The Guardian

Chapter 65: Beginning the Great Mission

Chapter 65: Beginning the Great Mission

Leslie woke up when the alarm went off and looked at the time on her holographic clock.

[01:00 a.m.]

Since the day they went to the magical forest to accompany the students, two days had passed... And today Saturday they had to start the ‘Ark’ mission.

Only yesterday they had to sleep earlier in order to be in a decent state when they started the mission during this night.

Leslie got up after changing, and as she left her room, she heard a soft voice.

“Yes, mother, I will be fine... Yes, I know. I know it’s a dangerous mission, but that’s why I decided to go to the hero academy.”

The voice was heard from Érica’s room, with whom Leslie shared a bedroom.

“I understand, mother. I’ll take care of myself. Thank you and say hello to my father for me.”

With those words, the door opened, and Leslie said. “Excuse me.”

She had stood listening to that conversation rather rudely, but she was nervous inside in case they didn’t let Érica participate with them.

“Don’t worry, I overheard your conversation yesterday too,” Érica commented without giving it too much thought.

Aurora had made it clear that they had to inform their parents of the mission.

They were adults and legally in some countries they were independent to make their own decisions, however, it was important to inform.

The mission had great uncertainty and they would never know what would happen, Aurora and no other member of the group would be around them as if they were teachers.

Leslie herself had previously informed her father, and her parents agreed after sending objects to her in case of danger.

“Have you got everything ready?” Érica asked curiously.

“Yes, I have prepared weapons, ammunition, and five space rings with everything I need in case I get into trouble,” Leslie replied, revealing the five rings on each of her fingers.

They were space rings of the highest quality, and their interior space was enormous.

In there, she had tools to repair her weapons, armor, ammunition, and everything she needed... It was over preparation and forced by her overprotective father.

Aurora and the others had prepared everything she needed, but because of her father, she now had to wear five rings.

“Me too,” Érica said with a smile waving her rings in her hand, and with a smile, she declared. “I have too many emergency items.”

Leslie let out a smile.

They were nervous and Aurora gave her several important items for her own defense, as well as high-quality potions, and in turn, her parents also supported her decision in this way.

That greatly reduced their nervousness and it could be said that they were armed ‘to the teeth’.

“Come on.” Urged Leslie with a nod and instead of leaving, they activated a portal and went down to the living room to get something to eat.

They actually had time to get ready, however, since they were nervous, they got up early.

When they went downstairs, they found Clementine and Nicole eating in the dining room while Shao Ya and Aeko were with them.

“Nervous?” Shao Ya asked, looking at the group.

“Yes,” Leslie replied at the same time as the others.

They couldn’t help but feel nervous.

They knew they had to keep their cool, even so, the mission was heavy.

It was the heaviest mission they had ever received, and they hadn’t even started it yet.

How many refugees would depend on them?

Going into a war zone and escorting the refugees through the magical forest... It was certainly a mission with too many responsibilities for them.

“You don’t have to worry so much. Aurora and Alice are experts at this job,” Shao Ya revealed and seeing that it lifted a little weight on the students, she pointed at Aeko and commented. “Even Aeko or Akira, they were nervous their first time.”

“Hey...” Aeko muttered, only not daring to refute her.

Leslie and the others looked at Shao Ya curious, for knowing the story.

“When we first met Akira, she had already been under Aurora and Alice like you guys. Then in the first time our group participated, it was in a kind of mission like this,” Shao Ya counted with a soft smile and looking at the group, he revealed. “The weight of another life is burdensome, and the responsibility is suffocating, even for us.”

On these missions depended the lives of their companions, their own lives and, as if that were not enough, the lives of the refugees who were handing over their safety and trust.

It was normal, even for more experienced individuals, that it would be heavy.

“Don’t feel pressured. You are not alone. Whether it’s us, Aurora or Alice, and even the dozens of other groups that will participate. There are a lot of people who are supporting. Just give your best, that’s all that’s asked,” Shao Ya added calmly.

The softness of Shao Ya’s words and warm tone made Leslie’s heart loosen in a profound way.

She could see that the others were the same.

Only the previous month they were in the academy studying like any other student and now they were here performing a mission whose responsibility was unquestionable... The change was difficult and costly to bear.

Having so many responsibilities all of a sudden, it was exhausting and overwhelming... Even if they wanted to help other people.

“Don’t seek to compare yourselves to Aurora or Alice. It doesn’t matter if they have some short age difference, both of them have been doing these jobs since Zerzura City was founded. They are in another category, even if I compare myself to them.” Interrupted Akira entering the room, her tone was serious and heavy.

Strength wasn’t everything... Aurora and Alice represented that.

It was the indomitable attitude to help, to feel the responsibility and carry it.

Comparing themselves to them was what happened the most and more so when there was so little age difference and they had been academy classmates.

They needed to strive and live up to it... That was their thinking and that was part of the reason they were constantly striving to do daily missions.

However, it wasn’t about a difference in strength; it was about a difference in attitude, personality, and experience.

Aurora and Alice took the academy as a ‘vacation’ and compared to the work they were doing in Zerzura, it was a vacation.

“They were not called ‘Protectors of Zerzura’ for nothing. They, with their work, managed to acquire that title because of their constant dedication and initiative,” Akira revealed and, shaking her head with a sigh, she added. “Just give it your best, that’s all.”

That was all that was asked of them in this mission.


Aurora looked at the group behind her.

Alice and Liam were at her side while Clémentine and Akira’s group stood at the ready.

They were all fully equipped and their looks were tense, yet not as nervous as yesterday.

The only one who was in total calm was Alice, who was eating her chips... As she always did, looking like she was just on another common activity.

“Are they ready?” Questioned Aurora, looking at the students and seeing them nodding solemnly, she asked. “Have you guys gone to the bathroom?”

Her question so sudden and out of character caused some members to give odd expressions at the surprised and in the end, they nodded.

“Not that you can go to the bathroom afterwards, but you know it’s, there’s nothing like home for...” Akira said, receiving a punch from Aeko on her shoulder before she finished her words.

It was normal to be embarrassed when talking about bathroom-related topics and more so when it was about ladies with a great background, but for Aurora, it was a good topic that made them drop those tense expressions.

Diverting their attention so that their anxiety and fear weren’t so suffocating.

“Liam, come on,” Aurora ordered with a smile.

Liam checked his holographic watch and commented. “I’ve already selected the Wau City portal. I have already received confirmation from the military.”

The portal in front of them activated, revealing a translucent celestial cloak.

Aurora stepped into the portal and after walking a few steps came to a military camp with basic buildings around it and in the distance a wall.

The most important thing was...

“Greetings ‘Protector of Zerzura’!” Colonel Makeba exclaimed.

Aurora greeted him, and after a quick introduction to her group, she asked. “Are the preparations ready?”

“Yes, the other groups are present. We have prepared the military vehicles with their respective drivers,” Colonel Makeba replied and, with a clear tone, added. “As you have ordered, the leaders of the groups have been chosen and assembled. They are now waiting for you.”

Hearing those words, Aurora nodded and gave the signal to be led.

Colonel Makeba nodded and led the group through the camp.

It was night, but because of the outpost set up by the army, it was all lit up and as there were quite a few soldiers, it was quite noisy.

They left the army’s portable portal post and headed towards the center of everything and in the middle of their way; they noticed some tanks, planes taking off vertically, and combat helicopters in a section created especially for them.

“Those are...” Andrés muttered, looking at the combat vehicles.

“The outpost forces. We’ll lend support in case things get hairy,” Colonel Makeba replied.

“Let’s hope we don’t require it,” Aurora muttered in a heavy tone.

At this level, the rescue of refugees had been prepared, and I knew that Zerzura City supported this type of activities.

The military equipment in this camp, was the sign of the support that the army was giving the mission, and such a preparation, was one of the many supports they received and in this case, one that should be used with care and only in case of emergency.

Following the path, the group entered a rather large building.

The interior of the building was a room with a holographic table on which a map of Africa was projected, and around it were dozens of people.

Most of them were Africans, but there were also Europeans, Asians, Americans, and Latin Americans from various professions.

Most notable were the soldiers in their armor or battle dress following the standard Zerzura City military uniform.

Then there were those who were dressed in different ways following the standards of their own profession and finally, there were the members who were on the back of a woman dressed as a priest.

In their group were other priests, but also some individuals wearing heavy metal armor.

“Isn’t that Vanessa?”

Aurora heard that murmur behind her back and looked at the young woman standing at the back of High Priestess Xaali, who was present today, along with Cardinal Brousseau.

Vanessa noticed her gaze and gave a smile, keeping her distance without being encouraged to say hello by the atmosphere of the place.

“Sorry, I’m late,” Aurora said, approaching the center of the room and looking at some familiar faces and some new ones she stated. I will lead “This ‘Ark’ mission. If you have a problem with me leading, you can speak now or leave.”

She was dominant, and she needed to be, to make the situation clear.

Leadership was critical.

For a while, when she did these kinds of missions with strangers, doubts always came in because of her age... And that was when she used to be younger.

Those kinds of doubts had to be cut from the beginning and more in this kind of mission that needed to be united towards a goal.

“Always starting the same way. Some people will think badly of you,” Cardinal Brousseau murmured with a soft smile.

It was true that she was starting this way, and that was because it was too exhausting to endure complaints about her age during the mission and she preferred to get rid of them at the beginning.

During the mission, she was going to have too many problems, she didn’t need to add unnecessary ones.

“It scares the new guys.” Joked a grown man with an amused laugh.

Aurora recognized that adventurer.

He was Jose Vazquez, a Latin American quite well known in Zerzura with his Rank A ‘Cutting Blades’ group of the ‘Orisha Oko’.

They had done some missions together, so they were working acquaintances.

“I’d rather have a thousand complaints about my decision-making than complaints about my age,” Aurora replied with a shrug.

Questioning decisions and complaining about them was fine.

The problem was when they attacked her for her age by claiming inexperience or pointing out her youth as if such a fact was a problem.

“Let’s get back on topic,” Aurora said, seeing that there was no one speaking, using the holographic table, she displayed an image of everyone present and explained. “The three adventurer groups consist of fifteen members, led by Vazquez. The four army groups led by Captain Sadiya have twenty members and twelve members manning the armored vehicles. On the Church side, Cardinal Brousseau has brought three combat teams led by High Priest Xaali of fifteen members in total and the specialized healing group, which is ten members. Our group is thirteen members in total.”

It was a lengthy report that let the numbers of this mission show and when the projected images appeared, Aurora continued.

“In total, we have eighty-five members, but only sixty-three can fight directly if we take away the twelve army members who will control the vehicles and the ten specialized healing members. Of those sixty-three, we have thirty-seven B Ranks, twenty-three A Ranks, and three S Rank officers.”

Aurora unfolded the faces of the S-Ranks, letting everyone be able to see them.

Cardinal Brousseau, Akira, and Liam... The students knitted their brows at the latter, refraining from showing any more expressions.

“Wow, we’re ready for a small war,” muttered one adventurer jokingly upon hearing those numbers.

“Small war? I think we’re ready to siege an SS Rank creature,” added another adventurer with a silly laugh.

They were simple comments that livened up the serious atmosphere, which was why Aurora let them speak.


“With this number, we have to take care of protecting over a thousand people. I think taking on an SS Rank creature will be easier,” Akira commented, shaking her head.

The more experienced ones nodded in agreement at that comment.

It was hard to say if they could fight an SS Rank creature with their entire group, but what they were sure of was that was better than having to protect over a thousand people... Already having to protect the lives of their teammates was problematic let alone if innocents were added.

“The latest report has made it clear that it is around twelve hundred refugees that are in waiting for us. Elderly women or children... Some locals will join us to help us, even so, we will be the main force,” Aurora reported in a serious tone.

The ‘locals’ were actually groups protecting their families who were refugees, those individuals took up arms and faced danger to ensure their safety.

Their ranks were varied and due to the fact that in a sense they were also refugees, they had no combat experience or were simply unfit, that was why they were only considered support groups.

“By now everyone must have read the reports and the plan, but I’ll repeat it,” Aurora said, and unfolding the map, she commented. “We will be departing from Wau City to the former capital of South Sudan, Juba. We are traveling at night. However, the army has already deployed a team and conducted a sweep beforehand.”

The projected map glowed, revealing the route and stops in the area.

“Yes. We have also checked and paved the roads with the engineer vehicles. As far as we expect, they will have no problems as far as Yuba. As for beyond that, the roads have been traveled a few weeks ago, and we have checked with the military satellites. However, you know what Africa is like. Everything changes fast,” Colonel Makeba added.

Aurora had been preparing for the mission since before July began and even before that she already had an idea of what she wanted to accomplish as soon as she was on her academic vacation, so the preparations were done.

The roads had been traveled, but it was a few weeks ago and as they were in a part of the magical forest, it was not known if some monsters fought and destroyed the road or something of that style happened.

It was the same if they checked with a military satellite, things could change too fast when external elements like magical energy or a large creature intervened.

They were carrying two engineer vehicles that had the ability to pave with earth magic so the trucks could get through and incidentally get the ‘garbage’ out of the way, still, it was good to keep in mind that the situation might not go as planned.

“If all goes well, from Yuba we will leave for the old Kitgum township in Uganda and follow the road to Mbale town and cross the old border to get to Nakuru in Kenya. That is our main plan, although we may change our destination along the way. The point is to get to Nakuru as soon as possible,” Aurora announced in a serious tone.

It would be a long journey of over 1500 kilometers, through magical forest and ancient civilization in ‘ruins’.

Arriving as soon as possible to prepare for the return trip would be best.

“You have half an hour to prepare, check that your equipment is in condition, or interact with each other. Everyone here is a volunteer, and we all have the same goal, adding that the trip is long. It’s best to get to know each other,” Aurora ordered professionally.

She herself had selected the volunteers or groups of volunteers for this mission and each of them had experience and an excellent background, even though Aurora herself had not met some of them.

That was the case with Captain Sadiya, who was recommended by Colonel Makeba.

Aurora signaled her group to go talk to the others or Vanessa, all the while watching as the group leaders approached.

“Half a year since no word from you, I thought you had retired,” Vazquez said with a half-amused yet serious smile.

Liam had taken over most of the jobs while Aurora and Alice were at the academy, but jobs like these stopped being done by both of them.

It didn’t mean Aurora had stopped informing herself of the situation and supporting where she could, though.

“I’m still young to retire,” Aurora replied without changing her expression.

“You deserve a vacation, though.” Cardinal Brousseau interrupted.

Strangely, everyone nodded, even Colonel Makeba and Vazquez.

Aurora shook her head and, noticing that her group was already interacting with the others in the distance, she asked. “Colonel Makeba, lead us to our transport please.”

Colonel Makeba nodded calmly and led them.

The Colonel himself didn’t need to be present today, still, Aurora thanked him silently for his participation in the mission.

Without the army, it would have taken too long to prepare for the mission.

Colonel Makeba led the group as he gave them a glimpse of the military barracks.

When they reached the entrance to the stone wall, which was quite thick and sturdy, the vehicles came into view.

“Two heavy engineer armored vehicles. This is the last equipment at our disposal. They can pave dirt roads so travel is not delayed using earth magic and has the ability to push aside debris, whether it be trees, buildings, or ruin debris with psionic energy cores that mimic telekinesis. It has some weapons for protection, but nothing flashy,” explained Colonel Makeba pointing to the two armored vehicles, and seeing the attentive stares, he added. “It has magic enchantments, so its weight isn’t that high, allowing it to not be a speed bump.”

Aurora nodded as she looked at the vehicles.

It was basically a tracked tank only instead of cannons, it had a shovel in the front area and was thicker with no obvious weapons.

She was sure that tank cost several million due to the use of magic and that psionic artifact, still, she thought it was going to be very useful.

The earth magic could allow it to fix holes and potholes that would slow down the road or damage vehicles, while the psionic energy core could push aside debris in case of wrecked roads.

“Plus, it has its own barrier for surprise attacks,” added Colonel Makeba with a serious tone and looking at the vehicle beside him, he explained. “This is a personal armored transport, but it has been modified to have a computer and analysis center. It contains a magic sensor and high-tech radar to prevent ambushes. And warn of high-frequency magical signals.”

Aurora nodded gratefully.

That vehicle was the one Liam needed to take charge of checking the radars and monsters, making it the center of organization and communication between all the groups.

Andrés could also help him if there was a need.

“As for the military trucks, they have magical barriers to protect themselves and have a high capacity inside. These trucks are specialized for transporting military troops,” Colonel Makeba added.

There were four trucks, two engineer cars, and an armored vehicle for the trip.

“Thank you for your support, Colonel Makeba,” Aurora said with a smile of sincere appreciation.

The army’s support could not be underestimated and was very helpful in providing vehicles worth millions of dollars for this mission.

Aurora was very grateful.

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