The First Vampire of YGGDRASIL

“Outrage and confusion”


Evileye pov

Coldness crawled up her back as she carefully observed the dangerous man in front of her. She was dangerous herself, capable of 5th-tier magic and ones hailed as the vampire Lord Lanfall until she joined the 13 heroes, but this man was different. Just looking at him gave her goosebumps, let alone fighting him. She just wanted to run away and seek comfort in the cool night, but that was impossible since her friends were still with her. She couldn't just abandon them, not even if it increased her chances of survival.

"Hoh, who is that? Someone you know?" Gargaran exclaimed, clearly unaware of what she was facing.

"Flee!" was all she responded.

"Flee? What do you..." Gargaran started but was interrupted midsentence.

"NO, listen to me carefully now. This man is a monster; we can't possibly defeat him, so listen to me and escape. NOW" She replied angrily to suppress her nervousness.

"But what about...?" 

"Enough! Don't worry about me; I will follow you with teleportation, but you have to leave." She urged them

Tia nodded to nodify that she had understood and pulled Gargaran alongside her; of course she was not physically able to do it, but the slight push gave Gargaran the rest. She watched with relief as her two friends moved away from her and the dangerous opponent; she was probably not going to make it, but at least she would be able to save her friends.

"It would be quite rude to leave before one has even introduced herself, but unfortunately for you there is a way to prevent that [Dimensional Lock]." The attacker casted by raising his hand, showing a ring with a beautiful red stone ingraved with a strange symbol in the process.

Magic that could prevent teleportation was really rare; for him to be able to cast that kind of magic, he had to be at a much higher level than her, but she already knew that. She had made peace with the thought that she would die if she could protect her comrades; still, for that to happen, she had to buy more time. 

Maximize magic: [Shard Buckshot] 

She raised her hand, and out of the magic circle in her hand appeared hundreds of small crystal shards that flew to the enemy. Enhanced with meta magic, it could deal devasating damage since these shards riped to human skin like swords through paper. But her opponent wasn't a normal human, or rather she wouldn't be surprised if he was human at all given his metalic tail and his pointy ears. He oppended his arms as if to embrace the rain of shards and waited; there was no big spectacle; the shards neither tore through his skin nor shattered on it. They simply disappeared after bridging a certain distance from him and let a violet shild flare up.

He had resisted her spell.

There was no time to think about that fact, no time to plan for a new strategy because he had already raised his hand like a conductor and gestured in her direction...NO, not in her direction...


Time slowed down as she saw his hand light up in hot, scorching fire, ingulfing the red ring on his finger. Like a sword, his arm descended from his upper body, ready to strike her comrades behind her down, and in this moment she believed that there was no one in this world capable of stopping this killing blow.

FLASH, a loud sound as well as a red light behind her, stopped her thought process.

She turned around searching for her friends but could only find a lot of strange red marks on the ground slowly fading away.

"No, nevermind, it seems my interference won't be needed," sounded the cold voice of her opponent through the night.

"W-what happend? What did you do...? If they are dead, I swear I am," she started impatiently.

"I did nothing; your friends were never a priority for me, but it seems she wanted to interfere and teleported them away. You should really hope they are dead. If not, they will probably suffer a fate worse than death." 

"You! How could you...?" 

Blinded by her rage, she stromed towards him while preparing a close-range spell that was more difficult to resist. Aspect of the Devil: [Giant Arm of the Demon] the black-haired man said in a calm, almost bored voice, and his arm grew out of proportion. The swing that he tock with that giant arm nocked all of her lights out and would have killed her had she not cast a protection spell in the last second before her consciousness drifted away.

[Damage Translocation]

Luckily her mana was enough to absorb the damage, and even though the mana damage was huge, it was still better than lying half dead on the ground. She was sure that she would not be able to best this opponent, and even if she could hold out long enough until help arrived, it would be pointless, but at least she could weaken him somehow. If that was even possible, maybe under the right circumstances, with enough reinforcements, she could make him retreat.

Penetrade Maximize Magic: [crystal dager]

A defense-breaking spell shot towards the opponent and dissolved just like her previous attempts. Her hope sank; if even that wasn't able to hurt him, then what could it be? Still, the only thing that she could do was fight until she died.

Aspect of the devil: [scything claws] The man announced, black claws sprouting from his fingers, without a doubt capable of shredding any armor like paper.She made herself ready, checked her remaining mana, and prepared to die. Just as she was about to plunge into battle, the ground in front of her exploded, and dust rose up, obstructing her view. 

"Ho?" she heard the surpised voice of her opponent through the dust.

Slowly the dust began to settle so she could see the cracked floor. Big iron boots belonging to an armored black knight stood firmly before her. His lage back, ingulfed by his crimson cape, brought her a sense of security and stopped the cold she had felt the whole time. A flash of recognition flashed in her eyes as she saw the magnificent jet black armor. Although she had never met him in person, she had heard a lot about him, the leader of the new adamant adventure team, Momon.

"And who are you?" asked the black hero in front of her.

"Do excuse me; the lack of manners of my previous opponents seems to have rubbed off on me. I am the Demon Emperor, Jaldabaoth, member of the sin council and representative of the deadly sin of wrath, a pleasure," replied the demon, and he bowed like a schooled nobleman.

"Fine, I am Momon, an adamanttit adventurer; what do you want in the capital?" Momon asked 

"Well, Sir Momon. I have gotten word that powerful item capable of summoning demons has appeared here. It is my intention of retrieving it, if it truly is the thing that I am looking for. And what about yourself? What are you looking for?" Jaldabaoth asked back in a calm voice.

"I was hired by a nobleman to protect one of his houses, but the battle drew me here. Is there another possibility for us other than to fight?" The Adamantite adventurer asked appeasingly

"I want the item in my possession as soon as possible, but since I am in a foreign kingdom, doing so without fighting is probably impossible. If it were up to me, I would have taken care of you personally, but I'm not allowed to fight you. The person helping me was very clear that all 'she' wanted in exchange for her help was for me to keep my hands off you. It's a shame, but it's a cheap price for 'her' help that I'm willing to pay." said the Emperor and playfully twirled the red ring in his hand around his finger.

"What do you mean...?" Momon interrupted himself. 

"T-that ring... It looks similar; where did you get it from?" The black hero stuttered.

"Oh? So you've seen someone like this before; I think that confirms it; you really are 'that person'," the demon chuckled, amused.
"That person? What do you mean with that? And who is this 'one' you have made the deal with? Answer me, Demon!" Momon Shouted, gone was his cool facade, and in his voice she could feel rage and something different.

"It is not my place to speak about my colleagues, but I guess I have time for a quick history lesson. The sin council is an organization ruled by 7 members, each representing one of the seven deadly sins," said Jadabaoth, showing his ring.
"This piece of jewelry distinguishes me as a member; as I have said earlier, I am the sin of wrath." 

"I don't care about that. I want to know about the other members, specifically about someone with a purple ring. Who is 'she'? And where can I find her?" Momon spoke with suppressed anger in his voice.

"Hahahahahahaha,eager to see her again aren't we? Unfortunately this is not allowed. We make it a point to keep our intentions secret, but since 'she' is participating in the invasion anyway and you seem to so desperately want to meet her, I think it's okay to let you know her current location." The demon said in amusement; large wings burst from his back, and he floated into the sky.

"I will transform a part of the capital into pure cinder; if you truly want to follow me, do it and test yourself; I am sure 'she' will be waiting for you in delight." anounced Jaldabaoth in a booming voice and vanished in the night sky.

"Your friends are likely waiting for you there too, little Red," The whispering sweet voice of the demon echoed in her ear.

That's what it's all about, I guess,
I hope you enjoyed the integration of the organization.
In the next chapters we will find out why Momon hates Elizabeth so much and why he knows her.
See you next week

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