The Guide to Capturing a Black Lotus

Chapter 78: Great Fissure In The Ground (14)

As the curtain of night fell, the chorus of crickets emerged from the side of the road. The surroundings of the path were populated by trees, leaving only a solitary blurry silhouette visible.

Three horse-pulled carriages made their way forward in a smooth stride. Their wheels creaked and groaned.

The story at Jingyang Slope was coming to a close. The main leads and the Li couple waved their farewells one last time.

The entirety of the Li residence would be moving away from the desolate Jingyang Slope, back to their old residence in Jiangnan in a grand manner. On the other hand, the main leads would be moving back to Chang’an. Since they couldn’t refuse Li Zhun’s good intentions… They could only borrow three carriages from them.

When Li Zhun decided to give to others, he was undeniably ostentatious. Soft silk cushions were everywhere, nearly giving off the feeling of a ginormous bed. They were superb for the traveler to sit and rest on. The drivers were also extremely well-trained, they basically did not encounter a single bump or rumble on the road.


Ling Miaomiao was curled up inside a carriage, wearing thick, cotton padded clothes. Through the gaps in the curtain, streams of light reflected off a small piece of glass in her hands, one she was playing around with in her hand.

The Jingyang Slope storyline had come to an end and she had also cleared all the nearby missions. In the end, all of that resulted in a single small ‘Memory Catalyst’. In addition, it was a memory she couldn’t understand…

Inside the scene, there was a wide and spacious luxurious room. There were several long tables and in front of them was a demonically seductive woman in a layered flat skirt. Her hands were clasped as she taught the black lotus how to cast spells.

Rd vbyv xlxsau, Yw Fbldt zssjle zkjl bl oyp fwpv 11 sa 12 ulyap sze. Tkp lmralppksd pvkzz clvayule bkp nbkzekpbdlpp yde bkp byka vbyv ralhkswpzu qlzz esod vs bkp pbswzelap oyp yzalyeu vkle wr kdvs y bktb rsduvykz wpkdt y obkvl bykacyde. Tkp pdso-obkvl lyap yde lzltydv vlxrzlp yzalyeu bkdvle yv y uswdt xyd’p pkzbswlvvl.

Mbl osxyd pyv clbkde bkx yde rspplpple y pbsnjkdtzu kdvkxyvl yvvkvwel vsoyaep bkx. Fbl blze sdvs bkp byde obkzl vlynbkdt bkx bso vs eayo vbl puxcszp, pzsozu eayokdt qasx vbl aktbv vs vbl zlqv sd vbl ulzzso ryrla.

Mbl vkr sq vbl cawpb oyp pvykdle okvb y caktbv ale nkddycya. Ekvb fwpv y zktbv qzknj sq vbl oakpv, vbl cawpb xshle kd okdekdt yde vwadkdt ekalnvksdp, fwpv zkjl y oyzjkdt vbaswtb y xygl. Ekvb y pkdtzl, vbknj pvasjl, vbl vsvlx-zkjl vyzkpxyd nbyaynvla oyp rykdvle sdvs vbl ulzzso ryrla.

Mbl xsxldv vbl cawpb rywple, vbl osxyd rwzzle cynj bla pzllhlp yde zsolale bla blye. Fbl ypjle, “Nkvvzl Fbldt’la, es usw alxlxcla bso vs es kv?”

Tla hsknl oyp yp elzknyvl yp y ulzzso sakszl, bssjkdt wroyaep yv vbl lde sq kv. Tla qynl oyp dlyazu pvwnj sdvs bkp qsalblye.

Yw Fbldt’p lmralppksd eked’v alhlyz vbyv bl oyp alpkpvydv. Gzz bl eke oyp vynkvwadzu pvyal yv vbl ulzzso ryrla. Rv oyp ekqqknwzv vs alye bkp lmralppksd yde vlzz bkp vbswtbvp.

Mbl osxyd ryvkldvzu rwzzle swv ydsvbla rklnl sq ryrla qasx clzso. Fbl ekrrle vbl cawpb kd vbl nkddycya kdj yde prsjl vs bkx kd y psqv hsknl, “Rq usw pvkzz byhld’v zlyadv kv ulv, xsvbla okzz vlynb usw sdnl ytykd…”

“R alxlxclale kv.” Tl alrzkle. Tkp hsknl oyp y aswtb, cwv pvkzz nzlyazu kxxyvwal pswde. “Jwv… “

“But what?”


He paused for a moment, as if somewhat at a loss. “Big sis said to me before that when drawing a talisman, you can never draw from the right to the left. It has to go from the inside to the outside…”

The woman smiled, ”Your sister is right. This is a Reverse Talisman.”

The young boy suddenly raised his eyes, shock running through his pupils.

“Do you want to know why I’m teaching you this?”

The woman lifted up a corner of her lips. She picked up the brush and meticulously drew upon the new piece of paper. It was like she was drawing on her eyebrows, the patience she displayed was outstanding.

She had already drawn one so she placed down the brush and tenderly caressed his hair. “Aren’t you thinking about how to protect your sister? If you can’t become strong, next time, all you’d be able to do is hide behind her back.”

Mu Sheng turned his head around, silently staring into her light maroon pupils glimmering under the sunlight.

Her caresses became ever more gentle. Now, it more closely resembled her teasing a little pet. Her red lips slightly opened and her words came out in a slow, unhurried manner, “Little Sheng’er. You should already know what you are, right?”

“….” The boy tightly pursed his lips.

“You came from the hard night yet you want to cover yourself with the brilliance of sunlight. How could something so wonderful happen?”

Mu Sheng’s tightly clenched fists loosened. He picked up the brush and started to draw the talisman. He seemed to be in a sulking mood as he made not a single sound. However, his hands shook a little and when he was drawing the final lines, they became a little crooked.

The woman picked up the paper to take a closer look. She let out a satisfied ‘mhm!’ and the corners of her mouth tilted up, “Little Sheng’er truly is the smartest.”



Ling Miaomiao closely studied the woman’s face, making absolutely sure that she wasn’t the one in the dream world.

That face she saw in the dreamscape was extremely impactful, one would find it hard to ever forget it. Even when she fell to prostitution, with her tears messing up her makeup, she was still as beautiful as a fairy. She was nothing like this woman in front of her: Beautiful yet with a sharp face. Her eyelashes were like hooks, her shoulders were small and her waist narrow. Half of her bosom was visible and she was fully on the path of a seductress.

However, Mu Sheng truly called her ‘mother’. The two of them were as intimate as mother and son. There didn’t seem to be anything out of sorts between them.

She continued scrutinizing everything.

The door was pushed open. A young child carrying a platter with tea on it deferentially placed it beside her hand. It looked as if they were extremely scared of raising their head to look at her face, “Second Madam.”

“Mhm.” She raised the teacup to her lips and took a sip. Then, she waved her hand, “You can leave.”

“Second Madam…. The eldest lady has returned and… she’s in the front courtyard….” When he said this, he very timidly raised his head. He looked at her with a rather strange gaze. She was currently wholly focused on placing the dishes from the tray in front of Mu Sheng’s eyes. Upon hearing his words, she replied in a soft tone, “I’ll be going over in a moment.”

The young child curiously sneaked a few glances at her while bowing and taking his leave.

This unfamiliar woman was the Mu Family’s second madam… to her recollection, Mu Sheng seemed to have mentioned her before. Mu Huaijiang did have a concubine and her name was Bai Yirong. Although Mu Yao did call Bai Jin ‘mother’, she called Concubine Rong ‘concubine’ but in reality, she was this second madam’s child.

However… at the time, he said that Bai Yirong was a shallow and superficial person. At least half of the scars on his back were from the results of that woman’s instigation. The moment he didn’t think to protect Mu Yao, that woman would call men to beat him. If not that, she would find some other method to torture him. She was simply a model figure of a malicious stepmother.

From what she could see now, things didn’t go as he had described them. At least, in this part of the memory she had seen, this section of it was clearly him and Bai Yirong on such good terms that they called each other by such intimate terms…..


Ling Miaomiao felt irritated and turned her body: Since he hid this all from her, could there have been other things he hid from her?


The door closed and the woman noticed him looking at a plate. She slowed for a moment before asking, “Why aren’t you eating?”

Mu Sheng hesitated for a moment, his eyebrows trembling, “I…. I’ve stopped eating sweet foods for a long time.”

The woman lowered her eyes, “Eat, these were all what you originally loved to eat.”

He picked up a piece and stared at it. His dark pupils were full of confusion, “Is that so….”

Her hand seemed to intentionally brush past the hairband in his hair, “The Curse of Forgetfulness on you isn’t going to dissipate anytime soon. This is completely normal as well, how could mother possibly lie to you?”

She looked at him eating pastries as she exhorted him. “Little Sheng’er. You can’t tell anyone else about the matter of the Reverse Talisman.”

He paused for a moment before nodding. In the end, however, he suddenly raised his head with a serious look on his face, “….Was marrying into the Mu Family all that you wished for?”

A faint smile hung on the corner of her lips. There was an absent-minded look in her maroon-colored eyes. “Hasn’t Little Sheng’er always wanted a father? Now, you have a father and you have a mother. There’s also your most beloved big sister. Our whole family is now together, isn’t this wonderful?”


The horse carriage suddenly suffered an abrupt step on the brakes. The horses let out loud whinnies and Ling Miaomiao nearly fell off the carriage head first.


After pulling aside the curtain, the face of the driver appeared with terror all over his face. He hurriedly apologized to them.

One carriage had caused all three carriages to come to a stop. The other two in front had also come to a stop at this point. Ling Miaomiao raised her head to take a look and saw a massive wall that towered into the sky like a mountain. Under the silhouette of night, the visible bricks seemed cold and hard. There were several bright lanterns hanging from the city gates. The revealed a wooden board with characters written onto it in a strong, forceful style.

“Have we…. arrived?”

“Miss Ling, we’ve arrived…” The driver put down the horsewhip onto his legs and fished out a square towel to wipe his sweat. He raised his head to look at the sky with a bit of anxiousness in his tone, “It’s just that our arrival was a little unfortuitous, it’s late.”

If they wanted to enter the city, they had to arrive before the onset of darkness. Otherwise, it’d be hard for them to find somewhere to go. However, plans could not catch up to cruel reality and now, they had arrived late by four hours. The gates had already shut and it seemed like they would have to sleep outside for the night again.

The driver of the carriage at the forefront shouted and made a few gestures towards them. They prepared to turn around. The horses snorted and tiredly lifted their legs to move.

Suddenly, a loud metal grinding on metal sound permeated the air. “Creak creak—–” Then, a loud clamor broke out.

The drivers pulled on the reins and turned back in astonishment, “The gates opened?”

The big gates were for the important people to use while the small gates were for the commoners. The small gate at the right was slightly open, one side of the gate turning inwards. The torchlight seemed just like the stars in the night sky, appearing one after another in an orderly fashion. Suddenly, the area before their eyes became brightly lit.

Imperial guards holding torches marched out of the gates and upon seeing Liu Fuyi’s face, became elated. They brandished the torches in their hands and made gestures towards the people on the top of the walls.

“It’s Daoist Liu’s carriage.”

In the blink of an eye, torches seemed to light up the sky like a meteor. It immediately seemed to form into a fire dragon. There were countless imperial guards running about on the walls. Each of them passed on the news to the next one until it reached the depths of the inner palace.

Ling Miaomiao was absolutely flabbergasted as she stared at the city gates. All they had done was leave to investigate a case and return. Yet, they had to deploy such a large formation for them?

Standing in front of her, Mu Yao’s heart was also full of doubts. She pulled aside the curtains as she looked outside warily.

The three carriages were carefully escorted through the city gates by a large encirclement of imperial guards. The imperial guards were in high-spirits as they shouted, and their words finally became clear, “The Emperor’s Son-In-Law has returned—- The Emperor’s Son-In-Law has returned—-”

They passed it on from one to another, from a close proximity to the distance. In the blink of an eye, it was already resounding within the imperial palace. The entire imperial city seemed to be boiling all of a sudden.

The eunuch’s sharp and thin voice transmitted itself over a great distance, cutting open the curtain of night above the imperial city. It sounded just like a voice one would hear in a play: “Wel—coming—-the Emperor’s Son-In-Law—-to the palace.”

It felt like they were surrounded by a tsunami from all sides. Mu Yao looked forward into the distance, her face deathly pale.

“The Imperial Princess’s matter is all over the place.”

Tea was poured into the porcelain cup. The waiter lowered his voice as she filled the cups, “It’s definite. This little one is also not sure but I’ve heard that the princess….”

He pointed at his head and lowered his voice even more, “When this place is stimulated, people become muddled. His royal highness bestowed this marriage onto her. Right before she was about to get married, she turned insane. She hugged Daoist Liu’s tablet tightly and shouted that she was already married to a dead person.”

Ling Miaomiao and Mu Sheng sat at the side with their heads raised to listen. Mu Yao sat by herself on the other side, her head lowered as she kept silent.

“The person this little one is familiar with, works in the palace. I heard that the princess would scream and shout when others approached her. She would also scratch and throw things around. Only that one female palace maid can approach her… called… something Yun. His highness is also truly anxious at this moment.”

The dish in front of them was the crispy golden calabash chicken that they had when they first entered Chang’an. There was also emerald green fennel pancakes, bright red roasted pork shoulder and glossy fermented skin. Yet, none of them moved their chopsticks. A stillness loomed over the table.

Taking into consideration the time since Liu Fuyi had leapt into the fissure, the imperial princess must’ve seen him lose his heart with her own eyes. She must’ve thought that he’d died and as such, suffered a great blow. In addition, she was now being forced into getting married off, sacrificing her feelings.

“Everyone thought that the princess’s insanity could not be cured, that she’d carry that tablet for the rest of her life… but who would’ve known that the Emperor’s Son-In-Law would return alive and well…” The waiter shook his head. A sorrowful smile adorned his face. “The mountain roads twist around each new peak… things have taken a turn, one that could be considered turning something bad into something good.”

Liu Fuyi had been brought into the depths of the palace as soon as he had returned. No matter what, Duanyang had turned insane because of him. She started to spout nonsense and despite how the son of heaven searched high and low for famous doctors, they were all at a loss before this conundrum. Those who tied the bell ‘round the tiger’s neck should also be the one to retrieve it. Since he was the source of all this, they could only leave all their hopes and expectations on Liu Fuyi. Half of this was earnest pleading and the other half… was threats and coercing him to become the son-in-law of the Emperor.

However, while one side was exhilarated, the other side was certainly miserable. Ling Miaomiao knew just how great of an effect all of this had on Mu Yao. Liu Fuyi had already received imperial orders to enter the palace — It had already been three days. There was no news at all. With his personality, it was very likely that he couldn’t really stand the sight of a royal princess with her soul completely lost. Inevitably, he would need a period of time. However, how long he’d need was dependent on countless uncontrollable variables. Everything was uncertain.

Since this was the case, the wedding date they had originally settled on invariably had to be set back.

Demon Hunters were just like the duckweed plants within the water. The amalgamation of countless changes and variables and a desire for a steadiness that wasn’t too intense. Thus, no matter which way they took a step in, they would encounter an innumerable amount of obstacles. Merely thinking about it could cause one to feel anxious.

Mu Yao could only eat in an insipid manner. Her heart was considering another matter—-

That night, when Princess Duanyang had come to look for Liu Fuyi to confess to him, she was also there. Back then, Liu Fuyi tactfully rejected her intentions by saying, “This lowly one already has someone in my heart. Princess, a noble girl like you ought not to waste time on me. I’ve become someone else’s husband for a long time already.”

No matter how slow or blockheaded a girl could be, upon hearing everything that he said, they would become clear to the meaning of his words. The princess’s skin was thin and so, she immediately started bawling in the scene. After she burst into tears and suppressed her sobs and sniffles, she said, “I…. Is there no one who wants me? Since… since Brother Liu has such a meaning, this Princess will be magnanimous. Nat… naturally, I won’t tie you down any longer. It’s just that… you saved my life twice. This life-saving grace is… is definitely something I… I, Duanyang, will return in full! I am not such a heartless person!”

At the time, Liu Fuyi and Mu Yao exchanged glances and both of them had smiles on their faces, “Ok.”

Duanyang weeped endlessly as she returned to the palace. Even when she left, she still had a pitiful, crying face as she pointed at them and shouted fiercely. “This princess will absolutely never give you two my blessings!”


In her eyes, the princess harbored a beautiful pile of fantasies within her heart. She was just a little girl that adored and worshipped heroes. However, who would’ve expected that the princess’s obsession was so deep that she would clasp tightly onto a dead man’s tablet and try to marry it?

“Sis.” She raised her head. Mu Sheng was calling her. “The tea has become cold, let me get you a new one.”

She weakly nodded her head.

Mu Sheng shot a glance at the cold tea in her cup and then replaced it. Then, he silently helped Ling Miaomiao pour a cup as well.

The young girl was resting her head on her cheeks. Her round, apricot eyes followed Mu Sheng’s every move, “Thank you.”

There was a hint of warmth within his eyes. However, when he looked at his sister, that hint of warmth would quickly retreat, “Sis, let’s first stay in the inn for a few days. We’ll wait a few days for Young Noble Liu, alright?”

When the words ‘Young Noble Liu’ touched his tongue, his tone immediately dropped like a cold knife.

The author has something to say:

This chapter was just foreshadowing. It was an interim chapter just to help push forward the important plot. An outside factor that completely destroyed all of their previous plans.

After all, it would be so boring to let everything maintain the same rhythm… *cups face with hands*

For now, the scene won’t be changing… however! The plot will only speed up from now on. No slowing down at all. It’ll become extremely, extremely fast. This is just a little heads-up~


Crispy Golden Calabash Chicken:

Fennel Pancake:

Bright Red Roasted Pork Shoulder:

Fermented Skin:

TLN: >.> This chapter coming out so late was an accident, hopefully y’all will forgive liltato me. Anyways, this is the end of the arc and we’ll be starting a new one… in a somewhat familiar setting. Enjoy~

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