The First Lich Lord

Chapter 72

Chapter 72

You know this is far better than having to go on a long series of quests crawling across the city looking for where the bad guys are hidden, I said, staring at the building Jones had pointed us toward.

It is simpler this way, Maxwell chuckled. Ive done enough of those in my life.

The building was three stories tall with no windows on the first floor. There were two large warehouse type doors that led to the interior, one was currently open, revealing a small group of people moving around unloading supplies from a covered wagon.

We werent foolish enough to strike during midday. That was a good way to attract way more attention than we needed. Even if the map was no longer telling my pursuers where I was, if suddenly a powerful creature of death showed up, they would all assume it was me.

I approached the warehouse, Mercy appearing to be a regular old staff made of a pure black material. Two burly-looking men stepped in my way.

This is private property, one of them growled.

Apologies. I smiled and took a step back. I had heard that I could find some interesting I paused as if looking for the right word. Assistance here. While slavery wasnt outlawed in Valdor since it didnt break any of Olattees scriptures, it was still looked down upon. The open trade of slavery was often disguised as other things, and was almost always run by criminal enterprises.

Auctions are held once a week on Tuesdays, the man rumbled.

I dont suppose theres a chance I could get a peek at what will be available? Im looking to make several large acquisitions. I understand your assets can be quite, suited, to different tasks. As I spoke, I flashed a symbol Jones had given me. The contact who hired Jones to contract someone to take care of this issue had wanted it known whos money was behind the hit.

The symbol was similar to that of the Vitruvian man, a human with arms and legs spread and circled by a black ring. It was the symbol of the crime family that dealt the most in the slave trade in the local region. They prided themselves on high-value, high-quality slaves, and even had a degree of protection built-in for their merchandise. They wouldnt sell to people who they knew would abuse and mistreat the slaves to a high extent. From what Jones said, they were as close as you could get to moralized slavery. In fact, it was more like a broker of indentured servants than slaves.

Slaves being sold by the new crime ring had physical modifications made to them. It would appear that the price for these modifications was paid by their mental faculties. All the slaves were somewhat homogenous and fell into different categories: some would be incredibly strong but slow, or incredibly fast but frail. Despite the underworlds unease about the rising power of this new crime circle, that hadnt prevented the other crime families from buying large numbers of these specialized slaves as a new form of foot soldiers.

The guard glanced at the symbol in surprise then nodded at the other man, who disappeared inside the building. We remained in awkward silence as the brute of a guard just stood and watched me. Glancing around, I saw Maxwell and Raven loitering at a kind of caf farther up the street.

When the other guard returned, he was accompanied by a man in expensive clothes. He had an angular face and a sharp glint in his eyes as he looked me up and down. Did not expect that the Culled would send a representative.

The Culled was the crime family whose token I had. Jones gave me a brief explanation about them, and while I still thought they were slime bags, I did understand their role in society. Indentured servants were a kind of slavery that had been practiced for a long time. A person could sell themselves into a kind of slavery to pay off a debt they accrued. There was always an end date to the contract.

I forced myself to smile. Theres no reason for our two organizations to be in conflict. I have seen the quality of your, product. As such, my boss sent me to see what you had to offer.

This of course wasnt true. Jones had told us the Culled wanted this other organization gone whatever the cost. Up to this point, they had been uneasy terms, either side not quite knowing where the other one stood. I was going to use the uncertainty to get as much information as possible. The shrewd man studied me, and then a smile spread on his face that wouldve made my blood run cold if I had any.

There is of course no reason for us to be in conflict. Let me show you what we have to offer.

I grabbed Mercy tightly, hoping my nervousness didnt show as I followed him into the warehouse. Maxwell and Raven would keep a close eye on the structure, so if anything went awry, they would come to my aid. It was the short time where I was trapped in by myself that gave me a sense of unease. The goal wasnt to start the fight now, just to gather information.

As youve no doubt heard, we have the ability to create custom units for people who order large amounts. We have successfully conducted these trades with several of the other crime families, is this what youre looking for?

Of course. Jones had filled me in on the other families purchasing specialized slaves, it was a fair assumption that I was here for the same. What is your name?

He gave me another unnerving smile. You can call me Lucas. May I ask your name?

John. There was no way I was giving this man my name.

Lucas led me across the ground level of the warehouse, and nothing appeared to be out of place. Different piles of supplies and crates were stacked neatly. Things changed when he led me down a set of staircases into a basement. The air of the place changed, its hard to explain, but it felt heavy. Obviously, I couldnt smell anything, not well anyways, but I could just tell something was wrong.

Passing through a series of doors, Lucas led me into a room filled with a series of what I can only describe as pens. They were indented into the floor, and in each of them was a different type of person. The first one we came to was full of men and women that looked like theyd done nothing but eat steroids since they were twelve. They had no necks, small beady eyes, and muscles bulging along their entire body, and not the useless bodybuilder muscles, but smooth powerful muscles.

This is our most popular model, the brutes. Lucas smiled fondly down into the pen. Torches flickering along the walls cast strange shadows as the half-dozen people milled around. They are incredibly strong, as you can see, easy to command and train, and of course, like all of our products, perfectly loyal.

How do you ensure that loyalty? I asked before I could stop myself.

Lucas gave me a knowing smile. That is a secret, and if I told you, you could then figure out a way to re-create it and be our competition. He gestured that I follow him to the next pen.

Once again it was full of a different kind of person. They were long legged with long and powerful thigh and calf muscles. Like the previous, every one of them was stark naked, showing off the impressive runners build, far more powerful than any human back on Earth could ever dream of. They had large hands on their long, spindly arms.

This is our latest runner model. Lucass voice had taken on the tone of a man selling cars,. They have been designed to have incredible running speed and very keen senses. They make ideal messengers and couriers.

Unless you found some way to rapidly grow people, where are you getting them from? I was pretty certain I wasnt about to like his answer.

Oh, dont worry about that. Lucas brushed my comment aside with a smooth professionalism that left me nodding along. He was a very good salesman. Just put your mind at ease that they are from people who knew this was the better option for them.

The way this operation is, it seems like youre not new and have perfected many of these techniques, I said. That seems out of place with the apparent age of this organization.

Well, thats simple enough, we arent new, just new to the area. Lucas explained, but his tone left no room for me to press him further about what he meant. There was no one I knew about or that Jones had mentioned about an organization like this existing in other cities, so where did they come from?

He showed me several other pens. One had small humans with massive noses and ears that were meant for tracking, another group had massive eyes, and even one that he was immensely proud of had a huge brain he claimed was great at running numbers and logic. Sounded like a human form of computer to me.

Before we approached the final, pen, Lucas cast me a sly smile. Up until now, I am certain that none of these have caught the attention of why youre here, aside from possibly the calculator, theyre always useful for businesses. He gestured toward the final holding area. Up until now, all of the units you have seen have fixed prices, and we guarantee a certain level of proficiency. This is where the price can vary widely from being as cheap as a regular slave, to more expensive than the finest gladiator.

I couldve sworn my non-existent stomach dropped. There were three beautiful naked women in there, but their eyes were hollow. Not having a living body meant I didnt get the urges I used to, so I wasnt clouded by lust, and I just saw their brokenness.

Taking my silence as shock, which I guess it was, Lucas proceeded on his sales pitch. These Im sure you can understand what theyre used for. At the base level we have installed powerful command and loyalty. And their minds are rather malleable, so we can program them for any personality you want. He gave me a smile that made me feel dirty. Then we can alter them to suit whatever desire you want.

I didnt need an explanation to understand. Turning away from the pin, I tried not to freak out and kill him on the spot. The sad part about the whole ordeal, was there was no saving these women. The damage that had been done to their Mindscape to leave them in such a state had to be monstrous in the extreme. The damage to my Mindscape in the crossing had left me without emotion, sure, but I still had my own thoughts. By what he was saying, theyd essentially possessed no will or thought of their own anymore. In moments like this, I wished I still lacked emotion.

Oh, Lucas said in surprise. Not to your liking? We do have units of the male persuasion as well.

I sent up a silent prayer to Altor to give me strength, this was not the time. I was glad I didnt need to take a deep breath to steady my nerves, though I did do the mental version to calm my mind. No, its not that. This just isnt what I was sent here to find. Is it possible to custom order units for I nodded back at the other pens.

Oh, yes, of course! Lucas smile returned. Although, you must order a certain number, and there will be an up charge.

Thats fine. I proceeded to create some realistic sounding custom order. I dont recall what it was, because it didnt matter in the long run. All I wanted to do was flee that place.

My acting must have fallen apart at some point, because by the time Lucas led me out of the warehouse, he was giving me suspicious looks. He whispered something to one of the guards, and I watched for shadows slipping away to follow me, but there were none. That didnt mean they werent there. If they knew I was coming it would just make the fight more interesting. None of the levels I sensed or felt in that area had been strong enough to challenge me, but I didnt put it past them to have stronger members deeper within the complex. There was no way this was all there was.

As I walked down the street, Maxwell and Raven slid in beside me once I turned the corner. Raven, check for followers, I whispered, and she slipped away.

Are you okay? Maxwell asked.

I shook my head. Do you think Jones would mix a health potion into some hard liquor for me? I need to get drunk. It was still early enough in the day that I could drink plenty and still be functional for the fight later that night. I just needed to clear my head of that terrible place.


Ezekiel fell silent on the bench, looking out across the valley. The sun had just disappeared behind a dark cloud, and Marissa was a little surprised, she hadnt realized how much time had passed.

Standing, Ezekiel sighed. My apologies, I just need a moment. Havent thought about that place in a long time. In many ways, that is the epitome of what unfettered greed leads to A point where you see other humans and other sentience as nothing more than items to be sold.

Those who practice slavery are the scum of the earth, Marissa said angrily.

Nothing is ever that cut and dry.

Hot anger entered Marissas dark face.

Ezekiel waved his hands before him in supplication. I am by no means saying that slavery is good, just, nor is it always bad. As I mentioned with the Culled, they dealt and still deal with mostly indentured servants. Those people willingly sign into that, but dont for a moment think it isnt slavery.

Marissa took a deep breath and got to her feet. I guess I can see your point. I still think its wrong. They are essentially exploiting the downtrodden.

Youre welcome to think that, and I dont necessarily disagree. Ezekiel gestured for Marissa to follow. Just understand that you are what is seen as objectively evil by many people simply by the nature of your being. Does that make you evil?

Marissa walked around in quiet complementation next to Ezekiel as they ventured back into the heart of the castle.

Raven found them and glanced between Marissa and Ezekiel. Whatd you do? Is he being an ass, Marissa?

I did nothing, Ezekiel defended. You remember that crime circle in Maltis? Raven nodded. I was just describing what I saw in that warehouse.

Ah, Raven nodded in understanding. That was pretty messed up.

Its not even that, its just coping with the morally gray, Marissa muttered. And what is truly evil and what is not.

I dont know that Raven is the one you want giving you ideas, I warned.

Hey, thats not fair, Raven protested. The predator decides what the prey does, and if youre not strong enough to not be the prey then you shouldnt complain. It makes perfect sense.

This is why we cant have nice people over, Ezekiel joked.

A sudden explosion of dark magic broke Marrisa out of her musings. Ezekiel and Raven tumbled into the courtyard, taking turns exchanging blows. It became clear that Raven was far more adept at close combat than Ezekiel, and she quickly got the upper hand. Before long, she was sitting on his back wrenching his arm backward.

I yield, Ezekiel grumbled.

I didnt hear you, Raven said, twisting the arm.

I yield, Ezekiel said significantly louder, and Raven let go. As he got back to his feet, he summoned Mercy back to his hand, which had been dropped along the edge of the walkway. You only won because you jumped me.

A win is still a win, Raven said. I think that puts me ahead.

In your dreams, Ezekiel scoffed.

Are you two always like this? Marissa asked. Two of the three times youve been around each other it has ended in violence.

Theyre always that way, Vito said, his eye twitching in annoyance as he walked into the courtyard accompanied by Matthew. I swear, sometimes theyre like children.

I retrieved Vito as requested, Matthew said properly.

Marissa shot Ezekiel a confused look. She hadnt seen him talking with Matthew.

Ezekiel just smiled, not bothering to explain. I hope you were done. I didnt mean for Matthew to pull you away if you werent finished.

We finished up a while ago, Vito assured Ezekiel. How may I help?

Well, I was hoping you could help me teach Marissa the meditative combat trance, Ezekiel said. I understand how to do it, and I think Im really good at it, but Ive never taught it before.

Of course. Vito smiled at Marissa, revealing sharp fangs as he approached her. Tell me, what is your preferred weapon?

Marissa spent the next several hours with Vito practicing with a stiletto rapier. She was by no means skilled with the weapon, and he addressed that as well. In his long-life, Vito had mastered many different weapons. The meditation that could be found in a weapons dance was something that could be learned with any kind of weapon.

When they were finished, they headed back into the kitchen. Matthew produced wine and the potion that would allow Marissas taste for a short while, and they sat down as Ezekiel continued his story.

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