The first point guard in basketball

Chapter 686 The 2nd round about to start

Chapter 686 The Second Round Is About to Begin

The old hooligan is very big-hearted now. He wants to start a movie company, and secondly, he wants to build an NBA team. As an existence regarded as a god in the basketball world, the old hooligan feels that his appearance is to make the world tremble. Hooligan's self-esteem can't accept it at all.

Although James in the historical space called out that he is GOAT, and then immediately led the team to win the tenth place in the Western Conference. Although Jamie has the habit of surpassing Kobe in one championship and Jordan in two championships, in fact, their master surpassed and did not surpass Jordan. It won't come out to beep, this kind of self-cultivation is really top-notch among black players.

The old rascal has a big heart, so starting a movie company can help his son, right?And in case there is another girl or something, I have the capital to pretend to be. Nowadays, it’s time for those girls to come up and kneel and lick if they don’t say that I’m Jordan, because now the heartthrob in the basketball world is not me, but Xiao Tian’s junior. The other party has completely broken his record since his debut, and he has surpassed his posture in all aspects. Li, if Xiao Tian is like a wolf and a tiger, let alone five championships, it would be good if he can win three.

Xiao Tian doesn't know what the old rascal thinks, and even if he knows, he won't lend a helping hand to the other party, because judging from the historical space, this guy changed his name to the Hornets after he managed Bobcats, it is an absolute pitfall, so if he cooperates with him, he probably will file for bankruptcy within a few years if he has this foundation.

And I already have shares in DreamWorks, Yahoo, Google, Facebook and other companies in my hands. Except for Yahoo, the other three have the majority. There is no need to cooperate with the other party.If you can't take the majority, then there is no veto power, and the cooperation will lose its meaning, right?

In the playoffs, except for the Grizzlies kicking the Clippers out, there seemed to be no winners in the other matchups. The Lakers were defeated by the Spurs for two consecutive games. They are now tied 30-12. David Robinson unexpectedly made a miraculous comeback. In these two games, the Admiral averaged 3 points, 60.00 rebounds and 10 assists, and his shooting percentage was as high as [-]%. He really suppressed O'Neal in the paint. , with an average of more than [-] free throws per game, but the shooting percentage, hey, let’s not mention it.

The Warriors and the Suns, the Trail Blazers and the Timberwolves all ended in a tie. Larry Brown, who was complacent in the east, was killed by Docs, and is currently tied with the Magic. This gave Iverson an urge to die. After this guy came back, he was injured again, which made it impossible to restrict McGrady at all. No one can stop McGrady with full firepower, which is uncomfortable.It is the most true portrayal of Iverson's heart.

McGrady was also full of pride and shouted the slogan of winning the fifth game in Philadelphia, but only Xiao Tian knew that this was impossible at all. McGrady was a cursed existence by God, and this curse index was higher than Weber. Every time it was a critical round of the playoffs, various situations would always occur to McGrady. Without Snow's interference this time, Xiao Tian personally was not optimistic about whether McGrady could break through the shackles of fate.

The fifth game was played almost at the same time. The Lakers did not let the Spurs counterattack, but it was also very thrilling. If Elliott did not make the last offense, the Lakers would have lost to the Spurs at home. The performance of the Super Five in the playoffs was very average, especially Glenn Rice. Item, many of the Spurs' offenses were completed under the opponent's defense.

But the Lakers broke through the Spurs, which is something to be happy about.But the other few matchups were enough. The first was the matchup between the Warriors and the Suns. In the fifth game, Penny seemed to have returned to his peak. With the data of 30 points, 5 rebounds and 5 assists, he told Carter that he was not old in the league's striker line. Although Carter scored 28 points, 10 rebounds and 3 assists, he still lost to the Suns. The Warriors suffered too many injuries this season. The fans at home still dedicated their applause to this group of Warriors. In this round of the series, the Warriors are completely five people, hitting each other 7 or even 8 times. Scott Skiles will continue the rotation to the end in this game.A lot of people got the chance to play.

In the game between the Trail Blazers and the Huskies, Hardt didn't continue to have good luck, because his teammate Brandon was completely blown away by Little Flying Squirrel, and the Blazers successfully entered the second round.

Hardt is very aggrieved. In this round of the series, he scored 25 points, 10 rebounds and 6 assists, but the team was still eliminated by the playoffs. This feeling is really uncomfortable.

The top four in the West were born, the Grizzlies, Lakers, Trail Blazers and Suns, and the East is Philadelphia, Pacers, Bucks and Knicks.The Knicks star black hole is still amazing without Isiah Thomas. This is what makes Knicks fans most proud. There are no real superstars in the team, but they can still reach the second round. Isn't this a very awesome thing?
For this reason, Dolan sent a big red envelope to the Knicks players. No one from the Knicks players disclosed the exact amount, but the Grizzlies have ushered in a new problem.

That is whether Harprin should renew his contract. At present, the Grizzlies still have a contract that can be renewed, but apart from Harperin, Ginobili is also indispensable to the Grizzlies. The logo man personally thinks that it is better to renew Ginobili. The money is poor, and the other is that the money for the salary cut was obtained from various endorsements, and Harprin did not have this kind of treatment at all. Although his personal appearance is very good, his popularity in the Grizzlies has always been mediocre. Even the newly joined Odom is more popular than him.

So it is inevitable for this guy to leave, but he is a high-quality 3D in the league. If he is let go, it is better to sign first and then trade.

Of course, Halprin also knows where he belongs. For the city of Vancouver, his personal perception is very average. As an American, he actually yearns for life in the interior of the United States. He was traded by the Grizzlies at the end of this season.So if you leave by yourself, the outside world is still a vast sea and sky for you.So there's nothing sentimental about it at all.

May 5th is the day when the second round of the playoffs starts, and there is still nearly a week before this time. During this time, Xiao Tian started shooting training. This is something he does every day, because basketball is ultimately a game of shooting, and the accumulation of prestige points is still not enough, so he can only rely on practice to improve the experience value of shooting attributes.

Ever since Rodman got the supporting role in "The Fast and the Furious" from Xiao Tian, ​​he has been in a state of embarrassment. Of course, he is sick now and has not gone out. He is trying to figure out the role while accompanying Madonna to have an abortion. Madonna may be the woman who has gone with Britney a lot. She followed Britney's instructions in many aspects of the abortion. The only thing that disappoints Madonna is that she is not served by so many people like Britney. In fact, Madonna has always had such a dream in her heart. , Surrounded by countless people, as if he is the protagonist of this world, this child is the first child of himself and Rodman. Before that, the two of them had no children, so this meaning is extraordinary.

"Cicconi, look, is it more three-dimensional for me to express this line?" Rodman completely regarded Madonna as a director. After all, the latter is a talented woman in this circle, and she must know more about movies than himself.Rodman's pursuit of movies is much higher than that of basketball. Basketball only needs to grab rebounds and prevent the opponent from scoring. However, Rodman's pursuit of movies is to strive for excellence in every aspect.

Madonna didn't answer, but fell asleep on the sofa. Rodman covered her with a thin quilt, and then went out directly. Where did he go?Of course, I went to Xiao Tian's house, because Madonna's villa is located in the same neighborhood as Xiao Tian, ​​because this pop queen doesn't want her every move to be under the surveillance of the paparazzi. Compared with the noisy Los Angeles, Vancouver is much quieter.

"Heaven, heaven, look at how I perform like this." Nima came again, this superb one came again, Xiao Tian helped his forehead, and didn't know what to do. Britney was not asleep at this time, lying on the sofa and touching her swollen belly, like a Maitreya Buddha.

"Dennis, why are you making such a fuss? This role is just a supporting role. You don't need to strive for perfection."

Britney said she ate a piece of orange, which was naturally peeled by others. Not only Madonna envied Britney’s pampered life, but Rodman also began to envy him. However, Rodman did not agree with what the other party said. I am a newcomer in film, and I still have a lot to learn, so it is very important to grasp every detail."

Xiao Tian looked at Rodman, Nima, if this guy puts such energy into basketball, will he become the number one power forward in history? In fact, this guy doesn't love basketball at all. He just regards basketball as his job. Now he goes to make movies to make ends meet, but he understands the importance of seriousness.It's a pity, if he had awakened earlier, relying on that wonderful personality, he would not be much slower than Jordan in making money.

"Well, you've performed very well now, so you don't need to think about it this way. It will take a while for this movie to start shooting, so during this time, the most important thing is for you to accompany Sicone well. Don't worry, I will have you in place if I have a suitable movie role in the future,"

Rodman was very happy to get Xiao Tian's answer, and he left without hesitation, and the preparations for the crew of "Fast and Furious" are already underway. As for the director, it should be Robert Cohen. After all, this guy still has his own unique understanding of racing movies. His performance is more three-dimensional than that of Vin Diesel. Most importantly, this person, like Rodman, has a tireless learning spirit, which is very important for a film actor.

(End of this chapter)

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