The Guardian Chef

Vol. 2 – Chapter 18

I thank Element1990 for helping me commission the illustration of this chapter and the author YXXREM. To see more of his works click on his name.

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***(Graeval's POV)***

The day after the meeting between my wife and her ex-subordinates, Lilith wanted to talk to me about the Akiya siblings. They are (or at least were) active officers of the Royal Guard and among its most powerful members, second only to their late father, the one who saved Lilith's life at the last minute, teleporting her to the forest where we met.

Erguth was cheerful but very conscientious and his affection for his family was exaggerated, to say the least. It was a blow for him when his wife and son were killed in a human raid. Despite this, he still seems to be a good guy, or perhaps it is better to say, pragmatic.

Rislia too was very similar to Erguth and was the only one who could hold back her brother's excessive display of family affection but, probably after the defeat and disappearance of Lilith, she now seems to want to drown in her hatred and thirst for revenge.

I can't say I understand them. It would be an offense to them, as I never cried at my relatives' funerals in my old world... also because I died before them. Lilith on the other hand can. After all, it seems that the father of the twins was her teacher and also acted as a father figure for Lilith. When she told me about it, she gave the impression of being strong and that she wasn't giving it too much weight, but she never gave it to me to drink. I helped her shed the tears she couldn't shed.

Closed this parenthesis, the days passed in Fago... and also rather quietly if I must say it. After Sarity and Cordelia's last visit, the village was filled with people from all over and so I was afraid it would happen again as the Hero was now with the whole group. To my surprise, it wasn't. Or rather, it was predictable since we are in the middle of winter.

During this period, energy consumption tends to be kept to a minimum since it is impossible to practice some important activities such as agriculture. It is still possible to travel, but only if you have a carriage and therefore if you are a noble or a merchant.

Jack and his wives are always around disguised in simple clothes, trying not to be too conspicuous... which is impossible given their fame. Anyway, I understand that I am the reason for their visit: they do nothing but ask for Guardian and they go to inspect places where it seems I have been sighted. I've covered my tracks well so unless I reveal myself, they will never find me.

Despite the research, they are a regular customer of the restaurant, but I have the impression that the Hero is trying a little too much with my wife and I don't like it at all... just as Lilith doesn't go down the insistence of the twins. To say they are persistent is a euphemism.

Aphy on the other hand... she's the usual troublemaker who never misses a chance to court me, but every day she gets slightly better at her role as a waitress.

Now... back to us and our... series of unfortunate events...


“Ah! I forgot!" I exclaimed hitting my forehead

"What?" Lilith asked surprised

"Today I had to go get those candles damn it."

"*Sigh*...... don't give me a heart attack."

"Sorry sorry. Well, how about you anticipate me and open the restaurant yourself? I don't think it will take too much time."

"......All right. Make sure it doesn't take too long." she stated after a short pause "Be careful." she made sure by kissing me.

In response, I smiled at her and kissed her back. I went in the opposite direction to that of the Moonlight and headed for the shop concerned. Once the purchase was complete, I took a little-used alley. I stopped halfway and sighed heavily

"*Sigh*... I thought you lost the habit of stalking people."

Nobody answered, but I know that I have been followed... or rather, they have been following us constantly since they arrived in Fago. After all, after the late Ludmilla Westhead's bad joke, I raised my guard to the whole village and surroundings.

“Erguth... Rislia... it is useless for you to remain hidden. I know you are here." I said turning around

In the end, I did not wait too long and the two siblings came out into the open. Although they couldn't be recognized because of the hood, I succeeded since their intention was clear right from the first day: to bring Lilith back to the Demon Kingdom. Now, however, it seems that at least Rislia has every intention of killing me.

"A piece of advice, especially for you Rislia..." I began looking towards her "when you want to stalk someone, avoid letting your thirst for blood escape."

Rislia clicked her tongue, but what I told her is true. To perceive an opponent, one usually focuses on the presence, the thirst for blood, or battle emanating from others. However, my perception is much more precise as it is a mixture of the previously named and divination.

Now don't get it wrong. Although I can indeed 'see' the future, in reality, the more distant I look the less reliable the prophecy becomes. In the end, there is not only one future but multiple, each one influenced by a single event or gesture of every single living being. Ultimately, a prophecy falls within the reliability if you do not exceed 30 seconds, 60 at most. Once that period is exceeded, the reliability of the prophecy drops every additional minute that you look into the future; on average of 10% every 10 minutes. It is for this reason that I only use it in the battle to predict the immediate moves of an opponent that is difficult to read. But the discourse changes relatively if it is directed on the intentions of an individual.

Even if it doesn't seem like it, the gestures made by every single living being reflect their feelings of the moment, for example, if a dog wags its tail is usually happy, if it has its tail between its legs it means that it is afraid, if it growls but has its ears lowered and half-closed eyes it has doubts about the danger of what is in front of him, etc. consequently, if I focus on identifying these small gestures, I can understand if there is a possible threat to the village, to my wife or me and consequently if I have to keep an eye on it or not.

In the case of the two demons in front of me, Erguth is dangerous but he looks like someone willing to negotiate despite everything, while Rislia would kill every single human being in this village considering her blatant hatred.

"So... what else do you want?" I asked with a sigh

"I would like to ask you to persuade our lady...... your wife Lilith to return to the Deshatia Kingdom."

“If you want to hit the rider, first hit the horse… huh? Fufufu” I chuckled

I don't say every day, but they always came to ask Lilith the same thing: to take back the position of Demon Queen and lead her fellow specimen again. I think their record has worn out by dint of repeating it. Given the constant refusals, they thought about asking me to convince her.

“Lilith was clear about it and I will support her every choice. After all, this is what a husband would do. Don't you agree... Messer Erguth?"

“Hmph! I can't deny it." he said with a half-smile

Having been married, I posed that question to him because he understands what it means to have a wife and a family. It could be called unfair, but leveraging the feelings of others during diplomacy is essential for it to be effective. We can say that with Erguth there is no need to use hard manners.

“I don't recognize you as her husband. And above all, you cannot protect her!"

“Rislia!! Wait-!!!"

Rislia was already striking a blow on my head. If you think you've caught me off guard... I'm sorry for you. I assimilated and focused the vibrant geokinetic energies from the earth on my hand and took the blade of the sword with my bare hand.


"WA?!" Rislia exclaimed

I felt nothing but a slight pressure and from my hand, which should have been cut in half, not a drop of blood flowed. After all, I have borrowed the energies from the heart, assimilating them and making the tendons like iron and my flesh solid as diamonds. As much as she tried to retract the blade, my hand remained steady and did not let go.

"How can you say I can't protect her if you don't even know what I'm capable of?" I began looking at her indifferently

“Kuh! Let go!"

"If you want to find out, I will certainly not back down, however... know that that will be the moment when you will reunite with your father and your nephew."

As soon as I finished the sentence, Rislia's gaze from the fearless that she was turned into that of pure terror, making her instinctively let go of the sword and withdraw as far as possible from me.

Hm? What did I do to her? Well, I simply created an illusion using the anger I feel and the bloodlust I manifest when usually I'm serious. Usually, when I use this trick, everyone sees me in the guise of a giant dragon with glowing eyes and flames from the nostrils. After all, the beast which represents anger more has always been the dragon, right? And since here too they are synonymous with panic and terror, I think it is a pretty effective illusion... no, I think it would also have an effect on dragonkin as the size shown is always double what one expects to see in a dragon. I'll have to test it if I ever get the chance...


I turned to the source of the sound and saw that Erguth was shaking and was leaning heavily on a nearby barrel. Accha! I forgot it has an area effect. Shrugging, I nullified the power and threw the sword I still held in my hand at Rislia's feet.

“I will tell you only once: regardless of her decision, I will support my wife and if ever crosses your mind to get your hands on the villagers and especially her, I will make sure that you join your deceased loved ones."

***(Erguth's POV)***

When he made that statement, I knew he wasn't joking. He was leaving but I couldn't move from fear...... that instinctive fear that repeatedly allowed me to keep myself alive.

"That human... is not... normal."

I said turning to my sister. She had fallen to the ground and was breathing heavily... her face full of terror... her cheeks streaked with tears.

She suffered the greatest effects of that presence... of that dragon that took Graeval's place for those few moments. That man... who can ever be...

“Ara ara! I did well to stay on the sidelines."

A female voice, like a murderous thirst, that we know too well appeared behind us. As if my joints lacked oil, I spun around and saw our lady as she appears in the eyes of humans, holding her cheek with her hand and smiling sweetly. But her eyes were empty and the mana, like her thirst for blood, which she usually suppressed seemed to explode into the air, plunging us into a river of pure terror similar and at the same time different from that experienced before.

"Mou. My husband gets too worried sometimes..." Lady Lilith began in a cheerful tone "not that I mind, but to lie like that to face you openly...... *Sigh*." she concluded with a heavy sigh

You mean that...

“It was obvious that we noticed you two. After all, I too had broadly understood what your intentions were." she stated as if she had read my mind "At first I wanted to come out of nowhere at the last to help him... but then I said to myself 'if they understand what it means to face Graeval, maybe there will be no need for my intervention'......... I must say he has exceeded all my expectations. As always on the other hand."

"D-did you see... everything...?" Rislia asked, who had turned around

"And in your opinion, for what other reason should I be here?"


My sister and I swallowed both at the same time when she asked that question. She is furious! I have never seen our lady so angry before!!

"First he offers you hospitality and then you insult him."


"Then every day you interfere with our moments of intimacy."


"And now you have even targeted him?"

"N-no... well... my la-"

"No? No what? Weren't you going to kill him?"

Her expression remained smiling and calm, but her eyes were growing empty. The mana she was releasing was creating an abnormal wind, so strong that eventually the bandana hiding her horns untied revealing them in all their majesty.

"Ara!" she exclaimed realizing that the bandana had flown away and then reached out to get it back. “Not good, it's not good. A deep breath..."

Lady Lilith took long, deep breaths. She got her mana under control and then tied the purple bandana back on.

““We humbly ask for forgiveness!!”” my sister and I said together, prostrating ourselves

"Ufufufu. Good children." Lady Lilith giggled softly. “Now I think you understand that there will be no way to convince me to return. So please go back and elect someone else."

"B-But my lady-"


""Y-YES SIR!!!""

Those were the last words we spoke to our lady before escaping. At that moment I realized that those two were made for each other... they love each other so sincerely that they are terrifying when they get angry.

***(Lilith's POV)***

"My goodness. What problematic kids."

"Did you think that when you said it?" Graeval asked hugging me from behind

"The part that I don't want to see them for the rest of my life?" I asked him staring at the spot where the two Akiya siblings had run away “Of course not. Even if they crossed the line, they were still my precious subordinates."

"I imagined it." he said kissing me on the temple

“But you were exceptional. I thought I was the only one who could terrify them up to that point."

"I have no secrets with you... but I have to keep some tricks up my sleeve, right?"

"Fufufu. I forgive you this time." I chuckled happily “And the candles? Did you take them in the end?"

"Of course." he started showing me some wax candles "Otherwise how can we have our romantic candlelit dinner?"

I chuckled again and stroked the bridge of his nose with my index finger, smiling at him. In the end, that wasn't a lie. It was something he had planned to celebrate our wedding anniversary. When I think about what will happen after our dinner...... Fufufu.

I started to move away from his embrace but his grip tightened and he rested his chin on my shoulder


“No matter what you decide... no matter what you do... no matter where you go... I will always support you and I will also follow you to the end of the world if needed. This will never change."

He trembled as he said it. Sometimes, he comes out like this, mainly when he has nightmares or doubts. Probably, at the thought that in the end, out of exasperation, I would agree to return to the Deshatia Kingdom, he was afraid of losing me because that was one of the places where they could not accept our relationship.

"Graeval............ thanks." I too will support you forever... and I too am afraid of losing you.

"Now..." he began, gently taking my chin, "the time for punishment has come."


"Of course. This sharp mouth..." he began stroking my lips softly "must be punished for her bad language."

"Good heavens......" I sighed "you want to reward it, don't you?" I asked him taking his head to bring him closer to me

"Who knows..."

Our lips joined again. We enjoyed that intense kiss without taking into account what was around us.

***(Jack's POV)***

I feel betrayed.

Ever since I met that woman, I thought for a moment that she too was here. But it wasn't like that. Lara is probably still on Earth living her life. I knew it and I am still aware of it. But every time I saw her, I feel those feelings I felt for her rekindle inside me... and seeing her with her husband, causes strong pangs in my heart. My conscience knows it's not her, but my heart...

I tried to talk to her, to look for even the slightest chance that she was in there, but each time I was rejected. Even today when I saw her alone, I went towards her to try to talk again, but I soon lost her in the streets of the village.

Not even a moment later, I felt a powerful mana burst from a nearby alley. Dark and dangerous mana. The mana of a demon. When I reached the point, I saw it.

There she was... standing in the middle of the alley staring furiously at two hooded figures. The mana I was feeling was hers and although I didn't feel it, every time she moved her lips, the mana was released more and more, blowing up an even stronger wind.

Then I saw them. The blue bandana flew off and two bull-like horns appeared before my eyes. And even in the two who were in front of her, due to the wind, I could see horns from under the hood.

I didn't want to believe it despite the mana but seeing that characteristic of demons I had the confirmation. Lilith is one of them.

I felt frustrated... no, I was furious. I didn't know how powerful it was and I couldn't be guided by feelings. I had to go back to my wives and tell them everything.

I will not allow a dirty demon to continue to wear the face of my beloved!

***(Sarity's POV)***

"... It's not a joke... is it?!" I asked hesitantly

“I swear to you on my own life. Graeval's wife is a demon."

I didn't want to believe it. When Jack had gathered us to tell us that he had gotten some very important information... I didn't think it would be that bad. And the fact that Jack himself saw it...

“We must eliminate her immediately! We don't know what dangers could bring to the village." Jack said confidently

"I agree, but we can't be rushed." Ridel said in a relaxed tone."Also, there is the possibility that she can use Graeval as a shield."

"It wouldn't be new." Emilyn said

At the very thought, I felt not only my heart but also my stomach ache. The idea that Graeval could be used as a human shield... that my childhood friend is in danger... What if...

"... is he under the control of the demon?" Ishgat asked concluding the question I was asking in my head

"You mean that she brainwashed him?"

"There is no precedent but with demons, you never know what to expect." Ridel said thoughtfully "Anyway, how do we act?"

“We cannot involve the inhabitants of Fago. We will have to lure her out of the country and eliminate it."

"...... We will wait for them in front of their house." I said looking up resolutely "They live on the outskirts of the village and since they always come back late, there will be no risk that my fellow villagers will be involved."

"Good idea!" Ishgat said with her thumb up

“Then we'll do this. Better get ready... it will be a long night."

Greaval, wait for me... now I come to save you!

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