The First Sword of the Earth

Chapter 32

Chapter 32: Gift

Qingyanzi said: “Later, you will contact your uncle Shiwu. If your senior sister can’t go there, let him find another disciple for you.”

Wang Sheng nodded in response.

Although he wants to practice peace of mind on the mountain, but if he does not go, the master might go, and it is natural to be a disciple.

This can be regarded as a bit of a discomfort under the fence of the three of their masters and apprentices.

“Master, what did Uncle Li Siwu ask for?”

Qingyanzi popped out two words: “Exorcising ghosts.”

The cold hair on Wang Sheng’s arm stood up, and he whispered, “Is there a ghost?”

“Before the vitality is restored, it is impossible, but after the vitality is restored, it will be there,” Qing Yanzi smiled, sliding her fingers out of thin air, leaving a wisp of white smoke on her fingertips, and drew a common Halloween white ghost. .

Wang Sheng couldn’t help but reminded: “Master, this is from abroad.”

“Actually, they are almost the same,” Qing Yanzi shot the phantom away and smiled, “Xiao Sheng, how do you think ghosts are produced?”

“Remaining spiritual thoughts entangled by vitality?” Wang Sheng carefully said the correct answer, after all, this matter has been confirmed by all parties in his previous life.

“That’s right,” Qing Yanzi smiled satisfied, and said slowly in her voice:

“A cultivator cultivates himself, and the spirit of concentration is to develop his own soul power and exercise his spiritual mind. But spiritual mind is not unique to cultivators. There are also mortals who do not practice, but they are different in strength and weakness.

After pondering for the teacher, if a mortal has a violent mental fluctuation before death, the spiritual thought may explode, which will cause the entanglement of the heaven and the earth, and temporarily allow this part of the spiritual thought to remain in the world.

I have a spell to exorcise ghosts, and you can write it down. If there are such ghosts in this trip, it will be exorcism. ”

“Yes,” Wang Sheng bowed his head and responded.

Qingyanzi cleared her throat, picked up her tone, got up and took two steps, singing:

“Five-star Zhencai, shine on Xuanming!

Thousand Gods and Halloween, protect my true spirit!

Five-day devil, dead!

Anxious as a law! ”

Wang Sheng rubbed the tip of his nose, this is the legendary…

Jump the great god?

“Attention, the focus is on intonation and rhythm. Come with Master.”

Qingyanzi greeted with a serious face, and continued to walk in the back room.

Wang Sheng bowed his head and said yes, and he also learned something in the back, trying his best to write down the intonation with a strong Hunan accent.

However, Qing Yanzi, who walked in front and turned his back to his apprentice, had a very pleasant face.


After returning to the mountain for a month, Wang Sheng is also a little depressed.

But fortunately, this time I was going to do a ritual and exorcise ghosts. It was not a difficult task. I don’t know why, Li Shiwu would ask Master Qingyanzi’s side.

By the way, if it weren’t a difficult task, why would Master Li Shiwu find them as a master and apprentice?

If it’s just to exorcise ghosts, any young disciple in the early stage of Focusing Realm can do the job, but it is enough to use his own spiritual thoughts to hold the vitality of the world and shake away the ghosts and ghosts.

Could there be any inside story?

Wang Sheng is a little bit suspicious about this. Although someone will not deliberately target himself, it is good to prepare more in advance.

At night, Wang Sheng returned from practicing sword and found his backpack that had been in dust for many years.

folded the long trousers and long sleeves to be worn on the bedside, put the navy blue robe into the backpack, and took the few Hui Yuan Dan that the master had given him before.

Wrapped Wen Yuanjian in black cloth. If someone asks, it can be said to be a collectible.

Anyway, it is said that there will be a special car to pick you up tomorrow, but you don’t have to worry about going through the security check.

Putting everything in order, Wang Sheng lay on the bed with a quilt, a little lost.



At the entrance of   li room, the senior sister sneaked in her head and beckoned to Wang Sheng.

I don’t see the shadow of the sister this afternoon. The master said that she went down the mountain to buy some things; I don’t know where the master and his old man came from ‘rest assured’ and let the sister go down the mountain alone.

“What’s wrong with sister?”


Wang Sheng turned over and got out of bed, and was about to go out shirtless. The senior sister quickly stopped and gestured outside the door.

Lingnian passed, Wang Sheng felt a familiar aura outside the door, and vaguely detected the figure of a woman.

Why is Senior Sister Hao Ling here?

Putting on his shirt, the ‘excellent’ figure that Wang Sheng had achieved in three years of practicing swords was immediately concealed. Only then did Mu Wanxuan safely drag Wang Sheng into the courtyard.

Hao Ling smiled bitterly when he saw Wang Sheng, and that faint sigh filled out the sadness in his heart.

Hao Ling was begged by Mu Wanxuan to go down the mountain together, and did not return to the mountain until midnight from afternoon to night.

The two went down the mountain not to play, but to buy things, and the things they bought were stored in a cardboard box in front of Hao Ling at this time.

Hao Ling sighed, “Brother Feiyu, this box… You can take a look at it. Your senior sister’s savings have been spent on it.”

“Hmm!” Mu Wanxuan nodded seriously.

Wang Sheng already had a premonition. He walked over and squatted silently, opened the box and took a look, his forehead was suddenly covered with black lines.

Several safety charm sachets with different shapes, the “fake charms” wholesale in the Yamashita store, these are quite common Wudang “local products”, forget it…

But what the **** is that fist-sized tattered old clock? There is still a touch of aura on it, but it’s obviously broken for too long.

There is a string of large Buddhist beads behind the small bell. Each bead is the size of a lion’s head, and it is obviously plated with a thick layer of oil. The beads are very round, but that’s all.

There are two stickers of the door **** under the Buddha beads, and a small three-inch peach wood sword. If you turn to the side, you can see a silver necklace.

reached out and pulled out the necklace, the shining cross made Wang Sheng open his mouth but couldn’t say anything…

Hao Ling hurriedly said: “These are all the ghost exorcism tools that Wan Xuan has chosen through her hard work! You are not allowed to dislike it!”

The implication was that Wang Sheng should not criticize his senior sister.

Wang Sheng smiled and sighed, naturally knowing that the senior sister was bothering so much for her own sake.

Although he tried too hard, he invited the Bodhisattva Buddha and Christ back to the territory of Sanqing…

In her eyes, spiritual practice has nothing to do with these beliefs.

Wang Sheng smiled and said, “Sister, don’t worry, I will bring all these with you tomorrow.”

“Hmm!” Mu Wanxuan seemed to think of something, turned around and ran to the small kitchen aside, and quickly pulled out a braid of garlic happily.

Wang Sheng and Hao Ling looked at each other, and then they both couldn’t help laughing.

Senior sister blinked, puzzled for a while.

Sister Sister gave it to me, I have to bring it if I don’t believe it.

is that the braided garlic was left behind by Wang Sheng. After all, sometimes the food in the Zixiaogong canteen is often dull and tasteless, and the flavoring effect of garlic is still great.

And based on Mu Wanxuan’s logic, this time it was to exorcise ghosts, not to fight zombies, and garlic was useless.

After sending Hao Ling back, she watched Wang Sheng put all these things into the backpack, Mu Wanxuan was relieved with satisfaction, and then looked at Wang Sheng with some worry.

Wang Sheng deliberately regarded death as if he had come home, and sighed: “Don’t worry, Senior Sister, the master has passed me a spell. If you encounter a ten thousand year evil ghost, you can fight it hard!”

Mu Wanxuan’s face turned pale, she rushed up and grabbed the corner of Wang Sheng’s clothes, crying anxiously.

Wang Sheng quickly confessed the crime and said that he was joking…

This time I was actually going down the mountain to do a ritual. The place I went to was a county and city, which was also the hometown of Li Shiwu. The one who wanted to exorcise ghosts was a great charity who donated a lot of incense money to Wudang Mountain.

Sister Sister could not participate in this trip due to some force majeure. Li Shiwu asked Zhou Yinglong to cooperate with Wang Sheng.

When I arrive at that great benevolent person’s house tomorrow, Li Shiwu is responsible for the appearance and walk through the process, and Wang Sheng and Zhou Yinglong are responsible for the specific matters of exorcising ghosts.

If there are ghosts, they will be driven away, and if there are none, they will go home. The two disciples can also earn a fortune on this trip.

It’s that simple, but Li Shiwu had to invite Qing Yanzi or Wang Sheng and Mu Wanxuan to go with him before. It was a bit unusual.

Wang Sheng naturally couldn’t forget how he died in his previous life, and now he would naturally act very carefully; he was not worried that Li Shiwu, the deputy head of Wudang Mountain, would deliberately harm himself, but Li Shiwu should have concealed some information.

It was night, Wang Sheng slept peacefully, but Mu Wanxuan was tossing and turning, unable to sleep peacefully.

There are some things that can’t be mentioned, as long as they are mentioned, they can’t help but think about it.

Several times, she remembered to pack her luggage and go down the mountain with her younger brother tomorrow, but just think of those lonely figures with long hair shawls crawling out of the TV or well…

Junior Brother’s swordsmanship is so powerful, he can handle it, he can definitely…


goo, goo!

The sound of the wind slowly drilled into the room through the cracks in the window, and the glass vibrated slightly.

An unknown night bird called in the forest, and his voice became more and more mournful.

Sister shivered subconsciously, and wrapped herself tightly. Fortunately, she had a high level of cultivation , otherwise she would definitely get a prickly rash.

She suddenly thought of something, and she was carried away at a speed that could not cover her ears, and rushed into the back room like flying…

Wang Sheng, who was sleeping, felt that he had been hit by something, and opened his eyes in a daze, and found a mass of quilt essence beside him.



“Don’t be afraid, go to sleep, I have to get up early tomorrow.”


Turning over, Wang Sheng left enough room for senior sister, but when she woke up in the morning, she found that senior sister was still separated by two thin quilts, with his hands folded on his chest, and the whole person was almost on his back. .

drove the faint ripples in his heart, chuckled softly, and Wang Sheng moved slowly out of the range of the bed.

But as soon as she moved, Mu Wanxuan opened her eyes, her big eyes blinked, a little dazed, and then she blushed.

This is not ashamed, but ashamed.

As a elder sister, she was scared by the wind and came to take refuge in her younger brother last night. It was a bit too embarrassing.

But the younger brother is really quite reliable.

Before dawn, Wang Sheng carried his full package on his back, carrying the ancient Wen Yuan sword wrapped in black cloth, accompanied by his senior sister, and walked towards the mountain gate.

Before Huilongguan, Wang Sheng turned to let the senior sister go back, Mu Wanxuan pursed her mouth and motioned for him to move on.

How can this atmosphere be a bit like the wife who sent her husband to an expedition?

And it’s usually a story that never returns?

Wang Sheng smiled and waved his hand, walking rather unrestrainedly, but Mu Wanxuan sighed gently, and watched Wang Sheng disappear at the corner of the mountain forest, before turning back to the small courtyard.

The younger brother, who had been with him for several years, suddenly left him, and it was inevitable that he would be a little empty.

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