The Great Storyteller

Chapter 332 - Language of God and a Violinist (5)

Chapter 332: Language of God and a Violinist (5)

Translated by: ShawnSuh

Edited by: SootyOwl

“You mean for research purposes?” Jang Mi had asked after a long pause.


“Wait, who?”


The wave of emotions she had felt back then were still vivid in the editor’s mind to that day. Looking at Myung Sil sitting in front of her, Jang Mi said, “I’m tellin’ you, I’ve yet to come across anybody as interesting as Mr. Woo.”

The young author had gone into the military quietly, which was something he had been meaning to do for some time. As his editor, Jang Mi had respected his decision and cooperated. Myung Sil asked her about the smallest of details, and Jang Mi gave her preplanned answers.

“What’s the publisher’s standpoint on the Mr. Woo’s hiatus?” the reporter asked in a low voice. Letting out a small sigh, Jang Mi answered, “It happens to every author, but I won’t deny that I feel rather sad about it. We, as both the publisher and readers, were one of the greatest beneficiaries.”

Leaning back onto the couch’s backrest, Myung Sil said, “Personally, I felt like I had sent my own son off into the military.”

“Well, you know the saying: hunger’s the best seasoning there is. I’m sure it’ll be worth the wait,” Jang Mi said, chuckling quietly.

“I didn’t realize it could be this agonizing to wait on an empty stomach,” Myung Sil said, and Jang Mi agreed silently. Then, the reporter rose from her seat.

“Are you heading back?” Jang Mi asked.

“Oh, no. I better go around and get some more information.”

Then, checking the email that had just arrived, the reporter added, “I’m meeting with other authors.”

‘Yun Woo, the Genius Author, Goes into the Military, Leaving Fans and Publishers Shocked.’

‘Yun Woo Reported to Have Already Gone into the Military.”

‘The Web in a State of Mass Confusion. Yun Woo? In the Military? News Climbing Up the ‘Most Searched’ Rankings.’

‘How Old Is Yun Woo? His Recent Enlistment Catches Fans Off Guard. “I Will Do My Part as a Citizen.”‘

‘Yun Woo’s Recent Enlistment Leaves the Globe in Shock. Fans Overseas React. Military? Conscription? When Can We Expect from Yun Woo’s New Book?’

‘The Riveting News of Yun Woo’s Enlistment Catches the Attention of the International Media.’

‘The Enlistment of a World Class Author and What He’s about to Experience in the Military. Who Are Some of the Authors with Military Backgrounds? A World War II Veteran Author Shares His Story.’

‘What Would Yun Woo’s Life in the Military Be Like?’

‘”That Was Quick.” An Unhesitant Decision from the Young Author. Why is the Web Rooting for Yun Woo?’

‘The Beauty of a Dutiful Citizen. Compliments from Fans to Yun Woo Pour Out.’

‘Yun Woo’s New Look? The Perfection That Is Yun Woo.’

‘Who are Some of the Celebrities Burdened by Military Duty? What Makes Yun Woo’s Decision to Enlist Unique?’

‘The Publishers Speak on Yun Woo’s Recent Enlistment: “We Already Knew.”‘

‘Two Years Without Yun Woo. “We’ll Be Waiting.”‘

‘Fans and Critics Alike Applaud Yun Woo’s Recent Decision to Go Into the Military.’

‘How Will Things Change without Yun Woo for the Next Two Years? The Absence of the Genius Felt by Many.’

‘Yun Woo’s Fellow Authors Speak on his Enlistment: “He Didn’t Say Much. He Didn’t Seem Nervous Either.”‘

‘Comments: 1523.’

“How dare he just disappear like that?” Seo Joong asked as he put the pool cue down. He had just gotten off an urgent phone interview. Since the news of Yun Woo’s enlistment had finally gotten out, Seo Joong was relieved that he no longer needed to keep it a secret that he had been asked about it by the young author. As always, Dong Gil gave him a look of disdain.

“They called you yesterday. You just happened to miss it.”

“I was sleeping!”

“Till six in the evening?”

“What’s wrong with that? I didn’t go to bed until 10:00 a.m that day!” Seo Joong said confidently and added, “Because I was writing.”

Of course, instead of giving an answer, Dong Gil flipped the page of the book he had been reading. Looking at his laptop on the pool table, Seo Joong said, “People seem to have taken it well.”

“Well, it’s nothing to get offended about.”

“Good for him. I was really taken aback. Sometimes, I get a feeling that he acts without thinking.”

“Coming from you, that’s rich.”

“Think about it! He’s doing so well and he just disappears and goes into the military! If I were in his position, I’d stall as long as I could. Remember how miserable we were when we had to go?”

“It was like being dragged to the slaughterhouse.”

“OK, that’s a little dramatic.”

The two authors had dreaded going into the military. Unfortunately, it was one of the things that needed to be done regardless of one’s preference, which had made them even sadder.

“I wonder if he’s afraid he’ll be forgotten?” Seo Joong said, swinging the pool cue in the air.

“He’s never been gone for that long. Yet, he joined the military willingly. That kid’s a mystery.”


“But, what makes Yun Woo tick is actually pretty simple,” Seo Joong said as his pool cue came to a halt, pointing toward the cold man reading a book by Hemingway.

“Maybe he was looking for something. Kind of like when I went to Russia,” Dong Gil said. As Seo Joong picked up a ball from the table, Dong Gil closed the book.

“So? Did he tell you anything?” Seo Joong asked.

“He’s writing a sequel, apparently.”

“A sequel?”

“To ‘Language of God.’”

At that, Seo Joong’s eyes were filled with life.

“This is gonna be about the past, isn’t it?”

“It’s probably going to be about war.”

“Hence, the military?”

“I’d figure so.”

Then, Seo Joong laid himself on the pool table, and a ball came rolling out from under his buttocks. The Sun shone directly on his face, changing the color of his eyes.


Dong Gil was well acquainted with his friend’s attitude.

“Well, what about you? Any good catch? You even went all the way to Russia.”

“You could say that,” Dong Gil said. In reality, he was quite satisfied with the product.

“You’re actually really happy with how it turned out, huh?”

“… I won’t deny it.”

Then, Dong Gil took out a plethora of data he had been keeping for a long time. If he hadn’t been satisfied by it, then he would have never taken it out willingly. Meanwhile, Seo Joong saw an ominous smile on his friend’s face. Dong Gil’s new spy novel would surely be a masterpiece. On top of that, the timing was just right.

“You don’t think people will forget about Juho when your book comes out, do you?”

That time, rather than making a judgmental remark as he normally would, Dong Gil replied, “That would be interesting.”

There was a subtle sense of playfulness in his cold, low voice Meawhile, Seo Joong spun the cue ball on the table and made a shot.

“I’m telling Yun Woo.”

“Why am I not surprised?”

At that moment, a thunderous roar came from Seo Joong’s stomach. While Dong Gil’s face twisted into a scowl, Seo Joong cackled and said, “I’m gettin’ hungry. Maybe we should’ve just gone to the outing.”

“You said you didn’t feel like going out. Besides, it’s already late.”

“You’re right. Let’s get delivery.”

“You do that. I’m going out.”

“C’mon! I’m buying!”

In the end, the two ended up eating much later into the evening after an unnecessarily long quarrel.

“Hoo, yeah!” Mideum exclaimed. Gesturing for her to wipe the beer foam off her lips, Dae Soo said, “Would’ve been nice to eat together one last time,” referring to the young author who had left suddenly.

Stomping her feet, Mideum also agreed, “I know! I wanted to ask him about a few things too.”

“Like what?”

“Like how he was feeling, his mindset; what he’s most afraid of; IF he’s afraid; how did he come to enlist… etc.”

“I didn’t realize you were a reporter?” Geun Woo murmured quietly and Joon Soo added, “Well, I do understand. It’s just that it was so sudden.”

“We did get to eat together before he left though.”

Before disappearing with the wind, the young author had visited Yun Seo at her house and stayed well into the night.

“What did you guys talk about?” a voice asked quietly from across the table. It was San Jung, dressed entirely in black. After a long period of research in Taiwan, she had returned to Korea just a few months back. Wincing at her question, Geun Woo replied, “That, we don’t really know either. He was talking with Mrs. Baek for the most part.”

The young author was probably paying her a visit out of respect. Although Yun Seo had invited Hyun Do to join them for dinner that evening, he hadn’t shown up.

“He looked like his usual self while we were eating, wearing that silly smile of his, without a care in the world,” Geun Woo said as if grumbling. At which point, Joon Soo added, “Geun Woo was trying so hard to scare him.”

“C’mon! He’s still young.”

“So? Was Juho intimidated?” Mideum asked, leaning toward Joon Soo, who shook his finger sideways exactly three times.

“Not one bit, which is why this guy looks disgruntled.”

“Of course,” Dae Soo said, resting her chin on her hand. The image of the young author being fazed or intimidated only existed in people’s imagination. People describing his age as being preceded by his demeanor had long turned boring. By that point, the young author was closer to reaching the tranquility of Buddha.

“It was so boring! He knew everything there was to know about being in the military! And this is his first time going into it!”

“You don’t say! How’s that possible? Does he know anybody?” Mideum asked.

“No, but it seemed like he’d been studying, though,” Geun Woo said, shaking his head.

“Studying? For what?” San Jung asked quickly, and Joon Soo replied on Geun Woo’s behalf, “It seemed like he was working on something war-related.”

As the utensils clinked against the plates on the table, the authors locked eyes with each other.

“How brave of him,” San Jung said, staring intently at her glass of red wine. War was made of flesh and blood, which meant the young author would have to face stomach-churning images repeatedly. Within imagination, it was possible to see even the most explicit details. Why do humans kill each other? What makes them desire or reject war? What does it mean to win or lose? What starts wars and what makes peace? Where’s humanity headed? The young author would be able to bring up such lofty questions to his heart’s content, and readers would search for answers within the book. It was a sequel to ‘Language of God,’ which meant it was bound to appeal to the masses. The success lay in how much Yun Woo could raise the quality of it.

“He doesn’t ever get tired, does he? That already sounds like a headache and a half,” Dae Soo said quietly.

“I’m tellin’ ya. He feeds on metal.”

“Is that why he went into the military? That’s some dedication right there,” Mideum said, her mouth parted open as if in disbelief, revealing the chewed up food within it. Then, offering her a glass of water, Joon Soo said, “I know he doesn’t act like it, but Dong Gil seems pretty confident in his new novel. He already submitted the manuscript to the publisher, apparently.”

“Must’ve had something to do with his trip to Russia?”

“He’s writing a story that’s been on his mind for years. I can only imagine how happy he’ll be. Besides, Yun Woo’s not around either.”

Dae Soo and Joon Soo locked eyes with each other. Dong Gil was about to reveal the story that he had always wanted to write. The subject, the story, and everything else.

“His spy novel does sound riveting, though,” Dae Soo said, and San Jung nodded quietly in agreement.

“I’m looking forward to it too.”

“Good for him,” Mideum said, pouty-lipped.

“I’m looking forward to yours too. You write some good detective novels,” San Jung said, chuckling quietly.

“I appreciate the lip service.”

At that moment, the door to the room they were dining in flung open, revealing the last member to join the rest of the crew that evening. It was Sang Choi, and he was standing confidently with his chin raised high. Seeing that, Mideum’s eyes widened.

“Lip service? San Jung doesn’t do lip service!” Sang Choi said, walking into the room confidently, indicative of the conviction behind his words.

“You’re late,” Dae Soo said. However, the romance writer remained unfazed.

“Work is more important than eating. I was really in the zone today, so I went on a tad bit longer than usual.”

“Come, sit here,” Joon Soo said, showing him to his seat. Glancing at the faces of the authors sitting around the table, Sang Choi said, “I don’t see Yun Woo.”

“Dong Gil and Seo Joong aren’t here either,” Geun Woo said. At which point, the smile on the romance writer’s face turned upside down.

“I’m sure we all know what I’m talking about?” he added, referring to the young author’s enlistment while crossing his legs.

“… My bad,” Geun Woo replied, apologizing reluctantly.

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