The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 23: Raven Branwen Pt. 2

Still holding Raven Branwen by the jaw, Jaune considers her proposal for a moment… and considers the implications behind it even harder. Clearly, the offer comes from a place of fear… but there’s no small amount of arousal and desire backing it up as well. He can feel it in the way she’s clenching down around his cock, buried even now in her cunt.
Eyes narrowing, Jaune looks Raven up and down.
“Survival of the fittest. That’s your philosophy, isn’t it? The weak submit to the strong, and the strong rule. Yes?”
Raven jerks her head up and down in agreement, fearful eyes wide as she stares back at him. Jaune almost scoffs in her face, right then and there. It’s so obviously a façade. Her so-called philosophy is just a front she puts on to hide how big of a coward she truly is. In the end, despite her strength, she was little more than a fearful mouse, clinging to life as best as possible.
He could have told her so, directly to her face, but it likely would have either broken her or made her double down. And quite frankly, Jaune wasn’t here to be this broken bitch’s psychiatrist. He wasn’t here to be her therapist, to help her work her way through all of her insecurities and her fear of his Queen and himself.
It was abundantly clear, at least to Jaune, that this offer Raven was making was purely to save her own life. She had seen the ways in which he’d used his strength, had seen how he’d saved the people of Shion and Pyrrha, as well as the way he’d interacted with Summer, and rightly intuited that he actually cared about innocent lives.
And what more innocent life could she put between herself and him then a child from his own loins, grown in her womb? If she could just get him to knock her up, then once she gave birth to his kid, he’d have more reason to keep her around and not snuff out her life.
Her thinking was utterly transparent, and painfully juvenile… but if it helped Raven sleeping at night, then sure. Jaune would play into her delusions for now. He had no intention of killing her anyways, but this WOULD make it easier to direct her around going forward. After all, she couldn’t expect him to let her go if she was pregnant with his child, now, could she? Clearly, she didn’t think him letting her go was an option regardless, but at least she would be less likely to run with a child acting as both a perceived shackle AND a safety blanket for the cowardly bandit leader.
Shifting his hand from Raven’s jaw to the back of her neck, he begins fucking her harder and faster by the moment. She gasps, shuddering beneath him as the table he’s slamming her down on bounces and jolts with every powerful blow into her cunt.
“Very well. Seeing as you’ve proven utterly worthless as a leader, we’ll see what value you might hold as a mother.”
Raven blanches, but doesn’t talk back, hanging her head as Jaune plows her all the way to the finale. A few moments later and he’s creampieing her, filling her womb with his seed. Whether he’s actually gotten her pregnant or not is of course still up in the air, but it certainly won’t be for lack of trying. From now on, he’ll make sure to cum inside of Raven every chance he gets. She’d be less of a threat to herself and others if she was pregnant with his child, or so he figures.
Letting out a sharp gasp, Raven shudders beneath him… and then slumps back on the table, seemingly spent. Jaune doesn’t stick around to check on her. He pulls out and scoffs, giving her mound a harsh slap that causes Raven to yelp and jolt up from her sprawled position.
“Get out of here, cunt. You’re smelling up the place with your cowardly stench.”
Shivering, Raven climbs down off the table and tries to fix up her clothing as best she can.
“Y-Yes sir…”
She doesn’t make eye contact with him or Summer, as she hurries out of the tent. Where she’ll go next, Jaune doesn’t know or care. She knows not to try and run after all the warnings he gave her. She’ll be around when he needs her, and that’s all that really matters.
For the time being, Jaune lets out a sigh and tucks his cock away, making sure he’s not ‘hanging dong’ before he actually turns around to face not just Summer, but a very conscious Pyrrha Nikos. The two women are both staring at him and have been quietly masturbating as he fucked Raven in front of their eyes for quite some time now. Quietly… but not quietly enough to get past Jaune’s senses, no sir.
Summer just smiles as his attention falls upon the pair of them, the blind woman continuing to casually touch herself with no intentions of stopping. Pyrrha though, freezes up and blushes profusely, looking incredibly embarrassed at being caught out. Her hands immediately leave the spot betwixt her thighs where they’d been rubbing, and she even sits up straight, her head leaving Summer’s petting hand as she squirms self-consciously under Jaune’s gaze.
“Um… Jaune?”
Ah, right. He’s still covered up, thankfully, wrapped from head to toe to hide his true nature. But his eyes… his eyes are very much inhuman right now. Luckily, they’re also not quite the bog-standard Grimm eyes either. They’re the standard eyes of a Grimmified Humanoid, and Pyrrha has never met one of those.
“Hello, Pyrrha. Welcome back to the land of the living. Sorry for all the trouble.”
“I-I don’t fully understand… what happened?”
Shaking his head back and forth, Jaune moves over to a chair and pulls it out so he can sit down in front of Pyrrha’s cot. A glance at Summer has the blind woman finally pulling her hands away from her body, though the sharp edge to her smile lets Jaune know he’ll be satisfying her needs sooner rather than later, especially if he intends to make her wait instead of turning this into a threesome between him, Pyrrha, and Summer.
While that’s a tempting idea, Jaune isn’t trying to rush Pyrrha into anything here. And if he did start shoving his thick, Grimmified dick into the Mistralian Lieutenant, well, hiding his inhumanity would become a lot, LOT harder, wouldn’t it?
“It’s a bit of a long story. Suffice to say, I stepped in. I challenged Raven Branwen to a duel, and I won. Afterwards, I forced the bandits to heel by relying upon their ‘Might makes Right’ philosophy. I guess I kind of sort of took over the Branwen Tribe in the process of getting you swift medical care.”
Jaune shrugs sheepishly, even as Pyrrha gawks at him. After a moment, she blushes and averts her green-eyed gaze.
“You… I believe you. But then… why? Why bother to step in, after how we treated you? How I treated you?”
Part of Jaune was pleased to see Pyrrha feeling guilty. On the other hand, he didn’t necessarily begrudge her the choices she’d made. She’d been working off of faulty, incomplete information. And… she was barely more than a child. Mistral had shoved her in an officer’s uniform and sent her out here, while her father had paid Raven off to make her look good. And finally, Raven had intended on stealing Pyrrha and her people and the villagers away for some crazy new Kingdom project.
… It was possible Raven wouldn’t be the only one to consider that idea in the future. With all of those wild and untamed lands now suddenly free of Grimm, it was possible more of her kind would pop up here and there. Jaune would have to take a more proactive stance on that sort of thing, much to his chagrin. He was trying to be hands-off, really, he was… but in the end, he didn’t want to be the indirect cause of slavery. He didn’t even want to be the indirect cause of war, but he wasn’t sure what to do about that just yet.

As far as slavery was concerned though… the lands where the Grimm had once roamed weren’t TECHNICALLY Grimm free. The Grimm were just dormant, deep beneath the earth. So maybe, Jaune would wake some up and have them act as guard dogs, patrolling the lands and making sure none of the inevitable settlements that popped up were based on coercion or enslavement. And any that were… well, he’d have to deal with them.
For now, Jaune realizes he’s letting himself get side tracked again. Pyrrha is still waiting for an answer, after all. Thinking it over a moment longer, Jaune gives her one.
“I don’t blame you. You made a choice. As a leader, that’s something you have to do. And sure, sometimes it’ll be a mistake… but part of being a leader is learning from those mistakes and doing a better job next time.”
Those words… they resonate with him a fair bit. He’s been wondering for some time now if he made a mistake in how he removed the threat of Grimm from Remnant. He doesn’t feel like the act itself was a bad call, but he wonders if there’s a different way he could have gone about things. And maybe, if there’s a different way, he SHOULD be going about things now.
But then, that was the point of this whole incursion. For him to gather information and make an informed decision.
Pyrrha, meanwhile, seems to take his words to heart, but also slumps, her head hanging in despair.
“… I never should have been a leader in the first place. I would have been perfectly happy as a Private along with the rest of my soldiers. Someone with actual leadership qualities should have been Lieutenant. Instead… instead my father wouldn’t accept anything else except an officer’s commission for me. And all of those young men and women were forced to follow me into this mess.”
Pyrrha’s head snaps up at that, her eyes wide.
“M-My platoon… they…”
Jaune gives her a warm smile.
“They were all fine, last I saw. We left them behind in Shion. I’ll be happy to escort you back to them, once you’re fully healed. For now, though, you need to rest up. I promise I won’t impose on you any more than necessary.”
He watches as Pyrrha slowly rolls her shoulder, which at this point has mostly healed up already. However, that doesn’t mean her Aura is back at tip-top-shape just yet. And Jaune isn’t about to let her return with the job half-done. Still, he’s not surprised when a mulish expression appears on the Mistralian Lieutenant’s face. However, he IS surprised by what next comes out of her mouth.
He’s expecting her to protest that she’s already mostly healed and ready to return to her platoon now. He’s ready to let her down gently but firmly, especially since it’s the middle of the night. What he’s not anticipating, is for her eyes to drift down to his crotch for a moment before darting back up to his covered face with a blush.
“What if… what if I want you to impose on me, Jaune?”
For a long moment, Jaune just stares at the recovering Mistralian Lieutenant as Pyrrha blushes all the harder under his silent gaze. Then, the quiet is broken by a snicker from Summer.
With a sigh, Jaune palms his face and shakes his head. What was it about him that seemed to attract these types of women? Or were all women as horny as this, and he’d just never known? Either way…
“It wouldn’t be proper, Pyrrha. You’re still a patient… please focus on resting up, alright? We’ll talk more later.”
Pyrrha doesn’t look happy about it, but reluctantly nods and rests back on her cot again, slowly but surely. Summer, meanwhile, is grinning like the cat who caught the canary. On the one hand, Jaune is still very glad he brought the older woman along as back-up… but on the other, he’s not sure what he’s going to do with the conniving minx and her plans. Honestly…
“You’re no leader! You’re a fucking coward who cost us yesterday’s score! I ain’t sure what dirt you got on Branwen, but I know one thing for certain… if she wants to act like your bitch, that’s fine! I’ve got more pride than that!”
There’s a roar of approval from the onlookers at that, but then, that’s not really surprising. After all, the onlookers are made up of members of the Branwen Tribe, and no matter Jaune’s show of strength, he was an outsider and likely would remain so for quite some time. Honestly, he wasn’t sure he was going to put in the effort to be anything BUT an outsider.
Still, challenges must be met, and all that. As one of the bandits stands across from him, Jaune eyes him up and down. It’s a big burly bald type who clearly worked up some courage the night before in order to make this challenge today. With rippling muscles and a massive sword on his back, he’s apparently convinced himself, or perhaps been convinced by his many friends, that he can beat Jaune and take his place as the leader of the bandit tribe.
He had indeed upgraded from Raven’s torn wrappings to one of her spare Grimm masks this morning. Maybe it was a bit too on the nose, considering his true nature, but it had been easy enough to modify the mask, so it fit him well and covered up his facial features. It was a lot less stifling them the strips of cloth, that was for sure.
“I don’t waste words on dead men.”
His voice is moderate and his tone deadpan, and yet his words still carry to everyone in the area. For a moment, his challenger looks like he’s second-guessing himself… but then he gets the resolve he needs, and with a roar, rushes Jaune right there on the spot.
… Jaune could have taken the man down nonlethally. He could have let him live. Maybe it’s chauvinistic of him, that he doesn’t. But honestly… he doesn’t really care. He knows what bandits like this man get up to. He knows what sort of atrocities they’ve likely committed. And he knows, if their positions were reversed and this idiot bandit had half a chance, that he would gladly kill Jaune without a second thought.
The massive sword coming off of the bandit’s back and swinging around to try and cleave Jaune in half confirms that much. So Jaune catches it with his wrapped hand, grabbing the blade with his palm with ease. He stops it dead in its tracks, and then backhands the bandit across the face.
There’s a sickening crack that fills the suddenly silent area, as the bald bandit’s head turns much too far and his neck snaps, killing him on the spot. As his corpse drops to the floor, Jaune is still holding onto the man’s sword by the blade, though it’s more a slab of metal than anything else. And yet, he’s holding it aloft one-handed with no difficulties, something that several of the people around him likely make note of.
Dropping the dead man’s weapon atop his body, Jaune looks around in silence for a moment before speaking up.
“Anyone else?”
For the moment, at least, no one steps up. And so Jaune stalks away, like a predator on the prowl, knowing it was only a matter of time before someone in this flea-infested bandit camp approached him for SOMETHING.

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