The Forgotten Legacy

Chapter 20

This situation worked perfectly for Shaun, while he had been watching them earlier he had already decided what he would do if he was to fight them alone, he always did this when coming across a group of monsters. Without any further comment he just turned his back on the team and crept closer to the Mole Rats, they were in the same position as earlier, one of them digging, the other two standing around keeping watch.

Without hesitation and with his short sword in one hand and dagger in the other, his second dagger still on his hip, he enacted his plan. He threw the dagger in his hand at the level 5 Mole Rate that was digging away at the wall, when the other two turned their attention to it Shaun grabbed the spare dagger at his waist then ran at the Level 6 full speed ahead. When it turned its attention on him and lifted its paw ready to swipe at him Shaun hit the ground and slid underneath it, with his dagger raised cutting into the underside of its body. When he had gotten to the other side of the Mole Rat he stood up and stabbed down into its shoulder and heaved himself on top of it. Before it could even react he took his short sword and sliced right through its neck, not waiting to get thrown off of the Mole Rat while it died, he stood on the top of it back, threw his last dagger at the third monster and then jumped from the Mole Rat he was on to the one that was digging into the wall. He came down sword first right on top of it, killing it instantly.

Quickly he took out the sword from its back and jumped off landing on his feet looking at the last monster he needed to deal with. The dagger he had thrown at it buried in its back, it was alive but hurt, rather than waiting Shaun ran towards it and when he got close enough changed directions and launched himself at the wall, with practised precision, he kicked off of the wall and right at the Mole Rats side, driving his sword right through its body. It didn’t even have a chance to struggle, he ripped the sword out and then quickly took off its head with a decisive swing.

The days prior he had been training alone in the tunnels, but instead of just training his skills and fighting the low level monsters he had available to him, he had pushed his body to new limits, using every point he had in Dexterity to see what new ways he could move his body and practised dozens of different moves against the monsters he had encountered.

He looked over the bodies of the three monsters around him, they were all dead, just like Shaun had predicted, he had gotten good at figuring out what would end up as a killing blow. Rather than looting the bodies straight away he walked past them until he was standing in front of Phil and the team.

The look on their faces was one of both wonder and horror, wonder he assumed because of the way he could take out three higher levelled monsters at once by himself and horror, well, for the same reason.

“Should I loot these and then we can move on?” He asked, putting on the most innocent look he could muster.

“I….” Phil cleared his throat, “Yes, you should do that. Umm, well done. Yeah.”

I bet that gave them something to report later on, Shaun thought, holding back his chuckle as he turned and looted the monsters.

He received the Claws from the Mole Rats as well as their pelts and some meat. Overall he was pretty happy with the fight and was definitely looking forward to the next one.

As they continued moving through the tunnel Shaun checked his notification.

*You have defeated a (Giant Mole Rat – Lvl 5). Experience gained. 50 TE awarded.*

*You have defeated a (Giant Mole Rat – Lvl 6). Bonus experience for killing an opponent above your level gained. 60 TE awarded*

*You have defeated a (Giant Mole Rat – Lvl 5). Experience gained. 50 TE awarded.*

*Class: Rogue has levelled up by +1 levels. Rogue [Basic] has reached Level 12. +1 Str, +3 Dex, +1 End, +3 Per gained*

*Race: Human has levelled up by +1 levels. Human (F) has reached Level 6. +4 Ap gained*

He had also gained levels in skills, he had gotten the last level he needed in his Short Blade skill and it was now maxed out at level 25, he also had huge gains in his Dual Wielding skill which was now sitting at level 14.

The rest of the day followed the same pattern, he would scout and report back, but instead of being allowed to fight monsters on his own he ended up being forced to stand back and only interfere if it was needed. He did get to kill a monster every now and again but after his first showing and levelling up to Level 6 in his race, now the same level as the rest of the team, they didn’t seem to want him gaining too much experience.

The entire next week followed the same pattern as the first one, when hunting with the group he was forced to just scout and nothing more, although they grew to be very confused and distrustful as the days went on.

What they didn’t realise was that Shaun was sneaking out at night, he no longer needed much sleep as his level grew, only two or three hours a night now, he chalked it up to the increase in his stats, his body now running more optimally then it ever had before. Instead of sleeping he would drop into stealth, leave his house and sneak through the city and whoever was guarding the tunnel that Shaun chose to enter. He would then spend hours hunting alone, he didn’t come across anything other than Mole Rats but he did manage to find a few level 7 and 8’s that did wonders for his levels.

When he wasn’t with the team hunting or out at night actually fighting, he spent time talking to those with professions, asking as many questions as he could trying to figure out more on how he could get one once he knew what he wanted to commit to. During this time he also made preparations, taking a lesson from a leather worker he was able to create sacks from the salamander skins that he had in his inventory by cutting some into pieces and making holes into the bigger ones. He threaded the strips of skin through the holes he made and when he pulled tight it would form a leak proof bag that he was able to store water in and then put in his inventory. He made sure to do this when no one would be able to see him, getting the water was difficult but if he went just after he got back from his solo hunts there was no one around.

A few times Gabe and Eric had tried to talk to him, mostly when they saw him in the city but it was easy enough for Shaun to round a corner and drop into stealth. By the end of that week Shaun was impressed with all of his improvements.


Name: Shaun Clermont

Race Human (F)

Level: 7

Class: Rogue [Basic] - Level 15

Profession: N/A

Health Points:270/270



Stats: (Available Points: 0)

Strength: 27

Dexterity: 53

Endurance: 27

Vitality: 27

Intelligence: 8

Perception: 53

Willpower: 8

Soul: 3

Affinity: N/A

Titles: New Initiate


Class: [Basic] Short Blade (Level 25 - MAX), [Basic] Stealth (Level 25 - MAX), [Basic] Detection (Level 24), [Basic] Dual Wielding (Level 20)

Profession: N/A

He had gained 3 more levels in his class the past week and one more in his Race. He was now 75% of the way to Level 10 and meeting that objective for this stage of the tutorial. During his week of solo hunting all the Mole Rats he had already met the 10,000 TE requirement, in fact he now had over 12,000 TE to his name and the day he met that objective he felt like he was walking on air the entire day.

On the 8th day since getting to Ruin things changed though, instead of going out on his usual hunt with the team he was taken to a building that Shaun had never been in before, he was escorted in by two warriors and then taken to a room where he found Liam standing to one side and a mage on the other. The rest of the team he hunted with was also standing to one side. Behind a desk sat a man that Shaun had never seen, although he had his suspicions on who it was. With an Identify his suspicions were confirmed.

*Alan Sampson – Level 9*

He is strong, stronger than anyone I have ever met. How did he get so many levels by running Ruin? Has he really killed that many monsters? Or is it a profession? Shaun thought, trying to come up with a reasonable answer to all of his questions.

“Hello Shaun, as you may have guessed I am Alan. It's nice to finally meet you. I have to apologise for not speaking to you sooner, but running Ruin takes up a lot of my day.” As soon as Alan spoke he felt the need to do anything this man asked of him. If he asked him to jump up and down he wouldn’t hesitate, if told to run circles around the city? His only reply would be no problem sir!

“That’s okay Sir, I completely understand. Anything you need I am happy to help!” Shaun couldn’t even stop the words from coming out of his mouth, what the hell is happening to me?

Alan let out a laugh at that, “That’s great to hear Shaun, I have a few questions if you would be happy to answer them?” Alan continued.

“Yes, anything you need just ask.” Again he couldn’t get rid of the need to do whatever this man asked.

“Good, good. Now tell me, you have gained quite a few levels in the last week, you have to be one of the strongest people in all of Ruin, how have you done it?” He sounded more curious than anything else, he wasn’t angry, maybe a little confused, but it didn’t seem like he was going to persecute him for gaining so many levels.

“Sure, that easy, I can tell you that, you see I have….” No! Shaun forced himself to stop speaking, clamping his mouth shut took every ounce of control he had.

* +1 point to Willpower earned*

That is unexpected. Why would I earn a point in Willpower from just not talking?

“Is something wrong Shaun?” Alan asked.

“No, nothing is wrong.” Come up with something, anything! Act dumb! “I am sorry but I don’t understand the question.”

“You were about to tell us about how you had gained your levels. Shaun, don’t you want to tell me?” Alan continued.

“Right yeah, of course, sorry. You see I have been…” DO NOT ANSWER HIM! Shaun practically yelled at himself.

* +1 point to Willpower earned*

Silence once again fell on the room. Alan looked more intrigued, and also now annoyed at the delay in getting his answers. Shaun however was trying to figure out what was happening. His level is high and he doesn’t fight. That means it's his profession, he has to have some kind of Profession that relates to him ruling Ruin, whatever skills he has makes it easier for him to rule, but not just rule the city, maybe even control the people in it?

“Sorry, I got distracted. How have I gained levels? Well I have been out with the team, fighting monsters. How else would I get levels?” Shaun finally got out in a rush.

“Right, but how do you explain now being a higher level than them? From all reports you have been scouting rather than fighting?” Alan probed.

“I still get experience when scouting out, it's an integral part of being in a team.” Shaun found it just a little easier now to talk to Alan after getting the two extra points in Willpower.

“We haven’t heard of a rogue getting experience from that before?”

“Maybe I’m just special.” Shaun concluded.

“Special? Maybe.” Alan didn’t continue for a while, just sat and watched him. “There is a reason I have asked you and your team here today. We have come across a monster that has a higher level than anything we have come across, it's stopping us from continuing further into a tunnel. A number of teams have tried to fight it but there have been too many casualties and I am hesitant to let more try. But I have heard such great things about you and the team. They have already agreed to go and challenge it today, join them Shaun, do it for Ruin, do it for me!” Alan was practically yelling at him at the end.

“Yes I will do it!” Shaun exclaimed, not even the extra points in Willpower would have done anything against the unstoppable Will that pushed down on him from Alan.

“Good, I look forward to hearing how it goes.” He said with a chuckle, and a look that said that he had gotten what he needed from him. Without anything further to be said they were led out of the room by Liam and were sent on their way.

After 20 minutes of walking it finally dawned on him what had happened. What the hell have I gotten myself into now?

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