The game life of problem children

Chapter 172

The 'human' boy who suddenly appeared rescued the forest spirit in crisis, and everyone looked at the boy who was confronting the 'Demon King' Black Dragon with a blank expression.

"Is this really 'human'?"

Standing above and looking at the battlefield, True Red, her emerald green eyes widened, and she muttered to herself in a low voice.

Since it is the second in the sequence, the mutant of the fantasy species, its own defense is naturally self-evident, and if it does not use the strongest attack magic of the forest essence species, Zhenhong may not be confident that he can injure this 'demon king' black dragon.

And the young man in front of him actually just relied on a small stone picked up on the ground to directly open a big hole in one of the black dragon's arms, which was full of incredible scenes, making everyone present look at him speechlessly.

“...... Gui'an, True Red Nierbaren. "

Stunned, a pitch-black figure who spoke casually and smoothly in Mori Jing's language slowly appeared in the sight of 26 True Red.

"Who are you, may I ask that?"

True Red stared at the other party vigilantly, a dazzling light condensed in her hand, as if she was a magic that could attack at any moment.

From the faintly lit depths of darkness, a figure stepped out, dressed in an old cloth covered with animal skins, a fur-wrapped robe, and his eyes hidden by a low-hanging hood.

But she didn't launch any attacks. Instead, he unfolded the technique of analyzing magic, and then frowned slightly.

The slightest reaction from the elves was detected on his body, but he was able to approach him silently, could it be .......

"I'm just one of the cadres of [NogameNolife] formed by Lord Sixteen Nights. "

You can't just shoot at an object of unknown origin, that's what True Red thinks. The shadow shrugged his shoulders and replied casually.

"As you can see, I am a small 'human'. You can call me Riku. "

Figure, no. Riku smiled as he raised his hand to slowly remove the hood from his head, revealing his human appearance.

In negotiations, it is necessary to gain the trust of the other party first, and not to act in a way that arouses the suspicion of the other party.

Riku obeyed the words that came out of the mouth of Sixteen Nights, and removed all disguises and revealed his true self.

"Really...... What about ordinary humans. "

After checking it again, I didn't feel the oppressive atmosphere of Sixteen Nights from the other party. As he just mentioned, he is a really weak ordinary human.

And at this moment, Zhenhong's mind slowly appeared the words that Sixteen Nights had said to him before leaving.

- Leave the professional ones to the professionals, and someone will come to negotiate with you about this later.

How to say, if you leave all the most troublesome things to your subordinates, you are simply impeccable.

"He's the leader of your 'humans'?"

True Red looked at the self-proclaimed Riku Nian and asked softly. And the 'he' naturally refers to the sixteenth night.

"No, he is our 'god'--- the god of hope. "

In the face of Zhenhong's doubtful inquiry, Zhong replied with admiration.

"How ....... this?"

"I know what you're trying to say, humans are the only race that wasn't created by the gods. That's why we're the weakest...... But his presence gives us hope and saves us from the abyss of despair. That's why we serve Him as a 'god', our human 'god'!"

Riku said expressionlessly, and then he stared at True Red as he entered the working state.

"So, you also want to know the specifics of this 'deal', right?"

Riku smiled softly, slowly saying what the other party cared about the most.

"The same price will be paid to save the Mori Elite from this crisis, and to help you find all your Mori Elite companions who have lost contact with you. "

"What do you need? magic, or ......"

True Red narrowed her beautiful eyes and asked lightly.

"The magic of your forest essence species is absolutely impossible for us humans to Xi. "

Riku shook his head and said in a veto. There is also the use of magic, which requires the use of elves.

All living beings in Disbod contain elves in their bodies, and the lowest human race is naturally no exception, but the human race has zero adaptability to magic, and is destined to be unable to be powerful.

And yet—

"All the magic equipment of the Mori Seiko, and the method of making it, and the method of using it. And, join our NogameNolife. That's all we need ......."

Although humans have zero adaptability to magic, they can use 'elven devices', whether they are offensive devices, defensive ones, or even auxiliary ones...... are able to be used.

And among all the races, as the darlings of magic, the weapons they hold are the most powerful, not to mention the attack weapons developed by the genius of the forest essence in front of them.

If 953 can obtain these powerful magical weapons, and then master them, even the weakest human beings will be able to fight against those races below them.

"It's okay to join you, but those magical instruments are absolutely secret weapons for our forest elves. "

"You have agreed to this 'deal', so you do not have the right to make an opinion. "

Riku smiled slightly, half-squinted his eyes as dark as night, and said lightly.

"This ......"

Zhenhong was speechless, no wonder the teenager would let himself accept this deal without saying the content, it turned out to be such an abacus.

Underestimating humanity, no. The young man's wisdom was gone.

"Hmph, that's exactly what the adults expected. "

Riku took a deep breath as if he had known about True Red's reaction.

"In that case, let's increase our chips below. "


Zhenhong was stunned and looked at each other with a puzzled face.

"You... No, forest spirits, do you want to mend your revenge on the 'God of War' Art?"

True Red was shocked and discolored, and her face was full of incredulity.

Riku smiled again.

And that's... The stratagem of the weak. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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