The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 14: The Decision

After considering it for a long moment, the Grimm Prince makes his decision.
“I’m afraid you can’t go back, Professor Goodwitch. You must be thought lost. If Ozpin sends other agents, then we’ll deal with that as it comes up. But you… I’m afraid you’re stuck with us.”
For a beat, Glynda is silent… and then the fight goes out of her, a sense of calm and relief seeming to settle over her. She appears almost unbothered, in a way, as she rests there upon Jaune’s chest.
“Very well… I suppose I have no choice in the matter…”
Frowning at that, Jaune shakes his head.
“You are not… you aren’t a prisoner. But you must refrain a guest for the foreseeable future. I would rather not keep you against your will, but-!”
Summer’s voice cuts him off and he blinks as he looks to the blind woman… who in turn smiles softly.
“She’s already asleep.”
Sure enough, when Jaune glances back to Glynda, she’s fast asleep, practically drooling on his chest. Blinking again, Jaune lets out a low chuckle. Slowly, with some help from Summer, he pulls Glynda off of his cock and sets her down gently on the bed.
“I’ll stay with her, Jaune. You should probably handle the Missus before she does something ELSE entirely inadvisable.”
Jaune sighs at that, smiling softly. After she got over her fear of the Queen of the Grimm, Summer had become entirely irreverent towards the Grimmified woman. And Salem could do nothing about it but seethe. He’d made it quite clear to Salem that Summer’s problem with her was more than justified, while at the same time doing his best to keep the peace between the two women these past couple of years.
Still, as irreverent as Summer is, she’s not wrong. He should check in on Salem, just to be safe. It should be fine, he had initially set aside this entire night for the blind huntress after all, but… well, Summer looked like she had her hands full now, so it couldn’t hurt to make sure Salem was staying out of trouble.
Rising from the bed, Jaune gives Summer a nod. Even though she can’t see, she smiles and returns it with pinpoint accuracy, nodding right back at him. It still amazes him, how she trained up her aura and used it as a set of eyes. As far as her aura can reach, Summer can ‘see’. Not exactly the best for spotting off far away threats, but it makes her an absolute menace in close-quarters combat.
Leaving Summer’s room behind, and the sleeping form of Glynda Goodwitch behind, Jaune stops only long enough to pick up the woman’s discarded scroll. He lets out a slight sigh of relief as he finds no images on it. She was… perhaps not the best agent that Ozma could have sent on his behalf. She’d gotten distracted, hoodwinked, and ultimately subverted far too easily.
Not that Ozma could have known what was awaiting her here. Summer could be very persuasive with that aura of hers. Just as persuasive as she was deadly with it, in fact. And that, combined with her and Glynda’s shared history with one another… Glynda had never stood a chance. But then, how was Ozma to know that Summer was still alive? The poor man was flying blind, as he had been for quite some time.
Still, to find out that Remnant was on the brink of war? Jaune wouldn’t deny it. He was shaken. His decision to pull the Grimm back without saying anything two years ago had been based on two things. One, he wanted to be left alone, and he wanted those under his protection left alone as well. Who knew how many assassination attempts he and Salem would have had to deal with these past two years, if they’d been in the public eye?
But two… he’d wanted the people of Remnant to have a chance to expand without worrying themselves about the Grimm anymore. And sure, he’d known it would take time for them to accept that the Grimm might actually be gone and start making forays out into the unclaimed and untamed wilds but… he’d completely underestimated the human condition.
Logically, one would think that the scenario he found himself in now would have been the result of going with the other option. If Jaune had pulled the Grimm back, but also revealed his and his Queen’s existence, then he could imagine a world where the fear of the Grimm led to the Kingdoms declaring war on one another and fighting each other, rather than risking his and Salem’s benevolence in braving the wilds.
At least in that scenario, this would all make sense. But for Mistral to decide to make a land grab on Atlas, and from the sound of it Vale as well soon enough, when they had so much more territory they could be expanding to right now instead? It was ridiculous! It was insanity! It was complete and utter stupidity!
… It was, at its core, so very fucking human. Fuck!
The wall craters, as Jaune stops and punches a hole into it with a snarl. He draws the fist back after a moment… and continues on his way as if nothing happened. The hole will be repaired long before anyone comes by to see it.
He wasn’t sure entirely WHAT he should have done instead. It wasn’t like he wanted to rule over humanity or the faunus like some sort of immortal despot and tyrant. He had no desire to herd them like cattle, as Salem had been doing for centuries. And yet, if he did nothing, they would destroy themselves. It was what humans did best.
Even when the Grimm were still a threat, they had their wars! Only Ozma’s constant behind the scenes interference over the centuries created any sort of lasting peace, Jaune knew as much from his memories and reading some of the books Salem had her human agents bring her from time to time.
But was that really his problem? Was he really to be expected to carry the weight of the world upon his shoulders? Arriving outside of his quarters, the ones he shared with his Salem, Jaune pushes them open, not sure what he’s expecting to find. The sight that greets him isn’t really a surprising one, however. In fact, he feels somewhat proud of his Grimm Queen, for finding a way to distract herself while he was busy.
Laid out on the bed, completely naked, Salem moans as she wraps one leg around a familiar dark-haired woman’s head, her thicc thigh bulging as she forces Cinder’s face to bury deeper into her quim. Young Cinder Fall is on her hands and knees, though with her spine arched and her ass high in the air at the moment, her toned behind squirming and wiggling back and forth, as she cannot squirm or wiggle her head free.
“That’s it, Cinder dear. More tongue, if you please. Mmmm~”
Salem’s eyes are drifted shut, which is why she doesn’t notice Jaune’s entrance at first. Cinder is even more occupied, so he’s not surprised that she can’t tell he’s there either. Looking at the two of them, Jaune can practically feel his worries melting away after a moment, a wicked smile gracing his features as his arousal manifests itself in the form of a fresh erection. As his cock rises and points unerringly at Cinder’s shapely, fit behind, Jaune ponders holding off for a moment… before deciding no, he knows what he wants.
Striding forward, he grabs Cinder by her hips and thrusts into her from behind before the young woman can so much as react to his touch. Her squeals send reverberations up through Salem’s quim, causing the Queen of the Grimm’s eyes to fly open in shock. When she sees him however, they widen in delight, and a lazy smile spreads across Salem’s face as she leans up, still pinning Cinder in place while reaching out to pull Jaune down into a kiss.
“… I did not think you were returning to me this night, my Prince.”
Chuckling throatily, Jaune begins to fuck Cinder, plowing into her from behind as he shares all that happened between him, Summer, and Glynda with Salem. To say the Grimm Queen is unhappy about Glynda’s spying is an understatement, but she’s thrilled to hear how Jaune handled it.
“You did well, putting her in her place. We’ll have to keep a close eye on that one… and a look out for anymore of Ozma’s agents.”
Rolling his eyes, Jaune doesn’t bother correcting her. He didn’t ‘put Glynda in her place’, they didn’t do anything that the beautiful blonde didn’t want to do. Without Summer, nothing would have ever happened between them, he thought privately. But of course, Salem wasn’t about to give the blind huntress any more credit than she absolutely had to.
Still, for the time being Jaune wasn’t going to bother worrying about anything except luxuriating in kissing his Queen and fucking their human pet between them…
The next morning, Jaune is both surprised and not when Glynda requests an audience. Somehow, he knew she wouldn’t just… let it go. Although, the reason behind the audience DOES take him utterly by surprise, if he’s being honest.
“I accept that I must stay, your Majesty. I promise I will not try to escape. I remand myself into your custody and place myself at your mercy. However…”
Salem leans forward at that, her eyes narrowing and her hands clutching at the arms of her throne. Jaune holds up a hand to stop the Grimm Queen from having an outburst, before gesturing for Glynda to continue. The blonde does so, after only a moment of hesitation.
“I believe you’re lacking in perspective, your Majesty. Remnant… Remnant will surely prosper thanks to your benevolence. Your decision to remove the Grimm equation, in the long run, can only be a good thing for both humanity and the faunus alike.”
Heh, what a backhanded compliment. Jaune keeps the smile from his face, and simply raises an eyebrow to convey ‘get on with it’. Glynda blanches and quickly does so.
“However, in the immediate, many are about to die. War will rage, and the suffering across Remnant will rise, possibly to greater heights than ever before. I am… not asking you to intervene, necessarily. I’m not asking you to intercede as the King of the Grimm and put an end to all fighting. To do so would be tyranny… and I do not think you a tyrant.”
Hm, he’d thought she was going to get to the point. But she continues to meander her way there. With a sigh, Jaune finally speaks.
“If you are not asking me to intervene as King of the Grimm, what are you trying to ask of me, Glynda Goodwitch? Please, say what you want to say.”
Beside him, Salem nods approvingly, though she’s not as upset as she started out as. Some of Glynda’s words have clearly pleased the Grimm Queen. Her next words, however, do not.
“I believe you should go not as King of the Grimm, but as yourself. Disguise yourself as a human and walk among humanity once more. Pick a Kingdom and travel there, live there for a time… exist among the people, and gain the perspective of their plight that I feel you lack.”
In the silence that follows, Glynda actually hurries up, perhaps detecting the rising bloodlust from Salem.
“There are o-options of course, your Majesty. As Ozpin’s Right-Hand, I was privy to information from all corners of the world. I think-!”
“You think, do you? You THINK?!”
Jaune sighs softly, as Salem finally rises from her throne, unable to contain herself a moment later.
“You would have my Prince put himself in danger?! This is a trap! My love, surely you can see that! She’s still working for Ozma! She’s trying to get you somewhere that he can snatch you up or kill you!”
“What, no, I-!”
Jaune holds up a hand. Maybe it’s rude to cut Glynda off when he let Salem have her piece, but that’s what he does. In all fairness, he does so because he agrees with her, and it’ll be better if it comes from him rather than her. Looking his Queen in the eye, he raises an eyebrow.
“She’s right, Salem. It may not have been your intention, but you made me half Grimm, half human. I cannot deny one half of myself any more than I can deny the other. And besides… I trust her. Do you trust me?”
The Grimm Queen all but collapses before him, hands on his legs as she looks up at him from the floor.
“O-Of course, my King!”
Smiling, Jaune reaches out and caresses a cheek, watching as she nuzzles into his palm immediately.
“Then trust me to make the right decisions.”
Looking over to Glynda, he raises a brow.
“I assume you have… options in mind?”
Indeed, she did, though they were somewhat vague. Glynda claimed she didn’t have a preference on where he went. Jaune didn’t actually believe that. At the very least, he thought she didn’t actually want him to get within spitting distance of Ozma, because she was afraid Jaune would kill the immortal man just to force his reincarnation.
And yet, Glynda still made it an option. There were four routes, the way she saw it. He could go to Vale, Atlas, Mistral, or the Menagerie. Jaune was a little surprised by that last one, because from what he understood, Vacuo was the fourth official Kingdom. But apparently, Vacuo’s location on the map and desert-like nature made it a less than appealing target for the warmongering Mistral.
Menagerie on the other hand, was directly south of Mistral, and there’d been murmurings about the White Fang pulling back to the island nation for some reason as well. Whatever was going on there, might be just as important as what was happening between Mistral and Atlas. Then again, it might not be.
If Jaune had to put a name to it, he’d say Glynda was subtly, and perhaps even unconsciously, pushing Mistral the hardest, Atlas the second hardest, and not really pushing Menagerie or Vale at all. They were options to be sure, but just that… options.
She was trying her best to be impartial, but it was clear her own biases were reflecting her true desires. She wanted him to choose Atlas or Mistral because that was where the human conflict was focused, and if he witnessed it first hand, he might actually decide to do something about it.
On the other hand, Summer’s daughters were in Vale, weren’t they? And Menagerie… part of Jaune, a Grimm part, felt a sort of kinship with the faunus and their suffering at the hands of humanity. Maybe they deserved his ‘perspective’ most of all?
Four choices. Four routes. The only thing left to do was to choose one.

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