The First Lich Lord

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

The village was a little bigger than Omark, and Maxwell entered first. While his appearance was known to our pursuers, he was also a bard and had a series of skills that made him appear non-descript when he wanted. Raven and I followed a few minutes later. This was her first time around more humans, and she clung to me trying to hide behind my cloak. I kept one hand on her to reassure her of my presence.

I spotted a tavern and headed for it. Normally sleeping in the woods is no problem, but we needed to buy supplies, and for that we needed to be there during the day. Travelers coming in at the dead of night, while uncommon and noteworthy, wasnt something that should raise too much suspicion.

Maxwell was already seated at a table with a meal before him. I approached the bar. Can I get a room? I asked quietly. Weve been traveling all night to reach here and are exhausted.

The tavern keep was a matronly woman. I felt a pit open in my non-existent stomach when she looked between me and Raven. I hadnt even thought about Raven being a werecat.

The woman shook her head. Ill not have any salacious behavior in my establishment on your part, missy.

Raven squeaked and tried to hide deeper in my cloak. A flicker of confusion crossed over the womans face before her expression melted. I glanced down and saw wide purple eyes looking up at the tavern keep. She looked adorable.

You aint the first werecat Ive seen, and I know how they can be, is all. Let me guess, she found you in the woods?

Something like that, I shrugged. She has been my companion for quite a while, but we havent really been around people.

Right then. You seem nice enough folk. The woman reached behind the bar and produced a key. That will be one silver.

I paid, but the woman held the key aloft, still eying Raven. Poor thing. Nothing but a shirt to wrap up in? Her eye turned on me.

I wasnt dim; I knew how skimpy her clothes were. If she moved the wrong way with her tail holding part of the shirt up, she showed way more than she likely realized. Getting proper clothes for her was one of the reasons we were at that town.

Though before I could articulate that, the keep clicked her tongue, pressing our room key into my hand.

I think I have some clothes that would fit her. My daughter has recently outgrown them, if youre interested.

That is very kind of you, maam. Even saves us some trips elsewhere to get her something more decent.

She gestured for us to follow her back into the attached living quarters.

She made us wait as she disappeared farther into a back room.

Any chance you know why she doesnt seem to care about you being a werecat? I whispered.

Raven shrugged, her slender shoulders almost coming through the neck hole of her shirt. She really did need new clothes. I dont know.

Like I said, the woman stepped back into the room. Its not the first werecat Ive seen. Though they are uncommon, I have been around a long time. She set a bundle of clothes on a small coffee table before us. Take a look and see what you like.

Raven approached the pile cautiously, and before I could say anything, she slipped out of the shirt and was once again naked. I looked at the matron apologetically.

She just shook her head. Werecats theyre just like this, especially young ones. No understanding of what modesty or decency is. You said she found you?

Raven slipped into a shirt then took it off, shaking her head, though she did set it aside.

More or less. I saved her in her cat form, and she followed me home. I decide to stay as close to the truth as I could. Didnt realize she was a werecat until recently.

Just be careful, you do know the difference between werecats and werewolves, right?

I do.

You realize she will try to the matron began to say.

I cut her off. I doubt that very much so.

My tone mustve left no room for argument, because she dropped the topic. It didnt take Raven long to pick through what she wanted. She already had on a sturdy set of traveling clothes, and there was another pile sat next to her. I want these, she said quite primly, her previous nervousness gone.

As I paid, I asked the matron, How do you know so much about werecats and werewolves?

I wouldnt say I know a lot. The matron shrugged and pocketed the coins. But I havent always been in this backwater town. People like her are more common in bigger cities and magical places. Bound souls like to keep them around.

Well, thank you for the clothes. I think well call it a night though. I made a show of stretching.

Ill have your food sent up, the matron said as we headed out to the common room, and I nodded in thanks.


I, of course, did not sleep. The night was spent trying to meditate while part of my mind was on constant alert about being in town. Raven curled up on the bed and slept. The room was nice, for the size of the tavern. The bed was equivalent to what would have been a double back on Earth, and there was a small wardrobe where we could store our gear.

The night passed rather quickly, despite my restless meditation. Maxwell got his own room and logged out for the night. With the time compression, it would give him few hours back on Earth to accomplish a few things around his apartment. He promised he would be back before sunrise. My portion of dinner I set aside for Raven in the morning. After all, I had no need for sustenance. free webno vel

When we made our way back down to the common room the next morning, I was relieved to see Maxwell already moving around. I was less than thrilled when the front door opened, and Rhea walked in. She hadnt been wearing her priestly garbit was her fiery red hair that gave her away. My illusion was different than the one I previously used, but of all the devout Id interacted with, she knew me the best.

Her eyes temporarily rested on Maxwell. She made a jerking motion, indicating he head toward the door. Maxwell had the presence of mind not to look at me, and he slipped quietly for the door. Something was up, otherwise she would have attempted to apprehend Maxwell right away.

I bent down next to Raven and whispered, Follow Maxwell. Wait for me outside town.

Raven gave me a skeptical look before she quietly left my side. The extra clothes we had acquired for her were in my backpack, so she moved unencumbered through the tavern. It was early in the morning and there were a few people around, most of the current patrons appeared to be either other people who stayed the night or hunters coming in.

I moved to the bar, and felt Rheas eyes follow me. She went to a table and sat down. I got two mugs of ale from the matron, who narrowed her eyes, clearly detecting the tension in the room, though unable to locate the source.

I sat down at the table across from Rhea and passed her one of the mugs. So, I take it this isnt official? I asked quietly.

Tell me why, Zeke. She let out a long sigh. I see you as a friend, I cant believe that you are the monster they say you are.

I took a drink, not because I could really taste it, but to buy me time. I am the monster they say I am. I saw no point in lying. But Im not the evil that you have heard I am.

Rhea was the priestess who had greeted me in Omark and helped me build a small life there. Like Maxwell, she also had bright green eyes and pale skin. How can you not be evil if you are a Lich? You killed Father Mathis and all those priests and knights, how is that not evil. Help me understand, Zeke.

Tell me, what is more evil I met her eyes and let a small amount of the purple light that burned inside my skull through the illusion. The priests and holy men who would slaughter the innocent because they disagree, or the monster who stops them?

I Rhea shook her head. Olattee teaches us that creatures like you are un-pure and an affront to creation. And we both know that you had to do great evil to become a Lich.

Part of me still felt shame, but part of me also knew I hadnt known what I was doing. And while that did not absolve me of it, it did paint the setting in a different light. Id come to terms with what I was and what made me this way when I made the decision to act and fight against Father Mathis.

Im not denying that is true, I said. But what created me does not define me. I didnt try to explain that I was from Earth. NPCs had gained self-awareness, but that was still a tricky subject to approach, especially for someone in my situation. I regret the process and what was done, but at the same time, I know that not everything is as cut and dry as you make it seem. I found favor with the god of balance and joined his order, the Order of Equinox.

Rhea seemed surprised. I heard of that order once, but never actually met someone who claimed to join it. Not that I believe you.

You dont have to believe me. I took another long drink, finishing it in one go. I needed to get moving, she might be here to talk now, but I was certain Rhea had plans. Keep this in mind, Friar Brown knew what I was, and he did not annihilate me like we both know he could.

I pushed myself away from the table and headed for the door.

I will catch you, Rhea said. For that is the task I have been given for my blindness and not seeing what you were.

I heard steel in her voice. Rhea was a good person, but she was a stubborn and bullheaded person, and no doubt thought that in catching me, she would be able to absolve me of my crimes, and even save me from my Lichness. But neither of those things would come true. She mustve suspected that at some level. As I walked out of the tavern, two more priests entered, dressed in their holy robes. Rhea said nothing, letting me go.

The number of people I saw wearing some kind of holy symbol of Olattee stunned me. Just about every other person on the street wore something. Either they had come in the night, or they had already been here when we arrived. I headed for the northern exit from town, where Maxwell and Raven should be. I hoped Maxwell had gotten the supplies we needed on his way out. If not, we would just have to risk the next town.

A few curious glances were cast in my direction as I briskly walked through the town. But my disguise mustve been strong, because no one said anything. At the center of town where the small temple was, I saw a group of priests preparing some kind of ritual, and I had to fight down the panic. I didnt know what the ritual was, but from the brief look I got at a few of the runes, I knew it to be a detection spell.

As soon as I was free of the towns walls and out of sight, I broke into a run. Coming around the bend, Raven was in her werecat form sitting alongside the road. She ran along beside me, and a few meters later we came across Maxwell.

No time to talk, we need to keep moving, I said. Not having lungs meant that even though Id just been sprinting, I wasnt winded in the slightest.

I thought as much, Maxwell said, falling into step beside me and we both broke into a fast jog. I managed to get what we needed, though I overpaid for it because I was in a rush. I dont have much money left.

At least we have our supplies, I said. We should get off the road. Raven, scout ahead of us.

Raven glanced up at me and then dove off the left side of the road, cutting a straight line north. The road we were following began to bend to the east. Our goal was to stay near the foothills of the mountains since we could move far faster through the jagged land than our pursuers could. The rough terrain would serve to break up their search formations.

Once off the path, we pushed our speed. My body, now enhanced by the phylactery, had incredible endurance and strength, but I let Maxwell take the lead so he could set the pace.

Not fifteen minutes after we left the village, I felt a pulse of powerful holy magic wash over us from behind. I just hoped that the combination of the armor and my illusion spell would at least make it hard for them to tell what I was.

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