The First Store System

Chapter 1524: Terrarium Meld!

Chapter 1524: Terrarium Meld!

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The ground was shaking, and large cracks spread across the island after the Clam Manatee activated [Tectonic Slam].

Tira immediately floated up, but before she could fly, a large wave of water hit her, slamming her back to the island.


Tira groaned in pain as some of her bones had broken due to the slam, but there was a smile on her face since [Tectonic Slam] was the last bout of struggle from the Clam Manatee.


As Tira expected, the massive Clam Manatee crashed on the ground. It still wasn't dead, and Tira didn't show any kindness and released a sharp projectile that appeared out of nowhere.


The projectile pierced the beast's massive head and then its brain. It struggled for a moment, and then, it fell silent. After battling for hours, the result finally appeared, with Tira becoming the victor of the two sides.

Tira had learned numerous skills over the past years due to her inability to grow in cultivation, so her strength wasn't weak at the same level.

Her consciousness returned to the store, and not long after, a piercing pain hit her.


Tira entered the skill room and looked around. She already had enough skills, but since anything related to the store could be fortune-changing, she decided to try some skills.

If Tira found better skills than the ones she had, it would be great, and if she didn't, it wouldn't matter since she already had enough skills. Having nothing to lose, she walked to the counter for Lesser God level cultivation.

Tira had control over the elements of metal and earth, with her having higher compatibility with metal.

Tira decided to go for a dual-elemental skill, so she thought of the two elements and reached for the last shelf in the bottom row.

The next moment, she pulled her hand out, and it had a skill card in its grip. It was a dual-elemental skill as she had wanted, but after reading the details, she immediately returned it.

Tira decided to throw the skill elements at luck and simply pull them out of the counter. It meant that the skill could be a single element or a dual element, with her having no idea what he would pull out.

When she pulled her hand out after returning the first card, it was another dual-elemental skill. The result remained the same, and she immediately returned it.

Time flew by, and several minutes later, Tira gave up on the attacking type skills. She had been unable to pull out a skill that could impress her.

She even judged the store for low-level skills, not knowing that her fortune didn't allow her to pull out a top-quality skill.

Her fortunes finally changed for the better when she reached the last shelf in the second bottom row for the third time.

She pulled out a dual-elemental defensive type skill. As she read the details on it, she couldn't help but nod with a wide smile on her face.

[Name: Terrarium Meld

Type: Defense

Level: God

Element: Metal, Earth

Cultivation Level: Early to peak Lesser God

Effect: Transforms the user's body into a fortress of terrarium and earth, imbuing them with unparalleled defensive capabilities and a unique ability to repel incoming attacks

Description: The skill melds the elemental forces of metal and earth, transforming the user's body into a fortress of terrarium and earth. This skill grants the user unparalleled defensive capabilities and a unique ability to repel incoming attacks, making them an immovable bulwark against adversaries.

The skill demands profound understanding and control over the elements of metal and earth. The strain on the user's physique can be significant, requiring caution and powerful endurance during the activation.

Price: 80,500 higher Sacred stones.]

Her eyes lit up as she read the name of the skill. Terrarium was a mysterious metal known for its durability. It was extensively used in high-level shields and other defensive weapons. It had the natural property of repelling physical and elemental attacks.

Since Tira had no defensive skill of such sort, she immediately picked it to be her first skill of the store.

Tira then moved above and reached for the last shelf in the row in the middle, and when she pulled her hand out, it contained a metal element movement skill.

Tira already had a skill like that, so despite the one from the store having a slight advantage over the one she owned, she returned it and pulled out a new skill card.

[Name: Quake Stride

Type: Movement

Level: God

Cultivation Level: Early to peak Lesser God

Effect: Empowers the user with unparalleled speed and agility by transmuting the earth beneath their feet into a dynamic metallic pathway, allowing swift traversal of many terrains

Description: The skill harnesses the combined power of metal and earth to grant the user extraordinary speed and agility. This skill transforms the user into a master of earth manipulation, transmuting the ground into a dynamic metallic pathway that facilitates swift traversal across many terrains.

The skill demands profound understanding and control over the elements of metal and earth. The strain on the user's energy to transmute earth into the metal can be significant, requiring vast energy reserves and control.

Price: 75,500 higher Sacred stones.]

Tira read the details on the skill card, and she pulled out on her thirty-fifth attempt. She wasn't much impressed by the movement part, but the transmutation of metal from the earth part of the effect interested her.

In only a moment, she went from being non-interested to extremely curious about it. She still didn't make any decision on the purchase but decided to make one after experiencing the skill.

[Quake Stride] focused more on the element of earth, which wasn't the strong point of Tira, so her compatibility with the skill would decide her answer.

She had gained two types of skills already, so she became excited to see what would be next and reached for the last shelf in the second-top row.

(Chapter End.)


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