The First Store System

Chapter 1528: Glorious Ancient City(1)

Chapter 1528: Glorious Ancient City(1)


The man looked above and was shocked to see a light falling on him. Before he could understand what was going on, he was enveloped in the light.

The next moment, both the light and him disappeared from the street.

Aakesh frowned since the man was the store's customer, and no one could guess the future of the man in the city.

Since only Aakesh, Lily, and Khaval saw the scene, no one else knew, and another customer took the man's place.


The man had a wide smile plastered over his face after he had finally gotten a cultivation art after years.


He climbed down the stairs, whistling. He had only taken a few steps forward, and suddenly, a ray of light enveloped him.

Before the man understood what was happening with him, the light disappeared, and the view in front of him had changed.

He stood outside a gigantic city with its enormous gates open. The man couldn't even encompass the full view of the city from his position.

He had read the ruleboard, so his face turned pale once he understood that he was selected by the city in the sky. A mixture of emotions rose in his heart since he felt awed and frightened of the place at the same time.

He took repeated deep breaths to calm down his pounding heart, but it didn't work.

"Oy, the fuck you doing there? come in, don't just squat there." Suddenly, a voice rang in the man's ears.

As he looked in the direction of the sound, he couldn't help but be taken aback since the source of the sound was no living creature but the door.

"The fuck you looking at? Have you never seen a handsome door?"

The man didn't know what face to make. The door seemed to have a weird, sentient personality. The man didn't want to get abused for the third time, so he immediately walked forward.

"Senior, how do I leave from here?" The man immediately asked once he reached the door.

"The fuck is that spirit doing? That cunt selected these bunch of weak bastards…"

The man seemed to have poked a hornet nest, and the door became angry and used all the vile words it knew of.

The man could see something wrong since the more he listened to the door, the slower his spirit became. He believed it to be some negative influence, so he immediately ran as fast as he could.

The moment he stepped inside the city, the door's voice disappeared, and calm returned to his ears.

He had no mood to care about that since the view ahead of him took all his attention.

There was a street wide enough for hundreds of large carriages to travel simultaneously, and around it, there was stunning architecture with different kinds of buildings.

It seemed the city was made for numerous races since the smallest structure that he could see was around his height, while the tallest structure was hundreds of miles in the sky, and he had to crane his neck to look at the top.

The man didn't recognize the material used in the making of the street or the buildings, but he could feel a sense of durability and toughness just from looking.

He took a deep breath and proceeded toward the closest building. There seemed to be no life in the city but when he walked inside, he was taken aback by the hundreds of people.

It was an inn that the man had entered, and in the restaurant, hundreds of people from different races were sitting inside and having their food.

"Sir, food or living?" A waiter suddenly came to the man and asked.

"Food," The man reflexively responded but fell silent since he wasn't hungry at all.

Before he could understand things, the waiter smiled and asked him to follow. The man nodded and followed, forgetting the confusion he had a moment earlier.

The waiter then brought the man to the empty table and handed him the menu.

"Sir, please press this button whenever you're ready to order." The waiter stated and then went on to tend to another customer.

The man looked at the dishes on the menu and couldn't help but become watery when he saw them. There were dishes that he had never heard about, but just from their names, he could taste them.

The menu had several hundred dishes, so after a few minutes, the man pressed the button.

The waiter immediately came and asked for what the man wanted to order.

The man called out the dishes he wanted to eat, not caring about the cost at all.

The waiter beamed in joy when he heard the names of so many dishes.

"Sir, please wait. Since you have ordered so many dishes, we will send them one by one," The waiter respectfully informed the man and then proceeded toward the kitchen to share the order.

The man simply waited there, and his mouth became more and more watery as he waited for the dish. The waiting was no less than a mental torture for him.

Finally, he saw the waiter coming toward him with a dish tray.

"Sir, please," The waiter said and placed the plate neatly on the table.

"Sir, we will send the following order once the dishes are fully prepared."

The waiter left these words and rushed to the kitchen.

The man's eyes lit up as he saw the greasy meat on the table. He couldn't control himself and immediately took a large bite.


The man couldn't help but moan in pleasure as the meat melted into his mouth. He didn't immediately take another bite but savored the taste first.

Around an hour later, he had licked all the plates clean, while there was a large bulge around his stomach. Even breathing air seemed to be heavier for him.

"Thank you for visiting the restaurant. We look forward to your return." The waiter approached the table and told the man with a smile.

The man smiled, stood up from his table, and walked out of the restaurant with heavy steps, still savoring the taste of the dishes.


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