The first point guard in basketball

Chapter 672 Jason's Trouble

Chapter 672 Jason's Trouble
Xiao Tian’s every change was ahead of Larry Brown, as if he was the bishop on the field. It was not easy for Larry Brown to achieve this level on the spot. the other side.

Iverson sacrificed a lot of personal offenses in this game in exchange for assists and passes from his teammates, but this style of play is wrong now. If he can pick up those individual offenses, maybe the situation of the team will be completely different.

Losing this game has no effect on Philadelphia, because the team's lead in the East is still very large, and this game is of great significance to the Grizzlies, because if this game is won, the Grizzlies are already guaranteed to enter the playoffs, even if they lose the next game, it doesn't matter.

The Eastern Conference has already played 2 away games, and there are still two games before returning to Vancouver.

The next game will be the Bucks, and after the Bucks will be the Bulls. These two teams are currently ranked very close in the Eastern Conference. They are both in the playoff sequence, one seventh and the other eighth.

The Bulls are not as bad as in the historical space because of Xiao Tian, ​​but there are signs of recovery. They almost entered the playoffs last season, but the Lingmen kick at the critical moment was a little off. But this season, the Bulls still have a good chance of entering the playoffs, because when they are against other powerful players in the East, the Bulls are able to play back and forth.

The Bucks are still the same group of people. The only change is that they introduced Jason Caffey and Tim Thomas. The other points have not changed at all. The Big Three combination of Ray Allen, Big Dog and Sam Cassell.This configuration is very good in the East, but they are only ranked seventh in the East because the team's bench is too general, and their bench has no point to look at. In addition, George Karl doesn't like to use more rotations, so the Bucks are almost seven people in rotation, or eight people.

Their rotation in this game is also the same number. This kind of rotation has an advantage, that is, the lineup is very stable, and there is no need to change anything. The downside is that this rotation easily increases the chance of player injuries, but NBA teams are all vampires. In front of the record and tickets, your personal injuries are nothing. I paid you to renew your contract. Even if you die, you will die on the court. This is the inner thinking of many bosses and executives.

That's why James in the historical space is so unique and has become the idol of many players entering the league. It is because he will never be restrained by the team. He is the one who restrains the team. This is like Jordan in the bull dynasty era.This is undoubtedly very sad.

When James entered the league, he felt very explosive, but his skills were very rough, but when he was around 34 years old, his overall skills had no shortcomings.

And not many fans came to watch this game. The whole Milwaukee fans have no interest in this team. It has been several seasons since Glenn Robinson entered this team. How is the result? There is still no change from before. They are all at the playoff level. It is completely impossible to go further, which is very embarrassing.

And in this game, Sam Cassell was completely restrained by Xiao Tian, ​​which disappointed the Bucks fans. Although they didn't expect much to beat the Grizzlies, you can't lose like this. You fell behind by 20 points at halftime. How can you play like this? The entire Bradley Center left 80.00% of the people at halftime.

Milwaukee’s ball market is very common in the NBA. This place is very cold and not big. If you want to get huge ticket benefits, improving the team’s record is the only thing you can do. Why will Milwaukee hold an Antetokounmpo Day later? It’s because they don’t want Antetokounmpo to leave here and keep the opponent. For a small team like theirs, retaining a good player is equivalent to retaining half of the team.

The Grizzlies won another away game, and the Bulls' trip to the East is over.

In this game against the Bulls, Paul Westphal was on the rotation, because the road trip is a great test for players in terms of physical fitness. It is obviously not worth sacrificing the opponent for one or two victories. The Grizzlies’ water made the Bucks vomit blood.

Of course the Bulls lost this game. The paper strength of the Bulls is still good. Jerry Krause is very good at building a team. The Bulls in the post-Jordan era have come out. This year is their moment of revival. Isn't it because he is afraid that he will become Rose's second? When Thibodeau, the unlucky boy, is gone, Wiggins is still maintaining his health, because this has already formed a habit.

The Grizzlies returned to Vancouver after this Eastern Conference away game, and the team can rest for a few days before continuing the regular season.

During the days of the Grizzlies truce, other teams in the league were also fighting. Now is the time to fight the bayonet. If you don't do it, you will only have to go to the next season. And what will happen to the team next season, no one can predict.

The west side is very tragic, you slaughter me, I will kill you back, the fight is dark and dark, and it is very enjoyable, but the east side is much more peaceful, which also makes many people have the idea of ​​fleeing the west.

Britney's belly is getting bigger and bigger, but this guy still doesn't stop, and he still insists on exercising every day, which was strongly resisted by his grandma and grandma.

"Boob, what are you doing, lie down quickly, you are too small now, you can't move around, come and drink some of this soup tonic." Britney just wanted to go to exercise, but was caught by her grandma, Britney could only put on a smile, but grandma didn't like that at all, "You girl is a mother now, can't you be more honest, you can sing and dance after you give birth, it's completely impossible now."

Britney was very sad and angry, but there was nothing she could do. Grandma was here for her own good. She understood, so she could only accept her fate. Jessica Simpson on the other side was similar. This made the widow sister and mother-in-law look at each other with sympathy. Perhaps childbirth is really a torture for women.In comparison, Xiao Tian, ​​a man who worked hard, was much more chic, he didn't have to do anything, and it was still the same as before.

Britney's delivery date is still a few months away, but Jason's delivery seems to be about to happen. Jason's whole body is restless, especially when facing the lead singer's father-in-law, this anxiety is even more intense.

"What do you think, are you going to marry Liv?" Old Taylor looked at Jason, Xiao Tian was on the sidelines, and Jason was very conflicted. He thought for a while, "I will do what a father should do. As for marriage, it is impossible for me. I think you, as someone who has experienced it, should understand how I feel."

Old Taylor showed such an expression, "Okay, since you don't plan to get married, put half of your property in Liv's name as compensation." I really dare to open my mouth when I go to this guy. Xiao Tian looked at this guy, and felt rejoicing, fortunately, the other party is not his father-in-law, otherwise, he really has only a dead end.

half of the industry?Jason smiled disdainfully, "Are you selling your daughter? The price is clearly marked. Hehe, you seem to have overlooked a problem. Liv doesn't take you as a father seriously at all, so please get out of the way and continue to be your lead singer. Don't disturb my life, this is my warning to you."

Stephen Tyler did not expect that Jason would tear himself apart in this situation. Did this guy really think of himself as the other party's father-in-law, bastard, bastard, but Liv Tyler's attitude towards him was similar, as if he really had nothing to do with the other party.

Stephen Taylor didn't leave, he looked at Xiao Tian and the two, "Okay, I don't want money, let him write me a few songs, I won't interfere in this matter anymore."

Stephen Taylor understands that the laws of the United States will not protect ordinary singers like himself. They protect invisible rich people like Jason. If they really go to court, the other party's lawyers will let him play to death. After all, Stephen Taylor doesn't have a lot of money to support the lawyers now, and this thing is necessary for many rich people.

Xiao Tian didn't move, but just smiled disdainfully, "Let me write songs for you, and you deserve it too. If you are Liv Tyler's father and have fulfilled your responsibilities as a father, maybe I will agree to you for the sake of the other party, but do you have one? You are just a Teddy in my eyes."

Liv Tyler had a miserable life when she was a child, and she was exiled from Europe to Hollywood. If Jason hadn't been tied down, she would still have become an existence lingering around countless male stars just like the historical space.

Stephen Taylor wanted to attack Xiao Tian, ​​but Xiao Tian grabbed him, "What's the matter, Mr. lead singer, did I hurt you? You didn't regard Liv as a daughter, but a commodity with a clearly marked price. Get out, don't you want to take a penny from here, song? Lao Tzu's songs will never be given to people like you."

Stephen Tyler's face was flushed, he looked at the two of Jason and left bitterly, this time the action was a failure, he originally wanted to cheat Jason, but he didn't expect the other party to refuse, damn it, how did he get the money, eh, it's really uncomfortable, Stephen Tyler never imagined that Liv, who lost money, would be in this situation. When Liv Tyler was born, he ran away, because Stephen Tyler knew that a father must He didn't have anything. Being a good father is not just about money.

Liv Tyler is not in this villa, this villa is a private space for Jason, "You are too rude to him, he is Liv's father after all."

This guy Jason has really changed. If he was young, this guy would have been on his own. "Hehe, Jason, you should understand that people like that are a bottomless pit. You can't satisfy them, and you will even lose everything. Is it worth it? love, but if it were us, I’m afraid we would do the same.”

Xiao Tian sympathizes with Liv Taylor very much. She is not a time traveler. Everything she owns is made by her own hard work. Although she has the halo of the second generation of stars, this halo is far less famous than her mother who is a flesh and blood. The other party is the most famous flesh and blood in North America.

Jason sighed and took a sip of wine. He agreed with Xiao Tian's approach in his heart, but he still felt that it was too unreasonable in his senses. Because of Liv Tyler's pregnancy, Jason became cautious about the other two women. On Beyoncé's side, Jason's enthusiasm gradually went down, and the other party seemed to have the idea of ​​leaving Jason. To these Xiao Tian, ​​he was just a spectator. Whether the other party left or stayed, he could only watch like this. In Xiao Tian's eyes, Beyoncé and Jason are people from two worlds.

(End of this chapter)

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