded and said, Then how about calling you the loudmouth man?

Ye Dou rolled his eyes and was about to retort when a strange alarm sound came from the box. It was very urgent, a bit like the sound of 110.

A red warning light flashed on the ceiling.

This made everyone in the box raise their heads.

[Attention heroes: turmoil broke out in the sewers, turmoil broke out in the sewers, heroes please assemble immediately and clean up the sewers...]

Everyone gather in the basement, immediately!

Staring Man shouted loudly, and everyone ran wildly as if they had been injected with blood, and then surged out like a tide, and everyone was extremely excited.

He simply pushed Ye Dou: Ye Dapao, the opportunity to make a fortune has come, let's go!

Ye Dou protested as he ran along: Hey, this hero's nickname is too weird. Can you change it to another one?

We will talk about it later. The real nicknames of heroes have to wait for the public announcement. The nickname you think of is often different from the nickname given by the official. I advise you not to have too high expectations. The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment. This This is the fate of our black iron-level heroes!

Fate? Why does the black stunt hero have such a fate? Ye Dou asked strangely.

As the two of them talked, they had already followed the stairs to the third underground floor, and many people were coming around.

A transparent glass door appeared at the entrance of the stairs.

Scanned by a faint blue light at the gate, the hero badges worn by the heroes who entered shone slightly with blue light, indicating that they had passed the identity verification. As the transparent door opened automatically, Ye Dou quickly entered with the large army. Shiny transparent glass door.

The hall on the third underground floor is very spacious, larger than two football fields. There are tables, chairs and benches, as well as a variety of strange machines. There is also a huge electronic screen directly in front of the hall.

Unexpectedly, the third floor of Sweet Honey Bar is so unique.

At this moment, the hall is crowded with people, and there are heroes constantly coming out. No matter what, there must be 300 people walking out of the elevator.

Most of them are young men and women wearing weird costumes. Some of them are wearing underwear, some are wearing metal armor, some are flashy, and many are wearing cloaks, as if a COSPLAY show is being held here. .

Many people also held strange weapons in their hands, including knives, guns, sticks, axes, hooks and forks. There were all kinds of weapons, and Ye Dou couldn't even name some of the weapons.

Although there were many people at the scene, not many people dared to talk and chat. Everyone was restless and nervously looking at the big screen in front of them, so that the atmosphere in the hall was a bit tense.

Riots in sewers are very rare. They only happen once every year or two. There are many dangers involved. Every time, heroes are injured or even die. This makes most people feel unsure. It would be false to say they are not nervous.

The big screen shook slightly, and a picture appeared. In the picture, a woman wearing a tight-fitting black leather jacket was sitting. There was a tear mole in the corner of the woman's eye, her eyes were evil, and her mouth was smiling, with a trace of indescribable charm.



How could it be you?

Ye Dou's eyes widened. The other person was Hongxue's sister Ying'er. These two female ghosts once shared the same body in the soul ring, so they could be considered as one body and two souls.

Now that the two female ghosts are gone, could she also be reincarnated?

This person on the screen is the Thunder Girl who ranks No. 1 among the steel heroes.

Staring Man explained in a low voice: I heard that she is the younger sister of the current Sword Queen!

Wow! Thunder Girl looks so cool!

Yes, yes, she is the perfect ideal girlfriend.

I really want to lick the screen! Licking the screen well...

A group of male heroes in the audience made all kinds of embarrassing sounds, and their voices almost broke down.

No way, this Thunder Girl is not only a steel-level hero, but also the sister of Sword Queen. She is active in film and television dramas. She has appeared in many idol dramas, and each drama has occupied the top three ratings of TV dramas. , has a huge fan base among young men and women, and his popularity is comparable to that of a diamond-level hero.

The most important thing is that the other party is so beautiful that she is a cold and charming beauty with an evil temperament. Whenever a man sees such a woman, he will feel itchy in his heart.

Could it be that these sisters were reborn together? That must be the case! Seeing the appearance of Du, Ye Dou was slightly startled, but then he became more confident.

The soul ring definitely used some method to reincarnate the two sisters Hongxue and Ying.

Dear heroes, I am the Thunderbolt Girl, currently ranked No. 1 among steel heroes. Due to the urgency of the situation, I will keep it short here.

The thunder girl suppressed her smile and her red lips trembled slightly: There have been many monster attacks in the city's sewers these days, causing injuries to workers maintaining the sewers. Therefore, we sent people to explore the location of a monster's lair. Due to the disaster rating this time They are tiger-level elites, and the problem is imminent and must be solved as soon as possible.”

The video below shows the locations that need to be cleared for this mission. Please be prepared and grab the distributed food, water, and maps. Each of you gets one point for each monster you kill, and your wages will be paid accordingly.

You can enter the sewers now. Please choose to go together. By the way, your actions are under the control of the League of Legends. Those who cannot fight or are injured must evacuate the battlefield as soon as possible to avoid being attacked.

In the video displayed on the screen, large cockroaches and many squirming slime-like objects appeared.

Looking at the monster on the screen, Ye Dou's whole body felt numb and he didn't feel very good. Many people around him were also dumbfounded. They were all trembling and breathing stopped.

It would be fine if there were just a few, but there could be at least thousands of cockroaches in the video, filling up the entire space of the sewer, crawling around in it, making it extremely crowded.

People with trypophobia may faint immediately.

There are so many big cockroaches, they look uncomfortable. Ye Dou felt chills all over.

My three hundred warriors, GO!

The thunder girl on the screen smiled slightly and ordered.


God damn three hundred warriors!

Can I yell Spartan?


There was a steel round door on the basement floor that slowly opened.

A deep and dark tunnel was revealed inside.

Many heroes stepped into it without saying a word.

The entrance to the cave is relatively small and only one person is allowed in and out, so everyone can only queue up.

Ye Dou lined up at the back of the queue with Stare Man, Fart Man, Crotch Man and others, and the waiting time was very long.

Yeah, the comics from 20 years ago are so good, and the unique skills like Ninjutsu are so cool. While waiting in line, the Crotch Man was flipping through a comic book in his hand and nodding his head.

Naruto? Ye Dou asked strangely.

It seems that this anime was quite popular in his time, but he never thought it would still be available twenty years later.

Yeah, do you want to read it? I bought a lot of Naruto comics from the flea market. Crotch Man pushed up his glasses, touched his crotch and took out a comic from his crotch and handed it to him.

What skill is this?

Ye Dou's eyes were about to burst, what a vulgar action, what a strange storage method.

Brother, why do you hide comic books in your crotch?

Just as he was about to ask the other person why he took out the comic book from his crotch, he suddenly shuddered and looked down at the Naruto book.

Because his right index finger actually trembled slightly.


This comic can actually be enlightened?

:. :

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