The Forgotten Legacy

Chapter 12

As everyone started to gather around, Shaun decided to check through his notifications, wanting to see the gains he had through the battle.

*You have defeated a (Cave Salamander – Lvl 1). Experience gained. 5 TE awarded*

*You have defeated a (Cave Salamander – Lvl 2). Bonus experience for killing an opponent above your level gained. 15 TE awarded*

*You have defeated a (Cave Salamander – Lvl 2). Bonus experience for killing an opponent above your level gained. 7 TE awarded*

*Class: Rogue has levelled up by +1 levels. Rogue [Basic] has reached Level 4. +1 Str, +3 Dex, +1 End, +3 Per gained*

*Race: Human has levelled up by +1 levels. Human (F) has reached Level 2. +4 Ap gained*

*You have defeated a (Cave Salamander – Lvl 3). Bonus experience for killing an opponent above your level gained. 20 TE awarded*

*Class: Rogue has levelled up by +1 levels. Rogue [Basic] has reached Level 5. +1 Str, +3 Dex, +1 End, +3 Per gained*

He had received experience from helping to defeat 4 of the salamanders, and in the process got 47 TE, gained 2 levels in his class and 1 level in his race. He concluded that for every 2 levels he had in his class he would gain 1 in his race, not sure why they weren’t equal but assumed it would have something to do with not having a profession, something he really needed to look into. The stat gains were always helpful, but he decided to not use his AP just yet as he needed time to think about what he would add them to.

*Multiple Skill Level ups: [Basic] Short Blade – Level 11*

*Multiple Skill Level up: [Basic] Stealth – Level 12*

*Skill Level up: [Basic] Detection – Level 8*

He had gained more levels in his skills with his short blade skill increasing the most by 3 levels, stealth by 2 and detection only 1, still good gains from the fight.

“Okay everyone, let's go over everything that happened. I think it's important that we get a good idea of what went well and what we could improve on. If everyone is comfortable sharing we should also go over what level each of us is at now.” Michael said. “The plan worked well, attacking from range at the start and then following up with close attacks really reduced the risk of anyone getting hurt. The salamanders were a lot harder to fight then we thought.”

Really? Shaun thought, it was actually a lot easier than my first battle with them. Goes to show what a higher skill level will do, and a couple of class levels I guess.

Michael continued “Engaging with the strongest monsters first was a good plan but it took too long to put them down with only one warrior fighting, in future we might need to double up on stronger monsters so we can move through them quicker. We also need to factor in how quickly the mages run out of Mana although I hope with the class level gained in the fight they will be able to attack for longer. I gained a level in my class and got a level in my race, my skills all levelled up as well.”

As everyone went around and shared, Shaun couldn’t help but notice that Michael never brought up Shaun’s contribution to killing not one, not two, hell not even three but four of the salamanders. Not to mention that if he hadn’t had gone through with sneaking behind the monsters before the attack the warriors would have ended up fighting all five of them at once. Once it got to Shaun sharing his gains he was very vague with what he gained just saying that his level and skills increased but not specifying by how much. If they really wanted to they would be able to identify him and see he now had a race level of 2.

After everyone had spoken Michael continued “We also need to decide who is going to loot the bodies and keep a hold of the meat, I believe that both myself and Trevor should claim the bodies as we both lead the group in different ways.” Shaun looked around seeing that the mages and the other rogue just nodded along, with Gabe, Eric and himself not agreeing with this in the slightest. Before any of them could speak up though Michael continued “I’m glad everyone agrees, it's for the best.” I am starting to like this guy less and less the longer we are here Shaun decided.

Trevor was the first to move, he walked right up to the body of the salamander that he was fighting and tried to loot the body. Swearing loud enough for everyone to hear, he exclaimed that he couldn’t loot the monster. That’s when Michael spoke up again “I got a notification, says that I have to approve it because I defeated it, most likely because I got the killing blow.” That’s when realisation dawned on him, he wouldn’t be able to just go around claiming the bodies, he would need to get permission from those who had actually killed them to loot them. He then just stared at Shaun, not saying anything just looking at him like he was trying to evaluate how this was going to play out.

“Well what are you waiting for? Give me permission already!” Trevor said

It didn’t look like Michael did, as the body didn’t disappear in that black smoke like they did when they were looted. Instead he spoke to Shaun “You don’t have a problem letting Trevor and I loot the monsters, do you Shaun? We agreed that this was the right choice.”

Shaun considered just agreeing but in the end he looked at Gabe and then Eric before turning back to Michael, “You agreed to the two of you looting all the monsters. I think we should look at this a bit differently. I agree that all of the meat we get from the monsters can go to the two of you but everything else? If it wasn’t for me sneaking behind the salamanders before you all attacked you would have been dealing with all five of them at once, if that happened this fight would have gone very differently. If it wasn’t for Gabe helping me from a distance the two salamanders that we took down would have taken much longer to kill and would have delayed any assistance we provided to the rest of you. And Eric fought hard for his kill, even getting injured in the process. I think it's only fair that we get to loot our own kills, and then hand over the meat we get to help the whole group. I think that’s fair don’t you? Like you said earlier, the point of coming down here searching for monsters is for food right?” Looking back at Gabe and Eric and could see both of them smiling and nodding along with everything he had just said.

Michael had been backed into a corner and he knew it. What was he going to say to that? That he deserved everything because he was a leader? He couldn’t force Shaun or any of the others to give their permission to allow him and Trevor to loot every single body. No, if he argued against him he would look like a tyrant, besides if he agreed he would still get the meat from the kills, holding onto what the group needed most right now. “Fine.” Michael stated, “I am learning that there is no point in trying to reason with you anyway. Loot the monsters but hand over the meat.” He then walked right over to Trevor and with a muttered apology looted the level 3 salamander.

Shaun, Gabe and Eric did the same with Shaun looting the level 2 and 3 salamander, Eric the level 2 and Gabe walked over to get the level 1, with that done they handed over the meat to Trevor and Michael as agreed, although from the looks of it the amount that Gabe and Eric handed over was smaller than what he would expect, they must be keeping some of the meat in case they get separated and need it in the future, Shaun handed over some of the meat as well, although not all of it as he already had the meat from the three salamanders from earlier and he wanted to keep a stockpile in case he cut away from the group in future.

As a group they agreed to move forward and see what else they could find. This time there was no question as to who should scout ahead, both Michael and Trevor told the other rogue to go ahead leaving Shaun to stay with the group. He didn’t even argue, figuring that he could always go ahead if they reported back with finding something. As they walked he kept close to Gabe and Eric, both of whom were now hanging at the back of the group, both of them thanked him for not only the help in the battle but with the looting situation afterwards, this gave him a chance to thank Gabe for the help and also enquire into how Eric’s leg was feeling, however after he levelled up he said that it felt much better as it wasn’t a deep cut in the first place.

Eventually, after walking for another 45 minutes the rogue came back and informed everyone of a split in the tunnel. Once the group had reached the split, Michael and Trevor had a quick conversation about which way to go before announcing they would continue right as they had before reaching the cavern the day earlier.

“I have a better plan.” Shaun said.

“Why must you always disagree with what we decide?” Michael replied back.

“I am not disagreeing with you,” and he really wasn’t disagreeing with him, but the way that he saw it, if everyone went right it would be a missed opportunity. “What I am trying to say is while you go right I can go down the left tunnel and see what’s down there.”

“So you want to go down there by yourself? Not knowing what you may find or have to fight?” Michael’s tone changed with that, now much more considering.

Shaun couldn’t figure out if Michael thought this was actually a good plan as they would be able to explore both tunnels at once or if he was actually just considering how nice it would be to get rid of him. Thinking back on his conversation with Gabe earlier about if they got the chance he would bring him along to any more of his outings, he figured now was a good time to throw it out there. “I am happy to go alone, but if anyone else would like to join me they can come. It would be much more dangerous though without having stealth, something for everyone to consider.” He meant Gabe, this wasn’t really an open invitation.

“Okay, I don’t see why not.” Michael said to both him and the group, clearly assuming that no one would follow him. “Anyone want to join Shaun?” He asked everyone else.

“Yeah, I will go with him.” Gabe replied immediately, giving Shaun a smile.

“Seriously? You want to go down there just the two of you with no one to back you up Gabe? I didn’t think you had a death wish.” And that confirmed it for Shaun, this was a way to get rid of him.

“They won't be alone,” Eric spoke up, “I am going with them.”

Didn’t expect that Shaun thought, although it did make some sense, if he went with the others he wouldn’t be given a chance to loot any more of his kills as he would be the only one going against both Michael and Trevor. With Shaun though he would have much more opportunity to grow and considering that in the last battle the three of them killed four out the five monsters, they were definitely stronger as a group of three, it also meant he could worry less about Gabe if he ended up in short ranged combat.

“Okay so it's decided, Gabe, Eric and myself will go down the left and the rest of you will go down the right. I say we meet back at the cavern later on, no point putting a time limit on it, either we make it back or we don’t, right?” Shaun said to Michael.

Michael looked to Trevor before answering who just shrugged and said “We don’t need them, let them go, besides” Trevor then looked straight at Eric “we need people we can trust to have our backs.”

With that finally decided the group split, in more ways than one it felt. Shaun didn’t know what the next few hours would bring but damn if he didn’t feel better now that he wouldn’t have to keep going against Michael, looking at Gabe then Eric he gave them a nod and they set off.

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