The Gene Gamer

Chapter 109: Game II

"The demonstration of classes are that way. Just a little bit away from the town training center" said Liam as he led the way, chatting along the way. 

He reminded Cylius of one person; Garen before he became demonic. He was annoying for sure, so it was better to just separate from him later after the class demonstration. Maybe, he could also make use of his abilities. 


[You have entered the training area.]

As they entered a large field with many wooden puppets lined along, they received a notification. It was the system notification abut the place they had entered - The training area. 

The training area was for the purpose of checking one's skills and abilities, and also experiencing what each class felt like. 


Name: Hydrogen098 

Race: Human

Level: 1 (1/10) 

Health: 5/5

Class: None

Title: None

Strength: 5

Agility: 5

Intelligence: 10

Mana: 10

Free status point(s): 0

Talent: None

Everyone had the basic stat of 5 at the beginning and could upgrade them through the traditional training or through putting free status points into them. But in some cases, some attributes would be better than the others. 

He was somehow lucky. Although it was probably due to the runes he had comrpehended. 

You could acquire free status points by completing certain missions or through leveling up. 

Missions could come in all kinds of ways, including NPC requests, certain circumstances and also through the system itself. 

And to level up, one would need to complete missions or kill monsters. Through leveling up, one would be able to acquire one free status point and one free skill point which they could use to upgrade their stats. 

One thing that could also be used to upgrade the status points are talent and title. Both of them could be acquired after fulfilling a certain condition. 

"Swordsman demonstration" 

[Demonstration of Class: Swordsman]

As the system's voice came out, he was transported to another place; a forest to be exact. And although he was still with his basic beginner clothes, now, there was a sword in his hand. 

The sword didn't look much good but it was still a sword. A weapon that could be used to kill monsters and creatures. 

There was also a monster in front of him. A giant boar that had red eyes and four giant tusks. It looked strong and also radiated immense killing intent, but right now, he was unexpectedly calm. 

Without his power, and within this frail body, he really would've fallen to the ground. It wasn't about willpower or anything, it was about the status difference.

Soon, the boar came running towards him. It was fast, extremely fast as it quickly closed the twenty meter difference between them. 

And the next thing that happened surprised him. Surprisingly, his moved moved on its own as it gracefully moved and then slashed towards the boar. The slash immediately stopped the boar as even its strong tusks were slashed apart. 

Its life was gone in a mere second.

"This!" with a shabby sword, he, or this body had been able to cut apart a strong tusk like that so easily! 

The secret was definitely not in the sword, but it was within the user. This attack contained a glimpse of the sword rune. 

But it felt like something better htan the sword rune although its power wasn't as much as it. It had a better quality but its power was lacking. 

[Tier 1 Class: Swordsman demonstration completed.] 

With this, he came back to his senses. 

After he came back to his senses, he experienced all of the classes he had in mind before going into thought. 

The classes he simulated were the:

-Swordsman: A class that uses sword. 

-Mage: A class that uses magic. 

-Alchemist: A class that produces and uses potions for attack and defense. 

These three. The main choice was the mage, since he could use his comprehension and become a necromancer or a dimensional mage. He was interested in the swordsman class because it was using the aspect of weapons and physical stats to attack. 

It could be integrated into his dimensional runes and become even stronger. 

And the reason for alchemist was obvious. Potions and pills were popular for geneticians because they could integrate the essence of monsters to be beneficial for cultivation. 

Alchemists are able to make lots of money and were always in demand. 

But since he could devour monsters himself, potioneering wasn't really useful for him. It was only for the purpose of making money and making money wasn't really important for him. Therefore, he removed the alchemist class. 

What was left was the swordsman and the mage classes. 

'If I were to choose the swordsman class just because I wanted to integrate the physical attacks along with my dimensional attacks, it would prove to be useless later on since I will be undergoing full evolution, and become a full fledged ghost. Becoming a full fledged ghost would mean combining the physical body and the soul to create a new existence. 

If this was truly so, choosing swordsman would mean the most beneficial choice because learning to integrate the physical and magical attack would help the process of integrating my soul and physical body. 

However, it was said that the ghost race's combination of soul and body wasn't sophisticated enough to truly combine the physical body and the soul body. It was only like the soul devouring the physical body and having a tiny change of characteristics, being more able to express itself in the material world. It said that only the supposed 'law beings' could comprehend the mysteries of the soul and truly combine the physical and soul bodies… 

So choosing the mage class would be the more beneficial one. It might actually help in my comprehension too. So, swordsman class will be removed. Still, swordsman might prove to be useful later on so I should look out for it in case I encounter a hidden class.' 

With this thought, he finally chose the mage class as his class. 

[Choose class] 


[Mage class chosen. Confirm?] 


[Confirmed. Mage class chosen] 

[Basic equipments given: 

Beginner mage clothes: 1x

Beginner mage robe: 1x

Beginner mage staff: 1x

Bread: 10x

Water: 10x

Beginner healing potion: 3x

Free status point: 1x

Free skill point: 1x

Random skill ticket: 1x] 

With that, his clothes changed to become those of a mage along with all the equipments. Checking his stats, it seemed that he also got a random skill ticket which would grant him a random skill. 

"Use random skill ticket" 

[Using random skill ticket: 1x... ]

[You have gotten the beginner skill: Fire Arrow]

'At the beginning, mages wouldn't be able to know what affinity they have and would only be able to know their affinity when they use a 'Attribute Crystal Ball' that are usually in cities or more advanced towns. Since I don't know my affinity for now, I will only be able to use random skills I have gotten instead of focusing on one element.'

The affinity - fire is the most common here. So it was expected that I get a skill related to fire. 

And now, it was for hunting monsters and levelling up. 

But the he now may not be sufficient enough to confront a normal mob by himself. So, he will have to make up a party to level up some more before going solo. 

So, he would be partying with Liam for now. 

"Liam, what class did you get" he asked. 

"Assassin, just as expected." Liam answered and then he turned towards him before asking "Mage?". 

"Yes. Should we go hunting now? Even though the mobs around here are for beginners and weak compared to the normal ones, we can't take them on alone" 

"Ok, lets do that. But do you think two people will be enough?" 

"Since I'm a mage and you're an assassin, both of us are offense type classes, we should be able to do powerful damage and kill the mob in a short amount of time. However, since we don't have a tank, we should avoid prolonging the battle or getting injured. We'll split the loot 50-50, how about that?" 

"Ok let's do that. We'll first try the spells we have and then go hunting." 

After saying this, Liam turned back before stopping in front of a wooden puppet. Then, he distanced himself from it, measuring while walking. 

After about ten meters, he stopped once again and prepared to do the skill he got. 

"Silent steps!" just as the word came out, Liam's body moved fast, almost traversing the ten meters in a second. The movements he made was also silent, not able to be detected by the ears at all. 

Within a second, he reached the wooden puppet and within another, he got behind it before positioning himself to attack the puppet. And on the third second, his daggers flowed like water as it smoothly slashed at the wooden puppet's neck. 

Although the attack only left a graze on the puppet, it definitely would've severed a head if it was a person instead. 

Three seconds to kill a person. Of course, considering Liam is undetected by the person. 

After slashing at the neck, Liam didn't stop there. Instead, he went even further and started a barrage of attacks. 

After ten whole seconds, he stopped his attacks before falling to the ground, tired. 

Then, he brought out water and bread before chugging them down. After chugging down two water and three bread, he finally stopped to take a break. 

What was left of the wooden puppet were many slashes, and particularly on the place where the heart was located, it had been slashed apart many times, stacking to become one big slash. 

After seeing him try the skill, Cylius also went out to try his own. 

[Fire Arrow:

Level: 1 (0/10) 

Launch a projectile towards a target within 10 meter. Deals 2 points damage and the target receive status Burn: -1 health every minute and works for 2 minutes. Requires 5 mana to be activated.]

"Fire Arrow!" a skill could be completed without the person saying it, but it required a high proficiency level in order for that to work. 

As he activated the skill, a fire arrow slowly materialized in front of him before shooting straight to the wooden puppet. 

However, it suddenly deviated off path and struck the wooden puppet next to it. His aim wasn't right and the fire arrow wasn't able to reach the target. 

[+1 proficiency] 

[-5 mana]

[State: Minor Exhaustion

Your strength and agility will be down by 10%.]

Even after casting only one fire arrow, he was tired. Exhaustion naturally came to him as he quickly took out one bread before eating it. The bread was hard and plain, hard to eat but he still managed to eat it. 

Thankfully, as more and more he ate the bread, he could also feel his exhaustion going down and when the bread was finished, his Minor Exhaustion state was also gone as well. 

[State: Minor Exhaustion gone. 

Your strength and agility will revert back to normal.]

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