The game came true, I created the first immortal clan in the history

Chapter 159

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Border City, Star Dance County.

The flames of war were extinguished with the arrival of the imperial edict. Those Wu tribesmen who had been driven away by the coalition forces of Xingwu County and Qingyun County walked outside the border city with their heads high and kept shouting at the monks walking with swords above the city wall. They Not long ago, Mingming ran away in embarrassment with his tail between his legs.

At this time, the monks who had cheered for victory not long ago only had despair and unwillingness in their eyes.

Mi Zhunqi, Prince of Xingwu County, held an imperial edict with a gloomy expression, which read.

[The Emperor's favor is so great that the Emperor cannot bear the loss of life on the border and authorizes the evacuation of twelve border counties...]

Li Kuanghua has the most violent temper. There is even blood on her body. This is the blood of the chief she killed on the battlefield not long ago. She is already yelling, "Fuck the emperor's grace! We are obviously the advantage." , How many lives have been left on the battlefield forever, and his broken imperial edict has made us afraid to fight again, and we are isolated and helpless, the bastard Human Emperor!"

"Disciple, please stop being rude!"

Ye Xiu frowned, walked up to Mi Zhunqi, grabbed the imperial edict, and burned it with his magic power, "It seems that our emperor is a loser. No wonder the Qing Dynasty has been unable to make any progress in more than two hundred thousand years." Mr. Wang, what do you think should happen next?”

Mi Zhunqi looked at the fireworks rising from the imperial edict and let out a long sigh.

This imperial edict caught everyone off guard. Before that, he had even prepared to wait for the victory of Xingwu County and bring all the martyrs to support other counties and cities. He saw hope!

And now...

He took a deep breath and said, "Xingwu County has my Mi family's inheritance. The Mi family has been here for 20,000 years. If this foundation is going to be destroyed in my hands, I really don't know how to face my ancestors. Uncle Feng , what should you do?"

"I have no idea."

Feng Chunlin shook his head. He and everyone walked out of the house. The scene at the border made them despair.

Everyone is evacuating!

The monks in the distance left in panic. An old man covered in blood and injured was kneeling on the ground. He was holding an urn. His old face was blurred by dirt. He was holding on to an old man walking by him. The monk's trousers, he shouted in a hoarse voice, "Don't go! We have entered the endless forest, you stay, we fight together, and enter the endless forest together!"

"Old man, how can we fight? Don't catch me. The imperial city has ordered that we have no support!" The monk originally wanted to kick the old man down, but when he saw him holding the urn, he gritted his teeth and pulled the old man up. " Let's go, we are all men, let's evacuate first, one day..."

The monk originally wanted to say that he would be useful and fight back one day, but feeling that the old man's body was getting weaker and weaker, he suppressed all his words and just pulled the old man away.

He could still hear the old man's deep wailing in his ears, "Brother, I can't leave, none of us can leave! My mother-in-law and my children were all killed by the witch clan in the village. I still want to take revenge, and I still want to fight for My villagers are holding on to the village. We can't leave! The people in the village will starve to death on the way out, and they won't be able to survive..."

The monks passing by heard the old man's cry, and they gradually stopped in their tracks, all of them with lowered eyebrows.

At this moment, they suddenly remembered why they participated in this war. The world is so big, they have cultivation, they can go anywhere, and they don't have to fight. Is it really that simple for just a few resources? Who the hell is fighting for that little thing!

No matter how selfish they are, they will even admit that they are evil.

But they know that this is their land. Those damn Witch Clan have set foot on their land, killing their people and destroying all the expectations they had in this land. They must pick up the butcher knife!

But now...


The surrounding monks only let out a long sigh, and then set off to flee again. That imperial edict did not allow them to evacuate, but destroyed all their confidence. Few people will fight a hopeless battle. They must admit that they are weak today and the day they will stand up again will be far away.

"Damn it, damn it! Damn it!!!"

Li Kuanghua roared in the main hall. A few days ago, this main hall was filled with the laughter of the Nascent Soul Ancestors after their victory. But now, the hall was covered with clouds and they were silent. In the entire hall, the only sounds left were Li Kuanghua's roar and the sound of smashing!

That imperial edict...

Their Taoist hearts were also crushed, and they were powerless to stop them. They were able to travel around the world, and the law

They had infinite power, but they could not save their companions' bent backs or win back their hearts.

They had seen hope before, but the disaster did not come from the enemy.


Two years ago, the monks of Qingyun County stepped on the spirit boat and flew on the sword, walked out of Qingyun County and went to Xingwu County for rescue. The spirit boats in the sky were overwhelming, and they seemed to be carrying the sun and hope in the sky. Now they seem to be returning with gloomy clouds.

That day they went there with cheers, but this time they left the border city dejectedly after returning, without saying a word.

The border city of Qingyun County and Xingwu County are probably the same.

The Li family also returned. They had everything ready, just waiting for the completion of the Shuntian witchcraft formation, but with the appearance of this bad news, they dared not take action again. Now they returned to the border city of Qingyun County, and everyone's face was gloomy.

Not only did they take away the Shuntian witchcraft formation, but they also failed in their mission to help Li Yaoqing break through the nine-nine heavenly tribulations. This also means that their persistence for more than thirty years has turned into ashes because of that scroll of imperial edict.

Two years ago.

They conspired with the Yuanying ancestors of many forces in this border city and killed the people of the Supervisory Department. They agreed to fight together in Xingwu County, but they did not meet on the battlefield, but came back together in disgrace.

"Thirteen thousand years."

The head of Qingyun Pavilion, Tianqing, had already broken through the Yuanying, with white hair and a youthful face, but now he has aged a lot. He bowed to everyone and smiled bitterly, "The foundation of thirteen thousand years has been defeated by me. I won't fight anymore, I won't... fight anymore."

With only a long sigh, Tianqing left with the disciples of Qingyun Pavilion.

Thirteen thousand years, they were glorious. They were almost destroyed by the Li family because of Xiao Huang'er, and they also helped the Li family because of their mistakes. Tianqing thought that the memory of Qingyun County was already in the past. He just wanted Qingyun Pavilion to start over, just like Yu Xian once said, to be reborn from destruction.

But no one expected this day.

The back of the departing old man Tianqing was so lonely.

"Fellow Taoists, we still have one year." Taoist Tiangui forced a smile and said, "Have you thought about where to set up a new sect after evacuation?"

Everyone was silent.

Seeing that everyone was speechless, Wanshou Mountain Wushou Tianshi also forced a smile, "When we reach the inner realm, I am afraid that those sect forces will exclude us. In my opinion, we really need to cooperate sincerely, so that we will not be bullied when we look for a Taoist temple again."

"Tieling is not bad. There are deep mountains and old forests there, but we need to develop it. But we agreed that by then we have a small base, and the younger generations will definitely make trouble. They fight, but it is also a training, but no matter what happens, our group is still companions, united against the outside world..."

Tianye Patriarch of Tianyan Guimen said seriously, but after he finished speaking, the Yuanying of Qingyun County did not reply again. Everyone was even more silent, and Tianye Patriarch stopped talking.

It was clearly sunny, but it was particularly cold today. The wind blew up their robes, making them rustle.

He could feel that no one really wanted to leave!

But they really saw no hope. Despair and fear were like maggots on the tarsal bones, crawling into everyone's heart.

For a long time.

Old Man Tiangui smiled reluctantly, "Daoyou Tianye is right, then... Tieling."

As soon as he finished speaking, these Yuanying ancestors looked at the Li family. Silence was the Qingyun border today. The Li family lowered their heads and no one spoke. Li Dalong, who was called the rock of the Li family in Qingyun County, clenched his fists, and the coffin and the coffin behind him collided!

"My dear relatives."

Feng Chunlin frowned, "Before my father passed away...he had a way out. Grand Master Lin has been fighting against the demons in the north for many years. There is a lot of new land there. You may as well go with me."

As he spoke, he saw the dissatisfied eyes of many Yuanying ancestors. He forced a smile and said, "You can go with my Feng family. We can still open up a new world. With the ability, why worry about not having power?"

While speaking, everyone looked at the Li family again.

Li Dalong still said nothing, and the Li family lowered their heads.

The air in the entire border city became thick. It was the anger of the Li family. No one knew where their anger came from. But soon the anger disappeared. Li Dalong raised his head, bowed to everyone, and smiled gently, "Let's go to the north. We are really powerless to change the current situation."

"The north is indeed a good place. We can live there for ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years, or even longer. There are new opportunities in the new land."

"Even if we don't consider ourselves, we should consider our younger generations. Let's not stay here. Go back and pack up.

Luggage, so that we can set off as soon as possible. "

He took the lead in bowing to everyone, "See you in the north then."

After speaking, Li Dalong and his wife smiled faintly at the children at home, and without saying much, turned and went to Merit City.

Many Yuanying ancestors stared at the backs of the Li family for a long time, and finally sighed together, said goodbye to each other, and went to prepare for departure.

Behind them, there was only the messy border city. They had fought here, their disciples had shed blood here, and they had paid everything that ordinary people could not imagine for the future of Qingyun County!

The sun was setting.

Behind them were the ruins of the human city. In the near future, the prosperous Qingyun County would be covered by forests, and the traces of their survival would be buried and forgotten along with time. The blood flowing on the ruins on those lands would also be covered by dust and eliminated by time.

All their efforts, more than 30 years of sacrifice and struggle, became meaningless.

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