The First Sword of the Earth

Chapter 746

: : This time I don’t ask for a ticket Let’s chat with everyone


Sitting in front of the computer at six o’clock in the evening, I opened the document of First Sword. What should be written in this line and what should be written in that paragraph appeared in front of me, but I stopped typing several times on the keyboard.

After thinking about it, I decided to have a serious chat with the readers.

Unconsciously, the first sword has completed 2.4 million words and two-thirds of the outline. After leaving the earth, his grades have dropped a lot, but the book still brings good benefits so far, and there are many readers. Like

But most of the readers do not know what the author has gone through along the way.

When the first sword opened the book, it was when I was under the most pressure. I was twenty-six or seven years old, and my daughter was less than one year old. The marriage and family at that time caused great turmoil, the unstable income of writing books, and the linear increase in weight. Raising the little princess has also become a kind of anxiety.

In fact, with the help of parents, there is not much financial pressure, but the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is difficult to deal with… eternal problems.

So when I opened the book, I still chose the fairy man I like, and wanted to write a fine book, just better than Erlang Chuan.

That’s how I told the editor at the time.

In the early stage of the book, the performance of the first sword was unexpectedly good, and a multiple-choice question was in front of me-insist on writing what you want to write, or write what readers want to see.

I actually probably know what readers like to read, that is, the style of writing in the first 30 chapters, which will continue to follow the line of “Global Sword”

Maybe it was because there was no pressure in life since I was young, I chose the former;

If I were to choose again, I would choose the former.

Because the original intention of the first sword book is to satirize the so-called “Hate the National Party”, I, a young author, want to use my own efforts to overcome all kinds of bad habits, even if I make a small contribution.

Therefore, I intervened in the plot of the investigation team and began to let the protagonist take the ‘eagle dog’ route, and even sacrificed part of the protagonist’s initiative in order to highlight the investigation team.

The first order after the book was released was pretty good, and I started to update it five times in a row.


With the first wave of severe crackdowns, the Reiki resuscitation category is at stake.

First sword’s manuscript fee income helped me through the most difficult economic period. From the bottom of my heart, I am extremely grateful to this book and the readers who have given me support for the original copy.

I don’t want the First Sword to have an accident. I only sleep for two or three hours for a few days, and I’ve repeatedly checked and revised some details that will be maliciously reported.

A large number of similar books fell down, and this book survived.

But the creative environment has changed. The most ironic thing is that I sacrificed part of the path I chose. Suddenly, I couldn’t continue on the path I chose.

The editor boss said that it’s pretty good to survive, so don’t think too much about it.

Me: Hey.

The editor was also under great pressure to protect this book. I am very grateful for this. Even a chapter has been blocked for a month. I don’t want to bother the editor to help unblock it. I keep applying for unblocking once every three days.

In this severe crackdown, the upward momentum of this book was completely cut off;

Then, ushered in the second severe crackdown, a large number of chapters were blocked, and the subsequent “Xianfan” plot could not be unfolded. The one million words “what impact will the revival of vitality have on society” were discussed.

I actually know what the consequences of leaving the Earth chapter too early-the results will be cut in half.

But in order for this book to continue to live and be responsible to the readers, I can only pinch a large outline and hurriedly flew out of the earth.

The climax of the plot is gone.

The collapse of my heart at that time, the kind of uncomfortable, made me want to give up online literature creation.

But I can’t give up. I have to be responsible to the readers who have paid for the book. I can only continue to adjust the status, write little by little, and find what the reader likes.

But what the readers of this book like most is the ‘sense of violation’ of friction between the ‘fairy taste’ and reality, which is difficult to maintain on the earth!

There are more chapters, and they will fall quickly if they are ordered. This makes me quite helpless, and I dare not let it go.

Then walked forward step by step, losing popularity a little bit;

The bottleneck period of Xianxia’s text body is 1.5 million to 3 million characters. After leaving the earth chapter, the popularity of the text has dropped sharply, and the interaction between readers has gradually decreased…

These gradually converged into a pressure, which made me feel like I was trapped in a falling space.

At this time, I remembered my own unique skill-double opening, using different stories to stimulate my inspiration.

Then I wrote a new book for more than two months. While updating the first sword, I wrote more than a dozen different stories. Every day I enjoyed it, which was considered to have removed most of the pressure.

The most satisfying is a book of “I Am Not Yang Jian”, which successfully completed a chapter of 3,600 characters and played more than 100 stalk challenges!

However, that didn’t come out, it was just an inspirational creation

Later, I contributed a new book to the editor boss in charge of me. I wanted to drain the first sword, aiming to be a boutique, writing and writing easy daily, double-opening to earn more manuscript fees, after all, the little princess at home can’t stop milk powder, and I can Stable output of 15,000 finished manuscripts, idle and idle.

What I didn’t expect was… the unexpected trend of the new book’s grades… it still means something to burst…

Then, a large group of new book readers came to the old book to post book reviews, shouting:

‘Stop this, this old book is not as interesting as the new one. ’

‘Concentrate on updating the book. Isn’t it good to have a god? ’

and many more.

For this reason, I feel even more guilty and guilty to the readers of the First Sword.

From the time I opened a new book to the present, on the side of First Sword, I dare not mention a single sentence or half a word, because I am afraid that everyone will think-how this author is like this, I will write a new book before the old book is finished.

I dare not do any new book promotion, because I am afraid that everyone feels that I am distracted and irresponsible to the first sword.

In fact, mutual inspiration is my best creative state.

When I was writing about bringing an angel to cultivating immortals, it was because of the double-open state that I wrote the first 500,000 words of “My Demon Re-Being”. ——The book has a half-thousand-thousand-thousand-word slogan, because it was originally designed for a half-thousand-thousand-character length, but it didn’t finish the book at that time.

I like the first half a million words of that book

The first sword is my right hand, the new book is my left hand, my attitude towards both sides is the same;

The trend of new books is getting stronger and stronger. Thousands of collections a day, more than 10,000 collections a day, and a month’s release of books, now 170,000 collections are now, and daily pushes are around 15,000…

But I left the night with the most inspiration to First Sword, because I was writing a new book without finishing the First Sword, which is wrong.

However, yesterday, I finally threw out the plot point of Feng Jiu. There are very few in this chapter, which made me fall into a great confusion tonight…

Typing on the keyboard, this chapter should write the conversation between Wang Sheng and Yaoyun, and then turn to the next battle plot…

I have conceived every punctuation mark only need to hit the keyboard to display the text…

But I knocked it many times and it was the delete key.

I turned on the writer’s assistant and looked at the comments and chapters that the first sword jumped out. The readers who were attracted by the new book, criticized and criticized in the previous article.

What about handsome and handsome readers?

I was lost when I left the earth.

Everyone, take a head, I want to see how many people are still chasing this book;

But everyone can rest assured, no matter how low the follow-up is, I will not be an eunuch, and I will try to make the story wonderful and complete.

I won’t promote new books much, it would be too irresponsible.

Zhuxian show up, give me some encouragement!

Hurry like a law!

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