The First Sword of the Earth

Chapter 748

Vol 4 Chapter 734: Easy to debut and difficult to exit

When the star as a new hiding place finally calmed down, a group of gods and goddesses were looking for a place to cultivate on this beautiful grassland.

The next war should be a few years away.

The movement of the powerful battle this time is really too big, and the two big men of our side are too overbearing, and then the anti-celestial forces in the immortal holy realm will inevitably shrink their deployment in the four major heavens.

This time, dozens of powerful opponents joined forces to counterattack, which also proved that the other party had the determination to suppress Heavenly Court again.

In this battle, only a few Da Nengs were seriously injured. The other two Da Nengs who fought against Qinghua Emperor and Erlang Zhenjun were beheaded, and the rest were slightly injured…

If it weren’t for the mighty powers of the Immortal Saint Realm, they really couldn’t stand the two great killing gods, Emperor Qinghua and Zhenjun Erlang;

It is estimated that in this battle, there were no severely injured opponents, and it was just the ability to compete daily, which was equivalent to retreating after staring at each other.

Immortal Zhibing and Chunyangzi only had a lot of wear and tear and were not injured;

Bi Yue Xingjun was injured slightly, but with the help of Chunyangzi, he quickly stabilized his injury and it was not a major problem.

Several people at the core of the God Slashing Plan gathered together for a post-war summary meeting. Several great abilities were discussing the magic weapons and supernatural powers of the opponent’s masters, and discussing how to defeat the enemy in the next encounter.

Wang Sheng’s realm was too far away, and he couldn’t understand. He honestly sat cross-legged next to him, watching the little white tiger in the distance throwing butterflies there.

This is a cat…really.

“It was only after World War I that I was so far away from Emperor Qinghua and Zhenjun Erlang.”

Bi Yuexingjun Wu Tianshou sighed, his eyes filled with depression.

Wang Sheng smiled and said, “Xingjun is already a master of one party, why bother to be so self-blaming?”

Xu Zhongliang also smiled and said: “Don’t compare with them, they are already close to the level of your majesty back then, and we are still far behind.”

Wang Sheng asked in a low voice, “What is the way of the second master?”

“Military, military.”

These two words popped out of Wang Shan’s mouth, and Wenquxingjun on the side added another sentence: “It takes only half a step to achieve success in physical cultivation.”

Wang Sheng scratched his head suddenly.

This big guy…really fierce.

Several people chatted for a while about the future battle, Wang Sheng listened quietly, most of the time without saying a word.

In the corner of the universe, the spiritless sword was shining quietly.

At this time, they had already begun to plan the ‘Last Battle of the Holy Spirit’ and regained momentum three times before Wang Sheng was about to feign death and escape in front of the Immortal Saint Realm.

This time they received a powerful counterattack from more than a dozen people. For the next three times, they must be cautious and quick to retreat, and be fully prepared.

As for the stage of the final battle, Xu Zhongliang had already thought about it.

“It’s in Xitianyu, the gate leading to the Immortal Saint Realm.”

Xu Zhongliang snapped his fingers, and a star map was revealed on the grassland, while he elaborated on the layouts that had been conceived.

First of all, suspended animation should be realistic and not deliberate.

“The best way is that the last opponent you have to deal with is our own person,” Xu Zhongliang said, “I have several candidates for this matter, and I will discuss it with you later.

This person will be severely injured by you, and then play the scene of killing you.

This is also the most dangerous step. If the person we choose is sent by so-and-so, your life will really be in danger. ”

Wang Sheng thought for a while and looked at the bronze mirror in his arms.

This bronze mirror can be used once. The thing Xinghuangqi gave back then can be used to peep… well, it can be used to observe the senior sister.

How can things between husband and wife be described in such words.

“At that time, the Grand Marshal will make your grand debut, and after a great battle, you will be shot dead by this person.

At this time, we need several people to act at the same time to completely conceal the secrets for you and avoid the other party’s detection…”

Xu Zhongliang spoke for a while and said: “Furthermore, to create a situation where you were killed on the spot, you need Wang Sheng to be estimated by them the moment before, and then you will completely disappear under supervision in the next moment.”

Wang Sheng thought for a while: “Specifically, what should I do?”

“I originally thought about a big formation,” Xu Zhongliang said.

But in this way, there are too many flaws. ”

Chunyangzi said: “This matter, there may be a way for Poor Dao.”

Several people watched it at the same time, most of them were in a daze;

Xu Zhongliang smiled and said, “I forgot, if we talk about hiding and hiding the secrets, no one can compare to you if we are sitting there.”

Chunyangzi suddenly squinted, glanced at his own ice fairy, and coughed, “Don’t let me mention it again after all. The method mentioned by the poor Tao is a treasure that shields the secret exploration.

I have the Haotian Tower, which can break the sky, but this thing is not concealed enough. ”

Everyone nodded slowly.

Jing Wu Lao Dao sighed: “At this time, it is not compared with the ancient times. At that time, there were more gaps in the avenue, and it was easier to cover the secrets.

Nowadays, the sea of Dao Ze is becoming perfect, unless it is a treasure, it will not be able to escape the chase of the secret. ”

Wang Shan opened his mouth and said: “There are magical mirage beads that can hide the secrets, but the magical sea mirage is extremely difficult to find. It is even more difficult to dig its orb, and the mirage can only last for tens of thousands of years before it will shatter on its own. ”

Xu Zhongliang frowned and said, “What other treasures? The Magical Sea Mirage is a rumored thing, and the Heavenly Court has not clearly recorded it.”

“Ancestral witch blood,” Wu Tianshou spit out three words.

Everyone thought about it and gave up quickly.

Xu Zhongliang pinched the calculation, and quickly said: “Six Paths of Reincarnation.”

Looking at them with faint gazes, Wang Sheng could directly feel the unreliability of Master Xingjun this time.

So, a group of people sat around here thinking for a long time, and began to make trouble.

Wang Sheng groaned a few times and said, “Or, Absolute Heaven Pill?”

Xu Zhongliang said, “Isn’t that a waste of your cultivation that you have managed to catch up with?”

“Is there a way for Emperor Qinghua to cover the secrets of heaven?”

“That wooden coffin is fine, but things related to Emperor Qinghua must not appear on that day,” Xu Zhongliang smiled bitterly. “You must remember that Emperor Qinghua repaired the avenue of death. At this time, the power method can be called the sky. .

If Emperor Qinghua showed up on the same day, who would believe the matter of non-verbal feigning death?

On that day, Emperor Qinghua must be allowed to attack other places in advance, and after we are done here, Emperor Qinghua will keep showing his traces for a period of time.

This is actually the best cover. ”

Everyone nodded again and again, this kind of consideration is indeed good.

Wang Sheng smiled and said, “It is easy to make a grand debut, but it is extremely difficult to exit the stage perfectly.”

Fairy Zhibing also said a few treasures, but they were all treasures that were difficult to obtain.

The treasures are all in the hands of the great powers. The Heavenly Court was destroyed in the battle, and all of you here suffered heavy losses, and many treasures were also destroyed in that battle.

When everyone was worried, Wang Sheng’s chest suddenly itched, and the small wooden sword that hadn’t moved for a long time came out lazily.

As soon as Mu Jian appeared, the little white tigers playing in the distance were all taken aback, and looked towards this side for a few moments.

The others were also masters, and they saw the extraordinary of this small wooden sword.

The small wooden sword flew twice around Wang Sheng’s body, floated behind Wang Sheng, inserted into his hoop, and twisted the hilt slightly.

On the side, Xu Zhongliang immediately pinpointed and calculated, and soon he whispered: “Being so close, we can ignore the huge array we have arranged outside;

With the method of calculation, I can’t find the non-language! ”

“Oh?” When they saw this, several people tried their best, and soon looked at the little sword behind Wang Sheng’s head in surprise.

The little sword floated out lazily again, and got into Wang Sheng’s back, as if no one was too lazy to take care of it.

“This is……”

“Ah,” Wang Sheng didn’t expect this little thing to run out by himself, and he couldn’t hide it at this time, he could only say: “This should be regarded as Emperor Qinghua’s…relative with the apricot and yellow flag.”

At the moment, he borrowed the power of the stars to travel through the chaos with the marks of Emperor Ziwei, and bit down a piece of radish…

Several people took a breath and stared at Wang Sheng.

Wang Daochang smiled awkwardly, and felt a little…not very embarrassed.

The treasures obtained by others are all kinds of adventures and all kinds of fairness The treasures obtained by others are so…

So funny.

Xu Zhongliang covered his face with his hands, and said frankly: “Feiyu, you are really lucky to live till now.”

Several other people nodded in approval at the same time.

“Perhaps that Qinglian discovered the identity of your Holy Spirit and wants to give you some advice,” Wu Tianshou smiled bitterly.

Wang Sheng:…

“The past is over,” Wang Daochang waved his hand, “Now that the method of deceiving heaven has been resolved, let’s continue discussing other details.”

It can be seen that his will to survive is quite strong.

Everyone continued to discuss, and it was just a few days and nights before they knew it.

But when they chose Wang Sheng’s last opponent, everyone had a dispute.

Chunyangzi wants to use people he trusts, and Xu Zhongliang wants to use people he trusts. These two people who have a good relationship almost drew their swords.

Wang Sheng was inconvenient to speak, he just waited for a few powerful people to make a decision.

Even Wang Sheng felt that his master was doing it intentionally.

After all, he was discussing with his master that after Jin Chan escaped from the shell, he would have to do Jin Chan’s escape again…

Several people were arguing, and in the end the issue was unresolved, and it could only be left for the next discussion to continue to refine other details.

It’s really not that easy to fool the entire Immortal Saint Realm with a big drama.

And Wang Sheng is also feeling the pressure as the starring role.

After all, there is no compensation for this performance. Success in the performance means retreat from the whole body. Failure in the performance may mean death and disappearance, and the best situation can only be wandering.

He really wants to ask for some leave, go back to his hometown to find a few old cadres to study acting…

That’s it, let’s take a step and take a step.

Wang Sheng glanced at the little object Li Chang gave him on his wrist, feeling a little more peaceful in his heart.

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