The Great Adventure

Chapter 2: Jet Boosters

Upon entering the rock, Mushpuff found himself in a room which appeared to be some sort of spaceship control room, with all sorts of buttons and levers and dials. In the center was a chair facing towards a window through which he could see outside. This window was completely invisible from the outside. Behind the chair was a wall, but it had a doorframe on both of the far sides of it. Mushpuff walked through the closest one and was met with a room resembling a living room, complete with floor-to-ceiling windows on either side, as well as a rug, a couch, and a television. Astoundingly, there was another doorway in the back of this room, and Mushpuff continued.

This door led into a hallway with a door on the left and a door on the right. Each door opened on identical bedrooms with beds, desks, and trampolines. And windows too. Can’t forget those. In one of the beds was a non-suspicious pillow buried entirely under the blanket. Needless to say, the rock was much larger on the inside than the outside. Mushpuff decided he needed time to comprehend what the heck was happening and what to do about all this. He laid down on a bed in one of the bedrooms (the one without the suspicious pillow) and almost instantly fell asleep because he didn’t realize how tired he was.

When Mushpuff woke up, it was to the sound of banging and shouting. He looked out the window and saw 3 million cat-people and the IISODG in his yard again. Mushpuff went to the front door of the rock and opened it.

“What are y’all doing here?” yelled Mushpuff. “I told you to get out!”

“You totally lied,” said Wesley, who was at the door. “This is not your rock. We did a background check on all space storage owned by cats on this planet and nobody ever had a large rock. Now we need to take this rock.”

“Get outta my yard,” said Mushpuff.

“The IISODG has an offer for you!” said Wesley.

“Oh really?”

“We offer to buy the rock from you for 7 million Cat Credits!”

“No, go die.”

Mushpuff slammed the door in the face of Wesley. Then he looked around the control room to see if he could find anything that could scare everyone off. There were many buttons, but Mushpuff eventually settled on the one labeled “jet boosters.” He pushed it and large wings stabbed out the sides of the rock, stabbing a few people (by which I mean it sliced them in half), before the rock launched forwards through his yard, running over many people and crashing through the fence. Everyone was freaking out and being like “OMG IT’S MOVING!!!” After a bit of dragging along the ground, the rock started going up into the air. Mushpuff was screaming and freaking out. The rock’s altitude got higher and higher until eventually he was in space. Mushpuff could not figure out how to turn off the jet boosters so he kept accelerating faster and faster through space until eventually his home planet was no longer visible. It was at that moment that someone walked through the door behind him into the control room.

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