The Forgotten Legacy

Chapter 4

The tunnel that the group had chosen to go down was similar to the chamber that they had originally found themselves in, it was dark with blue streaks running through the walls offering just enough light for the group to see in. At the back of the group Shaun could barely make out Michael and Trevor who were leading from the front who were about 10 metres in front of them, but this didn’t bother him, there was little noise in the tunnel which meant that he could hear everyone whispering and moving pretty clearly.

The tunnel itself was pretty wide, easily big enough for 3 people to walk side by side with room to spare and the ceiling being at least three times as high as Shaun’s 6 foot. After a few minutes of walking through the tunnel with nothing changing in their surroundings Shaun decided now was as good a time as any to look over his Status.


Name: Shaun Clermont

Race Human (F)

Level: 0

Class: [Basic] Rogue

Profession: N/A

Health Points: 70/70

Stamina: 100/100

Mana: 30/30

Stats: (Available Points: 0)

Strength: 6

Dexterity: 8

Endurance: 10

Vitality: 7

Intelligence: 8

Perception: 7

Willpower: 5

Soul: 3




New Initiate


Class: [Basic] Short Blade (Level 1), [Basic] Stealth (Level 1), [Basic] Detection (Level 1)

Profession: N/A

As expected nothing had changed outside of the Class, Skills and Title that he had acquired since the start of the initiation, all his skills were at level 1 and labelled as basic. Looking over his Short Blade skill and then the daggers on his belt, Shaun figured he should see what this basic understanding in the skill description could do. Taking one of the daggers out of its sheaths, Shaun held it in his hand and instantly he felt an understanding wash over him on the correct way to hold the blade. He immediately started adjusting his grip, he released the death hold he had on the hilt and moved to a more relaxed yet still firm hold. Taking a deep breath Shaun focused on the feeling of the dagger and tried to let the knowledge from his skill take over, he swiped the dagger in front of him from right to left and then flipped his grip around so the blade was now facing the opposite way and made a stabbing motion back to his right. Okay that is cool, it’s like I have been training on how to use a dagger for months and it feels so natural Shaun thought to himself.

Captivated in this new feeling Shaun continued to play around with the dagger in his hand, imagining a monster in front of him and how he should be moving the dagger in a fluid motion, like an extension of his hand rather than just a knife he has picked up to chop a vegetable.

“What are you doing?” Gabriel said who was walking just ahead of him.

“Just testing out my dagger, I have never used one before.”

“Oh okay, good idea just don’t test it out on me” Gabriel replied with a chuckle and turned around facing back the way we were walking.

As they continued walking Shaun continued trying different ways to use the dagger, the more he played around with his grip, slicing it through the air and making quick stabbing motions the more comfortable he felt wielding the blade in his hand.

*Skill Level up: [Basic] Short Blade – Level 2*

Stopping in his tracks he stared at the blue message that appeared in front of his eyes, I levelled up a skill just from doing a bit of practice with the dagger? Looking over his Status sheet he saw that the level next to the skill had indeed gone up to level 2.

“Shaun, why have you stopped, is something wrong” Looking up he could see that everyone had stopped moving and Michael was making his way back to him.

“Yeah I was just practising with my dagger when –“

“What the hell is the hold up, we need to keep moving, if you don't keep up we will just leave you behind.” Trevor said looking back at him, “that goes for the rest of you too” looking at the rest of the group.

Levelling up a skill was important and something he knew he should share with everyone, it could mean the difference between making it through these tunnels alive or ending up dead as soon as something found them. Looking at Michael about to tell him of what he had discovered “I just – “

“Later” Michael interrupted him looking back at Trevor “we need to keep going”. He turned around and walked back to the front of the group and everyone started moving through the tunnel again.

He had been dismissed, like what he had to say wasn’t important enough for everyone to stop and listen for only a minute. Shaun didn’t speak out often, and rarely did he talk in front of a group, which should be an indication that what he had to say may have been something that everyone should hear, frustrated and even a little annoyed at what had just occurred, he looked at Gabriel who was still looking back at him and just shrugged and kept going moving on.

Okay if no one wants to listen they can figure it out by themselves. Shaun thought I have three skills, Basic Short Blade, Basic Stealth and Basic Detection, if I can raise a skill level just by using the skill and practising I may as well start.

Looking over the description of each skill he was drawn to his stealth skill. Move unseen in the shadows, it said, well I am in a tunnel with barely any light, this would be the perfect time to test this skill out.

Focusing on the skill like he had when he was practising with his dagger Shaun again felt knowledge flow through him. Immediately he felt that the way he walked was wrong, his steps changed slowly as he kept moving forward, becoming softer like he was no longer stomping on the ground with each step but more graceful like a dancer moving across a stage. He focused on this feeling and his posture started to change with his steps, slightly bent at the knees, he felt like he was gliding rather than walking. He spent the next few minutes just paying attention to the feeling of how this new way of moving felt until it was completely natural for him, however his body wasn’t used to it and he started to get cramps in his legs as he was using his muscles in a way that he never had before. He pushed through the aches, knowing that he just had to keep training his body to get used to the feeling, so he kept going, never breaking his concentration and focusing on his skill. After what felt like forever and about ready to collapse from the pains in his aching legs he suddenly felt a wave of relief wash through his body.

* +1 point to Strength earned*

So I can earn points in my stats without having to level up? Shaun smiled to himself. He didn’t stop this time when the notification appeared in front of his eyes, not wanting to draw the attention of the group and be dismissed all over again. Instead he focused on his body and the feeling he had when he got the new point in strength. It felt amazing, like energy coursing through his body. If this is what it feels like to get just one point I can only imagine how it will feel to get 8 points when I level up my class.

Focusing back on his stealth skill he realised that it hadn’t levelled up at all. Looking back over the description it said to move in the shadow’s unseen, he wasn’t moving unseen, just walking differently, softer and more sneaky. Looking around he figured that if he was going to move unseen he should stick to the walls where he would be less likely to be noticed by the group, one of the benefits of being at the back is that if no one looked behind them they wouldn’t be able to see him.

Moving to the tunnel wall closest to his right while keeping up with the group, he again turned his focus on the skill, seeing what new insights he may be able to adopt into the way he was moving. Slowly his movements shifted again, crouching down slightly his body seemed to mould into the wall while he walked. At first it felt clumsy to move like this, like at any second he was going to trip over and land on his face, but slowly his body began to adapt. One foot in front of the other, bent knees and stay close to the wall. Don’t make a noise, each step should be controlled, soft rolling steps. He thought to himself. No one can see me, I am just a part of the shadows. Shaun kept saying to himself like a kind of mantra. He continued like this for some time, focusing on his skill, willing himself to be hidden to everything around him.

*Skill Level up: [Basic] Stealth – Level 2*

Success! He could now feel himself moving a bit easier and starting to really believe that if someone glanced back he would be just that little bit harder to see. Looking down at the dagger in his hand he figured why train one skill when he could try training two at the same time. And why only hold one of his daggers when he could practise with both. Taking the second dagger from its sheath he tried to focus not just on being stealthy and blending into the wall he was walking along but also on the blades in his hand, something wasn’t right though. He still felt that his stealth skill was working but the feeling he had when he was wielding the dagger earlier didn’t come back. Could he not use both skills at once? Looking back at his skills that didn’t make sense, his skill said he could attack from stealth so he should be able to use his daggers but something had changed. Looking at both daggers in his hand, he had only been using one before this, could he not use both at once? Putting one of the daggers back in its sheath he again focused on using both skills together but this time with much more success. Can’t use two blades at once, that kind of sucks.

Instead of focusing on only being able to wield the one dagger and how this would limit what he could do in a fight, he turned his attention back to his two skills and practised using both at once. This is how he spent his time following the group, just concentrating as much as he could on being able to use both of his skills at once, which was much harder than using one at a time. Shaun refused to falter and committed every ounce of willpower he had on utilising these skills in tandem. Slowly it got easier, bit by bit he felt himself becoming accustomed to the feeling until it felt natural.

* +1 point to Willpower earned*

*Skill Level up: [Basic] Stealth – Level 3*

*Skill Level up: [Basic] Short Blade – Level 3*

The feeling of earning a new point washed through him, although different from when he received the point in strength, this time rather than flowing through his body it felt more focused on his mind, like it just became a little easier to focus. Both of his skills gaining a level felt like a huge achievement to Shaun and this was just the beginning. I am gaining skill levels and points and I haven’t even had to fight yet, but this will just make me stronger, more prepared for what’s to come.

“What was that? Did anyone else hear that noise?”

“Be quiet,” Trevor growled from the front of the group.

“But I he-hea-heard something” Danielle stuttered, clearly not wanting to be on the receiving end of Trevor’s wrath.

“The only thing I am hearing is you, now shut up and get moving!”

Out of nowhere a hissing noise could be heard from above, everyone stopped and looked up, waiting to see what had made the noise.

Shaun, frozen where he stood, still in stealth along the tunnel wall, looked to see if he could make out anything in the dark. Everyone started looking around but no one commented on him being crouched against the well. It was like their gaze just brushed over him without fully making out that he was there.

“I don’t see anyth –“ Michael started when a scream cut him off.

As if emerging from the ceiling itself, 8 red eyes could be made out in the darkness. Not knowing what to do, Shaun focused on those eyes trying to see if his Identify skill would work.

* Cave Spiderling – Lvl 3*

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