The Guide to Capturing a Black Lotus

Chapter 94: City of Mist (8)

“What did that taoist say to Young Noble Zhao? Why did he leave Murong Shi behind and leave?”

“Yes, yes! It should have almost been time to give birth……”

Noises rose from below the stage, the audience was filled with righteous indignation, and there was wave after wave of chatter.

The old man raised his hand, signaling them to calm down, for those below to quiet down,: “The taoist only handed Young Noble Zhao a talisman paper and said to him, ‘That Murong Shi is not an ordinary person, if you don’t want to be kept in the dark by her and needlessly led astray, try this.'”

The stage was suddenly silent, and only the old man’s voice rang out: “Young Noble Zhao immediately froze. He did not immediately go to Murong Shi, but looked at the talisman paper on the table and quietly recalled the past few years.


“He thought that in the twenty years he had lived, he had never seen a woman as beautiful as Murong Shi—— at least by his standards, no one looked better than Murong Shi. She was unpretentious, easy-going, and gentle in nature; simply like a snow lotus on a high mountain, untouched by the mundane world, even making him wonder from time to time how someone as naive as her had grown up so smoothly.”

“He sat in his study for several days and developed a terrible suspicion: Was the Murong Shi he saw, the real her? Throughout his life, he hated women’s disguises and pretensions, and Murong Shi seemed to be tailor-made for him, with every move to his liking. What if Murong’s innocence and purity was a disguise from the beginning?”

“Young Noble Zhao was not a naïve person, he was born in a place where from the outside, it appeared bright and proper, but behind the beautiful vermillion doors, the inside was corrupt, and grew up in the center of the maelstrom of power struggle. Crafty plots and the resentment in people’s hearts, he had seen plenty of it, so he was not afraid to speculate on reality with the greatest misgivings. This conjecture caused him to feel as if he fell through a hole in the ice, leaving him to feel that his yearnings for a better life had all shattered overnight.”

“Tl cltyd vs alnyzz shla yde shla ytykd bkp pvasdt qllzkdtp qsa Ywasdt Fbk, qasx vbl eyu bl qkapv xlv bla, bkp zshl qsa Ywasdt Fbk sdzu kdnalyple, sdzu qlyakdt bl oswze dsv cl yczl vs qwzzu elhsvl bkxplzq. Ohld qsa bkx, y nsdnlkvle yde raswe rlapsd, bl oswze byhl y qllzkdt sq kdqlaksakvu kd qasdv sq bla.”

“Gde bkp kdqyvwyvksd okvb bla, oyp kv alyz sa dsv?”

“Tl rydknjle yde vbswtbv cynj vs oblvbla vbl lmnlppkhl zshl bl bye qsa Ywasdt Fbk oyp qasx bkp blyav sa oyp kv y elxsd nalyvle cu vlxrvyvksd?”

“Tl cltyd vs tlv yddsule. Xwa Zswdt Lsczl Hbys, obs byp yzoyup zkhle y yd wdcakezle zkql, obyv bl oydvp kd zkql kp dsv qyxl yde qsavwdl, dsa clywvu, przldesa, sa tzsau, cwv sdzu ‘vawl’, bl qllzp ekptwpvle ryukdt alprlnvp vs vbl rsolaqwz yde dsczl, yde qsa vbkp alypsd bl eke dsv blpkvyvl vs clya vbl alrwvyvksd sq clkdt ‘yaastydv yde nsdvlxrvwswp.’ Mbyv clkdt vbl nypl, bso nswze bl vszlayvl bkxplzq clkdt vlxrvle cu y osxyd obs wple svbla xlydp vs nalyvl qyzpl qllzkdtp okvbkd bkx?”

Nkdt Ykysxkys qkdkpble pszhkdt vbl rasczlx, yde oldv clbkde vbl ryavkvksd vs cskz oyvla, vssj y cyvb, yde nbydtle kdvs nzlyd nzsvblp, clqsal vyjkdt y zsdt calyvb, eaukdt bla byka, yde alvwadkdt vs vbl assx elnldv yde nsxqsavyczu.

“Pkdt—— Fupvlx Lsvkqknyvksd: Wyhsayckzkvu sq vyatlv nbyaynvla 【Yw Fbldt】 byp alynble 95%. Vzlypl nsdvkdwl vs osaj byae. Ode sq dsvkqknyvksd.”

Wsa psxl alypsd, zyvlzu, pbl oyp hlau yhlapl vs vbl pswde sq vbl pupvlx qyhsayckzkvu alrsavp, yzoyup qllzkdt vbyv clvolld bla yde Yw Fbldt, vos zkhkdt rlsrzl, kv oyp tayvkdt vs byhl y nsze dwxcla kdplavle clvolld vbld/elqkdkdt vblka alzyvksdpbkr, obknb xyel bla qllz pye kdpkel.

Nkdt Ykysxkys yefwpvle bla xsse yde pzsozu oyzjle kd.

The broken porcelain pieces and water on the floor were cleaned up, and the remaining water stains had dried. The house was almost spotless, and it was almost impossible to see the life-and-death melee of an hour ago.


Warm incense was burning in the room, a sweet fragrant smell in the air, so that when a person came in, they would feel relaxed from every pore.

The young man was neatly dressed, quietly sitting on the edge of the bed, the sunlight shining through the dark green canopy and falling on his dark hair.

It would be a very quiet and beautiful scene if he wasn’t stroking a skull absent-mindedly.

Ling Miaomiao snatched the skull out of his hand, put it aside, leaned down and blinked at his face, “What are you doing?”

He quietly lifted his head, his beautiful black eyes gazing at her, and said seriously, “Waiting for you.”

This look was so innocent and well-behaved that one almost couldn’t bear to bully him.

Ling Miaomiao tilted her head and looked at him, smiling: “Waiting to thank your savior?”

“……Sorry.” His eyes flickered and he looked at her face in uncertainty, as if he was a puppy who was afraid of being abandoned.

“…… Ziqi,” Ling Miaomiao sat next to him, the motion of drying her hair also stopping, a square towel atop her head as she talked to him, “I can promise not to talk to Brother Liu alone in a place where no one is from now on. “

She deliberately put emphasis on the word “alone”, turning her head to look in his eyes. “But you cannot not let me talk to others, otherwise what would my mouth be for?” She raised her chin like a kitten, “Tell me, is there such a principle?”

Mu Sheng’s hand reached over and took the square towel from her head, gently drying her hair, carefully avoiding her ears, the corners of his mouth curling up in self-deprecation, “Miaomiao, you can do whatever you want.”

He paused, his eyes dark, “I’m just jealous……” There was a slight confusion on his face, all the feelings of hostility, hatred and admiration flashing by, and he said softly, “Do you know how jealous I am of him? “


“……Then let’s set a rule.” Ling Miaomiao looked at him and sighed, “In the future, none of us should mention Brother Liu, okay?”

“Mm.” He softly agreed, sniffing the faint fragrance in her hair, a subtle shimmer reflected in his eyes. His tone became gentler, “I’ll promise you anything.”

The words fell, he came over, closed his eyes, skillfully claiming a kiss. His dense eyelashes decorated his face with peaceful tenderness.

Miaomiao paused, pushed his face away gently, then said, “Don’t tie people up whenever you feel like it.”

The young man opened his eyes, his tone was unusually innocent: “I have not tied up others, I have always directly killed them.”

“……,” Miaomiao was momentarily speechless, not knowing whether to scold him or to praise him for his honesty.

“Then all the more reason why you should not tie me up, I am your lawfully wedded wife, you forcefully tying me up is…… is despicable.”

She thought she had said something very serious and that it should have left a mark on his fragile self-esteem, so that he would learn from his pain and reflect on it, but he looked at her and smiled slightly.

She didn’t know if it was the “lawfully wedded wife” that pleased him, but his expression and even his tone, all softened.

It was similar to a an opium smoker who was beyond hope, smiling and laughing mockingly at himself among the curls of smoke, with a faint sign of asking for help; staking his all and shamelessly falling from grace for others to see: “Now you know what I am, don’t you?”

Ling Miaomiao looked at him, anger sprouting from her heart, her shapely eyebrows raised: “What kind of thing? Of course, a primate, a human being.”

She grabbed him by the collar and pulled his jade white face fiercely to her own, the two almost nose-to-nose: “Ziqi,” she looked at him, her eyes following his. She gritted her teeth and told him in a low voice, “When you treat yourself as a thing, others will treat you as a thing. Did you understand?”


The unexplained grief and anger was like a sharp sword pressed against her heart, spewing out juice which was full of her grievances and anger, while she wanted to hit the face in front of her a few times to see if he is still clear-headed.

She stared at him with hatred, and for some unknown reason, she tilted her face and opened her mouth to bite his lips.

The young man looked at her with a deep gaze, then closed his eyes, following her bite with a soft kiss on her lips.

Miaomiao released the hand that grabbed his collar and the hold of her sharp teeth. His hands then cupped her face, his kiss emotional and eager.

The bells in the corner of the bed rang softly, like a pair of cold shivering children embracing each other for warmth, wishing to bury themselves in each other’s bodies.

“Young Noble Zhao thought about it for three days and resolved to confirm it.”

“He didn’t use the talisman paper to verify it, as the taoist said. Instead, he found Murong Shi and asked her straightforwardly.”

“They talked behind closed doors for half an hour. When Young Noble Zhao went out, his face was ashen, he immediately packed his bags without saying a word, and left Wufang Town. Murong Shi was leaning by the door while hugging her stomach, looking at him with a frightened face. She did not stop him, but watched him leave with despair in her beautiful eyes.”

“The expression on her face was like a glazed beauty that had been smashed to pieces.”

“Young Noble Zhao was very ill for a spell, and a month later, he married a noble girl from an official family under the arrangement of the Zhao family, and the sister of the Duke of Zhao was very proud of herself. The only thing was that he almost never smiled from that day on.”

“What about Murong Shi’s child?” Someone below the stage cut in and shouted.

“Murong Shi gave birth alone on a night of a thunderstorm.”


“She did not call for a midwife, but sat on the cold floor of her home, her eyes open in the darkness, her slender fingers gripping the legs of the table, letting out kitten-like moans of death. She came in and out of consciousness and did not give birth until the latter part of the night, her dress soaked in a pool of filthy blood, her whole body soaked with sweat as if she had been fished out of a vat of water.”

“Outside, thunder rumbled, and she groped in the darkness. Cutting the umbilical cord with the prepared scissors, she inadvertently stabbed her palm in panic—— before then, Young Noble Zhao had not even allowed her to touch scissors. Not caring about the blood on her hands, she picked up the crying child, buried him in her thin lapel, and kissed his forehead. She was so exhausted that she fainted just like that.”

Ling Miaomiao thought to herself that although she had never eaten pork, at least she had seen pigs running. The person in front of her has lived for 18 years, but he has not even seen a pig run. It was something which one couldn’t help but feel pity for.

After pity, she felt that she, being slightly richer in experience on that front, should take the initiative in leading him, for it to be considered fulfilling her responsibility.

Thinking about it this way, the little bit of panic and hesitation were instantly replaced by a solemn sense of responsibility.

She wrapped her arms around the young man’s neck unskillfully and leaned her entire body on him.

Mu Sheng froze for a moment, sensing her strong will to push him down, and moved back, obediently allowing her to press him onto the bed.

Ling Miaomiao was lying atop of him, forcing her fingers to calmly untie his robe, her hands trembling greatly, so much that even after a long time she was still unable to untie it, and was about to cry out in embarrassment under his attentive gaze.

Four eyes exchanged glances, her forehead covered in a thin layer of sweat, dark apricot eyes filled with resentful panic, half-dry hair scattered on his lapel which was dyed a light maroon by the faint sunlight, and a light floral fragrance filling the small tent.

The young man clutched her fingers that were stuck in mid-air, and his eyes were dark, containing a soft, watery color.

The two or three seconds of stalemate, he wrapped his arms around her waist, to the side of the tent a flip, the two positions reversed. He rose slightly, pursed his lips, his right hand flew to untie his robe, and his fingers trembled a little imperceptibly.

“Untie it like this.” He looked at her for a long time and spat out three words.

Ling Miaomiao looked at him, so nervous that she couldn’t say anything.

He untied it, but did not take it off, the clothes still hanging off of him as he leaned down to kiss her earlobe, eyelashes sweeping over her cheek, gentle as a feather’s tickle.

His kiss was also a little unsteady and restless, moving down her earlobe to her neck, and then down again, sniffing the subtle floral scent on her lapel.

He was dazzled for a moment, his hand caressing her hot cheek, biting the tie on the lapel of her ruqun’s short jacket and tugging it open a little.

“Can you not be like this……,” Miaomiao’s fingers helplessly swept over his back, her eyes rolling, and she said in a small voice: “It’s…… a little hard to bear. “

The sky outside was visibly becoming dusky, and the light in the tent turned into a warm yellow, spreading over her forehead.

The young man was kissing the side of her face, and when he heard her words, raised his face to look at her. His black hair slipped down, there was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, something rarely seen, and his eyes carried some confusion as he spoke softly: “It’s also…… a little hard to bear for me.”

Miaomiao instinctively felt that such a stalemate was not the way to go, but also felt a little fear of the unknown. But this was only until her fingers touched the staggered whip marks on his back, her heart suddenly softened: “Then you should…… do what will make it more comfortable to you.”

“Okay……” it seemed that he had received consent, and so he finally took that step and felt the person beneath him suck in a silent breath of cold air.

He looked down and lifted the sweat-dampened hair off her forehead, his voice low: “Does it hurt?”

Miaomiao gritted her teeth, her gaze flitting around, and gently breathed out as if to reassure him in turn, “It’s…… okay.”

His heart was filled with a surge of warmth, feeling as if he was floating on a cloud, happy and feeling that it was all somewhat unreal.

He lowered his head and kissed her lips, not giving her a chance to cry out in pain, and slowly indulged himself.

In the midst of the chaos, his fingers roughly rested against her lips, and raised the teeth she bit her lower lip raw with: “Don’t bite yourself.”

Miaomiao’s canines bit his finger and she indicated her belly, panting and cursing: “If I don’t bite…… myself…… Do you expect me to bite you?”

And then he extended the back of his hand to her obediently: “You can.”

She reached out and gently pushed his hand away, quickly sealing her lips along the original teeth marks, as if she was trying her best to screw on the lid of a bottle of unstable soda.

He quickly spotted this and once again removed her teeth from her lips, rubbing her lip tenderly, and breathing unsteadily, he said in her ear, “Miaomiao, you can cry out.”

The author has something to say: Miao: I’ve never seen the face on the side in a pig run.

Sheng: We’ve eaten it. (quiet complaint)

Little ghost: That’s enough! That’s enough! They’re already dead but they still have to suffer this kind of torment.

TL: Wow, looks like their wedding night finally happened. About time, I’ve been waiting since chapter 86 after all!

Also, sorry about the late chapter, I’ve been having a hard time finding the motivation to translate. *sigh*

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