The First Vampire of YGGDRASIL

“Carne part 2”


Enri pov:

Enri was running. That was the only thing she could think about right now. Next to her was her little sister holding hands with her. She wondered how it all happened. It all started this morning. Everything was the same as always. She and her sister went into the forest to collect firewood. But a scream had scarred them so that they wanted to go back. At home, the first thing she saw, was her mother getting killed by a knight. At the same time her father was trying to fend off three of them. After her father saw her, he called out to her, to flee with her sister.

"We have to run faster!", she called out to her sister, despite knowing they were both out of breath. She glanced over her shoulder. After seeing two knights chasing after them, she squeezed her younger sibling's hand. Tears streaming down her face. "If I tell you to run, run!", she whispered, hoping that her sister might escape their attackers. The knights came closer and closer. She let go of her sister's hand, pushed her away and threw a punch at the knight closest to her.

"RUN NOW, don't look back!", she shouted but her sister did not move, she just cowered on the ground, her legs refusing to move.

She saw the knight raise his weapon. Seeing that, she threw herself in front of her sister. Pain, pain she had never felt before went through her body. But she did not let loose of the smaller body in front of her, clinging it like a lifeline. She had closed her eyes and waited for more pain but that didn't happen. Hesitant she opened her eyes, what she saw shocked her.

An oval obsidian circle floated in the air. It quickly grew in size. Soon after, a creature, appeared out of it, that could only be described as death himself. His skeleton body was wrapped in expensive robes and jewelry graced his fingers. She felt glad, glad that she was not the only one to die today. Those despicable knight would suffer the same fate as her.

[Grasp Heart] in the hand of Death appeared a heart that was quickly crushed by him at the same time the knight fell to the ground and didn't move anymore. He seemed to be dead. A new figure emerged from the black void. It was a woman, so pretty that some could have said her face was created by a god, with platinum hair, red eyes, and a black dress. Enri could only marvel at her beauty.

Oriana pov:

After, I left the portal, the two girls came instantly into my view. They looked rather pitiful with their faces full of fear and it seemed both had wet themself but that was to be expected. Both had experienced so much horror just in the last minutes and they were only humans...

I looked at Momonga. He seemed to be in deep thoughts. I switched my attention to the now crouching and trembling mess that was a knight. I raised my arm, this small movement seemed to have made him even more fearful of me... As he should be, a red tentacle made of blood extended from my hand. I grabbed him and pulled him towards me, he shivered even more. 
"You smell disgusting almost as if your blood is stale or... watered down, should be a more appropriate term.", I said as I wrinkled my nose.

"But that's not the reason, we are here today tell me why you are doing this, what gain is there in slaughtering defenseless villagers?", I asked and looked him deep into the eyes. 
His eyes glowed, showing the effectiveness of my racial skills.

*"We are just the vanguard and a bait the destroyed villages should just attract our target, Mistress."* (The knight is getting mind controled, this is shown by the *)

"Who is your target?" 

*"The Warrior Captain of the Re-Estize Kingdom, Gazef Stronoff, Mistress." *

"Why all this for just one man, tell me?"

*"I don't know for sure, My Lady, but with the death of the strongest man in the kingdom, the Baharut Empire could take over the Kingdom much easier..." *

"So, you're in liege with the Baharut Empire?"

*"No Mistress, I got the orders from the captain from the sunlight scripture Nigun Grid Luin from the Slane Theocracy." *

"Why? Speak to me, vermin.", I became much angrier. 

*"The Slane Theocracy is at war with the Elves we want to build... AHHHHHhrg."*, his now bloodless body collapsed, I had extracted it with one of my abilities. Maybe I could have gotten more information from him. But that's enough for the moment. 

[Raise Dead] the now animated body started to move again at the same time a pool of blood quickly formed itself into a heart. It was one of my abilities. I could use collected EXP (Blood) to enhance/upgrade certain undead. The new created [Vampire servant] was a rather low-level vampire although his attack was approximate as strong as a level 40 monster. Although his defense was much weaker at level 20. 

The only things that made him useful are his two abilities. He had a very weak life steal that could keep him from dying and... the stronger ability if he was almost dead, he could explode himself which dealt as much damage as a level 7 spell. Of course, I could also use my own EXP (Blood) to create stronger vampires but that would block 5-15 of my levels. Which granted I would get back after a week but in that time, I could not use most of my higher-level skills, including my trump card because I had to be level 100 for that. 

"Go kill all the knights in the area.", I ordered the vampire servant and pointed at the other dead soldier on the ground.

After a respectful bow he left. I looked at my hands, my nails were pitch black, a maid had insisted on painting them this morning. These hands had killed a human being. Regardless I felt no emotion, only anger. Not at the knights, not at their superior, the captain of the sunlight scripture or their, so called, state of God. I felt angry at humanity itself. 

In my old-world humanity drove itself into ruin themself, killed the whole planet and enslaved the poor. I remembered a time where people caused problems just for the sake of more problems. Humanity is not capable of living a happy life without problems, suffering and sins. The war with the Elves, the soldier had talked about, was another proof for that. And it would not take long until they built machines like the ones in my old-world. Machines that would kill the planet itself.

Maybe this world needed an enemy something that would create problems, something everyone hated, an enemy that would attack occasionally and prevent them from evolving more, after all...

New seeds can thrive better out of the ashes...


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