The Gene Gamer

Chapter 126: Quest III

"Recruiting players for a ten-player raid. Recruiting people for a ten-player raid" 

"Hey, you there! Would you like to enter the Wooden Sparrow guild? We are definitely among the best in third-rate guilds!" 

"One uncommon grade lvl. 15 sword for five silver coins" 

"Lvl. 20 common set for warlocks! " 

"Five lvl. 20 monster cores for..."


The situation in the stalls was chaotic. On top of the players shouting to sell their items, others have also gathered to recruit people. They knew that these areas where players set up stalls and sold their items were the most crowded, hence they had also gathered here in order to recruit people.

With the shouting from the bargains and the advertising all over, it created an even more chaotic situation. 

Even though he looked like a newbie, a person had already come to Cylius to recruit. 

"Are you a newbie? Then come to our guild! We, the God's Palm are composed of newbies who had also just joined. Even though we have a low number right now, we will definitely grow to become big one day!" 

Came a person with a gray robe and a pointy hat on his head. He also seemed to be a magician just like Cylius.

"Sorry, I am not-"

He was going to refuse the offer but he suddenly stopped and took a look at his stats.

[Name: Fried Egg Gourmet 

Race: Human

Level: 12 

Class: Shadow mage]

[Shadow mage: Class that uses the shadows and summons shadow creatures.]

This person had a hidden class instead of the standard class of mage. He was thinking of getting a hidden class already and seeing that this person had a hidden class, he might just be able to get something out of him. 

"What's the guild rank?" 

"Ehehe... it's not rated..." said the person awkwardly. Players would obviously not prefer to enter an unrated guild so he was a bit awkward as he said it. 

What more to expect from a guild made out of newbies. If the guild really was made out of them, it would be obvious that they wouldn't be rated unless they were special. So Cylius wasn't surprised by the answer at all. 

"But don't worry! Our guild leader, Cold Mountain, is a person who had become a Tier 1 swordsman even though he had only entered the game 2 months ago!" 

"Oh?" this guild leader of God's Palm really did seem like he was someone capable. 

To go through the class quest and become a Tier 1 swordsman within just two months was indeed those of a capable person. But this capable standard could refer to almost any second-tier genetician in the real world. 

To enter the next tier and become stronger, one wouldn't just need exp, they would also need other requirements. 

Like tempering their body or having to learn a skill of a certain tier... But besides that, one thing one would definitely need was comprehension.

By comprehension, he didn't mean the comprehension in real life. Although there were some similarities, it was quite different than the one in real world. The power produced from it was also different. 

Think of it like this, if the comprehension in the real-world amounted to strength, the comprehension in this game world amounted to skills. It was more a purer type of comprehension with less power. 

And it also had only three types instead of the countless number of types of runes in the real world. The three types of comprehension were the comprehension of melee, mana, and state. 

Melee meant close combat comprehension. For example, seeing the flow of movement and responding with the perfect counter. 

Mana was the magical flow of the world. Through it, one could do almost everything and the comprehension of mana meant that one would be able to see and sense the flow of mana and resonate with it. 

State, the last one, meant the general state of the world and you. It was the connection between you and your surroundings. It was resonating with the whole world and yourself. 

Melee and mana's effects were obvious, they increased one's strength in that aspect. But the state referred to one's state of existence. It was much more important and was a key aspect in the advancement through tiers. 

To ascend through tiers, the comprehension of these three were very important. At initial stages, it might not be much useful but the higher one went, the more important these comprehensions became. 

With the experience in dealing with runes, second-tiers will generally be able to comprehend the mana and melee comprehension easier than others. However, the comprehension of state could become a problem as they were just a little bit more familiar with them. 

"Then I'll consider after taking a look at the guild" said Cylius. 

"Yes! Did it!" said the man internally before introducing himself. 

"Then, nice to meet you brother. I am 'Fried Egg Gourmet'. What's your name?" 


"Hydrogen, I see. Well then, there are two more people in the guild except me and the guild leader. I'll lead you to them" replied Fried Egg Gourmet.

"Only four people?" answered Cylius somewhat dispiritedly. 

"Yeah, haha..." it once again became awkward. 


"Guild leader, I brought a new person!" he shouted as he looked towards a certain stall with two people bargaining something. 

"This was just 1 silver coin two days ago! Why did it increase by 50 copper coins now?!" came the angry voice of a woman as she argued with the seller. 

"It is a fire-resistant no aroma dust. With the new type of monsters that emerged yesterday, of course would its price go up!" yelled back the seller. 

"What does it matter! We already settled on the price then and you're changing it now? What about the agreement we had?" 

"Pluse, stop. If we can't bring it down, we have no choice but to buy it at the price. We need it" interrupted the male before glaring at the seller. 

"Sigh... ok. Be careful when you're outside as my magic just might be aimed at you" cursed the woman before throwing a pouch of coins to the stall table. 

"Hmph. I could choose not to trade with you but fine." said the seller somewhat annoyed before bringing out a brown bag. 

"Consider yourself for making a trade with our guild, tch" after snorting, the man and the woman left the stall. After looking around for a bit, they seemed to have they noticed Fried Egg Gourmet before walking towards them. 

"We got it cheap, yay!" the furious expression of the woman suddenly turned into a joyous happy one as she even skipped towards them. 

"He definitely didn't know about the recent increase in demand of those Fire Ants. What would'v been 2 silver 50 copper coins became 1 silver 50 copper coins. A whole 1 silver decrease. Heh, that no information loser. I bet he..." 

"Pruse, stop. It's enough" just as the woman had been cursing the sellerman, the man stopped her from talking any further. 

"Ok..." she pouted, looking like a child that had been snatched her treat.

"So Gourmet, who is this person?" the man continued on and asked Fried Egg Gourmet. 

"Oh, he is Hydrogen. He wants to take a look at the guild and decide if he will join" 

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