The Guardian

Chapter 231: Did She Regret?

Chapter 231: Did She Regret?

Aurora opened her eyes with laziness, tiredness, and, above all, a hangover.

Lying in bed, her body felt sore and her head felt like it would explode.

Looking around, she realized she was in her room, wearing comfortable pajamas of a panda bear that was closer to a costume.

Blinking several times, her mind steadied, and someone came through the door.

“Come. I brought you something for your hangover and tiredness.” Alice said with a soft smile.

Aurora sat on the bed and drank the concoction Alice brought, feeling better quickly.

“Why am I wearing these pajamas? No, why is my body sore?” Aurora asked quizzically.

She felt like she had been working out all night and the worst part was that she didn’t remember some things.

“After your confrontation with Venali, we went on some quests and cleared a dungeon.” Explained Alice sitting down next to her.

“That’s dangerous...” Aurora muttered, dropping her weight on her sister, who received it and patted her.

Being in a drunken state and going on missions was extremely dangerous at the same level as drunk driving.

Not only could it endanger her or her companions, but other people, if the mission failed.

After all, hunting a beast and failing would provoke the beast into wanting revenge.

In response, Alice started a projection from her holographic clock.

“Come on, finish them all!” Cithrel commanded, taking the position of a domineering Empress leading the army from the front.

The battle was against C-Rank creatures in what amounted to a few boars of all kinds.

A tall, elegant, and serious figure released a heavy and authoritative atmosphere that made everyone think of kneeling down.

Then there was a flash like a ghostly figure and the creatures fell, who was revealed was not Venali, but Aurora.

After the creatures finished, she started laughing by herself under the gaze of the others.

In that group were quite a few people and about seven S-ranks, all to clear a C-rank dungeon.

“It was all created with illusion magic,” Aurora said, hiding her face in Alice’s arms, ignoring her own voice in the recording urging to continue.

The fault wasn’t the others; it was hers!

What was worse was that with her authority and influence with the defense system, she had priority to take dungeons or quests, and that meant she was the organizer.

“After moving around several places around, we came back,” Alice reported and patting her, she added. “Cithrel wanted to help change you, but I wouldn’t allow it and protected your innocence. As for the pajamas, they’re the ones you wanted.”

Aurora’s expression quivered, not knowing how to react to those words, but in the end, she laughed out loud at the seriousness of Alice’s tone.

Was it possible for Alice to protect her ‘innocence’? In her sister’s eyes, that gallant knight was a pervert who knew no bounds.

So it was likely that she saw it as protection.

“Well, let’s get some breakfast. Someone made too much food yesterday and now we have a lot to eat,” Alice announced with a serious look.

It wasn’t a complaint, her tone also intermingled happiness that there was food.

Aurora nodded and changed clothes quickly, then escorted her sister into the living room.

“Thank you,” Aurora said, getting Alice to stop.

“I didn’t do much... I’m not good at cheering. You have Cithrel, Akira, and the others to thank,” Alice replied with a half-smile, and staring at her, she asked. “Are you feeling better?”

“Yes, I am feeling better. What happened with the Church of Order, it touched my nerves,” Aurora murmured in response and, letting out a long sigh, she stated. “I needed a day to relax.”

Anger, wrath, shock, sadness, and determination all intermingled together, making it so that by the end, she had too much to think about.

She had taken to cooking, as that was one way to relax, but in the end, she needed a liberating day to get all her emotions out.

To stop thinking about all her worries and responsibilities, just focus on having fun.

Her sister patted her back, which made Aurora giggle at the way Alice comforted her.

Alice was a little embarrassed, but she gave her a big smile.

“Let’s eat!” Aurora urged, ignoring her sister’s embarrassment.

Alice’s eyes filled with immediate strength and vitality.

As they walked down the doorway to the living room, they met Cithrel, who also seemed to have woken up.

The moment their eyes met, that lovely princess’s gaze shone brightly and a captivating smile spread across her lips.

“Are you just waking up?” Aurora asked quickly, trying to back away, knowing that predator was in attack mode.

Her question was meant to distract her, but Cithrel gave a smile as if it was hard for her to contain herself and even though Alice was giving her a cold stare, she moved closer.

“Yes, Venali and Taqiyya are still asleep. Last night was quite exciting, and we had a lot of fun,” Cithrel said, and seeing Aurora nodding, she added. “If you had joined in, it would have been more fun.”

Aurora’s expression quivered, blushing to the extreme, but Alice hugged her and took her away as she listened to the laughter of that gallant knight who hid an innate predator.

Technically, she had been with them during the night until they came back, so... Aurora was sure that now Alice wasn’t lying.

Maybe her innocence was protected.


Cardinal Brousseau walked down the hallway of a huge temple.

It was the Church of Time and Space that was located in Atlantis City.

While it was huge from the outside, the inside was even bigger.

It was similar in style to the temple built in Zerzura City.

White pillars, walls of the same color, marble sculptures giving an untouchable yet peaceful appearance.

Walking down the hallway proved to be very quiet and peaceful.

When she reached the final door, Cardinal Brousseau entered, making the sound spread through the interior of the adoration room.

In the center was a marble statue of a man whose figure changed to that of a young man, a grown man, and an old man.

His face was blurred next to his figure, but one could notice the change of time.

His church had no figure or element of worship and only that statue was the closest representation of his god.

In front of it stood a white-bearded old man devoutly praying on his knees.

“Does praying like that work?” Cardinal Brousseau asked, calmly entering the large room.

The white-bearded old man opened his eyes that glowed strangely, giving a sense of unique mystery.

“No, it makes no difference, but I have become accustomed to praying this way.” Replied the old man... Supreme Pontiff Abraham Robynson.

Some knelt to pray and others paid their respect straightforwardly, the truth was that the manner in which the God of Time and Space was worshipped was of no consequence.

While some elements of the ancient churches of mankind were applied, in the end, the Church of Time and Space was still disorganized.

“It is difficult to worship a God who does not allow himself to be worshipped,” Cardinal Brousseau replied with a smile.

On Terra nova, the God of Time and Space had no formal church and was worshipped in small temples.

That gave the feeling that he was ‘weak’, but he was the representation of time and space... That existence was a ‘Primordial God’ who did not need worshippers.

He did not give his demands when it came to defining the way to show ‘faith’ and maybe he did not even need the ‘devotion’ of his believers.

His priests could judge him, insult him, even criticize him, and that God would continue to lend them his power.

It could be said that he was indifferent to them, but as long as the priests, paladins, and church members followed his basic designs and desires when acting, they would continue to have a response from that entity.

Paladins did not need to ‘worship’ him or show their ‘devotion’ to borrow power. They simply had to follow his designs, and the more compliant they were, the more likely they were to get a response.

A ‘God’ who would not allow himself to be worshipped.

“That’s normal, he doesn’t need our worship,” replied Supreme Pontiff Abraham looking at the figure.

“Then, why does he care about earthlings?” asked Cardinal Brousseau in a disinterested manner.

“Do we matter to him?” Supreme Pontiff Abraham replied and, letting out a chuckle, he remarked. “One planet in a vast universe, among thousands of other worlds and planes... Are we important?”

Pausing for a few seconds, he gave a smile.

“It would be too presumptuous to believe that Earthlings are an important race,” he added with a soft laugh.

As former players, they knew that Terra nova was connected to demon worlds, spirit worlds, elemental worlds, and dozens of other different planes.

Only the most experienced players had gone to those planes, and another small group knew the vastness of life that existed.

In that sense, to believe that earthlings were important would be arrogant, presumptuous, and overly vain.

Cardinal Brousseau laughed at the words of the old man who stood at the head of one of the strongest churches on earth.

“So have you come to question my thoughts or for another reason?” Supreme Pontiff, Abraham asked with a smile.

It was clear he was diverting their attention from the main question every church member asked.

Why was a god who was said not to be acting on Terra nova now supporting earth and responding to his church?

That old man who was looking at the statue surely knew the answer... After all, he was the head of the Church of Time and Space and the one who started this gigantic organization.

Who decided to find the church after the ‘Great Cataclysm’ and who was known to receive the designs of that deity.

Cardinal Brousseau sighed. She was not so young to let her curiosity run wild and demand an answer from this old man... Who was close to her age.

“I have come for Zerzura,” Cardinal Brousseau said.

The old man stopped staring at the statue and turned to look at her, waiting for her to speak.

“We are carrying out a project to get the goblins to settle near us. Zerzura will be in charge of their care and education, carrying all other measures. It will be a haven for their race and, depending on circumstances, it may become an autonomous settlement or it may be assimilated into Zerzura,” Cardinal Brousseau explained and shared a document for him to read.

Aurora wished to save the goblins from extermination.

It was curious how she moved along the lines of protecting them, but also knowing how to prioritize higher interests, such as seizing the abyssal portal.

Some might judge her, but that attitude alone showed that she was down to earth and had not been blinded by her ideals.

However, what she wished to begin with was a subtle inclination to let a third path be seen.

The third way which was to defeat them and then the way to treat their people.

It was likely that when Aurora asked her for help; she knew that this path might change nothing.

Before everyone was thinking about extermination and that was because public opinion was leaning that way, trying to give another way seemed useless and more so when peace had failed.

Those who made the final decisions were the Church of Order, the Falion Empire, and the Romanian government, being the first one who was leading the idea of extermination.

Even if peace was achieved, it would not be Zerzura who would take care of them... A city in the middle of Africa seemed too weak compared to other influences that would surely move.

Still, Aurora presented that idea for Zerzura City to take up and formally present.

Surely before, the Church of Order leading this extermination would ignore it, but now it was different.

“I’ve seen the videos being broadcast on the media. Goblins being treated as an object of experiment or performing their sale. The idea of exterminating them so they don’t escape was shattered,” Supreme Pontiff Abraham said.

The idea of extermination was founded on the danger of the goblins and the idea of what they would represent if they were released into the world.

“The fear of future cruelty makes us act cruelly now,” Supreme Pontiff Abraham pointed out.

Cardinal Brousseau realized the hidden words that the statement carried.

He quite possibly thought the same as the other players.

“Is that the reason why the Church of Time and Space has not moved?” Cardinal Brousseau asked curiously.

The church had been silent and while paladins had been sent to be members of the allied forces; they had not sent a high command... Basically; they had not fully participated in the allied forces.

Present in the allied forces were the Falion Empire, who represented Greece and who had influence in the surrounding area, and Romania, who had authority in their lands.

While there were heroes, adventurers, mercenaries, and support forces from other countries, there was currently no other potential leader.

The churches were the only ones who could mobilize forces indifferently without generating diplomatic conflicts or national tensions.

In that sense, the Church of Order was the one who moved having part of the leadership.

In their case, the Church of Time and Space, although it had the means to intervene, only sent a support force.

“No, it was not because of my beliefs that we did not take part fully. On a strategic level, it was better to leave as few leaders as possible. That’s why we supported the Falion Empire by leaving our people with them,” Supreme Pontiff Abraham replied.

If the goblins posed a greater threat, it was possible for the entire church to mobilize its forces, but it was not necessary.

Three leaders representing different views were left.

The Falion Empire who moved for peace as they did before, the Church of Order who always took an aggressive stance, and Romania who had so many problems that in the end they were more neutral than anything.

Those who wished to support one side only sent reinforcements or support to the side they agreed with.

Without generating another faction and more conflict of opinion than there was.

“A haven for goblins,” The Supreme Pontiff muttered, looking back at the document and with hesitation, asked. “Can the city handle this? It won’t generate conflict or animosity among your people?”

Helping some goblins before helping their people or supporting other sides of Africa? There would be plenty of criticism, as usual.

But this time it was different...

“Who gives the financial support is the Apicius Company as a means of charitable donation, the sanctuary will be created by the Church of Time and Space, while Zerzura only gives permission on their lands while taking care of security,” Cardinal Brousseau replied in a simple tone.

For some time now Zerzura was differentiated from the Church of Time and Space and the Apicius Enterprise... Zerzura was a City-State with its army, economy, its culture, and its people.

It had a particular way of governing, but it was an independent entity from the other organizations who gave it life.

Although they were still the rulers of the city and who were in charge of the organization, but differentiating the two made it clear that the authority came from elsewhere.

The wealth of the Apicius Company was not related to the wealth of Zerzura City and it was the same with the authority of the Church of Time and Space.

The idea was to create a refuge, a sanctuary for the goblins after the war was over.

It would be a matter of negotiating with them, prioritizing to diminish the animosity against humanity to avoid future conflicts or airs of revenge.

Aurora was not naïve. She knew that the allied forces would be hated, but a difference had to be made between the ‘members’ of the allied force and the other humans who did not participate.

Basically putting them as the saviors.

The project pointed all that out very clearly.

While it would not be indoctrination, it was manipulative enough to guide the hatred that race would have for humans and those who fought against their kin.

To have a better chance of being accepted by the allied forces and then by the other countries, the project needed to be realistic and not idealistic.

Depending on the attitude of the race, it would be difficult to try to make friends when humans were the target of their hatred.

As in any war, the subsequent assimilation stage consisted of propaganda and slow education.

As the Supreme Pontiff Abraham had said... Fear of future cruelty causes mankind to carry out cruelties at this time.

Eliminating animosity at present would reduce the chances that in the future, that race would confront humans seeking revenge.

“What is it that you desire of me?” the Supreme Pontiff Abraham asked.

The resources of the Church of Time and Space were available to her, just as they were the first time she arrived in Africa.

Perhaps Cardinal Brousseau did not have the authority to lead the entire church, but she certainly was the second most powerful person.

The Church of Time and Space in Zerzura was basically her personal domain, being quite independent from the main church.

That was why ‘Zerzura’ was differentiated from the ‘Church’ when the two were very much connected to each other.

“Even if we give this project now with the support of Zerzura and the approval of the Church, we don’t know if it will be accepted. No, to be honest, it won’t change anything,” said Cardinal Brousseau and looking at the Supreme Pontiff, she announced. “That’s why we must move.”

Aurora was still young and too shallow.

She was certainly strong and her ideals were splendid, but she lacked the experience with which the powerful moved.

If they presented this ‘third way’, would it be accepted?

No, the Church of Order was very determined with extermination and there were many who thought the same way.

Public opinion and the balance would not matter to them, and even more so when there was someone like Cardinal Auguste at the controls.

Even if Aurora got the support of the Falion Empire, who was more susceptible to move for peace, the conflict would end up being won by the Church of Order.

For the simple reason that the Falion Empire was not a Terran nation, it was an otherworldly empire, which had to take care of the image that they had created over time.

If this third path was now presented, it would surely be approved by public opinion, but that meant nothing to those in power.

However, all that would change when someone of the same status moved alone to support this third way.

“Well, I will send a SS Rank Cardinal with the goal of helping to keep the abyssal portal stable and, in the process, ensure that no one makes a decision on their own,” declared the Supreme Pontiff Abraham without much thought and giving a glance at Cardinal Brousseau, he added. “However, those who will take care of everything will be us.”

His way of deciding was simple and did not even require time to think about it.

In fact, even his last words were a direct aid to them.

He was making it clear that it would be the Church of Time and Space, in its entirety, who would be in charge of that sanctuary.

From the economic, the creation, the maintenance, or the settlement.

It seemed as if he was stealing the project from her, but it was quite the opposite... He was assuming all the responsibilities and the consequences, preventing Zerzura from having criticism.

“Depending on the circumstances, the sanctuary can be created in Zerzura,” Supreme Pontiff Abraham added.

Saving a race on a moral level was perfect, but the only benefit would be to create a good reputation.

Now the church itself was taking all the responsibilities and possible consequences along with the criticism from those who wished extermination, only leaving the benefits which was a good image on an international level.

It was quite a consideration, and Cardinal Brousseau only sighed and remarked. “I still cannot understand why you sent me to Africa to support a people in the middle of nowhere.”

Her tone was respectful, letting it be seen that she was speaking in her position as ‘Cardinal’.

“Do you regret it?” The Supreme Pontiff asked with an elevated tone.

His gaze shone in a way that let it be seen that this man, who supposedly had no power, could demonstrate terrifying strength.

That old man was the head of one of the most powerful churches on Earth and he was the one who received the design of a Primordial God.

Did she regret it?

Cardinal Brousseau gave a big smile and answered. “No.”

She could not regret her decision and was more she was grateful for what she did.

What they accomplished... It was now greater than she had been able to imagine, and she was sure that with that young woman, she could reach new heights.

“Arrange everything with the others and as for the reason...” The Supreme Pontiff said and giving a big smile, he declared. “When you assume my position, you will be in a condition to understand.”

Why did the person who was said to have the best chance of becoming the next Supreme Pontiff of the Church of Time and Space go to a village in the middle of Africa?

That was a question everyone asked at the time and many pointed to two of its great high-ranking members who used their influence to send support, but now... Now it was hard to know the answer.

Still, for Cardinal Brousseau, it didn’t matter what the reason was.

Despite her forty-something appearance, she was too old to look for reasons and now only wished to continue doing her job.

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