The Guardian Chef

Vol. 3 – Chapter 28

***(Aphy's POV)***

W-who was that?!

This was the first thought of the culprit of the curse that haunted princess Bassilla. It looked like a dark flame in the shape of a child and its eyes were nothing more than two red spheres. It's a spirit.

In this world, spirits also exist and are considered by all to be divine subjects with the task of maintaining the balance between the six fundamental elements for the continuation of life. Despite this, it is possible to communicate with them and form contracts to be able to use spells without necessarily having to use your mana reserves. According to common sense, based on the colors with which they appear, it is possible to determine the related elements: red for fire, blue for water, green for wind, brown for earth, yellow for light, and black for darkness. They are also divided into low rank, medium rank, and high rank, and based on this distinction the more powerful a spirit is, the more defined the form in which it appears to the contracting parties.

Since he has the indefinite shapes of a child and is made from a black flame, he is a dark spirit who for 10 years has done nothing but fulfill the contract he has entered into. But now that he was directly defeated by the victim, he had to abandon that body to return to his contractor and inform him of what happened... however he was scared.

Who? Who?! WHO?! Who is that monster?! Scares!! It is terrifying!! he thought as he sped away from Cuding when suddenly collided with someone and fell to the ground


“Ara~! Be careful where you look little one~."

“I-I'm sorry. But I have to get out of here right away and you'd better run away too." he said as he rubbed what looked like his butt

"How come~?"

"Because there is... a... monster over there?!" when he turned and saw me, it seemed to me that the dark flame of which it is composed had whitened "MILADY APHY?!"

“Oh~. So that's where they went~." I said looking in the direction of Cuding “Thanks for the directions~. But~... could you repeat how you defined my beloved future husband~?"

***(Graeval's POV)***

Two days after the meeting between the King and Guardian, happy news spread in the city: her highness Bassilla Calsay Belmont, second princess of the kingdom, has completely recovered from her illness.

Unexpectedly, the news of the healing of the princess also known as the "Crystal Wisteria" brought a rush of optimism throughout the capital, believing it to be a good sign... a wish that things would improve from that moment on. Although, that doesn't interest me

“With this, our luggage is ready. Shall we leave for our honeymoon?"

"Why all this rush to leave?"

Since it was morning, I had woken up early due to my habit and not wanting to wake Lilith, I decided to pack my bags so we could leave as soon as we had breakfast. I haven't been silent enough since I woke her up.

She was still there on the bed as she scratched her eye with messy hair and was unconcerned about the fact that she was naked. Damn... I exclaimed seeing her. Every day I indeed see her as her mother did, but I can't help but blush every time. I love her too much... if I left my body in the hands of my feelings, I don't know how many times I would have attacked her

“Simple my love. I want to get to our destination before something holds us back." I said, looking away.

I looked at her out of the corner of my eye and saw her slightly astonished expression, turning into the expression of a predator that has found her prey.

"Since when did the sight of my body make you so shy?" she asked, licking her lips

She crawled up to me on the bed with slow, sensual movements

"W-well... it's..."

“It's been two years since our first time. By now you should be used to it." clinging to me she brought her lips close to my ear "Why don't you want to eat me with your beautiful frozen eyes~?"

"I-I love you too much!" I said with my heart that seemed to be about to explode at any moment “Every day I see you I do nothing but love you. Every time you talk, I do nothing but desire you. Whenever we are together I wish the whole world would freeze just to crystallize that little moment of happiness. If I gave in to my instincts- "

She silenced me by kissing me intensely, making our tongues dance in a long embrace. When she pulled away I noticed that she was all red and then she placed her face on my chest

"It's the same for me too... stupid..." she whispered almost hoping I didn't hear her


"Nothing!" she exclaimed and then lay down on the bed showing herself to me "How about staying another five minutes?" she asked me with eager eyes and a magnetic and fascinating smile


You will truly be my undoing my love. With that thought done, we indulged again in our love and lust... to the point that I lost count of the rounds of that morning.


After our morning "physical activity"... I heaved our luggage on my back and left the inn after paying the bill.

By now it was late in the morning and we hadn't had breakfast yet so, before resuming our journey, I took Lilith to a delightful cafe that offered a splendid view of the lake and the noble quarter. Most likely, the show is even better at night but this wasn't too bad either.

"Did you enjoy these two days?"

“Apart from visiting the palace, I had a great time. Visiting the capital, in the end, wasn't a bad idea." she said and then brought the cup to her mouth and sipped the tea.

Shortly after we left with a portal, I changed my clothes and took my wife on a sightseeing tour of the city, focusing on the most famous tourist destinations of the capital, such as large parks, gardens, or monuments.

The next day we even visited the Probe Athenaeum, a museum library that not only collects thousands of tomes but also relics and treasures from Thirus's past such as plans of ancient buildings, rusty weapons, and even paintings donated by the royal family and distinguished nobles. There was also a zoo, but as we are in the middle of winter it was not open to the public so we postponed the visit to a future date. And finally, we started looking for souvenirs to take home by looking in the shops of the Guilded Victory gallery famous not only for its stores but also for the magnificent architectural and sculptural workmanship which also includes details made, according to the tour guide I bought, in pure gold.

This cafe was the last destination before departure, so I didn't bring her here for anything as it is reputed to be one of the most romantic spots in the capital. While enjoying my tea, I noticed that many people's eyes were focused on us... or rather, on my wife. Well, that's not surprising: under the traveling cloak she took off when we sat down, she wears simple travel clothes including a white shirt covered with a heavy jacket paired with a cotton skirt, both of which are dark green. Her makeup was very light and she had gathered her white hair, or rather blonde for the spectators, in a bun. Her already unnatural beauty was now accentuated by the elegance she displayed thanks to her dress and her movements. She almost looked like a noble... Well, not that it's far from reality.

Anyway, some were looking intended to approach her, but to not interrupt our peaceful meal, I made sure to keep them at distance by playing some little mental tricks as a certain knight from a distant galaxy had done.

After breakfast, I paid the bill and we were preparing to leave the city when suddenly we stumbled upon what could be called a classic.

Along the way, we heard some female screams in the distance... the kind of screams they make because their favorite singer or star has arrived. Since it does not concern us and above all it did not interest us, we continued on our way.

"Wait Milady!"

It was a male voice, but not believing it was aimed at us we continued, when I saw Lilith stop suddenly; turning around, I saw a man dressed in very elegant clothes holding my wife's left hand.

...... Ok... you have 5 seconds before I cut your hand off and make you swallow it 5 times.

"...What can I do for you?" my wife asked flatly

“Milady, I couldn't fail to notice you. There has never been a woman who has ignored me." he began by moving a tuft of hair. “But it could be because of the hood that you didn't succeed. Please show me your face."

“...... And why on earth? I have no reason and above all, I have no interest in you." Lilith answered coldly

"What a revelation!" he exclaimed with a surprised face. “Which makes me more curious. Please show me your face."

"Did she just-"

"Leave it. He won't leave us alone unless I do."

I tried to get in so I could drive this handsome fellow away, but Lilith realized he wasn't one that gives up that easily.

Hm? What he looks like? Ah... besides what he's wearing, I haven't described it yet now that I think about it. He is a very handsome boy by human standards, not on the same level as elves but similar, with a well-proportioned face almost sculpted by an artist, deep light green eyes, and long, well-groomed black hair; the body is sturdy and with a musculature that is suitable for a professional soldier. If someone had defined him as the prince of a fairytale, I would almost agree with him. Now back to us...

Lilith pulled her hood down to please the next dead corp- *ahem* I mean, the guy who begged her to do this. Looking at him coldly and indifferently, Lilith pulled her hood down completely. Not only the boy, but everyone around those present blushed as soon as they looked at her... it came naturally to me too. It was as if she had pressed a button to enter in noble mode as she exuded dignity and elegance.

"Happy?" she asked coldly



"OH! WHAT MAGNIFICENCE!!" yelled the boy making an exaggerated movement with his arms “AH WHAT PERFECTION! THIS MUST BE FATE!"

If you just try to say it...!

“You are perfect for me! Come on, take my hand and become my wife." he stated extending his hand

......... Ok... now I'll kill you. I was preparing to kill him. At that precise moment I wanted to tear off that forked tongue and ****************************************************************** and not even his agonizing pleads for forgiveness would have saved him from the terrible death I wanted to inflict on him. But Lilith stopped me by placing her arm in front of me

“Are you crazy? I categorically refuse."

Time seemed to stand still... at least for the guy. He was petrified when he received Lilith's dry reply and I admit that I felt a bit of satisfaction. Lilith pulled up her hood again and gently took my hand and pulled me.

“How can you refuse me?! Why do you reject a similar one?"

“You are as crazy as you are arrogant. Don't put me on the same level as you, I feel insulted."

“What rude words that come out of your perfect lips. Your beautiful voice does nothing but hurt me. How can a rose like you refuse my beautiful marriage proposal."

"Instead you just give air to your mouth at what I can see." Lilith began starting to get seriously annoyed "Since your eyes are just 'for beauty' know that I am happily married and right now I am enjoying a trip with my husband."

When she said those words, Lilith clung to my arm allowing me to enjoy the softness of her breasts. Even though I was happy with my wife's action, the guy was now speechless and I could see that he was starting to give off nervous ticks and his smile was less and less... charming? I could no longer define it as such. But one thing is sure: I don't know whether to call him a fool or simply an idiot narcissist. Why? Well... he's back at it

"I see! So you have been enslaved by this homunculus!" he said getting up and moving a tuft of hair “But don't worry! It will be me, Robert Patterver, son of Count Patterver, who will free you from his yoke!"

Whit that statement, the women who until recently surrounded him and had become envious of Lilith because of Robert's assertion, were now whistling and wincing with red faces saying how heroic the asshole was.

I'm speechless... seriously. This one here not only presents himself now but even claims to be a noble. Ok... this is an idiot.

To begin with, the nobles are the equivalent of governors and many of them can boast of lineages that go back to the founding of the Thirus Kingdom as in the case of the original four ducal houses, not to mention that it is such nobles who give birth to almost all wizard of the kingdom. Even the Counts, albeit third on the hierarchical scale, are still important. To avoid possible kidnappings or at least prevent these rulers at risk, the noble district was built on the island where the royal palace is located and already there you can find prestigious designer shops, parks, and even brothels. Consequently, what is a Count's son doing in the common district? And what's more, without an escort?

".......Repeat it."

Absorbed by that thought, I heard Lilith utter that word in a tone that was nothing short of icy. When I turned around, I noticed that my wife had a swollen vein on her forehead and could barely hold back her bloodlust. I felt instinctive to swallow.

“Don't worry! I will end it quickly and you will be free from his yoke!" he said drawing out the sword he held at his side

"Not that..." she began with a scary smile, to say the least "how did you define my husband?"

"If only you weren't under his yoke, you wouldn't call that plebeian homunculus your husband-"

"Hou..." Even though nothing had happened, the air around my wife exploded "you want to go and meet your ancestors."

As she said it, she was creaking her fingers and her usual non-smiling smile typical of when she gets seriously angry was very marked on her face. If we add that the air had exploded due to the mana she was releasing and above all her thirst for blood became practically tangible... Yeah. My wife is scarier than a dragon. But this one here has not yet understood it.

Unlike the people around us who froze as if they were stone statues, Robert was unaffected. Is it because he is focused on me? The fact is that some, out of fear, went to call the guards to stop the bloodbath that would soon take place.


"What?" she asked without turning

“Now calm down. You know I don't care how they define me."

“It's not the same for me. These lower beings must- "

"*Sigh*... Lilith..."

When I called her again, she turned around again, and without giving her time to open her mouth further, I kissed her catching her off guard and making her unnatural thirst for blood disappear because she was now too embarrassed for the act

"W-w-what are you doing all of a sudden?!" she asked, breaking away

"Calming and punishing yourself at the same time." I said squeezing her to me and then touching her soft lips with my finger "You don't know how many times I would like to die on these lips of yours."

"Graeval... not here..." she said blushing and instinctively lifting his hood as she looked to the side to hide her embarrassment. Adorable... and my carnal instincts were about to take over again.

"Then, when we get to our destination..." I began by approaching her ear. "I will enjoy every single inch of your body. What do you say?"


Now she was red as pepper and hiding her face with her hands. She was too pretty. Even all the men who were around blushed at the sight of Lilith in that state, while the women sighed. Robert was no exception. He was enchanted.

Taking advantage of the moment I began to accompany my wife towards the exit of the city.

“Wait yuck! You will not go anywhere with my future bride."

The guy recovered too quickly!

Feeling he was charging me, I promptly turned to face him. Robert was about to slash from above when...

"That's enough!" exclaimed a familiar voice

The blade of a broadsword came between me and Robert's sword who immediately stopped and retreated to avoid being hit by the foreign blade; when it hit the ground, the blade threw dust and made a gash in the ground. Turning my gaze to the person holding it, I immediately clicked my tongue

"How dare a dull guard to  interrupt my business-?!"

“Hou~. Since when are you so impertinent towards me... kid?"

Wearing a white military uniform that included a jacket and a miniskirt complete with boots, Ishgat responded to Robert's claim that was now sweating cold by the time he recognized her. After all, we are talking about a dragonkin, a race as feared as respected by all.

"No... well... Lady Rember... I..."

"You what? Making trouble again?" she asked and then placed the sword on her small shoulder "If you care so much about fighting, I can be your opponent."

“A-are you kidding?! I would never dare!"

"I understand... that's a shame." Ishgat said regretfully "Now, would you like if I give you any advice?"

"W-which one?"

“I'll close my eyes for the next five seconds. If I still see you here when I open them, I think your father and I will have a loooong chat~."


With that scream, Robert ran away as Ishgat finished the sentence. At least he's quick to escape.

"Really... that young man has always been good at escaping."

"I wonder why?" I asked her in a sarcastic tone

"Good morning to you too Graeval..." she greeted me and then looked towards my wife "Lilith...... why do you have a red face??"

"I-it's none of your business!" Lilith exclaimed looking away

“I understand…” she said and then turned her attention back to me “Anyway, I didn't expect to find you here. But I should have known after the rumors of Lady Belmont's alleged recovery."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I imagine."

After that statement, she began to clear the square with statements such as "There is nothing more to see" or "The show is over". Subsequently, she signaled us to follow her and took us to a park not far away, but still in a secluded place. When she made sure it was just us, she suddenly jumped on me, but I caught her with an iron claw.

“Did you take us to this secluded place just so you could attack me? What kind of pervert are you?"

"Come on! After leaving me without an answer, now you pretend that I don't put me on the line to have your child?!"

""Hey!"" Lilith and I exclaimed together

"Ahaha, I was joking, I was joking." she said giggling "But how serious are you?"

"It wasn't a topic to joke about."

"Yes yes, sorry... could you leave me now?"

When I let her go, Ishgat fell to her feet and pulled herself together and even putting her uniform in order

"Anyway, I didn't expect you would also care for Lady Cordelia's little sister."

“Just an act of goodwill. It was a way to show my intention to not have them as enemies though, there is one thing I have to correct you about."

"What is that?"

“Princess Bassilla healed on her own. I gave her simple moral support."

"Cured by herself?"

"They had put a curse on her," my wife said

"What?! A curse?! No... it would make sense..." she said rubbing her chin "Anyway, the royal family is grateful for the favor."

"Glad to know... now, if you will excuse us, we would have a honeymoon waiting for us."

“... Huuuuuh. Well, I'd like to let you go but you know, you should follow me to the palace."

"And why this?" I asked, slightly alarmed. What is it now?

"You know, unofficially there is the matter of the incident with the Count's son."

"...... And officially?"

“The Archbishop wants to meet Guardian and the royal family would also like to speak with you again. In particular, little Sarity is a little angry after the way you left a few days ago."

“Hou~? What if I refuse?"

"You can not. After all, you could be branded as a criminal who attempted the safety of a noble."

"What if I kill yourself and erased the memories of everyone present?"

“From what they told me and I learned, it wouldn't be your style. Also because you would be officially branded as a criminal and some people know why I came to this district."

In other words, I lose more in refusing than I do in accepting. In the end, what I feared happened. When I looked at Lilith, even in her face there was an expression of understanding.

"What can we do~?"

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