The “G” Shield


Disclaimer - All the owners have their respective rights. I only own the characters that came from my addled brain (don’t worry, I am completely sober).


Canadian Wilderness

Research base jointly sponsored by the US Government, Canadian Government and S.H.I.E.L.D. 


Truly in the middle of nowhere, a military experimental base was formed out of an old abandoned Canadian Military base by the joint efforts of The U.S. Military, S.H.I.E.L.D. and a number of private contractors on the request or rather, an order of one Alexander Pierce, Secretary of the World Security Council, a political body that had, over the years, put its paws into every single important issue of the world.

One such issue was the Hulk.

Originally, the WSC was satisfied with keeping a watch at arm’s length as Ross made a fool of himself and the Army by going on a global manhunt for someone who he could not even contain if he wanted to. The WSC and by extension, S.H.I.E.L.D. were content in keeping a close eye on Ross’ movements to ascertain whether he was going out of control or not. This was fine for them because, by some miracle, even if Ross had managed to contain Banner without an astounding amount of casualties, the end result would have benefited them all the same. After all, Ross was carrying out such massive undertakings without the formal approval of the President who was just aware that the Hulk was some boogeyman who had fled the States with secrets of the Super Soldier Serum. They were in the prime position to blackmail Ross should he ever come into Banner’s possession and milk him for all his worth without even lifting a finger which worked fine for them.

Alas, it was not to be.

The events of 2010 had made one thing very clear for every single party involved. They were living in a new world now that would not wait for them to adapt at their leisure. Power was out there.

Pure raw untapped power that was just waiting for them to take. Sure, it was a bit simpler than that but the very fact that Emil Blonsky had been enhanced to the point that he was able to, albeit briefly, contend with the monstrous power that the Hulk had on hand was telling them something.

They were vastly outpowered when it came to containing threats like the Hulk. Thankfully, there was only a single Hulk in the world and they had yet to come across somebody who could even come close to the Hulk in terms of power. Blonsky had come close but after seeing the utter carnage that had followed in the wake of his petty fight with the Hulk, the President had pulled the cord and given the order for Blonsky to be executed.

Secretary Pierce, along with his impressive cabal of politicians had tried every possible method to dissuade the President from executing someone who could, one day, become an asset against the Hulk should he ever turn up and threaten their country but the President was dead set on making sure that someone like Blonsky never rampage in the middle of a densely populated area like Harlem. The President had even ordered for them to inform him personally should they have any news on the whereabouts of Banner.

Fearing a repeat of the execution, Pierce had banned Fury from even looking for Banner and even if he did find Banner, to protect or at least hide him from all the other parties. Ofcourse, Pierce never said it out loud but to someone like Nick Fury, superspy extraordinaire that he was, it was the same as someone shouting at the top of his lungs.

Thus, Fury had found Banner and had made sure that the man led a relatively peaceful, chaos free life and even hid him from all the private and extra governmental militaries that continued to look for someone who could wreak a city in a matter of hours.

The one good thing that came out of it was that Pierce was able to convince the POTUS to provide him with essentially unlimited resources to create countermeasures in case the Hulk was ever “found”, leading to the establishment of the current base where S.H.I.E.L.D. and H.Y.D.R.A. flew in their best geniuses along with poaching some from various companies across the globe and tasked them with recreating the enhancement that was given to Emil Blonsky. The enhanced Blonsky before he took in the Hulk’s blood and became the Abomination. Before becoming the Abomination, Blonsky was able to regenerate almost all of his bones breaking within the span of 24 hours, exhibiting recovery speeds higher than that of even Captain America along with enhanced physical attributes across the board, making him an objectively better Super Soldier than Steve Rogers.

Their primary objective at this base was to replicate that very same level of enhancement across the board so that they could provide their respective organisations with a new wave of super soldiers. Unfortunately, Pierce and by extension, .H.Y.D.R.A. had another plan in the making.

Underneath the hidden military base, located right in a valley surrounded by towering tundra, providing natural shade, H.Y.D.R.A. had built another base without the knowledge of any of the other stakeholders.

Daniel Whitehall, one of the more prominent scientists of H.Y.D.R.A had made startling discoveries in the form of an entire settlement of naturally enhanced people. He had even captured and experimented on some of them and had made astounding progress in figuring out their origins.

Pierce, convinced by the ramblings of Whitehall, had allowed him to experiment on the volunteers who had given themselves up for experimentation, knowing that there was a good chance they would not come out of that experiment alive. Whitehall, emboldened by the resources of H.Y.D.R.A., forced many of the volunteers to be dosed with the super soldier serum before forcing them to touch the Obelisk that Whitehall had in his possession, forcing them to undergo the process of terrigenesis or die in the process.

While the rogue element was making progress with their goal, the official team in their experiments had run into a number of roadblocks that stopped them from creating fully stable super soldiers. They had officially found a way to turn normal soldiers into super soldiers for a short period of time before their bodies shut down. Even this was enough for the POTUS as he had increased their funding, considering that failed product as a success.]

The same gaps that forced the research team to consider alternatives to the Super Soldier serum had long since been solved by Whitehall during his experiments with numerous other Inhumans. Ofcourse, he never volunteered that information. Instead, he used that research and created his very own line of stable super soldiers but Whitehall had never wanted to create super soldiers. At Least not the ones that Pierce had envisioned.

No, what Whitehall wanted was to recreate the Inhuman line in a supersoldier because he was curious of the effects of the Diviner on someone who was already superhumanly powerful.

For that effect, he had already obtained multiple specimen from across the globe who matched the genetic makeup of Jaiying, his first live specimen. Ever since then, he had tracked down multiple of her kind and experimented on them, preserving their tissue for an experiment like the one he was conducting today.

For he had found multiple specimen that matched Jaiying and had even turned one into a super soldier.

All that was left was exposing him to the Diviner. Over the years, he had figured out that the Diviner was just a container for a specific type of crystal. He had found other Diviners and extracted that crystal from them. Today, he was going to do something he had never done before.

He was going to inject the powdered form of those crystals directly into the bloodstream of the super soldier known as Jack Sullivan

He had just never expected for the same mild mannered Jack to suddenly experience a very different reaction to the terrigenesis process, releasing untold amounts of energy in the process, vaporising every living being in a 100 metre radius, which included a significant portion of the base, including him and all of his life’s work, forever burying the information that led to the creation of the one who would later on be called as the “Shield of Earth”.

This is the story of Jack who went to sleep after his job as a consultant and woke up in the body of a superhuman falling to his death.

“AAAAA!!!” His screams echoed throughout the forest as he crash landed, albeit safely, right in the middle of nowhere, which was actually a different middle of nowhere than the base he was experimented on.

Follow along as we explore Jack's journey through the complex tapestry of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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