The happy little days of the Ye family

Chapter 10 Planting Toon

At the Ye family's dinner table, the two brothers Ye Donglin and Ye Xilin were busy eating. As the saying goes: A young man will eat a poor man, and it is absolutely true.

Mrs. Ye looked at her two grandsons who were engrossed in eating and nodded towards Mr. Ye.

"Most of the money I made from digging wild vegetables this time was from selling toon. My old lady and I want to go to the back mountain to look for toon seedlings, dig some and plant them at home."

Now that the children are older, it’s time to save some money for their dowries and wives.

"Chinese toon is much more expensive than ordinary wild vegetables. Even if the Li family restaurant doesn't accept it in the future, you can still sell it at the market. And it doesn't cost any money, so you can't lose anything." Mrs. Ye on the side added.

"Okay, okay. After lunch, my grandparents and I went to the back mountain to look for toon." Ye Qingqing's eyes lit up, as if she saw a lot of money waving to her.

"Nai, I also want to go find toon seedlings with you." Ye Donglin looked at Mrs. Ye expectantly.

"There's me, I'm going too." Ye Xilin held Old Mrs. Ye's hand, fearing that she would be left behind.

"Where are you going? Why don't you two brats go to school quickly? If you let me know that you are fooling around in school, I will break your legs."

Even though Mrs. Ye usually dotes on her two grandsons, if something happens in school, she will be more strict than Ye's mother and Ye's father, and she will earn several taels of silver every year! ! !

Under the despotic power of Mrs. Ye, the two brothers could only go to school obediently and dejectedly.

Ye's mother originally wanted to go to the back mountain with her, but Mrs. Ye pushed her back with one sentence: "You have thin arms and legs that are not as good as your daughter's."

Before Ye's mother could react, Ye Qingqing on the side couldn't wait to pull Mr. Ye and Mrs. Ye out.

The three of them first came to the creek at the foot of the mountain. There were many wild vegetables growing near the creek. The Ye family often came here to dig wild vegetables and were very familiar with them. Originally, Mrs. Ye wanted to skip here and go to the mountain to find them, but Ye Qingqing refused to give up. , I have to go to the place where I picked toon before to see if there are any new seedlings.

The toon tree next to the creek had been ruthlessly destroyed by Lao Ye's family. There were not many leaves on the tree anymore, and the bare trunk looked a bit desolate.

Ye Qingqing walked around and around under the tree unwillingly, but was finally violently pulled away by Mrs. Ye.

"I dig wild vegetables here every day. I know exactly how many leaves there are on these trees. Don't waste time here and leave quickly."

Mrs. Ye pulled Ye Qingqing up the mountain along the stream. Mr. Ye led the way and said to Ye Qingqing: "Toon trees generally grow in places with abundant water sources. We should be able to find them if we keep walking along the river."

A few people walked along the river for a short time before arriving at the bamboo forest where they were digging spring bamboo shoots. The bamboos here grow very well, each one is dozens of meters tall.

The dense bamboo leaves completely blocked the sunlight, making the entire bamboo forest look dark and gloomy. When the breeze blew, Ye Qingqing was a little scared and hurried to Mrs. Ye's side.

Ye Qingqing was so nervous that he accidentally trampled the bamboo fungus that Mrs. Ye had chosen.

Ye Qingqing ran away immediately before Mrs. Ye got angry, and shouted as he ran: "There is enough water near the creek, there must be a lot of bamboo fungus here, I will look for it elsewhere, and I will give you a basket of bamboo fungus later." "

Dictyophora is a cryptofungus that lives on the roots of dead bamboo. It is shaped a bit like a net-shaped dry white snakeskin, with a dark green cap, a snow-white cylindrical stipe, and a pink egg-shaped stipe. , because there is a delicate white mesh skirt on the top of the stipe spreading downward from the cap, so it is also called the Snow Skirt Fairy.

Dictyophora tastes good, and it is only found in bamboo forests. It is rare and expensive, and the price of Dictyophora is also more expensive than ordinary mushrooms.

Ye Qingqing found a long stick and carefully turned over the fallen leaves on the ground. After a while, Ye Qingqing found several bamboo fungus flowers at the root of a dead bamboo. Each flower was as big as Ye Qingqing's fist.

Ye Qingqing carefully dug out the bamboo fungus and put it into the basket on his back. Then he ran to Mrs. Ye to offer the treasure, and put the snow-white bamboo fungus into Mrs. Ye's basket in a flattering manner.

Old Mrs. Ye pinched Ye Qingqing's little face with baby fat in annoyance, "A naughty person will pretend to be naughty and naughty."

Mr. Ye suddenly shouted: "Old lady, Xiao Qingqing, come here quickly, there is something good."

Ye Qingqing and Mrs. Ye ran over immediately. Ye Qingqing had good eyesight and saw a small piece of bamboo fungus in front of Mr. Ye from a distance.

"We came at the right time this time. The creek is at the edge of the bamboo forest. Usually there are few people here, which gives us an advantage."

"Stop talking and get to work quickly." Old Mrs. Ye pulled the bamboo fungus with her hands and feet quickly, for fear of being robbed.

The back mountain is owned by the public, and the things in the bamboo forest are ownerless. Even if no one comes to snatch it, it is not good if someone sees it. Old Mrs. Ye is used to keeping a low profile, and she is very particular about making a fortune in a quiet voice.

When they walked out of the bamboo forest, the baskets of the three of them were half full, filled with snow-white bamboo fungus.

The ones that are not in good condition are kept to eat at home. The ones that are in good condition are dried in the sun and sold to the Li family restaurant in the winter. This is another income. Old Mrs. Ye hummed a ditty happily.

After leaving the bamboo forest and walking up, we passed some miscellaneous trees, including a few chestnuts, but there were no chestnuts on the trees yet.

When they reached the top of the mountain, Ye Qingqing was paralyzed from exhaustion. Without any concern for his appearance, he lay directly on the boulder on the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain was relatively empty and surrounded by rocks. Mrs. Ye and Mr. Ye began to look around with confidence.

The toon was not found, but Mr. Ye found a small patch of honeysuckle. Doctor Li in the village had said before that the drug store only collects honeysuckle.

What the drug store sells is sun-dried honeysuckle. Just pick it when it is not fully blooming and then dry it in the sun.

Mr. Ye and Mrs. Ye walked around the honeysuckles several times, carefully taking note of their locations, and came back to pick the honeysuckles when they bloomed in the summer.

When the two returned to the top of the mountain, Ye Qingqing had already rested. Seeing the two return empty-handed, he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. "This toon seedling is too hard to find!"

"How can it be so easy to make money? This is the first place, and there are many hills around it."

Old Mrs. Ye has experienced a lot, and this little difficulty is nothing to her. Moreover, their gains today are not small.

"Although I didn't find toon seedlings today, I found other good things." Mr. Ye couldn't bear to let his granddaughter down, so he took Ye Qingqing to the patch of honeysuckle he just discovered.

"Is this the honeysuckle that Doctor Li mentioned?" The honeysuckle in front of him only had leaves and no buds, and Ye Qingqing was a little unsure.

When Dr. Li was picking honeysuckle last year, he specially took some honeysuckle and showed it to the people in the village, telling them that they could exchange it for money.

"This is the honeysuckle that Doctor Li said. When it blooms in summer, you can come and pick the honeysuckle."

Ye Qingqing happily looked at the honeysuckle in front of him. Before leaving, he looked around carefully and remembered the location of the honeysuckle.

When the three of them returned to the foot of the mountain, the sun had already set halfway up the mountain, and it was going to be dark soon.

Ye Qingqing reluctantly looked at the lower reaches of the stream and said, "Tomorrow we will go downstream to look. Maybe there are seeds that have flowed downstream along the stream."

Before Mrs. Ye could reply, she heard the voices of brothers Ye Donglin and Ye Xilin in the distance.


"Xiao Qingqing..."

"How's it going? Did you find it?" Ye Donglin connected Ye Qingqing's small backpack and asked anxiously.

"Are there any delicious wild fruits on the mountain?" Ye Xilin, a foodie, has a completely different focus.

"Let's talk about it when we go home. If you don't go back, your mother will be worried." Looking at his lively little ones, Mr. Ye didn't feel tired at all, and went home happily carrying a heavy basket on his back.

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