The Heavens: Falling Ink From Douluo

Chapter 968 Huan Huan: Look at me with a sliding shovel

Chapter 968 Huan Huan: Look at my sliding shovel...

A dog's sense of smell is twelve hundred times greater than that of humans.

Therefore, if it is really a burglary, kill the dog first.

Don't take any chances and think that a dog's ears don't work well and can't hear footsteps, because even if a dog's ears don't work well, a dog's nose still works well and can smell something wrong from a long distance away.

There are no dogs in Pingguofu.

Lin Chaoci is not the kind of person who loves the new and hates the old.

His dog lives in another universe.

Therefore, rather than just raising a few dogs as a warning, which would not be of much use except as a warning, Lin Chaoci preferred not to raise a dog for peace of mind.


Hanwan and Bai Qing'er's infiltration went smoothly.

Three times five times two times, we passed the area where servants lived daily and entered the inner house, which is where Lin Chaoci, Xue Baochai and several personal maids lived. For example, Ying'er, who serves Xue Baochai daily, belongs to the eldest maid. He is always with Xue Baochai.

The specifications of Pingguo Mansion were built according to the official Duke Mansion.

The place is relatively large.

However, compared with the palace, it is not big.

Huanwan and Bai Qing'er just briefly touched the layout of the outer residence of Pingguo Mansion and roughly knew the overall layout of Pingguo Mansion. However, although the inherent layout of Pingguo Mansion is exactly the same as Rongguo Mansion, Ningguo Mansion, and Liguo Mansion, they can The placement and division of certain aspects are different, and they are all the work of the master.

The Rongguo Mansion is divided into the inside and outside by three gates: the main gate, the rite gate, and the inner rite gate.

In other words, outside the main entrance is outside Rongguo Mansion.

Outside the Yimen are the outer study rooms of Jia She and Jia Zheng, the wing rooms of the four wet nurses, the stables built by the ancestor Rongguo Gong, and the main courtyard behind the gate of Rongguo Mansion.

Outside Neiyi Gate are Jia She's residence, Jia Baoyu's outer study, the south-facing hall, two warm pavilions and two halls, all of which are regarded as outer residences.

Behind the Neiyi Gate are Rongxi Hall, Jia Mu's Courtyard, Madame Wang's Courtyard, Houtang, Fengjie Courtyard, etc., all of which are defined as inner houses for women to live in.

Although the Pingguo Mansion also has three gates, it is directly divided into the front and rear by the Neiyi Gate, and the Pingshan Hall is the same concept as the Rongxi Hall in the Rongguo Mansion. The Pingguo Mansion is also divided into three front and back floors.

Outside the Neiyi Gate is the servants' quarters.

Outside Pingshan Hall is the residence of the maids.

Behind Pingshan Hall, the back house is the daily living room of Lin Chaoci and Xue Baochai.

Therefore, even if they cross the Yimen and Neiyimen, it does not mean that Hanhou and Bai Qing'er have entered the back house. At most, it is equivalent to entering the living area of ​​the maids and mothers-in-law from the living area of ​​the servants, and they still need to pass through. Only after passing through Pingshan Hall can we reach Lin Chaoci's back house.

In addition, since Lin Chaoci has not lived here for a long time, there are very few servants in the area between Pingshan Hall and Neiyi Gate, where the maids live, and Xue Baochai has no bad habits. Some rough servants and women can also do the job. Huanwan and Bai Qing'er have not seen many male servants along the way.

"Carved beams and painted buildings, extravagant and lustful."

Hanwan and Bai Qing'er walked all the way to Pingshan Hall.

Since there is a door, they are not willing to climb over the walls.

Push the door open and enter.

Looking at the various gorgeous objects in Pingshan Hall, Bai Qing'er couldn't help but sigh, mainly because she had never been to the imperial palace. If she had been to the palace, she would not realize how gorgeous it was when she looked at Pingshan Hall. Even though Xue Baochai's aesthetic taste is quite good.

Huanwan has actually been to the imperial palace.

Seeing the antique Pingshan Hall, I had no reaction.

I just lifted my legs and wanted to walk to the inner house.

But suddenly I heard a discordant sound.

Stopped, frowned, and listened.


Bai Qing'er looked at the stagnant Hanhan in bewilderment. Compared with Hanhan who had been a grandmaster for several years, she, who had just become a grandmaster for only a few months, was not as good at hearing and vision.

Therefore, although she didn't know what her senior sister had discovered, she stopped and quickly shut up after transmitting a message, waiting for Huanwen's answer to her. There was another possibility that there was no answer.

Huanwan did not answer Bai Qing'er.

With a flip of his wrist, a stream of Grandmaster's true energy spurted out.

Pointed accurately on the floor tiles in Pingshan Hall.

Make a sound that is neither light nor heavy.


"Woo... Wu... Wu..." The sound this time was so loud that Bai Qing'er heard it.

Looking around, I saw nothing but ordinary stone bricks.

"There's a secret room here."

"There should be some people locked up in the secret room."

Huanwan jumped up and landed on a floor tile. She probed thoughtfully with Gang Qi. She shook her head slightly at Bai Qing'er who also used Gang Qi to probe: "Seriously, it seems that there is another mystery here; anyway, I can't think of anyone who can dig to a depth of forty feet..."

The Gang Qi of Huan Huan is more than forty feet, but if you can't even detect the Gang Qi that is released forty feet to the bottom, there is no need to continue to explore further.

Even if you get to the bottom of it.

Even if we can dig out the soil under this floor tile.

There is no place to put this soil.

They came here to get information.

Not here to dig deep.

Not to mention it's more than three feet down here.

It's not even 40 feet, what if it's 60 feet?
The road definitely doesn’t go from this way anyway.

"so what should I do now?"

"Looking for a nearby agency?"

"Or save time and give up the search?"

Bai Qing'er glanced at the dark night and tightened her black night clothes: "Time is limited, senior sister, I think it's better to pick important things to do first. Pingshan Hall is the lobby of Pingguo Mansion. It's normal to have some secrets. Besides, if you pry too much into other people’s secrets, beware that they will kill you and silence you, let alone cooperate..."

"But don't you find it strange?"

Huanwan interrupted Bai Qing'er's message transmission.

The red lips moved slightly, and a sound transmission was passed by her silently: "What on earth can be separated by more than forty feet of soil to make a sound that our two grandmasters can hear?"

Bai Qing'er couldn't help but have goosebumps on her back, and her breathing was rapid.

Her master Zhen Gang can only release twenty-three feet.

So she didn't know how deep it was down there.

However, even if it is twenty-three feet of soil, if you want to make a sound through such a thickness and let a grandmaster hear it, you need to start with an innate.

The sound insulation effect of earth is very good.

Much stronger than metal that can resonate.

"So...could he be a master?"

Bai Qing'er wanted to retreat and wanted to leave: "If he is really a master, no matter what the reason is for him to be under this Pingshan Hall, we cannot provoke him... Senior sister, why don't we skip this place?"

Hearing this, Huanwan turned around displeased.

I wanted to scold Bai Qing'er.

But when he saw the black shadow behind Bai Qing'er, his whole body froze, his heart felt cold, and he couldn't say even a single word.

When did this person come?
How could they, the two masters, be unaware of it?
How high is this person's cultivation level?

How long have you been following them two?
Huanwan's strange expression was caught in Bai Qing'er's eyes, and Bai Qing'er also realized that something was wrong. However, before she could subconsciously turn around and dodge, a burst of internal energy poured into her body in a arrogant manner, and poured into her body. All the internal energy in her body was suppressed in an instant!
"take it easy."

Lin Chaoci said this.

When he said "goodbye", he was still behind Bai Qing'er. When he said "nervous", he had already stood behind Hanhan silently. With a finger, he also suppressed the internal force in Hanhan's body.

In an instant, the two masters turned into two weak women with no strength to restrain themselves.

It also made Huanwan and Bai Qing'er stunned.

Bai Qing'er was okay, just stunned.

But Huan's tone was full of despair: "How could you be the Grand Master?"

The so-called sheep entering the tiger's mouth is nothing more than this.

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(End of this chapter)

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