The Great Adventure

Chapter 18: Sand, Spikes, Soup, and a Sandstorm

The bear got out of its ship and walked into Hoofa’s hometown. It saw four fish made of cheese walking around, which was a little bizarre, but one comes to expect bizarre things when traveling around the universe. It looked into the windows of a couple houses before noticing something weird. Behind the fireplace in one of the houses was a secret entryway that someone stupidly left open. The bear walked inside and went down, where it found an open scroll on the floor of the basement. The bear took the scroll and ran back to its ship to report back to the other bears on its findings.

Meanwhile, the gang was traveling through space very splendidly. Nothing had gone wrong yet, but that was not about to be the case because of the fact that Hoofa had forgotten how to pilot a spaceship because she hadn’t done so in many years. Therefore, they all crashed onto a random planet, which has definitely not happened yet in this story. Luckily this time Bird ran into the control room and slammed the parachute button as well as the button which prevented the ship from exploding upon touching the ground. Unfortunately, the spaceship landed on top of the fuel tank and all the ketchup spilled onto the ground. It would’ve been safe but the ground was made of sand and all the ketchup seeped into the sand and it was a no-go.

Upon landing, the gang walked out of the door of the rock spaceship (Hoofa was riding her elephant), and they all took a jolly look around the place. It was a desert. It was all desert. In front of them, slightly to the left, was a completely random row of palm trees which had no relevance to the plot whatsoever.. But what did have relevance were the three incredibly massive spikes in the distance beyond the irrelevant row of palm trees. They protruded far into the sky, perhaps a kilometer or two high, and the one in the center was slightly taller. Above the three spikes was a rift in the sky. It was as if someone took a knife and cut through fabric, except the fabric was the sky. Through the rip in the sky was a purple nebula-looking place which was filled with stars and stuff.

“Oh boy, now what?” asked Hoofa.

“I say we should go towards those spikes,” said Mushpuff.

“I’m with Mushpuff on this one!” said Plagiarize.

“That sounds like a horrible idea, I say we should go into that random door on the side of that dune,” said Bird, pointing towards a random door on the side of a dune.

“I’ll just go where you guys go,” said Snorter.

“I’ll go where Gumpton goes,” said Hoofa from atop Gumpton. “And Gumpton goes wherever he wants to go.”

“Well that’s two for the spikes, one for the door, and two indifferent,” said Mushpuff. “That means we’ll go to the spikes.”

“Fine then,” said Bird. “But I’m going to the door. Hoofa, Snorter, follow me if you wish. Or don’t.”

“Go, Gumpton!” shouted Hoofa. “Adventure!” Gumpton promptly ran over Bird, flattening him into a pancake. “He has chosen his destiny! Lead us to greatness, Bird!”

“There’s no way I can resist that,” said Snorter, choosing to follow Bird and Hoofa.

And so it was decided. Mushpuff and Plagiarize made their way towards the spikes, and Bird, Hoofa, and Snorter went towards the door on the dune. As the narrator and author, I have the power to choose who we shall follow first, and I choose Mushpuff and Plagiarize. We shall connect back with the rest later.

Mushpuff and Plagiarize began their long walk towards the spikes, which were quite far away, but they were also not that far away, only far enough that walking there was a bit burdensome, but not that burdensome, because that would’ve been too burdensome, and we cannot have that. It was very hot outside and they were getting swiftly dehydrated. After like 20 minutes or something, they came across a strange sight. A cat-person was inside a cage being carried by a bunch of flamingos towards the direction of the spikes. The cat-person was a ragdoll cat. This information is irrelevant but I love ragdoll cats.

Upon seeing this sight, Mushpuff and Plagiarize hid behind a dune and watched. They did not want to be seen by the flamingos. Except the flamingos had already seen them, and before they knew it, they were inside the cage with the ragdoll cat.

“Oh my god, another cat-person!” said the ragdoll cat. “What brings you here? Oh my god tell me everything.”

“Hi, my name is Mushpuff and what brings us here is our spaceship.”



“SOMEONE LET ME OUT OF HERE!” yelled Plagiarize, who needed to get out after hearing Mushpuff’s terrible joke and having to sit through the awkward silence following it. He started banging on the walls.

“So. You said to tell you everything?” asked Mushpuff.

“Yes! Tell me everything!” said the ragdoll cat.

Mushpuff was sad because he had to tell the entire story so far but also happy because he was beginning to make a new friend. Mushpuff eventually learned the cat-person’s name. It was Klumpkrump.

“So now I will tell YOU everything because that’s how this works,” said Klumpkrump.

“Oh, okay!”

“So basically it all started many years ago. I was once a normal cat from the planet of Earth. Normal cats walk on four legs and can’t speak and don’t have much intelligence. But then one day the Destruction of Cats Organization formed and started to wipe out all cats on Earth. Luckily for me, my owner was a scientist and he was really smart and stuff so he teleported me away to some other planet where he knew cats were. But these cats were cat-people. Eventually I learned their ways and became one of them.”

“No way, you were on my planet!” said Mushpuff.

“Precisely. But then one day I decided I wanted to explore the universe because I didn’t want to waste my short life living on one planet when there are so many others out there. So I built a spaceship and left. I didn’t know how dangerous it was out in the vast expanse of the universe. I’ve been traveling all over the place searching for… well, I don’t know what exactly. Anyways, I landed on this planet a few minutes ago and then some flamingos snatched me when I was exploring and now I’m in this cage.”

“Wow, how informative,” said Mushpuff. “I have a once in a lifetime offer for you, though.”

“What is it???” asked Klumpkrump with excitement.

“You should join me and my group of people I told you about. It’s a fun adventure and nobody has died yet!”

“Great okay yeah,” said Klumpkrump. “I’m in. I just hope we can regroup with the rest of them.”

Now we shall travel back in time and follow Bird, Hoofa, and Snorter from their point of view. They made their way towards the door on the dune and when they reached it, they opened it. What else would they do? Stare at it? Are you stupid?

Behind the door was a small dark room with sandstone walls and a wooden table in the center. The table was circular and it was in very bad shape. On the table were three bowls, and each one was filled with what appeared to be sand.

“That ain’t what I expected,” said Hoofa. “What even is that stuff, yo?”

“There’s only one way to find out!” said Snorter, who ran to the table and gobbled up one of the bowls. “Mmmmm! This is really good! It’s like soup and sand at the same time!”

“Sand soup?” said Bird. “I guess I’ll try some.”

Bird walked over to the table and tasted some sand soup. He loved the taste, too. Soon all three of them had eaten all of the sand soup in the room and were wanting more.

“I wonder where we could find more sand soup?” asked Hoofa rhetoricalitatilly.

“Look!” said Bird, pointing to the wall. There was a sign that none of them noticed before. On this sign were words, and those words spelled the following sentence: “For more sand soup, go to those three big, obvious spikes in the distance (yeah, THOSE spikes).”

“Let’s go to those spikes so we can enjoy some more sand soup!” said Bird, Snorter, Hoofa, and Gumpton all at the same time.

They opened the door and were instantly blown away by the sandstorm that was there which wasn’t there before but was now.

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