The first point guard in basketball

Chapter 615 Win the first game

Chapter 615 Win the first game

The Grizzlies were on the bench, but the Pacers were not fully on the bench. Larry Bird still let Chris Mullin play with a few energetic guys. In this game, Larry Bird really didn’t want to lose, because historical data proved that in the playoffs, the team that lost the first game of the Grizzlies had a very low probability of a comeback. The only comeback for the Grizzlies was the Western Conference Finals against the Rockets. The depth is not comparable to the current Pacers. That year, the Rockets were able to beat the entire league inside, but the Pacers, eh, forget it or don’t watch it.

Mullin is facing Schramf. They are about the same age and have similar styles of play. Compared with some of Mullin's bright moments, the German is more low-key and restrained. Mullin chose to face Schramf. The goal was missed, but the rebound was snatched by the Pacers' meat shield center. , Technology really depends on talent.

"Hahaha, LeBron, does this scene seem familiar?" Harden laughed heartlessly in the audience, and James' face turned black. He is not the slick little emperor in the historical space, but now he is just a minor. Although he knew that the other party was joking, James still felt embarrassed by the joke.

James made an excuse and left the audience directly, and Ricky Paul was waiting for him outside.Ricky Paul's car is a very ordinary Ford.

"What's the matter, LeBron, is the game over? Why did you come out?"

After discovering James' talent, Ricky Paul began to help him shape his image in an all-round way. In Ricky Paul's mind, if James was portrayed as a hero or genius in Akron, then there must be many selling points.

James didn't speak, but got into the car, "Go back to Akron, I want to rest." James didn't tell Ricky Paul that Harden was joking with him, but a thorn had already been planted in James' heart. That James Harden was just a kid. If it wasn't because he was in an orphanage with Xiao Tian, ​​he didn't know where he was wandering now. He dared to laugh at himself, that bastard, James was really resentful.I must become a superstar in the sky, and then drag Xiao Tian off the throne, my mother is a critic, and at that time, I will see how James Harden will be.James has never doubted his basketball talent. He is born to do sports. The difficult living conditions in his childhood did not make him malnourished. On the contrary, his muscles and body are stronger than anyone else. This is his advantage.

Harden didn't know what James was thinking, and neither did Xiao Tian. The game was still going on, and Larry Bird had already been sent to start.

And Xiao Tian is already playing at this time, Jordan has no desire to continue explaining now, no matter how poor his vision is, he can still see that the Pacers are really hopeless.Hamilton is too tired. As the core of the Pacers, he has now scored 15 points. How many shots can he use?If you want to obtain unlimited shots, you need to have matching strength.

And the current Hamilton doesn't have that kind of strength. Although his current scoring methods seem to be very rich, there is a huge loophole, that is physical strength. Hamilton is good at everything, but physical strength is too average, especially when facing a stalker like Xiao Tian, ​​it is really powerless.

While Xiao Tian is pestering Hamilton, his scoring and assists are not delayed at all. This is the point that makes Larry Bird feel helpless. This style of play is really rogue.

There are less than 3 minutes left in the fourth quarter, and the point difference on the field is still 5 points. Seeing this point difference, Larry Bird wants to vomit blood. This point difference has been maintained for one game, but the Pacers just can’t catch up. When the Pacers are about to catch up, Xiao Tian will always give you a fatal blow at that moment. He is too smart. This guy’s head is completely inhuman. I understand that it is a very fortunate thing for me to retire, otherwise it would be a very painful and degrading thing to be ravaged by a monster like him.

This guy's current score is 34 points and 15 assists. The number of assists is not as many as before, but every time he scores, he makes himself crazy on the sidelines. Bastard, the Pacers scored another two points, and looking back, Xiao Tian immediately assisted Duncan to complete a dunk, which was still five points away. The only difference was that the Grizzlies scored easily, while the Pacers scored it. It is extremely difficult.It is really a tormenting thing to fight like this.

Time is constantly being wasted in this torment. Larry Bird watched himself score one, and then the opponent scored one. It was completely helpless. The disadvantage of the center was caught by the Grizzlies and beat him to death. Damn, I hate it. Larry Bird looked at the time and chose to give up. Don’t continue to play. This side is also on the bench, and Xiao Tian's data is also fixed at 34 points and 16 assists, and Duncan also has 32 points.Gemini's performance is still as stable as ever.

There are quite a few scorers on the Pacers side, but too few people can really stand up in times of crisis. Chris Mullin, God's left hand, was completely exhausted by the Grizzlies in this marathon.

The next matchup is one day later, or at the home court of the Grizzlies. For Larry Bird, he wants to make an adjustment in such a short time. It is really not a simple matter.

At the press conference after the game, when reporters asked why the game was lost, Larry Bird couldn't help but fire.

"Regarding the game, no one wants to lose. My players have done everything they should do, but they still can't win. This is indeed an extremely frustrating thing, but it doesn't completely negate our efforts."

Larry Bird covered the players and warmed the hearts of the Pacers fans. He is indeed a superstar who came out of Indiana. He is still a bit human, but no one knows how the Pacers will play in the next game. Only one-third of the level of defense.

The press conference became completely Larry Bird's stage.On the second day, the titles of the major sports sections were very consistent.

"Can the Pacers Win a City? "This is the title of many websites and newspapers. Although they have only played one game, most of the fans think that the Grizzlies have already won the championship. This is a common method used by the media - to praise and kill. These guys are known as the uncrowned kings. They are just a group of people who are not too big to watch. If the Grizzlies did not win this game, the title would definitely be completely different.

Xiao Tian was not affected by those reports, he was still carrying out special training every day, as well as his great career of public copying, there was no way that reputation was the only way for him to become stronger.

Basketball is really a persevering sport. There is no outstanding talent. If you want to maintain a good competitive state, you can only rely on training. Kobe and Jordan have come here. After all, geniuses like O’Neal are rare. Although there are many players who don’t like training except O’Neal, none of their achievements can surpass O’Neal. things.

This year is the year of the Olympic Games. After the finals, it will be the day of the Olympic training camp. However, Xiao Tian's sense of belonging to the national team, as I said before, is not that strong.But old K came to his home on his own initiative after the first game.

"Heaven, it's been a long time. I remember the last time I met you was in 95. It's a pity that you didn't go to college. Otherwise, you would be better than Grant Hill. Why don't you consider joining the national team?"

Old K doesn't seem to be good at words, but he still talks a lot in private.Of course, this is for excellent players. If it is for the kind of muscles and sticks that have nothing but the body, old K will rarely express his opinion.This guy is just so weird.He is an ambitious guy. He wants to surpass John Wooden and become the only player in the ncaa, so being able to coach the national team to win the championship is also a resounding honor that he cannot miss.

And to complete this hegemony, Xiao Tian is definitely an indispensable link. His role off the court is much higher than on the court. There are gangs everywhere in the current US team, and everyone wants to be the boss of this team. After all, the second dream team is a place where many players dream of joining, but Xiao Tian hides far away.Thinking of this, old K felt a bit stuck in his heart.

"I'd better forget it, I'm too lazy, and I want to take a rest in summer." Xiao Tian still refused, which did not surprise Old K, so Old K didn't stop preaching.

"Heaven, come on, I need your help. You know, these guys in the NBA are completely different from those in the NCAA. Although I have some prestige in the NCAA, they won't buy my account. Besides, I really don't have many Duke disciples in this national team."

The players in this country really come from all major universities, North Carolina has the most, followed by other universities, and Duke also has, but not as many as North Carolina, and Xiao Tian, ​​the top card, is not from any university, so if old K wins him, then he will be equivalent to an extra knife in the national team.

Now, no one would casually talk about Xiao Tian's skin color, unless that guy wanted to be killed by Xiao Tian's fans, the current Xiao Tian is a veritable global idol, compared to Jordan back then, it is really even worse.

Xiao Tian hesitated, looking at old K, he thought for a while, "It's just that I'm really busy, and it's not a dream for this national team to sweep other national teams without me. Mike, why do you insist on looking for me?"

Old K looked at Xiao Tian with a serious face, "Because you are the number one in the NBA, and you are the boss of these players. If you don't join, then these guys will really be lawless. Haven't you heard the saying that there are no tigers and monkeys in the mountains?" Hehe, this old K seems to have begun to study Chinese culture. At that time, the gap between everyone was not that big, but in this time and space, because of my relationship, after Jordan retired, I should be praised as the second NBA spokesperson by Godfather. Although there were many unpleasant things in the middle, the general direction has not changed.

Of course Xiao Tian understood what Old K meant, but he was just being the knife in Old K’s hand for no reason. Xiao Tian didn’t have such fraternity, “Actually, I don’t think too much about the boss. , but even Si's godfather dare not exist, let alone himself as the ncaa coach, you must be calm.

I really need Xiao Tian’s help, and O’Neal is alone. If there is no Xiao Tian, ​​I can’t control the other party at all. Don’t look at the guy jokingly, but he is very proud in his bones. There are not many players in the NBA that he can look up to, and the same is true for the coach.

"Heaven, I owe you a favor. You don't have to play this time, but it's good to have a name. I need your name to calm down some guys." Tsk tsk, old K's fox tail finally showed.

(End of this chapter)

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