The Guide to Capturing a Black Lotus

Chapter 83: Honey Pomelo (5)

Afternoon came and they had to go down to eat with Mu Yao. Miaomiao wanted to switch out of her clothes stained by ink splots. Before she untied her clothes, she suddenly raised her head to look him in the eye. “Turn around.” 

Mu Sheng looked surprised. “You didn’t force me to turn around yesterday….” 

She untied her clothes at an exasperatingly slow speed with unhappiness written all over face: “Yesterday was yesterday. Today is today.” 

He paused for a moment then turned to face away. 

Ling Miaomiao took off her original ruqun and put on a high-waisted ruqun 1 [1] instead. She reached back to tie the ribbon behind her back. Without any pressure on the front of the ruqun, she unintentionally caused it to drop down. 


She suddenly felt a brush of cold on her back and she felt fingertips swish past her back to pick up the front of her ruqun, pressing it against her back. 

She suddenly froze, back facing him. Her face was so red it reached the tips of her earlobes. “What are you doing? Didn’t I tell you to turn around?” 

“I did look away.” Three of the youth’s fingers pressed into the top of her ruqun. They firmly pressed against her snow white back. His voice sounded exceedingly innocent, “Your ruqun dropped so I helped you hold it up.” 

Fbl bypvkzu alynble bla byde swv vs bla cynj, pdyvnbkdt vbl vklp yoyu qasx bkx. Rd y awpb, pbl vkle vbl vklp vktbvzu voknl yaswde bla obkzl bla lulcasop pbssj lmvalxlzu qypv. “Rq usw eked’v vwad cynj yaswde, bso oswze usw byhl plld xu awiwd easr?”&dcpr;


Tl pweeldzu alynble swv yde oayrrle bkp yaxp yaswde bla oykpv. Tla ldvkal rlapsd oyp nsxrzlvlzu oayrrle kd bkp yaxp ytykd. Tl cyalzu nsdvaszzle bkxplzq vs fwpv jkpp vbl pkel sq bla qynl. Rv oyp yp kq bl oyp tlvvkdt vss zygu vs bkel bkp kdvldvksdp yduxsal: “Ybx, R oyp oasdt.”&dcpr;

“Zsw….” Fbl vakle vs pvsr bkx, kd wvvla ekpnsxqkv yp pbl vakle vs eakzz swv sq bkp yaxp. “Nlv ts! R byhld’v qkdkpble vurkdt vbl akccsd….”&dcpr;

&dcpr;&dcpr;&dcpr;&dcpr;Tl wple sdl byde vs rwzz bla vktbv yde wple vbl svbla vs rknj wr vbl zsdt, okdekdt akccsd byzq vkle sd: “Nlv xl blzr usw.”&dcpr;

&dcpr;&dcpr;&dcpr;&dcpr;Rd vbl rypv qlo eyup sq bla zspv yde pvszld pswz, pbl bye vkle bla byka wr kd yd ypjlo rsduvykz, cwvvsdle vbl oasdt cwvvsdp, vukdt jdsvp vbyv nswze dsv cl wdvydtzle yde xydu svbla pkxkzyazu pvaydtl clbyhksa. Zlv, pbl eked’v qllz kv pvaydtl yv yzz.&dcpr;

&dcpr;&dcpr;&dcpr;&dcpr;Fbl oyp psxlobyv yv y zspp sq osaep. Ohld bla calyvbkdt oyp laayvkn: “…. vkl kv yv vbl qasdv!”&dcpr;

&dcpr;&dcpr;&dcpr;&dcpr;“R tsv kv.” Tl oyp wdnsdnladle yde wple csvb yaxp vs nkanzl bla oykpv, rknjkdt wr vbl akccsd. Tkp nbkd oyp rzynle ytykdpv bla pbswzela yde bl blzrle bla vkl y jdsv kd qasdv sq bla nblpv. Mbl kdpvydv vbl cwvvlaqzu jdsv oyp vktbvldle, bl qlzv vbl rlapsd kd bkp yaxp pbyjl qasx bla blye vs bla vslp.&dcpr;

 “What’s wrong…” He lowered his eyes to look and suddenly discovered that her entire face had turned red. Her face was completely lost and he reached out to stroke her burning earlobes: “You can actually get embarrassed?” 


    Someone under the effects of the emotion gu would act just like someone whose three immortal souls and seven mortal forms 2 [2] In chinese philosophy, there is a concept of hun and po. Although both technically mean soul, there is a difference… were incomplete: an idiot.

 As he caressed her burning earlobes, she reacted as if she had gotten scalded  by hot water, flicking her head away to the side. She was nearly using all of her limbs to struggle away with all her ability, just like a little animal that had just fallen into a trap: “Let go….” 

 He loosened his hand and she immediately fell forward onto the bed. She tumbled around in the pile of clothes on the bed before she stopped with her back facing him. Yet, not long after she started ranting her aggrieved feelings with a soft but sharp voice: “Get off of my bed!” 

 “…..” He laid down beside her and pulled her into his arms again with one smooth move: “Miaomiao…..” 

 She didn’t have a temper nearly as big as this yesterday…… 

 In the chaos, Ling Miaomiao opened her mouth wide and chomped down on his hand, on the fleshy part between his thumb and his index finger. Miaomiao rolled into a ball with her arms around her knees and her limpid autumn eyes were filled with alarm as she stared at him: “You go and change your clothes!” 

 “……” He didn’t dare push the situation anymore. His head was filled with doubt as he silently moved to the side. 

 With this single ‘tumble’, lunch had gone and left. Another two hours had gone by and Mu Yao was still sitting by herself at a table covered with cold dishes waiting for them. She could nearly be mistaken as a statue sitting there as still as she was. 

 She silently raised her head and saw Ling Miaomiao holding Mu Sheng’s hand as he led her over. She noticed that her footsteps were unsteady, staggering back and forth slightly as she came over. Mu Sheng pulled out a chair and helped her sit down. He had nearly done everything for her that he could’ve done. 

 Mu Yao paused for a moment before calling out: “Miaomiao?” 

 Obediently sitting on her chair, Ling Miaomiao turned to Mu Yao and smiled at her: “Sister Mu.” 

 This smile caused her to lower half of the concern in her heart. She turned around to look at Mu Sheng with a complex expression on her face: “Let’s eat first.” 


 That night, she couldn’t find sleep at all. In her head, she repeatedly thought over all of the events that she and Mu Sheng had gone through. Only then did she realize just how much she had overlooked: In front of her, he was always overly obedient. No matter what she said  he would agree. He listened to her every word, to the point that it made her forget what his original personality was like. She taught him according to customs, restricting and even forcing him….. 

 He suddenly ripped off his face persona. At the same time however, there was a sour sense of disbelief infusing her thoughts. 

 There was a divide as great as day and night as well as an emnity formed from a sea of blood. For her beliefs, there was no way for demonic or evil creatures to exist alongside her. There was only the option of extermination. At one’s fastest speed. However, the moment she saw him turn around to leave the room, she couldn’t help but feel a great sense of heartache: Having lived together so many years as brother and sister, even if he had just been putting on an act, all of those feelings and sentiments…. were they as easily swept away like the river’s water? 

 In that instant, he had felt absolutely desolated and alone. Yet, how was she any different? 

 She could no longer act in the capacity of a family member to him. However, she also couldn’t find it in her to treat him like an enemy. 

 They silently maintained this subtle equilibrium, tacitly keeping the events of that night to themselves. They seemed like they were living together in relative harmony. However, she knew. Everything had changed….. 

 After all, for Mu Sheng to turn into the person he had become today, she had a part in all along. 

 What made her feel bewildered however, was that the first thing Mu Sheng came to look for her for was to marry Ling Miaomiao. 

 She knew that currently to him, her opinions were insignificant. Even if she tried to obstruct him, he would still find ways to accomplish to himself. 

    However…. his mood seemed rather unsteady. His actions bespoke of inappropriate intentions and he had absolutely no qualms in order to achieve his goals. If he were to force the innocent Ling Miaomiao and involve her….. 

 She still chose to agree in the end. As Mu Sheng’s older sister, she could take on the responsibility of their marriage. As for if something untoward were to happen, she could step in to try to correct things. 

 She turned her head around and Ling Miaomiao was still peeling shrimp with her head tilted at an angle. All the while chattering with her nonstop. She looked like nothing strange had happened to her at all. 


 “Sister Mu, when are we going to go back to Wufang Town?” 

 Mu Sheng forced on a smile: “We’ll be setting off in ten days.” 

 “We’re not waiting for Brother Liu anymore?” 

 She paused for a moment: “Not waiting anymore.” 

 Ling Miaomiao nodded and then stuffed the shrimp into her mouth. A moment later, she smiled again: “Sister Mu, do you dip you shrimp in soy sauce?” 

 “….. I don’t.” Mu Yao looked at the girl’s soft and tender cheeks. Her apricot eyes glistened and sparkled. Her expression looked healthy and her entire person was suffused with a young girl’s unique tenderness. She looked like she didn’t know anything at all. 

 However, her light-hearted happiness also infected her. She thought to herself that perhaps their marriage was mutually reciprocated. 

 Mu Sheng silently watched their conversation. Ling Miaomiao spoke very rapidly and her expressions were very lively. She looked just like how she had the past few days. Mu Yao’s taut expression slowly loosened and his clenched fist also slowly opened. 

 …… Despite the fact that she was under the influence of the emotion gu, she was still as determined as before. He couldn’t help but to curl up the corner of his mouth. Blankly, he looked out the window. It wasn’t clear whether or not he liked it or was disappointed. 

 The road traffic outside the carriage window was as heavy as a river after a rain. The sunlight shone through the window and spread itself onto the table, causing the tea in the cups to glimmer brilliantly. 

 “Miaomiao. Getting married is an extremely important matter in one’s life. Are you truly certain of your decision?” She couldn’t help  but ask in the end. 

 Ling Miaomiao turned her eyes over to her and she nibbled on the head of her chopsticks. Then, a brilliant smile adorned her face: “I like Ziqi, I’m willing to marry Ziqi.” 


 Mu Yao was stunned. Then, she replied: “…..ok.” 

 Once lunch ended, Mu Yao turned to Miaomiao to say: “Once we finish eating, do you want to come sit in my room for a bit?” 

 “No need.” Mu Sheng immediately replied for her. He reached out with his hand: “Miaomiao, come with me.” 

 Miaomiao grabbed his hand and let him pull her behind him. It was a borderline overprotective action. His smile was cold: “We’re going shopping in the afternoon so she can’t accompany sister to chat.” 

 “….. that’s fine.” Mu Yao opened her mouth but couldn’t think of what to say. She could only stiffly remind him again: “Make sure to protect Miaomiao.” 

 Slender fingers pinched onto a butterfly hairpin. They moved up and compared it to the one in her hair. The wings of the butterfly trembled as the sunlight caused it to glimmer in a golden halo. 

 The vendor’s array of wares were dazzling glittering under the sun. However, they were all small handcrafts in the end and could not match up to the complexity of the jewelry within the official jewelry stores. The butterfly hairpin he held up was also very ordinary in design, completely incomparable to the exquisiteness of the one she used to wear in her hair. 

 The owner of the vendor stand had a glib tongue and clapped his palms together. He burst out with an extremely exaggerated exclaim: “Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful! It absolutely fits the lady’s temperament. It is a match made in heaven, nothing in the world can compare….” 

 The shopping street was abuzz with activity and noise. There were people moving about everywhere and the street was lined with vendors. Hanging above were signs of every possible color accompanied by shouts that rose and fell like the tides. 

 Originally, he wanted to bring her to the official jewelry stores but upon her hearing the words of the shopkeeper, she suddenly smiled brightly. Thus, he held his words in. 

 Ling Miaomiao suddenly half turned her head around and purposely stood on her toes. The butterfly hairpin also started to shake up and down, causing light to flash against it. Her eyes became filled with mirth and joy and her smile was full of excitement: “Look! It’s shaking.” 

    To her recollection, she had only worn such bright and sparkly things when she had been young. Thinking of it made her feel nostalgic. 

 “Let’s buy it then.” He paid with no hesitation at all. However, he felt like the shaking of the butterfly hairpin had also turned his heart into a mess. 

 Ling Miaomiao took off her original raincloud hairpin and stuffed it to him. Then, she put on the butterfly hairpin whose wings moved. He smoothly placed the raincloud hairpin into his clothes then rapidly reached out to move her chin over, “It’s crooked.” 

 “Impossible.” Ling Miaomiao quickly reached up to touch it but he had already taken the hairpin off. He pinched her face as he helped her put it on again. 

 For some reason however, his movements were painstakingly slow. His fingers repeatedly brushed over her hair and it made her face itch. She couldn’t take it anymore, becoming irritated: “Done yet?” 

 He didn’t let go, only turning back around to the store owner and saying: “Another one.” 


 One on the right and one on the left. Perfectly symmetrical. She reached out to touch it, feeling somewhat miffed: “Why did you put on two of them symmetrically?” 

 A single butterfly hairpin would make it seem like a butterfly had unwittingly landed on her hair. However, with two of these hairpins….. wouldn’t it just make her seem like a butterfly specimen? 

 Symmetrical adornments fit children the most. She had brushed her hair into two pig braids and now she also had a pair of symmetrically placed butterfly hairpins. She felt like he had dressed her up like a seven or eight year old baby…..

 The youth stared at her pink face and a gratified smile lit up his face: “It looks wonderful.” 

 “I don’t want it.” She was rather angry, reaching out to pluck them off but Mu Sheng reached out to stop her hands. Then, once again, he turned his head and said: “Another one.” 

 Having sold three of these butterfly hairpins in one go, the shop owner was filled with elation as he handed over the third hairpin. 

 Mu Sheng looked at her face and shifted the hairpin on the right slightly. Then, he placed another hairpin on the right side, breaking the symmetry. 

 The little butterfly hairpin sparkled on her maroon hair, a feast for the eyes. It was both ridiculous and unconventional, adjectives that she truly deserved. 

 Ling Miaomiao was at the end of her straw and suddenly knocked his hand away: “Let’s go.” 

 If they stayed any longer, she was worried that he would literally cover her with butterfly hairpins. 

 After walking past three or four stands, she already had many little trinkets and toys in her palm. 

 She spun a stick of fiery red sugar coated hawthorns before she habitually lowered her head to take a bite of the first hawthorn. Before she even swallowed, she heard the youth beside her mutter in a low voice: “I want to eat as well…” 

 She gave him a look and puffed out her cheeks. She pointed at the vendor and spoke with a full mouth: “Go buy it yourself.” 

 He stared at her  face without blinking at all. His tone seemed to carry a trace of pity as he spoke: “I want to eat the one in your hands.” 

 Ling Miaomiao was stunned. She could only reluctantly hand over the remaining hawthorns to him: “Fine, here you go….. I’ll go buy another stick of them.” 

 However, he didn’t reach his hands out to take it from her. He only stared blankly at the rose red sugar coated hawthorn in her hands. Then, he moved his dark, watery pupils to stare into her eyes. 

 “…….” Ling Miaomiao suddenly understood. She truly became pissed off this time. She walked over to him and pulled up his hand, forcefully stuffing the stick into his hands. Then, she turned around with the sparkling butterfly hairpins in her hair, “Just eat it!” 


 Someone’s figure flashed past the fortune-teller’s standm knocking into the table and causing it to shake. The eight divinatory trigrams on the table shook back and forth and a row of dice fell onto the ground. 

 The person was very tall and his bamboo hat was pressed down low.  In addition, there was black gauze blocking his face. He hurriedly muttered out a ‘I apologize’. 

 Ling Miaomiao brushed past him and found his figure to be rather familiar. She hurriedly rushed over to catch up: “Brother Liu!” 

 “Brother Liu, where are you going!?” 

 The figure seemed to hear her words and froze upon doing so. Immediately afterward, he sped up and turned a corner, disappearing in  a flash. A single talisman floated in the air, spinning a few times before it slowly fell down beside her leg. 

 She paused and knelt down. She picked it up and placed it in her clothes as her heart thumped vigorously. 

 Even though he was a grand demon hunter, he was scurrying around with his face covered like a thief caught in the act. On top of that, he even came to the noisy  market cutting such a sorry figure…. 

 Immediately afterward, someone pulled her into their chest. A moment later, Mu Sheng’s low voice  entered  her ear. His voice was trembling yet dripping with ice: “Where do you think you’re running to?” 

 She pointed at the empty alley, having not come back to her senses yet: “I wasn’t running, I saw Brother Liu….” 

 “I didn’t see him.” 

 “I’m not joking….” 

 “You saw wrong.” He interrupted her, his expression cold as he pulled her hand, heading back in the direction of their stay. He forcefully pulled her along as if he was dragging her along using a chain. 

 Ling Miaomiao was pulled hither and tither the whole way back. The sky slowly turned dark and the market’s stands closed up on by one. The street suddenly seemed to become so empty. The rows of two story and three story wine stores at the sides lit up their lanterns. The sounds of joyous partying echoed out from the windows. The streets were lit up by the warm yellow lanterns, just like many little stars. 

 The road became more and more slanted and at the end, she couldn’t even make out the neighboring buildings. The night wind blew strongly, rushing up the trees. Countless little leaves collided with each other over and over, creating a continuous rustling noise. 

 Ling Miaomiao didn’t recognize the road and it wasn’t until she found herself in the midst of a dense forest that she felt a sense of alarm: “What are we doing here?” 

 Mu Sheng’s dark pupils reflected the moonlight. He released her hand and pressed her against the rough bark of a tree. “Speak.” 

 “……” Her eyebrows shook. His cold plum blossom fragrance wrapped her up, “Speak…. Speak about what?” 

 The tree shook back and forth lightly. It seemed to be trembling like one would in winter. The crisscrossing branches above covered the sky like a great curtain. From time to time, between the branches, the cold cries of birds traveled down. 

 Her back  was suddenly pressed into the icy cold tree trunk, causing her shiver all over. He took a step towards her, nearly pasting himself onto her. The oppressive feeling she felt caused goosebumps to rise all over her skin. 

He pursed his lips as his fingers softly traced around the strands of hair at the edge of forehead. It appeared as if he was trying his utmost to control himself. A while later, he finally raised his head to stare at her with his pitch-black pupils: “Miaomiao, take it out.” 

[1] A High-Waisted Ruqun

[2] In chinese philosophy, there is a concept of hun and po. Although both technically mean soul, there is a difference… Wiki link lol

TLN: Hey, Entropy here. Long time no see huh? I must’ve disappointed many of you. This is going to be a pretty long message from me so… if you’re just interested in knowing if Black Lotus is going to be finished, I am GOING to finish it. To be honest, I debated myself over this for so long before still deciding to stick through with it. If possible, I will try to get out at least 1 chapter a week, perhaps two depending on my situation.

Y’all have to thank the ones who asked so nicely in the discord server because to be honest, I probably would’ve continued hiding away, pretending like it was none of my business. People like Scaramouche’s Girlboss, Promiselight and espressodepresso, you have my thanks. Hot take but, I think people should call out others more. Of course, not in a spiteful manner but respectful.

Nothing terrible happened that caused me to stop translating or update. On the surface I felt pretty ok, other than the fact that I was denying reality, I think I was living decently. I was sleeping on time and waking on time. However, I was still in a rut. I could barely functional properly as a human, looking back, probably was depression 🙂 oh well. I also have been shying away from contacting Z…………

I’ve been working on fixing my mental state but as we all know, or ought to know, ones mentality is the hardest to change without extreme external force. I’ve been trying to do a dopamine detox with conflicting levels of success… one one hand I’ve become extremely productive in programming but on every other front….. including translating….. yea. I highly recommend trying dopamine detox for anyone, but especially for ‘bookworms’ like us to love reading novels / manga all day long…. But, to each their own. I’m no expert but if you got any problems feel free to look for me in discord. That’ll give me more motivation to translate. Otherwise I’ll continuously put it to the back of my head until I forget it… The reason why this is coming out so late is because I fell into the rabbit hole of programming…. and before I knew it, it was already 9 pm.

One step at a time. 🙂 Hope you all have a great weekend and remember to be kind but not a pushover~

TL;DR Entropy is back online and as busy as ever, going to continue uploading chapters.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.