The Heavens: Falling Ink From Douluo

Chapter 989 is awesome!

Chapter 989 is awesome!

This is a world based on martial arts.

From the imperial court to the countryside.

Rivers, lakes and seas, the universe is vast.

Beauty, wine, views.

Magic weapon, BMW, unique skill.

This is a romantic era, and it is also an era that is romantic only for the strong. However, no matter what it is for the weak, or even for the strong, the only thing that is unquestionable is that this is a magnificent and magnificent era. In this era, the sea is wide enough for fish to leap, and the sky is high enough for birds to fly!

In addition, there is another undisputed fact - among countless people in the world, there are many controversial names such as No. 2 in the world, No. 3 in the world, No. 4 in the world, etc. Only the No. 1 position in the world is unobjectionable!
When a person's strength is between yours and he can do things that you can't do, you will subconsciously make excuses for yourself, saying that it's just his luck; there is no need to deny it, because this is human nature. .

When a person's strength is a little bit higher than that of you, and this person can achieve achievements that you can't achieve, you will subconsciously excuse yourself and say, one day I will be able to surpass him; there is no need to deny it, because this is also human nature.

The same reason.

When the difference in strength between you and another person is so great that it cannot be estimated, you will feel overwhelmed by your own comparison and realize how ridiculous your own comparison is. This is also human nature and the desire to be strong in your genes.

This is recognized as the number one in the world.

He has a very nice name - Lin Chaoci.

It is connected with the poem of the Qinglian Sword Immortal.

It is Lin Chaoci's personal honor.

It’s also an honor for that Psalm.


A world of red buildings.

New heaven and earth calendar.

In the first three years of the calendar, Qin defeated Han and swallowed up the heavenly realm of Han.

In the first two years of the calendar, it merged with Tang, Xuezhong and Fengyun realms.

One year ago, the young man swallowed a song and walked the path of heaven.

In the calendar of heaven and earth, in the first year, Ming Dynasty was destroyed and all realms were unified.

However, these are big changes, big events, and big chapters. Even if they are placed in history books, they are worthy of a separate chapter from the old era. In contrast to today's new era, it is understandable that the writing is a little heavier.

The thread that runs through the old era and the new era is Lin Chaoci, which is also defined as the ultimate.

Jue Ding, the detailed translation is: the top of the world.

In addition, there is another way of saying it: level with the sky.

However, for the local residents in the Red Mansion world, this evaluation is still a bit low. Whether it is the one in front of the world, or the one in the back that is as high as the sky, it is true that outsiders from other realms are still outsiders after all. Their imaginations are so lacking. Even if locals like them don't know the specific relationship between Lin Chaoci and Tiandao, they can still see from various performances that the relationship between Lin Chaoci and Tiandao is far from what is said in Jianghu. Two evaluations.

Whose family is the best in the world, as high as the sky, and can call thunder from the sky to kill a minister of rites?
Whose family is at the top of the world, level with the sky, and the weather in the place where they live changes by itself despite their thoughts?
Whose family is the best in the world, as high as the sky, with good weather and good weather every year, and a bumper harvest of fruits and grains?

You say this is unfair?

You said you wanted it too?

Are you worthy?
Do you really think that the consciousness of the world will pamper every cub equally?

Do not make jokes!
It is the way of heaven that loves every cub equally!
Those who can ignore fairness and preference are world-conscious!

World consciousness is similar to the way of heaven.

However, the relationship between them is like the thunder movie and the thunder general in Genshin Impact. The world consciousness is the shadow, which has seven emotions and six desires and has the authority to surpass the thunder general. The heaven is the thunder general, and can only act according to the set rules. He doesn't have the ability to fight with Shadow.

Therefore, heaven is different from heaven.

There is another saying in the world.

The first level of heaven, the way of heaven, can only be touched by the gods on land. The sky is beyond the sky, the consciousness of the world, only a few people are lucky.

The only person who could stand on an equal footing with Tianwai Tian was Lin Chaoci. Even though Lin Chaoci was only a great master, no one dared to question Lin Chaoci's qualifications.

If you want to question it, of course you can!

Go and defeat the land gods and masters above the land gods in other realms. You are not even required to complete it within the specified time. As long as you can do it, you can question Lin Chaoci's qualifications to be favored!
Although Lin Chaoci doesn't think this is called preference.

For Lin Chaoci himself.

He prefers to call it respect.

Respect for partners.

You invested in me with all your might back then and fully accepted my conditions. Then, you deserve to reciprocate your investment. Therefore, the tacit understanding between you and me is just respect, but there is no need to underestimate respect. The so-called A scholar dies for his confidant. Although this relationship has not reached that point, they can still help each other as much as they can, and both sides have a great deal of face left as equals.

And it is similar to the above cognition.

Lin Chaoci didn't think he was the best either.

People have different cognitions. Just like for a frog at the bottom of a well, the sky above its head is the world in its eyes. Just like for this world, he, Lin Chaoci, is the pinnacle representative of human strength in this world. He will not It's the same as when someone higher and stronger appears; this perception is correct or incorrect, because he is still a great master. Whether he is a land immortal or a reincarnated true immortal, they are all in a great realm, corresponding to the front and back of the seventh level of Qi training. Transformation, entry, fourth level, seventh level, foundation building, the principles of cultivating immortals are somewhat appropriate to apply here. Because of this, he still has one last hurdle to overcome and has not reached the limit of his known realm. And extremely.

This title is too exaggerated.


"Soon, the title will no longer be an exaggeration."

Lin Chaoci once again withdrew his spiritual thoughts from the core of the brush, and defeated another loser in the long history of time. Perhaps these losers should be called "pen slaves", just like after the unification of the worlds, the way of heaven brought "the world" The concept of "domain" is passed down, and it is forbidden to use the impolite term "other world" to refer to those swallowed worlds.

Cutting off distracting thoughts, Lin Chaoci breathed out gently.

An invisible and immeasurable destiny was secretly poured into the world consciousness of the Red Mansion. In an instant, the situation in the world suddenly changed. Countless land gods and masters above raised their heads one after another, with horrified expressions on their faces. They clearly felt the oppressive force that could still give them a suffocating feeling even though they were several worlds apart.

It was like a huge boulder weighing on their hearts.

Even breathing felt extremely laborious.

Fortunately, this pressure came and went away quickly.

Don't wait for them to react.

This pressure has dissipated.

However, many people still realize something.

They all looked up and looked in the direction of Hou Han.

"Land gods..."

I don’t know how many people uttered these four words in despair when the pressure dissipated.

But when these four words came out of Lin Chaoci's mouth, they contained a sense of joy and completeness.

Eighteen years of hard training.

Finally, with the most perfect foundation, he became a land god.

at the same time……

"He's just grown up."

Lin Chaoci's tone was full of satisfaction: "It's time to give them a satisfactory answer, and then, when everything is complete, continue on the journey."

 What a long journey... There are still more than a dozen extra chapters. It is expected that the comprehensive martial arts phase will end in one thousand chapters, and the comprehensive immortal phase will begin in one thousand and one chapters.

  Thank you to the little cuties who have supported me until this point.

  If you have any thoughts on Zongxian, you can tell me. It will give me a reference, collect opinions, and see what everyone wants to see (currently decided: Zhuxian, mortal, fox demon, Yangshen and Yi Nian). To be honest, I am a little bit I want to write about Immortal Rebellion, but I always feel like I can’t control it, even if I’m a fan writer... I’ll decide on this later. Anyway, the power system is relatively high, so it’s already in the later stages if I want to write about it.

(End of this chapter)

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