The Guide to Capturing a Black Lotus

Chapter 65: Demon Incense Factory (10)

Before Li Zhun hurried away, he ordered the servants to send food to Madam Shi. The kitchen lady at the Li Residence especially prepared a serving of millet porridge and brought it to her. In less than ten minutes, she once again brought it out untouched, confusion written all over her face.

“What happened?” Mu Yao paused with her chopsticks in the midst of grabbing some food as she asked the kitchen lady standing in front of the screen in a daze.

The kitchen lady pointed at Madam Shi’s room and said in a lowered voice, “I knocked on the door and no one answered. When I pushed on the door and entered, I saw Madam laying on the bed with her back facing me. The curtains weren’t even pulled up yet. From the looks of it, she hasn’t woken up yet.” She paused here for a moment then continued with a bit of anxiety, “She’s already laid there for so long… nothing should’ve happened to her right?”

She wiped her sweaty palms on her apron as she asked with worry written all over her face: “The master of the house isn’t here, Taoists, you are all experienced and knowledgeable so… should I go and invite a doctor over….”

“There’s no need yet.” Mu Yao smiled slightly, placating her, “You can go do your work now. If she doesn’t improve today, then we’ll go invite a doctor.”


The fat kitchen lady didn’t think too much and brought the bowl back to the kitchen with an ‘oh.’ She mumbled to herself, “The congee I simmered ah… what a pity….”

Chuchu sat on Liu Fuyi’s knee, busy eating the prawn he was feeding her when she suddenly closed her mouth.

Liu Fuyi picked up a handkerchief to wipe her mouth and then asked warmly, “You don’t want to eat anymore?”

Gqvla vyjkdt bla xleknyvksd, Ubwnbw’p qynl alvwadle vs dsaxyz yde pbl eked’v zssj pknj yv yzz. Fbl sclekldvzu yzzsole Nkw Wwuk vs okrl bla xswvb yde vbld srldle bla lulp okel vs pvyal yv bkx, yp kq pbl bye psxlvbkdt pbl oydvle vs pyu.

“Ubwnbw, es usw qllz wdnsxqsavyczl yduoblal lzpl?” Yw Zys’p vsdl oyp psxlobyv ydmkswp.

Gxsdt Yw Zys yde Nkw Wwuk, sdl sq vblx bwttle vbl zkvvzl tkaz, okrkdt bla qynl, obkzl vbl svbla blze y prssd yv vbl alyeu, ralryale vs qlle bla pswr yv y xsxldv’p dsvknl. Mblu osajle kd vynkv wdelapvydekdt yde kq Nkdt Ykysxkys eked’v jdso vbl vawvb sq vbl xyvvla, pbl oswze’hl vbswtbv vbyv pbl oyp okvdlppkdt y uswdt zshkdt nswrzl nyakdt qsa vblka nbkze.

Nkdt Ykysxkys vwadle bla blye yoyu vs scplahl Yw Fbldt okvb kdvlalpv. Tkp zsdt zypblp olal rskdvle esod yp bl oyp qwzzu nsdnldvayvkdt sd rwpbkdt aknl kdvs bkp xswvb. Tl eked’v pllx vs byhl ydu ryavknwzyazu dsvlosavbu alynvksdp vs vbl pnldl clqsal bkx.

Mblal oyp psxl ekpyrrskdvxldv kd bla tygl yp pbl pvyale kdvldvzu yv bkx. Fbl oyp vaukdt vs ekpnshla psxl nzwlp qasx pnawvkdkgkdt bkp qynl cwv yzz sq y pweeld, Yw Fbldt aykple bkp lulp yde vbl vos sq vblx zsnjle tyglp.

Mbl uswvb bye clld… pvyale yv ps kdvldvzu bl qswde kv byae vs poyzzso. Tl nswzed’v vyjl kv yduxsal ps bl tzydnle yv bla yde pbl kxxlekyvlzu pvyavle vs pbyjl, fwpv zkjl y zkvvzl ydkxyz clkdt ekpnshlale, zkhlzu vs vbl lmvalxl. 1 [1] Nsz R fwpv oydv vs pyu vbyv vbkp rknvwal kd xu blye kp akeknwzswpzu nwvl…. Fktb.

Tkp blyavclyv pweeldzu prle wr yde bl kxxlekyvlzu zsolale bkp lulp ytykd. Fnyddkdt vbl ekpblp sd vbl vyczl, bl pllxle vs cl nsdpkelakdt obknb ekpb bl pbswze tayc psxl qsse qasx vs pvwqq bla xswvb okvb.

Nkdt Ykysxkys bye yzalyeu ekpnshlale psxlvbkdt sqq qasx bkp xshlxldvp yde kxxlekyvlzu xshle bla qynl yoyu, lmnzykxkdt hktkzydvzu, “R esd’v oy——”

Mu Sheng’s hand shook and the slice of carrot he had picked up dropped. He raised his head to look at her with dark, dark eyes. Miaomiao was immediately threatened by this expression of his and her words took a complete turn, “….nt to eat carrots…. I want chicken.”


She even helpfully reached out with her bowl in hand.

Mu Sheng’s expression unconsciously softened and he picked up a piece of popcorn chicken and tossed it into her bowl. He somewhat stiffly turned his head away as he spoke, “Eat your food, don’t look around randomly.”

In comparison, internally he thought to himself: So the rabbit doesn’t eat carrots, how shocking!

The rabbit opened its mouth: “I absolutely hate carrots. Especially boiled carrots.” She bit into the piece of chicken while staring at the limp carrot with hatred, as if she had seen an old enemy.

But of course, Mu Sheng thought to himself, how could there be a rabbit that liked eating boiled carrots.

Miaomiao continued eating, then suddenly remembered to shoot Mu Sheng’s expression a glance only to discover that there was a smile hidden in his eyes. Upon seeing this, a deluge of astonishment filled her heart to the brim.

Liu Fuyi and Mu Yao were literally acting out the roles of a loving husband and wife right before his eyes; Yet he was able to smile——????

It’s over, the black lotus has gone insane from anger.

“Chuchu, is there anything you want to say to Sister Mu?” Mu Yao fed her half a spoon of soup and Chuchu drank it absentmindedly, even choking on it a little as she swallowed. Her dark eyes continuously stared at Mu Yao, as if there was something she really wanted to say.

Chuchu hesitated for a moment then used her little hand to pull up her own clothes with a rustle. The snowy white skin of her belly was covered by several kraft paper bags. Her eyes timidly looked at Mu Yao’s face, as if trying to see if she would get angry.

“…..” Mu Yao’s smile grew stiff and she was left speechless.

After a long moment, Liu Fuyi laughed and good-naturedly took the several paper bags and placed them onto the table. He rubbed her head and asked, “Did you hide the medicine on purpose?”


Chuchu timidly nodded, almost as if she felt somewhat wronged but also a bit confused: “I didn’t want papa to go see Madam Shi…..” She thought for a bit then a hint of dread appeared in her eyes, “Last night, Madam Shi felt dizzy so she didn’t change her face to that beautiful sister’s face… papa wanted to see her but she hid her face in the covers and fiercely scolded papa and told him to get out.”

Since Chuchu’s body was weak and fragile, accidents could happen at any moment so Li Zhun wasn’t at ease leaving her in anyone’s arms. He purposely let her bed be placed inside Madam Shi and his room, only separated by a single panel. Being only separated by a single panel, the young Chuchu saw Madam Shi’s ‘face change’ countless times, which might have left a deep mark in her mind.

Mu Yao sighed and rubben her soft hair in exasperation.

The sky slowly turned dark and twilight descended upon all things. In the blink of an eye, night had already fallen.

All day long that day, Madam Shi stayed within her room. She didn’t drink anything, eat anything nor say anything. In the face of this, the main leads felt like their hands were tied.

According to the previous plans, they would head out that night to investigate the incense factory. However, there was a little girl who absolutely refused to go to rest sitting right in Liu Fuyi’s lap. She stared at Liu Fuyi with her big eyes while shyly being fed by him. Her small hands were also clenched tightly onto his lapel, deathly afraid that once she fell asleep she would be tossed to be alone with Madam Shi.

Li Zhun wasn’t here and the servants had no power. Liu Fuyi was the sole person she felt like she could rely on. She had already helped the main leads stick on the talismans and had basically turned into enemies with Madam Shi. Once she was discovered, the consequences would be hard to predict.

Because of this reason, the main leads were also not at ease leaving her alone in the Li residence. They discussed this problem for a while before Liu Fuyi announced, “How about this, we’ll take Chuchu along with us….”

As Chuchu’s big, sparkling eyes stared at Mu Yao, she couldn’t immediately find the heart to refuse.

On the contrary, it was Mu Sheng who showed unwillingness, “Sister, it’s dangerous on the way there. Not just that, she also has dyspnea, I’m afraid it’s not a good idea.”

Chuchu’s small lips twisted and a look of deep grievance appeared in her eyes. She turned her head and stuffed it into Liu Fuyi’s chest, “This brother is scary…..”

Mu Sheng coldly smiled and tossed his head to the side, dark eyes looking out the window and refusing to say another word.


Mu Yao looked at Chuchu’s weak and delicate back, then came to a decision, “It’ll be fine, I’ll protect her.”

Chuchu immediately sat up and rubbed her weary eyes and clapped her hands, “Wonderful, I can go on a walk!”

The wind at night was mighty and the four of them carried Chuchu along with them as they set out on a dangerous ‘walk’.

Liu Fuyi held out his hand to support Chuchu while Mu Yao stood at the side, using her long slender arms to warmly help the little girl tidy her cloak and collar. The moonlight casted down from above suffused the surrounded shrubbery and weeds with a silver glow while the air was filled with the soft murmuring of flowing water.

This scene was warm, comforting and harmonious. Love seemed to fill the air and the entire scene looked like just a thousand year old painting frozen in time.

In stark comparison, Mu Sheng was half hidden in the darkness behind them. He was absentmindedly kicking the stones on the ground; painting the loneliest traveler in the night.

A slightly cold drop of night dew slipped down a leaf and dripped onto the back of his hand, filling his heart with coldness. He reached out and plucked the leaf, kneading it between his fingers. He couldn’t help but turn around to look for a certain female’s silhouette.

Ling Miaomiao sped up her pace to quickly catch up to him. Her distinct apricot eyes just so happened to look over at the same time. The fluffy collar of the lined jacket she wore contrasted greatly with her red, flushed face. She reached out with both palms, covered with a hand-knitted pair of gloves, and looked just like a small tiger reaching out with its thick claws, “Mu Sheng look, I’m wearing my autumn lined jacket!”

He lowered his eyes to conceal the hint of warmth that surfaced in them and replied with a low voice, “Mhm.”

Ling Miaomiao was extremely disappointed by his reaction, “Why are you this listless huh? Are you frozen?”

She pulled open Mu Sheng’s cloak and pinched the corners of his clothes a few times. She clicked her tongue: “You’re wearing so little… Young Noble Mu, are you unable to afford winter clothes?” She swiftly took off her own gloves and waved them at him, “My father knitted these for me, they’re really warm. Hey, want to try them on?”

The black-clothed youth slowly pulled his sleeves out of her hands and turned his head away from her, only speaking after a long period of silence, “…. you wear it yourself.”


Sigh—– Ling Miaomiao let out a puff of white air. She patted the gloves with some melancholy. The black lotus sure is aloof.

The night at Jingyang Slope was very calm. The dark sky resembled a spilled ink bottle, pure darkness that seemed so distant. The entire sky was filled with countless small and big stars emitting a sore cold light. Under the effects of the yin-yang fissure, the autumn insects no longer made their cries. Occasionally, strange rustling could be heard, as if there were many things hidden behind the trees making a joyous ruckus together.

At night, all the slumbering demons would come out for a breath of fresh air. Fortunately, Chuchu already fell asleep in Liu Fuyi’s arms. She couldn’t hear any of the hair-raising sounds that came from all around them.

They approached the source of the gurgling sounds of water. Occasionally, bubbles rose and popped as they reached the surface of the water. Standing in front, Mu Yao and Liu Fuyi paused. The flowing water before their eyes was doused with a generous dose of moonlight, shining quite brightly with a cold light. The wind blew and rustled the grass at the edge of the river, moistening the plants waist down.

They were once again at the point where they had to cross the river in the dark.

Mu Yao took the lead and Liu Fuyi hugged Chuchu in his arms while following closely behind her. He turned around to look at Miaomiao, about to say something when he saw that Mu Sheng had already naturally bent down with both of his hands on his knees. The wind fluttered his headband just like a butterfly that desired to fly into the air. It seemed almost unwilling to return to his hair.

Like the sky that clears when the rain passes, the moment Elder Brother Liu saw this scene he closed his mouth in gratitude while a mysterious smile curled up on his lips.

Mu Sheng’s bent back looked superbly natural and the Ling Miaomiao climbed on even more naturally. It was so familiar that it was just like riding one’s horse that you’d ridden from young. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Mu Sheng then pulled her knees up and just that easily carried her on his back. He immediately stepped into the dark diver with a light splash.

The demons under the water were all attracted over by the living human that entered and immediately crowded around them.

Mu Sheng silently stared at the surface of the water, the talismans in his palms unceasingly being thrown into the water. The angles he threw them in were tricky yet accurate and fierce. They were like multiple barracudas rushing through the water, only leaving behind a small piercing sound and nothing else. There wasn’t even the slightest ripple in the water. 2 [1] So I thought I should mention this since I don’t think most people know what a barracuda is. They’re known for being fast and furious…. Lol >.> They’ve got a pretty long body and also look pretty scary.

He was half-heartedly dealing with the demons as he was still listening to the girl on his back. However, Ling Miaomiao was strangely quiet today and no matter how long he waited, she didn’t utter a single word. While bewildered, he suddenly heard her speak for the first time since she got on his back. In addition, it was in an overly depressed tone, “Mu Sheng, how long do you think it’ll take before I can cross this dark river by myself?”

The youth’s face suddenly sunk.

Ling Miaomiao felt his arm immediately turn stiff, stiff enough to make her thigh feel pain. Unable to endure it, she wriggled a few times on his back only to hear him say, “Why do you want to cross the bridge on your own?”

“Actually, I’m too lazy to cross the river myself….” She curled up the corner of her slightly cold lips as she unintentionally smacked them onto him while muttering to herself, “But I feel like making you carry me across the river everytime is really quite an annoyance to you.”

Her skirt swayed back and forth in the air, the corners wet from water. Occasionally, when the cold waters touched her calf, she could feel the icy coldness piercing through her skin down to the bones. In comparison, both of Mu Sheng’s legs were soaking right in the water.

“Sister Mu is also a girl yet she can cross the river herself. That means I can do it too.” She started to play with Mu Sheng’s collar while conveniently asking, “Isn’t the water very cold?”

Mu Sheng paused for a long time before answering: “….It’s not cold.”

His voice was very soft, almost as if he was soliloquizing.

“Then when can I cross the river by myself?”

He seemed to very much dislike this thorny question and turned taciturn for a moment before finding the words to reply with, “Until you learn to use talismans.”

“I can use them!” Miaomiao immediately became agitated, slapping his back abruptly, “Brother Liu has taught me the chants before and I still remember them! Do you want me to carry you once?”

The youth seemed a bit frustrated now, “No.”

“Then give me a few talismans, let me try.” She was still immersed in her excitement and started to pull on Mu Sheng’s sleeves, “Do you have any left? Can you give me some?”

“I don’t.” He coldly replied, then turned his head to warn her with his darkening expression, “Don’t move around.”

“….You’re so petty.” Miaomiao angrily wriggled about for a bit then stopped upon getting no response. Now, she splayed out on his back in an even more lifeless manner, without any desire to budge. The moment she stopped squirming about, sleepiness immediately started to creep up on her.

She quieted down and the night seemed even more lonely and bleak. The only thing by her side was the sound of water sloshing and the faint bubbling sounds coming from the depths of the dark waters.

As Mu Sheng walked, his pace slowed down and very softly freed one of his hands to pull out a pile of yellowish talismans. He lowered his eyelashes and used a single hand to stuff them into her lined jacket.

The young girl was sleeping in a daze and her eyes didn’t even open but felt his touch. She shrunk away for a moment then bonelessly flopped back onto his back muttering a complaint, “….Don’t poke me.”

He quickly retrieved his hand and quickly pulled up her sagging knee. His lashes quivering just like the wings of a butterfly.

[1] So I thought I should mention this since I don’t think most people know what a barracuda is. They’re known for being fast and furious…. Lol >.> They’ve got a pretty long body and also look pretty scary.

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