The Great Master of Martial Arts in One Piece World

Chapter 62 Xihai Underground Exchange

Jack led the team to Doflamingo's underground trading island in the Western Sea, Ronas Island.

Looking at the various ships parked in the harbor in the distance.

Jack turned to Francisco and said, "Adjutant, you guys wait here for my signal. I'll go in alone. Maybe there will be a good harvest today. Haha." He took off his navy coat and handed it to the adjutant on the side.

"Colonel, can you handle this... can you go in alone? How about I go with you?" Francisco took the coat and asked doubtfully.

"No, it's just a few small fish. This time I want to make the entire West Sea boil." Jack looked at the island in the distance and laughed.

After saying that, he lowered a small boat from the warship and sailed quickly towards Ronas Island.

The arrival of a small boat did not attract the attention of the patrol officers on Ronas Island.

After all, this is a commercial island on the surface, and there are still some ships coming and going. On some nearby small islands, ordinary people often come here by boat to purchase various things.

There are many ordinary residents on this island, and most of them are real ordinary people, not pirates in disguise. Because of this, even though this island was inspected more than once by the navy, nothing unusual was found, and they were later arrested by themselves. A small boss said there was a secret underground stronghold here.

Jack was wearing casual clothes. He was very sure that there was something wrong with the island. After walking around the island, he quickly found the hidden stronghold of the Don Quixote family using his Haki.

"Underground? There's really no surprise at all."

Jack was walking on a street in the center of Rhonas Island. He glanced at the seemingly innocent land with a bored look, shook his head, and walked in one direction.

It's a bit cold underground, but it's a brightly lit scene.

In a large room, there were about dozens of people sitting, and it seemed that a trade fair was being held. Although not every one of these people looked fierce, everyone's eyes looked a little cold.

The people here basically come from the underground forces in the West Sea, and are representatives sent by various underground forces. Although the east, west, south, north and south are far less powerful than the Grand Route, the scope of the sea area is much larger than the Grand Route.

Within the scope of the four seas, there are many countries and there are many dark underground forces. But when it comes to the Grand Line, there are fewer underground forces and the most pirates.

in silence.

A man with a cigar in his mouth said in a deep voice: "The arms this time have been distributed, is there anything else?"

"of course."

Standing on the stage in front, a middle-aged man with a scar on his face smiled and said, "Devil Fruit, I wonder if you are interested."

"Devil Fruit?!"

Hearing these words, many people present's eyes lit up. In a place like Xihai, devil fruits are still relatively rare.

There are also relatively calm people who speak in a calm tone.

"Whether you're interested or not depends on what type of fruit it is."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man on the stage said hey and waved, and someone brought him a plate with a durian-shaped devil fruit in it.

After briefly introducing the Devil Fruit, the middle-aged man placed the fruit on the table.

from various forces

The members, after whispering to each other for a while, began to make their own bids.

After a while, this devil fruit was quickly bought for a high price.

"Okay, now that the auction of the devil fruit that is the finale has ended, then this auction ends here."

"What a coincidence, you just finished the auction, and there is a Devil Fruit here." Jack looked at the Devil Fruit in front of him.

There was a strange light in his eyes, and he didn't expect that he would encounter a devil fruit here.

This is a real surprise.


"what are you doing"

Regarding Jack's sudden appearance, everyone present could not help but break into a cold sweat.

Jack slowly walked to the auction table, picked up the durian-shaped devil fruit, and prepared to put it into his arms.

The middle-aged man saw Jack holding the Devil Fruit and picked it up in his arms.His face changed instantly, he pulled out a gun from his arms and pointed it at Jack, saying angrily, "Who are you? You actually came to make trouble at the auction house of our Don Quixote family. You'd better just stay put. If you dare to come and rob something." snort"

Jack grinned at the middle-aged man and said calmly, "I'm not here to rob today. This..." As he said that, he stretched his right hand into his arms and took out a navy-style military cap, " At most it can be considered a seizure.”

Looking at the navy-style service cap on Jack's head, the whole place suddenly fell silent, followed by loud curses.

"It seems that the Don Quixote family is not going to be able to survive now. There is actually a navy coming, so there is no way to continue the transaction."


Various curses continued to be heard. When the security personnel outside the door heard what was going on inside, they all rushed in with weapons in hand.

The middle-aged man looked at Jack in front of him and saw that there was no alarm coming from above. Knowing that there was still room to turn, a cold light flashed in his eyes and he immediately pulled the trigger.

Several bullets flew towards Jack quickly.

Jack suddenly turned his head and grinned at the middle-aged man. He moved his body casually and avoided all the bullets.

"Should I say whether you are too weak or too weak?" Jack sighed.

When the gunfire rang out, everyone in the venue looked at Jack quietly, but when they saw Jack dodge all the bullets,

Everyone looked at Jack as if he had seen a ghost.

Jack grinned and slowly walked to where he had placed the giant shield.

He picked up the giant shield with his right hand, looked at the people in front of him with a smile, and said lightly, "Oh, this kind of dark environment is really not suitable for me. Let's give everyone some starlight."

Before he finished speaking, Jack held the giant shield in his right hand and waved it hard from bottom to top, and saw a solid force of energy flying into the air. There was a loud "Boom", and a huge crack was ripped open on the top of the head. Starlight sprinkled on everyone through the crack.

Everyone looked at everything in front of them stupidly.The fear is getting worse...

At this moment, the pirates under the Don Quixote family on the ground heard the loud noise here, rushed to the trading place, and surrounded Jack.

Francisco, who was on the warship in the distance, looked at the energy soaring into the sky and knew it was time for him to take the field. He ordered the other warships to surround the place and not let any pirates go. He led a ship of elite navy. Driving quickly towards the island.

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