The Gene Gamer

Chapter 135: Constant Changes

So many mysteries... 

This was the only thought in Cylius' mind right now.

As his gaze just wandered around the ceiling and the room, his perception automatically turned on itself, showing him all their information unconsciously.

He was at first kind of surprised but now, he just ignored the effect altogether. 

His perception was changing. 

He could feel it. 

But it was also not alone. The rune inscribings on his soul was also changing right now. 

Whether in or out, the rune inscribings were getting blurrier by the time passes. Each second and moment made it blurrier, although it was on a very miniscule effect. 

His eyes, or specifically, the rune inscribings on his eyes that had been turning and drawing people into itself was now also getting blurrier.

It was threatening to vanish out of existence anytime. 

However, he still didn't care about. His reason? Because their functions didn't go away. Rather than the process of vanishing, it was the process of mixing with his perception; or in other terms, it was getting polluted by it. 

2 weeks later. 

'Only one day before the ship returns to the academy.'

The competition had just entered its finals, with only three or so matches before the competition ends. 

A lot of people were hyped in it all because other than the original rewards, there was an additional reward that had just been announced; this exact reward had left all the student regretful for not joining whether it was the older generation or the new generation.

The new reward was the chance to choose any pet of liking within the academy. This meant that the winner had the opportunity to choose a beast that had the potential to enter the third-tier!

However, all of it was irrelevant to Cylius who was actively playing the game - Lidora, which was based off in the world of Azreal. 

By now, he had already leveled up to level 20 and was preparing resources in order to ascend. 

During this time, his growth speed had astounded his other party members who now looked at him in a different light. 

He had also obtained the information on hidden classes. So since he had already gotten ahold of the information and sucked the God's Palm guild dry, he was preparing for the time to harvest their souls; albeit it might be a bit hard with the presence of Cold Mountain - the Tier 1 swordsman who was level 25. 

Just because of Cold Mountain alone, he was already thinking of whether he should quit harvesting the souls of the God's Palm guild. 

That was the general summary of the situation. 

Other than these, all others were calm except that he had to kill a student within the spaceship. 

He hid it well so it didn't bring any trouble. 

There were no other changes to him. 

So the remaining days went along peacefully with Cylius mostly spending his time meditating within the virtual game world in order to comprehend one of the three comprehensions. 

And just as he had exited the spaceship and entered the academy campus, a voice rang inside his head. 


It was a direct message to the consciousness. 

"All students are to go to their respective dorm and … Please wait for any further announcements" the voice once again rang. 

It was like an announcement albeit it was on a larger scale and that it was directly to the consciousness. 

However, the meaning within the message was obvious. 

The academy was locking them up within their rooms and asking for them to not do anything. During the time, they would get free food and such. 

But most importantly, the competition has actually been canceled by the academy. 

He didn't know what was going on but he didn't ask as he just flew to his dorm before entering it. 

The room was as still as cold as ever - just the nice temperature. 

Laying back on the bed, he quietly summoned the guiding core before clicking on the news section. 

And what caught his eye was the constant number of views talking about a particular matter - Lidora, the virtual game that the federation had just released about a year ago. 

"Authorities claim that this problem will definitely be solved by the next few days" this was the first news. 

It was about the problem of a glitch in the game which made the accounts of people who have died by the hands of certain people to get deleted. It made the players unable to log in again and furthermore, it even dealt some damage to their consciousness. 

There was even the case of someone dying due to shock in the soul. 

He could more or less guess the reason to this. 

It was probably related to the item - Soul Legacy or something similar. 

And the next announcement was the announcement by the federation which told that they will heavily invest into this game in order to 'train their military'. 

The third thing that had happened was that virtual gaming had become a job. 

Sure, there were some jobs related to virtual games such as streaming and guiding before but they were only on a small scale. 

They were mostly done by small companies or individuals who were composed of or were gamers. 

The truly big companies either didn't care about these jobs related to virtual gaming or created these virtual games. 

But now, it was different. 

Some big companies had actually actively been trying to recruit good virtual reality gamers, promising them great rewards in order for them to play Lidora for them. 

Play and explore the world of Azreal and in turn, the company will give a reward equal to the contribution. 

The unusual thing was that almost all of the large giants in the world did this and the small companies had no clue why they were doing it. But since they were, the small ones still rode the flow and also started recruiting players, albeit still having doubts about it. 

The fourth and the last thing was the Virtual Game - Lidora had actually become a program integrated into the various academies and schools. 

They were now also actively making their students play the game and become a faction on their own. 

As the leading and the largest academy, the academy Quintamore hadn't decided on a decision yet. But it was obvious what the decision would be considering all the choices other top companies made. 

'Heck, at this rate, the monsters would also cease war with humans the play the game.' 

This was the thought in Cylius' mind. Of course, it was a joke. 

With how things developed, the world really was heading towards this strange game called Lidora.

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