The Gene Gamer

Chapter 90: End of the Test

"All students gather at the center of the island by noon" a loud yet clear voice traveled to the whole of the island. 

No matter where they were within the island, the voice succeeded in drawing the attention of all monsters and students. The monsters chose to lay low and quiver in fear while the students started going to the center of the island.


Entering the temporary base made by the school 2 hours before noon, Cylius walked in while carrying the spoils he acquired within his spatial pouch. 

There were ten stalls for checking the monster remains. The people who checked radiated the aura of third-tiers which made some discouraged to act up in here. So there was pretty little chaos here. 

The only thing that would sometimes make the situation chaotic would be the occasional powerful monsters appearing, their auras scared the students off. 

Not to mention their auras, sometimes, their sizes would also be ginormous, but since the temporary base was big, it wasn't much of a problem. 

Casually choosing a line to wait for, it was soon his turn. 

Wearing a yellow beard, the person checking him had a brown beard and seemed to be middle-aged. After seeing his mask, the person's expressions didn't change as he said in a dull voice. 

"State your mission accomplishment before showing proof" 

"14 semi converted and 1 peak second-tier beast." hearing his statement, the man was a little surprised as he raised his eyebrows. Taking a closer look at him "Proof" he asked. 

As soon as the man's words ended, bodies started appearing out of thin air in front of the man. 

In total there were 14 bodies, all of them radiating a fearsome aura. Apparently, they were all at least semi converted runic creatures! 

Along his way, Cylius didn't even bother picking the low-grade creatures as he only picked the semi converted ones. 

He wasn't thinking of submitting their genes. He was devouring the genes, they were much more beneficial to him than their bodies.

In a sense, this test was conducted to give the new students more opportunities to grow as the school bought the bodies at a higher price than the average. 

Along his way, he was even lucky to encounter two peak second-tier monsters fighting. They both ended up seriously injuring each other so he became the fisherman and killed both of them. 

He picked one up for the test examination and devoured the another. 

Although the runes he had absorbed weren't even worth mentioning compared to a whole planet, it still built his core a little bit. 

Upon seeing the scene of these large monsters radiating fearsome fluctuations, the students plunged into chaos as they constantly chatted with each other, trying to guess the identity of this anonymous person. 

However, they could see nothing through this mask. Not even the eyes were revealed and the runes inscribed onto the mask made it even more impossible to know the identity of this person. 

"Yuan, do you know who that person is? I could feel a dimensional fluctuation from him, he must specialize at it. Since you have also comprehended it, you must know quite a few people right? Is he any similar to any of them?"

"No... I do indeed feel dimensional fluctuations from him and it even seems like he has reached semi conversion rate. He also has that aura around him that is somewhat resonating with my Spatial Hole gene... he should possess the bloodline of a dimensional creature, a dimensional ghost at that...

Although I know many families and people that have dimensional bloodlines, his is unique, I don't seem to have a collection of it" 


"2200 credits. 12 average semi converted, 2 high tier semi converted and 1 peak. 1 average semi converted is 140 credits, 1 high tier semi converted is 160 credits and 1 peak second-tier is 200 credits." 

Hearing that, he brought out his token before showing it to him. When the third-tier showed it to him, the third-tier scanned his token before the number on his token changed and became 2200.

Nodding his head, he turned to leave. Just as he was walking back, he seemed to have seen a few people surround him. Obviously, they were there to bother him. It may be about inviting them to their group or discussing something. 

Although it may be beneficial for him, right now, he was hiding his identity so they would only become a bother to him. 

So, he chose to enter the dimensional space. 

Seeing him suddenly disappear with strong dimensional fluctuations appearing, the people once again went into an uproar. People who have comprehended the dimension rune, a top-tier rune, was rare after all. 

After seeing him go into the dimensional space, the people who were walking towards him shook their heads in disappointment. It was obvious that the man didn't want much attention.


"Hey! You bastard! How dare you steal my spotlight!" said a student with pitch-black hair. 

Previously, he had wanted to attract everyone's attention by bringing out the remains of powerful monsters but due to Cylius bringing out remains first, his spotlight was stolen. 

Due to that, he was now seething with rage. It was also obvious that his anger had clouded his rationality, making him not think about the situation properly. If he had thought things a bit more, he would've realized that Cylius was far above his league and there was no need messing with him. 

However, things had happened too quickly so there was no time to calm down. 

Looking at the person in front of him, Cylius squinted his eyes. This man would obviously not have appeared in the same dimension as him if he wasn't tracing him. 

The dimensional space people used to travel were unique in their own sense. There were many of them and there was a very rare chance that two people will cross in a dimension. 

Consider it like this. In every inch and millimeter of the real world, a separate dimension exists. When a person is opening them and traveling through them, they are randomly choosing one dimension and using it. 

What dimension the person would end up in is random and unless they are using the traces of a specific creature, they aren't able to manage which space they enter. That would mean even if two people enter the dimensional space at the same time and the same place, they would end up in two different spaces.

So in this case, unless the student that was before him had intentionally chosen to follow him, they wouldn't have appeared. 

Hearing the words he spoke too, it seems like he was intentionally choosing to trouble him. Since it was like this, there is no need to be polite with him too. 

Thinking this, Cylius flicked his fingers which resulted in the man immediately disappearing out of the dimensional space. 


"AAAAAAAAHHH" a loud shriek was heard as a person clutching his bloodied eyes came out. The shriek was so loud that it covered the entire base, as it echoed through the surroundings.

All attention was driven to the owner of the shriek as they looked on with curious eyes. 

Seeing the situation, they immediately understood. They weren't idiots, they knew that the person had just come to obstruct the path of the masked man and has suffered this fate. 

After realizing the situation, they gradually shifted their eyes off him. They had limited time after all. 

Walking through the dimension, he put off his mask before appearing at a random location about a few kilometers away. 

Through their spiritual sense, the fourth-tier lord was likely to have realized his identity. But he didn't mind. 

He was only hiding his capabilities from the students and not the lords, he would even like to show his true abilities to the lords. 

It didn't take him much to appear at the temporary base again. After showing his token as a proof to the third-tiers, he got into the spaceship and immediately went to his assigned room.

The bed nice and soft, he ordered a cold drink before plunging into the bed to relax.

Feeling the cold fluid enter through his throat before spreading through the entire body, he let out a white puff of smoke. The smoke was made up of tiny pieces of ice crystals as it immediately lowered the room's temperature. 

The drink was supposedly a special kind of resource that could strengthen the vitality and relax the nerves. Although it didn't have much effect on him, it still made him quite relaxed. 

"Hey brother Fin, aren't you amazing? Bringing that amount of second-tier monsters, brother Fin must have already comprehended 50%!" said a fatty to a gray haired student.

"Not to mention a mere monster at the second-tier, I could even kill a semi converted if I unleash my full power..." hearing the fatty say this, brother Fin side glanced at the lady beside him before beginning to brag.

They were traveling in a group, a total of 7 people. 2 females and five males. 

The two females seemed to be aloof and elegant as they held their heads high, emitting the aura of nobles while the five males followed behind them with the exception of one. 

One of the males was walking beside the two ladies, constantly bluffing to get the attention of them while the rest of the males were acting as a support, praising him to the ladies. 

Although they have spent much effort in praising their boss, the two women didn't even seem to care about it as they walked forward aloofly. 

Entering the room, the whole group was surprised by Cylius who was just drinking on his bed. 

However, the surprise didn't last long as a shout directed towards Cylius was heard.

"Hey, punk! Move out of the way. Don't you see these two ladies trying to relax? Get out!" demanded the boss in an arrigant manner.

Cylius who was being shouted at didn't reveal much emotion as he just sat there, not caring about them at all. 

Seeing him not reacting at all, the leader looked enraged on the surface but was actually contemplating on the matter on the inside. 

Although he might have demanded Cylius to get out of the room boldly then, seeing his reaction, he knew that something wasn't right. From the aura he was emitting, there was only three possible outcomes in case the person was staying calm. 

First, the person would be much stronger than his group so wouldn't care about him and his group. Second, he was completely oblivious to his aura which was basically impossible because the students that the Quintamore academy chose were the elites and there was no way an elite couldn't sense his aura. Third, he noticed the two women's beauty and didn't want to lose dignity in front of him. 

In case of the second and the third case, he could just showcase his strength openly and the matter would be solved but if it was the first case, he might have to abandon trying to get the attention of these two women.

All of this thought flashed through his mind in a mere second as he finally decided on what to do. He would continue demanding that Cylius to go out and switch rooms. After all, the chance of this person being more powerful than him is small because he was already considered to be top of the newbies and he didn't recognize this person. 

Sure, he might have been hiding his strength but the chance of it happening was small.

Besides, the two women were of extraordinary background, if he could gain them, he would be considered as striking it rich. Although he could see that the room's temperature was lower than normal, the women were too important after all.

"Punk! Didn't I say to move? If you don't know how to appreciate this lord's kindness, let me teach it into your flesh!" 

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