The Forgotten Legacy

Chapter 46

As Shaun moved through the forest he thought over all of the new things he had made for Gabe and Eric, as well as the rest of their team. He still limited himself to only spending one day with them crafting but he did end up accomplishing quite a bit in that time.

He had made another sword for the warrior, exactly the same as the one he made for Eric, and also managed to make two shields with all the metal they had. The end product was sturdy and he had imbued them with earth and nature, as well as but runes on them that allowed for them to channel and store mana into the runes that would be able to boost the area of protection, much like what the monsters in the dungeon had been able to do. He made new arrows for Gabe, He ended up using the roots form the treant’s he had gotten from looting them and was able to attune them to nature and engrave some runes into the shaft, which was very difficult at first, that would cause an ensnaring effect where the roots what multiply and trap whoever they hit. That wasn’t all though, he had attuned the arrow heads with flame in a way that would cause fire damage to whatever they hit. He was even able to upgrade the bow by imbuing it with his nature affinity which strengthened it and made it less likely to break.

For the rogue he made two new daggers, both of which he enchanted with spells that would explode on contact, they would need to be powered up first with mana, but they were still pretty useful. And lastly, he made a steel wand for the mage, he engraved a spell into it that let him cast fireballs from the wand which would also help them power through the dungeon. He did all he could in the time he had to make sure they would survive, and on splitting ways they promised to repay him in some way in the future.

He also had a private chat with Eric and Gabe where they aired out their baggage and agreed to move past what had occurred, Shaun had already done this so it wasn’t a big revelation, but the others felt better for it.

The only thing that really annoyed him now was that after all of that crafting, nearly 24 hours straight, he only made it to level 24 in his profession, he felt he was close to level 25, just one more thing and he would push over, but still, it was frustrating. He had gained so many levels in his skill though that most of them had now capped out or very close to it.


Name: Shaun Clermont

Race Human (E)

Level: 28

Class: [Advanced] Elemental Blade Slinger - Level 32

Profession: [Basic] Mana Crafter - Level 24

Health Points:1310/1310



Stats: (Available Points: 76)

Strength: 100

Dexterity: 146

Endurance: 100

Vitality: 131

Intelligence: 100

Perception: 127

Willpower: 130

Soul: 252

Affinity: Earth, Fire, Nature

Titles: New Initiate, Apex Predator, Planetary Forerunner, Elemental Master, Beginner Solo Dungeoneer

Heritage: Azreal's Legacy (Hidden)


Class: [Advanced] Blade Mastery (Level 7), [Advanced] Earthen Echo (Level 24), [Advanced] Enhanced Mind (Level 21), [Advanced] Elemental Strike (Level 12), [Advanced] Stone Skin (Level 7)

Profession: [Basic] Mana Meld (Level 24) , [Basic] Mana Manipulation (Level 25 - Max), [Basic] Mana Attunement (Level 23), [Basic] Meditation (Level 25 - Max), [Advanced] Mana Sight (Level 8), [Basic] Rune Knowledge (Level 9)

He was pretty happy with how his status sheet looked, every single one of his stats were now at least 100, with Soul having increased by such a large amount it was ridiculous. He had gained a lot more levels in his race after evolving, especially after bringing up his profession to much a high level. The big thing he noticed was that he was gaining 16 AP per level now that he was E grade in his race, something he didn’t even pick up on before. He hadn’t been paying much attention to his AP and if he was being honest, reviewing his status sheet in general, he hadn’t allocated the AP yet as he was never positive on where he wanted to put them, and so far it hadn’t really harmed him. He knew he had to do something with them, and he was leaning towards putting them in Strength and Endurance to bolster them a bit but he hadn’t had to worry about either of them so far in a fight. Still with 76 AP to use he knew it would be wasteful not to use them, rather than procrastinate any longer, he just split them 50/50 into Strength and Endurance.

He had never really gotten so many stat points at one time and he couldn’t help but trip over his own feet when it all hit him at once. The feeling was euphoric, his whole body tingled and he felt drunk on the experience. It did quickly pass, but he couldn’t help but linger in the feeling a while before he continued on reviewing the rest of what the status sheet showed him.

His skills were all progressing, each levelling up, especially those that he used more regularly than others, and he knew he would need to start looking at ways to upgrade his profession skills without waiting for level 30. He had five titles, a good amount he thought, especially considering that most of them wouldn’t be available to others, and lastly was the change from F to E grade for his race. For him it was quite the change, he felt almost superhuman compared to when he was F grade, it might not be noticeable in his stats but he felt it on a cellular level.

It didn’t take him long to move through the forest and towards the next area where he assumed the air dungeon would be, after speaking to the others and where they found the earth dungeon, they had confirmed that it was in the clearing where he had assumed it would be, and taking that into account he was more than sure that he was on the right track of finding each dungeon.

Rather than walk he decided to run towards the dungeon, he avoided people if he came near them and didn’t bother to stop and hunt monsters, nothing in the forest was going to give him any good experience, and now that he had levelled up his race to over 25, not even the boss in the dungeon was going to give him much either. It was frustrating to say the least, he almost regretted levelling up his profession which pushed his race up too high for any bonus experience. It was going to make the dungeons even easier than they were before, and he would be able to spend more time bonding with the new elements, but still, it seemed like he now out-levelled stage 2, hopefully stage 3 would be harder.

Not even a full day later did he reach the canyon, at first he thought it was going to be difficult to find the entrance of the dungeon as it was a pretty large area, but the group of people waiting around at the entrance was a dead give away as to where it was. Why is this becoming a trend? People should be in the dungeon not around it! It just makes this whole thing more annoying.

He didn’t bother waiting and watching, he just walked straight up to where all of the people were. The difference between these people and the ones at the nature dungeon was clear though, these people were angry, annoyed even, not uncertain about going in in the slightest. So why are you all still out here?

It became obvious pretty quickly, a group of 5 people were surrounding the dungeon entrance, not letting anyone close enough to enter. When he came to the edge of the group he turned to a woman that was with her team, a scowl on her face, and he decided to just ask.

“What’s happening here? Why are they blocking the way in?” Shaun asked her. He didn’t bother to identify her, he really didn’t care who she was or how strong, he just wanted answers and then he would solve the problem.

“They are demanding a tax for use of the dungeon, you pay to go in with whatever loot or equipment you have that they want and then when you exit they will try and claim whatever reward you get.” She didn’t even look at him, just spoke in an annoyed tone.

“Why hasn’t everyone just dealt with them already?”

She laughed at this, he didn’t think it was a funny question, in fact he thought it was a pretty solid one, even though it was obviously something that he would ask.

“They are part of Trevor’s men, and he isn’t someone you want to cross.”

It couldn’t be, could it? No, there is no way these people are scared of Trevor retaliating? It had to be a different Trevor right? He started describing what Trevor looked like to the women, hoping that she knew what this other Trevor looked like.

“Yeah that’s him, a mean piece of work. You attack him or his men you're done for.”

Shaun laughed, like really laughed to the point where his stomach started to hurt and everyone was looking at him wondering who the lunatic was. He could help it though, it was just too damn predictable that the bully that Shaun knew hadn’t changed, he was still nothing more than an asshole.

“You better stop, these guys might not be the strongest people around but Trevor has evolved his class and he is not someone you want to get on the bad side of.”

He tried, he really did, but he couldn’t stop laughing, it was uncontrollable at this point, just the idea that Trevor had instilled so much fear into these people and gained a following of goons was insane.

“What do you think you are laughing about!” One of Trevor’s men walked up to him, sword drawn and looking ready to attack.

He was going to have to take this a little more seriously, but not by much. “You! I am laughing at you, and Trevor, and this entire thing!”

“You think you can insult us? Insult Trevor and get away with it?” Oh he was angry now, good, it would make this more fun.

“Yeah, I really do.” Before the idiot in front of him could do anything more than squeak in alarm, Shaun grabbed hold of his armour and using his affinity to grab hold of it as well he turned and threw him with both his strength and his control over the armour plate nearly 50 metres away. He had to admit, it was an impressive sight.

Turning back towards the rest of Trevor’s men he walked up to them slowly, the gathered crowd parting for him, giving him a straight line forward, both to the dungeon and the fools standing in his way.

“Where is Trevor now?” He asked them all, the laughing fool now gone and instead the powerful Elemental Blade Slinger now in his place. He was done fooling around, he had better things to do.

“Like hell it's any of your business!” Another of them ran towards him with their sword out, without even bothering to lift his own he simply sent one of his daggers into the guy's leg. He dropped to the ground pretty quickly and screamed in pain, but really, he was the fool that tried to attack him.

“Anyone else want a go?” He asked again. All of them just shook their heads. “Good. So where is Trevor?”

“He is inside the dungeon, has been for two days.” A mage spoke this time.

“Good, I am going to go into the dungeon now, but before I do.” He turned back to the gathered people and spoke. “Does anyone want to go in before I do? I will make sure they all let you in with no trouble.”

That caused a stir through the crowd, he gave them a minute to decide before he would go in himself. The reason he was doing it was mostly to annoy Trevor, but it also annoyed him that this was even occurring in the first place so he figured it was a win-win situation for everyone.

Every single group there had decided to go into the dungeon, no one wanted to risk being left out here alone in case Trevor came out and they were still there. Time was also ticking down for all of them and from the looks of it, most of the groups had a fair way to go before they had finished all of the objectives.

Once everyone was in he turned back to the remaining men, “Tell Trevor that Shaun says hi when you see him next. He knows who I am.”

*Welcome to the Wings Fury Dungeon*

The dungeon, formed into existence from the winds blowing through the world, will test whether you can survive the brutal winds of the sky, made of one of the base elements of the multiverse.

Recommended that a full party of five enter at a minimum level of 20, once entered there will be no exit unless the boss is killed and the dungeon completed.

Reward depends on performance within the dungeon.

One participant located, would you like to enter the dungeon?

Without hesitation he accepted and immediately got transported into the dungeon.

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