The Gene Gamer

Chapter 101: Dimensional Spirit Core

Looking at the sphere-shaped rune core in front of him, a special glint flashed through his eyes. 

This, this thing was the rune core of a planet and contained the secrets of creating a rune core. 

It didn't have any color. It was practically invisible to mortal and only visible to those who had comprehended runes. It was constantly creating these colorless rune strings which made a slight change to the environment around it, it was by this that he was able to view it. 

After analyzing it for a while and determining that it was completely safe, he finally decided to absorb it. 

So, according to the manual of Dimensional Spirit Core, he should first enter the dimensional world before proceeding to the next step. 

"Go play" saying this to Fey, he finally entered the dimensional world. 

Going through the space tear with the rune core, he suddenly felt a difference in the rune core. It had suddenly become much cooler, very cold to the touch. At first, it didn't have any temperature nor appearance but after entering this world, it suddenly became cooler to the touch and also had a darker appearance. 

It was now viewable to the eye.

This change had been recorded in the manual to cultivate the core. It didn't have any side effects and even represented a good thing as it meant that the core was adapting to the surroundings. 

Now, what he needed to do was let out many souls and create a unique environment consisting of spirits and dimension.

With a bit of support, they should be able to become dimensional spirits.

Of course, only souls of second-tier and higher was eligible for this. Otherwise, they would just get corroded and then disappear. Even second-tier souls had a chance to fail. Only souls of semi convert would have a 50% chance at becoming dimensional spirits. 

Spirits were souls that don't belong to a body. As their connection to the body was cut off, they adapt to the surrounding environment to become spirits. 

For this reason, he killed all of the creatures he had stolen Crystalized Elemental Essence from and didn't expose them to the world. He only kept them in their containers so that they would remain as a soul.

The amount of second-tier souls he had numbered over a thousand and those of semi convert were around a hundred. More than enough. 

Since he discovered that the rune core was at a spiritual planet's level, he decided to release all of them.

So with a flick of his finger, all of the containers containing these souls were released from the spatial pouch. With another flick, they were released from their cages and came out. 

"What did you do to us?!"

"Where is this dark place- ahhh"

"You monster! You killed all my family and you dare seal my soul!"

"Beg lord for forgiveness and I might let you go" 


As he hadn't even touched them and it wasn't a much amount of time since they were sealed, they still retained their original attitudes. 

There was even a soul of a second-tier peak creature among them. As he had died from an ambush, he still retained his pride. Of course, there was only one. He had devoured the others. 

Anyway, now that they were in the dimensional world, they had no chance to hurt him. There were no rune strings here other than dimensional rune strings. Not to mention attacking him, they would even have a hard time surviving here. 

The dimensions would constantly corrode their souls and soon, they will turn into dimensional spirits. 

After a few days here, most of the souls had turned into dimensional spirits and only a few with strong will were left. Waiting for another three days, all of them had finally collapsed and became dimensional spirits. 

"Finally done" getting up, he began the next process. 

The first act was to enter the dimensional world. He had done this.

The second act was to create or find many dimensional spirits. He had also done this.

The third act was to draw in the surrounding dimension and make them enter the rune core. This would make the unique dimensional rune core which would only create dimensional rune strings. He had done this while waiting for the dimensional spirits to be done.

Now, the fourth and the final act. It was to absorb both of them at the same time. 

With this, he would be able to finish his core. 

Starting, he first picked up the dimensional core before placing it right in front of his chest. The core didn't need any hands to hold it as it just floated in front of his chest. As it had absorbed the dimension to the full extent, it was pitch black in color, perfectly blending into the environment. 

After putting it in front of his chest, the half-finished core of his started to react to it. First, it started to become agitated as it shook a little bit. After that, many little strings suddenly started to come out of it as they squirmed their way outside his body, to the dimensional rune core. 

At last, it finally connected to the rune core. Cylius could already feel the energy from it getting drained by these tiny strings. 

In fact, the quality of this energy was so high that even Cylius was shocked. But well, what to expect. This was the core of an entire planet after all. Who knows how many years it had existed and how many lifeforms it had given birth to. 

It was the accumulation of millions, billions of years after all. 

The next step was devouring these dimensional spirits he had created. He would take one and devour it as he also absorbs the energy from the dimensional rune core.

When the energy from the dimensional spirit enters his chest, it will enter a fusion with the energy from the dimensional core and result in a new type of energy that will create the Dimensional Spirit Core. 

During the process of fusion, he will have to burn large amounts of spiritual energy, hence the first step of creating the core. He filled it so it will act as a ready fuel. 

"What are you doing-" not able to finish his sentence, he was dragged into Cylius' mouth. 

The other spirits seeing this had a grave expression as they stared at Cylius. Was he devouring them now? Breeding them into this new species so that he could devour them? 

"Shit" one of the spirits cursed out. 


After some time, Cylius once again extended his arms to catch one of the spirits. 

However, this time, the spirits were prepared as they increased their distance towards him. Cylius didn't care about this at all as he had already locked on a spirit. 

His hands still extending, it seemed to have no end to its length at all. The dimension rules were distorted within this place; therefore, he could use it to his advantage and make his arm any length. 

At any moment, he could change sizes. 

He could even do this in the material world. Just that it will be a bit harder to do it. 

As his handed continued extending, it increasingly came close to the spirit it had chosen. The spirit that had been chosen couldn't escape at all as its body was locked in the same place; no matter how hard it tried, it wasn't able to move away. 

"Fuck you monster. I don't even need to move away. With the new powers of dimension I had obtained, I would be able to defeat you" as the hand became closer to it, it said in a fit of anger. 

Still with the angry expression, it opened his arms as it suddenly grabbed at the surrounding dimension, twisting it at the process. 

It just looked as if he had crumpled up a piece of cloth. 

Just as he had pulled the surrounding dimension towards himself, a great surge of vibration started to spread to the surroundings. It just felt like the whole place was trembling yet right after, the tremor stopped and shrunk to the size of a grain. The tremor was forcefully contained.

"Im- impossible" with a stupefied face, he only saw the hand that seemed to become larger as it closed by. In the end, the spirit just felt as if it was an ant next to a mountain, very tiny and also very weak. 

"No- no- don't get me please... don't devour me please-" 

No matter how strong it was, it was still a lifeform. It desired to survive. 

But Cylius didn't give it the chance. He had specifically created them for this purpose, why would he spare them? 

They were nothing but subjects created to serve for this purpose only. If not for it, they would've died already. 


Two months later. 

"That's it" saying this with a small smile, Cylius looked at the core within his chest. 

The previously white-gray core had now changed entirely. 

Its color had changed into pitch-black, absorbing all light it had encountered. Even if one were to direct light at it, it would just absorb it into itself. Without eyes out of the ordinary, one wouldn't be able to see its figure or anything at all. 

However, along with the darkness, there were also some strange colors of purple and blue. Some occasional dots that shined with all kinds of colors could also be found there. Generally, it looked like the starry sky. 

Powerful radiations of inexplicable forces could also be found coming out from it. These were the dimensional and spiritual fluctuations. If this core were to be left on an ordinary planet, it would surely stir some ruckus and cause natural disasters. 

If it was left on a normal asteroid, it would even destroy it without leaving a trace. 

Although it was usually just black, there some unique places resembling the night sky within the dimensional world. 

He didn't know why some places like this existed, he knew why his core was like that. 

The pitch blackness represented the dimension while the various colors of purple and blue were because of the dimensional spirits. As these spirits had converted from elemental souls to dimensional spirits, there were still some left traces of these runes.

The runes had polluted or rather changed their souls into these elemental souls. Due to some reasons, these elemental 'pollutions' were left in these dimensional spirits and now that he had devoured them and used them for the creation of his core, his core ended up having its characteristics. 

This was a side effect of him not finding any pure dimensional spirits and only creating them from elemental souls. 

Well, Cylius didn't care much about it though. There was a way to remove these pollutions and it would only take some amount of time. No need to linger on it. 

Now that he had accomplished his goal of building his core to completion, his goals for the current mission was accomplished. But well, he wouldn't stop at this at all. 


4 months 3 weeks left. 

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