The Gendered Crown: Rise of the Felinor Lady

Chapter 2

“Kitten? Pride?” I asked.

The woman's gentle smile radiated warmth as she introduced herself. "Here they refer to me as Nessa Rosewind. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

I nodded, still reeling from the shock of my transformed body. How could I even begin to understand this? I’m in a new body, in a strange place. "I'm Landon. And this is my friend Elias."

Elias grinned, winked and waved. A man of many talents. "Hey there."

I just rolled my eyes.

Nessa's cat-like ears twitched. She didn’t look amused. She turned back to face me, "We are Felinor. A proud race, though we've fallen on hard times recently."

Fallen on hard times? What does that even mean for me? I thought, my mind racing. What had I gotten myself into? She must have noticed the bewildered look on my face and the questions forming on my lips. Shaking her head, she continued, "Don't worry; everything will be explained soon. For now, it's best if you just follow along. I promise your questions will be answered later."

I pondered her words for a brief moment, about to inquire further when I heard an unexpected hiss. My newly enhanced sense of hearing caught the sound of distress coming from somewhere close by. Nessa and I turned our heads in unison, only to see another Felinor panicking, just as I had been moments ago. Taking a deep breath, Nessa grabbed a bag seemingly out of the air and hurried over to help them.

Elias let out a low whistle. "Well, things are certainly going to get interesting from here on out."

I scoffed. "You're taking this way too well."

"Relax, Landon. Sometimes you gotta go with the flow, you know?" But even as he spoke, there was a flicker of something in his eyes—something that told me he was as unsettled as I was, despite the grin plastered on his face. He emphasized my name and my tail ended up tagging him in irritation.

I opened my mouth to tell him exactly how unhelpful that was when a guard approached and politely gestured for Elias to follow. After a brief hesitation, Elias complied with a gentle nudge from the guard.

"Wait!" I protested, moving to stop them. Another guard stepped in my path, blocking me.

"Please join the rest of the Felinor group," he instructed firmly.

I glared at him, my emotions swirling in a tempest within me. This is ridiculous, they expect us to just comply without so much as a word? Who do they think they are?

Part of me wanted to resist, almost resisted to demand answers, but I found myself thinking of Nessa’s words. With a frustrated sigh, I relented and made my way over to the other Felinor.

As I walked, I couldn't help but notice the way the guards regarded me compared to how they treated Elias. The pretty boy probably has it easy, I thought bitterly. Life on easy mode. Must be nice.

As I approached the group one of the Felinor females, looking just as perplexed as I felt, approached me. "Hi there, I'm Kira. This is all so bizarre, isn't it?"

I simply nodded, not feeling particularly chatty. Kira continued undeterred, "When I woke up, some guard kicked me. Great wake-up call, huh?" Kira rambled on, her voice animated. I nodded absently, my mind elsewhere, tuning out the rest of her chatter. Why can’t she see how serious this is? It’s like she’s in a different world entirely. Her excitement grated on my already frayed nerves.

Another Felinor chimed in, “That is a rough way to wake up. I was pretty lucky and came to early on. The suits seemed to be much gentler at the start but seem to be getting more agitated as things go on.”

Kira nodded, “You know I was thinking the same thing!” she droned on. After a minute or so, I tuned them out, more annoyed by the noise.

After what seemed like an eternity of listening to Kira and the other Felinor ramble on, the guards rounded us up into neat rows and began marching us down a steep hill.

As we descended, I marveled at how effortlessly I moved in this new body. My tail swayed with each step, keeping me balanced, while my ears twitched at every rustle of leaves. The world felt sharper—every sound and scent more distinct, overwhelming yet exhilarating.

It is unnerving by how effortless this felt. The other Felinor and I navigated the terrain with ease, while the Humans and Elves constantly paused to catch their breath. Even the Dwarves seemed to be faring better than them but I imagined if you are crawling through a cave all your life you must be sturdy.

I couldn't help but overhear the guards commenting on how unnatural it was for us Felinor and Dwarves to be so unaffected by the hike. I figured it must be shock and amazement on their part. Some sounded upset but others kind of in awe. Is it strange that I feel proud? After all, I myself was still trying to wrap my head around this whole situation.

Eventually, we reached the bottom of the trail and came to a five-way intersection. More soldiers awaited us but with much more decorative armor, along with a few men in elegant robes. As we were ordered to halt, the Humans, Elves, and Dwarves were allowed to relax, but we Felinor were instructed to remain in a single-file line.

I noticed the human guards snickering, their expressions hinting at ill intentions. But it didn't bother me or the other Felinor, as we weren't even winded from the trek. As everyone settled, a man draped in red robes with gold embroidery stepped forward onto a small platform between the roads. His presence commanded attention, and a hush fell over the crowd.

“I am Master Alaric Feng, advisor to his Lordship and now the high priest of the newborn God Aetherion Luminaris.” His voice carried a soothing yet authoritative tone as he welcomed us.

With this statement some of the Guards made some hand gestures. I assumed a prayer to this new God.

"You are here because a new God has ascended," Master Alaric declared, his eyes sweeping over the crowd. "Upon ascending, Aetherion Luminaris brought life back to this once-forgotten world. His will was to select those of pure heart and fierce spirit—everyone here—to aid in its restoration. You were not merely chosen; you were called. You came willingly, whether conscious of the decision or not."

Murmurs rippled through the gathered people, a mix of confusion and curiosity. Master Alaric continued, "He is a just God for this chaotic world, and he has chosen you to help champion the return to balance."

Suddenly, a Felinor woman stepped forward, her tail flicking back and forth in agitation. "Excuse me, Master Alaric," she said calmly, yet firmly. "I must question the morality of a God who would tear us away from our lives without our explicit consent."

Master Alaric smiled, his expression one of patience and understanding. "I assure you, Aetherion Luminaris is just. Every person here made the decision to come, whether they recognize it or not."

The Felinor woman remained stoic, but I could see the irritation in her eyes. "I don't remember agreeing to anything. I should be home with my children."

A flicker of sadness crossed Master Alaric's face. "I am deeply sorry to hear of your predicament," he said, his voice filled with genuine empathy. "But I promise you, somewhere deep down, you made the choice. I will offer prayers for your loved ones, in hope of their safety and well-being."

As he spoke, a few guards approached the outspoken Felinor. She clenched her fists, her tail lashing. "Thank you," she said through gritted teeth, her gaze locked with Master Alaric.

He nodded, the pain in his expression palpable. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy for both the Felinor woman and Master Alaric. This is all too much for anyone to bear. It was clear that this situation was not easy for anyone involved.

Master Alaric took a deep breath and began to explain our new reality. We were on a new world, in an ancient kingdom that was once barren until the Gods descended upon it. The world, in its chaotic state, could not create life on its own, so the Gods brought willing participants to populate it.

"As time goes on and the species thrive, the planet grows closer to balance and new life can be made," Master Alaric said, his voice filled with conviction. "Chaos is an enemy to us all, and we must work together to restore harmony."

He thanked us for being here, emphasizing that we had all been chosen to play a role, even if we didn't yet know what that role was. He then delved into the details of the kingdom, explaining that it was divided into three pieces, with an emperor overseeing it all.

"You currently reside in the territory of Lord Liwen," Master Alaric revealed. "He has graciously agreed to oversee your acclimation to this new world. Today, you will be separated into camps based on your race, with representatives from each to help guide you."

He went on to say that we would be further divided into smaller groups and assigned a priest who would happily clarify anything we needed. Finally, he turned his gaze directly to the guards surrounding the Felinor, his expression soft but firm.

"For now, please, everyone, rest and regain your strength."

With those words, the guards around us Felinor eased their stance, allowing us to finally sit down. I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I sank to the ground more from the phycological pressure than the actual running, my mind reeling from all the information we had just received.

As if on cue, wagons filled with food arrived and began distributing meals among the gathered people. The aroma of warm, savory dishes filled the air, and my stomach growled in response. I realized that in the midst of all the confusion and chaos, I had forgotten just how hungry I was.

As I sat down, the other Felinor began to crowd around me, their curious eyes studying my face. They started introducing themselves, but I couldn't bring myself to say much. My mind was still reeling from the events that had transpired, and I felt like I was trapped in a surreal dream.

Suddenly, one of them commented on my earlier outburst. "You really freaked out back there, didn't you?"

I bristled at the remark, my ears flattening against my head. "Wouldn't you, if you woke up in a strange place with a completely different body?" I snapped, my voice coming out harsher than I intended.

The group fell silent, taken aback by my defensive response. I immediately regretted my tone, realizing that they were all in the same boat as me.

The Felinor woman who had spoken up earlier during Alaric's speech stepped forward, her eyes soft with understanding. "I'm Myra," she reintroduced herself, her voice gentle. "I apologize if we made you uncomfortable. We're all trying to process this too."

I stood my ground for a moment, my pride warring with my guilt. Finally, I relented, my shoulders sagging. "I'm sorry," I mumbled, averting my gaze.

Myra accepted my apology without hesitation, a warm smile gracing her features. She moved closer to me, her tail swishing behind her. "What's your name?" she asked, her tone encouraging.

I hesitated, embarrassment flooding through me. I wasn't sure if anyone else was going through the same internal struggle as I was exactly. Waking up as a woman would be someone’s dream but at this time, it is my nightmare. The name 'Landon' sat on the tip of my tongue, but somehow, it didn't feel right. In a moment of vulnerability, I let a different name slip out. "Lira," I whispered, the name foreign yet I felt, something.

My tail began to flick nervously as I realized what I had just said. Myra, however, simply smiled at me, her eyes crinkling at the corners. She moved even closer, her presence comforting. "Lira," she repeated, as if testing the name on her tongue. "How do you feel about being summoned here?"

I shrugged, unsure how to put my tumultuous emotions into words. There was something about Myra that made me feel at ease, like she had a motherly aura about her. "It's a lot to take in," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. I don't know what to think or feel.

Myra nodded, her expression one of deep empathy. A flicker of sadness passed over her features, and I couldn't help but ask, "Are you a mother?"

She smiled wistfully, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I am," she confirmed, her voice trembling slightly. "I have three beautiful children. But now..." She trailed off, her gaze growing distant. I don't know if I'll ever see them again.

I felt a pang of sympathy in my chest, and I opened my mouth to apologize for bringing up such a painful subject. But before I could utter a word, the wagon of food arrived, interrupting our conversation.

The Felinor around us began to stand up, eager to receive their meals. Myra gave me one last smile before joining the others, leaving me alone with my thoughts. As I watched them line up for food, I couldn't shake an uneasy feeling. When I said that name earlier I felt something move. What was it? Soon everyone returned and Myra handed me some. It looked like bread but was as hard as a tough cracker. I devoured it and for a moment just let myself stop thinking.

The guards barked orders for us to get back into our lines after we finished eating. I reluctantly fell into place, my stomach still unsettled from the meager meal. As we marched down the path designated for the Felinor, I craned my neck, desperately trying to catch a glimpse of Elias among the other groups. But it was futile; he was nowhere to be seen.

Disappointment weighed heavily on my chest as I trudged along, my ears twitching at the hushed whispers of the others around me. Some spoke of their nervousness, their voices trembling with uncertainty. Others, to my surprise, seemed almost excited about the prospect of this new world.

"I wonder what kind of lives we'll have here," a young Felinor mused, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"Lives?" another scoffed. "More like servitude. Did you see the way those guards looked at us?"

I couldn't help but silently agree with the latter sentiment. The guards' aggravation seemed to grow with each passing minute, their narrowed eyes and clenched jaws a clear indication of their disdain for our kind.

As the hours dragged on, my feet began to ache, and my spirit dwindled. If this is how we feel how about the guards? Just as I thought I couldn't take another step, a looming structure came into view. A wooden wall, its stakes pointed menacingly towards the sky, stretched out before us.

My heart raced as we approached the wall, unsure of what lay beyond. The guards shouted for the bridge to be lowered, and with a creaking groan, it began to descend. I exchanged apprehensive glances with Myra and the others, our tails flicking nervously.

As the bridge finally touched the ground, we were ushered forward unsure of our fate.

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