The first point guard in basketball

Chapter 19 5 steals in a single chapter

Chapter 19 Five Steals in a Quarter
In this steal, Anderson did not let Xiao Tian launch a fast break, but directly fouled. The Grizzlies won the ball, and the fans burst into cheers. The Grizzlies, who were not favored before the game, actually pressed the Blazers, especially their outside core Anderson, who was completely suppressed by Xiao Tian.

"The Grizzlies are very imposing. Heaven surprised us again. Maybe he can do more than just organize and score. He contributed two steals at the beginning of the game. I really don't know where his limit is." Rick Barry said that although Xiao Tian is Asian, he is different from other people. The object of chatting after dinner, but when I won the championship, these criticisms turned around and became praises.

Carlesimo has a big head, and he didn't prepare well for this game. Because the Grizzlies are recognized by the league, they can win by playing casually. But now Kenny Anderson is in trouble. He was intercepted twice by Xiao Tian, ​​and his mentality is about to collapse. Now he can only hope that the opponent can adjust as soon as possible. Carlesimo didn't call a timeout.

The game was not interrupted. The Grizzlies attacked this time, and Xiao Tian assisted Finley to score a three-pointer. So far, he has not made a single shot, and he is all making wedding dresses for his teammates.

This quarter of the game was a collapse for Kenny Anderson. It seems that he only had this feeling when he was facing Stockton in his rookie period. In that game, he only scored 4 points and made 6 turnovers. But Xiao Tian is an Asian. Why, why can he defend himself?

Carlesimo didn't notice the changes in Kenny Anderson at all. He still believed in the opponent's self-adjustment ability. As a result, Kenny Anderson started the crazy singles Xiaotian mode. It was only 5 minutes into the first quarter that Portland scored. The score was already 15 points behind.

Sabonis was a little angry, what is Kenny Anderson doing, the rookie opposite has studied him thoroughly, but why is he still obsessed with it.

Carlesimo finally called a timeout, and the Grizzlies on the other side can finally take a break. Now the score is 18:3. Xiao Tian scored 3 points, 5 assists and 4 steals, all of which were gifts from Kenny Anderson.

"Heaven, you played very well. If Kenny Anderson continues to perform like this, then we have a great chance of winning this game. Don't be pressured, just let go and play."

Paul Westphal is like a grandfather on the sidelines, very kind. Wilkins and Finley both scored 5 points, and the other two insiders also scored. Moreover, the combination of Ben and Ratliff's defensive insiders made Sabonis's stream of consciousness useless at all, because the ball never reached him.

Kenny Anderson's style of play is a very typical breakthrough and scoring. His ability to find opportunities in positional battles is very average, so preventing his breakthrough means preventing him to death.

Carlesimo was very upset off the court, and he spit at Kenny Anderson, "Kenny, you play like a ****. Why are you so persistent in playing singles with that rookie? Didn't I say, give the ball to Avedas, why don't you listen. You go down first, Randolph, you go up." Randolph Childress was the No. 19 pick last year, higher than Finley, but his chances were not as good as Finley. He was drafted by the Pistons last season and traded to the Blazers. , As a result, he played 28 games in one season. Compared with his juniors who had not yet participated in the draft in college and had a reputation in the United States, he was really far behind.

Randolph Childress came on the field, he was a very stable point guard, he implemented Carlesimo's tactics when he came on the field, handed the ball to Sabonis, and let him organize. Xiao Tian didn't close Hawkeye because of Kenny Anderson's end. With the support of stamina medicine, he didn't have to worry about lack of stamina at all.

So when Randolph passed the ball, he didn't move at all, because from the eagle-eyed observation, even if he gave the ball to Sabonis, it would be difficult for the latter to find scoring opportunities quickly, except for singles, but this is definitely a huge test for Sabonis.Because he is not the kind of Kryptonian cheating player like Xiao Tian.

Sabonis received the ball and leaned against Da Ben, um, he didn’t move, damn it, is this guy so stable? Sabonis turned around and prepared to hook, but Ratliff was already waiting on the sidelines. With a bang, the ball was slapped away. The ball was slapped far away and was picked up by Aaron McGee. That guy is the weakest scoring part of the Blazers’ current lineup. , Wilkins' defense can only rely on his brain.

The Grizzlies continued to attack, and the game was less than 4 minutes away. Randolph Childress' defense was so-so. He actually let Xiao Tian take half a step. As a result, Xiao Tian directly shot a three-pointer on the spot.

Xiao Tian retaliated with a three-pointer. Portland's offense was still very stiff. Sabonis' organizational ability was top-notch among centers, but when he was disturbed by various kinds, he would definitely make mistakes. This time, the ball he passed to Randolph was cut off by Xiao Tian in the middle.

"Oh, five steals, this is Heaven's fifth steal, will he create a history, is this statistic really made by a rookie?" Mike Brin was really going crazy, for this steal, the Grizzlies didn't counterattack, because Aaron McGee fouled in time, Xiao Tian came to the free throw line, ready to make a free throw.

Taking advantage of this juncture, Mike Brin began to tease Rick Barry again, "Rick, you said that Heaven is very similar to your shooting. Could it be that he also knows your unique skill?"

Mike Brin's words made the atmosphere of the audience happy again, Rick Barry blushed a little, Xiao Tian didn't make free throws with a shit bowl posture, but made both free throws, and Xiao Tian's score has reached 8 points.

McNelly was already getting nervous in the ESPN studio at this time. The Asian scored 8 points and 15 points in less than a quarter. It seemed that it was really not difficult. When he thought of himself as a public figure, going to Stanley Park to run naked in Stanley Park, it was a disaster. Now McNelly began to pray, hoping that the Blazers could live up to Xiao Tian's score.

(End of this chapter)

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