The Final Desperation

12 – Joining CEC

[You have slain an elite creature.]

[You have gained 232 coins.]

[Your maximum energy has increased by 3.]

Genji walked toward the dumbfounded person who had been running for his life.

"I know the city is dangerous, but to think it's this serious? To think someone would be hunted down in the streets. Just how many monsters are there? That's already the second one in the last hour."

Genji approached the person and hit a few pressure points to stop his bleeding.

"It's normally not like this," the stranger snapped out of his daze.


"Wait, two?"

"Yeah. Something wrong?"

That's when Amon realized he was talking to the person who had dealt with the other crisis.

"May I know which agent I am talking to?" his tone became much more polite.


Amon became confused by that questioning tone.

"Aren't you an agent?"

"An agent of what?" Genji was sure this person misunderstood something about him.

"Corruption Elimination Corps?"

"Nope. Is that something impressive?"

"Or any similar organization?"

"Nope. I have no idea what you are talking about."

Amon didn't know how to answer that. How can someone so powerful not know about CEC? Organizations around the world might go by different names, but they should all have the same goal: killing corruptors. How can he not know about them?

"Then are you interested in joining us?"

Amon decided not to push the issue.

"Depends. What do you do, anyways?"

Hearing this response, Amon was sure the person knew nothing about this side of the world.

"We fight the monsters like the ones you've seen."

"Hmmm. Is the job dangerous?"

Amon didn't know how to answer that. Should he be candid and risk scaring off this potential agent? Yet they could use someone of his skill. Then lie? Amon was afraid that might cause a crack in their relationship.

"If so, then I'm in."

Huh? Amon was puzzled by this response. That's not how the script normally goes. Shouldn't it be him offering a bunch of favorable conditions to entice him to join? Then his superiors would give him an earful for promising something beyond his rank to recruit someone, just for him to object. They would then get into an intense argument about his abilities which ends with testing this guy's abilities.

After that, he will show exactly how skilled he is, and Amon will get a bunch of praise for having a good eye. Where did that script go?

"Of course, there are a few conditions."

There we go. Now the script is back on track.

"Feel free to state them. We will try our best to meet them."

"I want to be deployed to hunt down as many monsters as possible. That and all the weapons necessary for the job. I also want to be able to request certain weapons with top priority."


Did he really ask that? CEC couldn't wish for anything better for the first condition. As for the second, that's a given. As for the last condition, that's not a problem if he's as good as he had shown. How are these conditions? It's like a dream deal.

"Are those conditions difficult? If so, I could go somewhere else."

"No, no. It's doable."

Amon was so speechless about the conditions that he forgot to reply. The person might have taken his silence as hesitation, so he hurriedly clarified. Imagine the guy leaving because he took too long to reply and got misunderstood. What a regret that would be.

"Okay. So when will we complete the procedures?"

"Let's set it for tomorrow morning. I need some rest right now. I can then guide you through the process, so it would be very fast."

Genji nodded.

"That's fine, but I will need a place to stay. I just arrived in this city and I'm running low on cash."

"How about my home? Although it's small, there should be room for you since I live alone."

Amon decided to offer his house as this will close the distance in their friendship.

"Why not."

Genji accepted because this will provide him with access to information that he can use. Although it would not be difficult to survive for 20 days, if he wants to maximize his income, he will have to fight. Not to mention the constant growth in energy he experiences in battle. No matter how he looked at it, following this person seems to be the most efficient path to start killing corruptors.

When they entered Amon's home, Genji found an empty room to sleep in while Amon went to take care of his wounds.

The next morning, Amon ordered breakfast for the two of them at a nearby restaurant. After eating, Amon led him to a tall building with high security.

"Good morning, Amon."

"Hey, Terry."

They entered, and Amon went to inform the higher-ups about the recruit, leaving Genji to explore the interior of this place.

"It's a fancy building. If I didn't know better, I would think it's a luxury hotel."

A few minutes later, Amon came down with a buff man wearing a suit.

"Sergeant Tensuro," he reached out his hand.

"Enigma," Genji shook his hand.

The sergeant's brows raised at that name but made no comments.

"I heard you wish to join us?"

Genji nodded.

"We would need to test your combat powers. Of course, if you want to skip that, we can let you be a 4th-rank agent."

Genji considered his options before asking for more clarification.

"Is the 4th rank good?"

"Do you know the system we use to classify agents and corruptors?"


"Then let me explain."

Corruptors and agents are categorized using a numerical ranking system, wherein a higher number denotes greater strength. Naturally, creatures of the same rank outmatch agents in strength due to their superior physical attributes. This discrepancy arises from the fact that monsters possess a more robust physique in contrast to humans. However, agents offset this disparity through an arsenal of meticulously crafted weaponry and strategic traps.

Out of all the ranks, there are 3 to pay attention to. First, there's the 3rd rank. All corruptors under the third rank can be dealt with using normal firearms. At most, it is like dealing with a stronger animal.

Starting at the third rank, the creatures start developing abilities that are very troublesome. As for the 4th rank, that is a classification for those who have fully developed their abilities. Take, for example, the mantis creature Genji slew. That's considered a 4th rank because invisibility is very troublesome to deal with and the creature had a good mastery over it.

The subsequent tier deserving scrutiny is the 5th rank, where corruptors begin to exhibit heightened intelligence, rendering them significantly more formidable opponents. Creatures attaining this rank are those that acquire cognitive abilities akin to those of a human child.

As for the 6th rank, it's designated for creatures that possess intelligence comparable to that of an adult human. Given this criterion, creatures of this rank are exceptionally challenging to deal with. If agents aren't cautious, they might fall into a trap, resulting in the annihilation of their entire team.

After that, there's the 7th rank, which marks a significant division. Any creature that attains this rank is considered a bioweapon capable of mass destruction. These corruptors have evolved their bodies and abilities to a point where the only viable way to combat them is with war machines like tanks or helicopters. Coupled with their intelligence, slaying even a single one is considered a monumental achievement.

Of course, there are ranks above these, but the creatures occupying those ranks are exceedingly rare, alleviating the need for concern. As for agents, their rankings are determined based on the corruptors they've eradicated. Whether it's a solo kill or a team effort, the manner of execution doesn't hold relevance.

Participation in the creature's elimination is the key determinant for receiving a rank. This doesn't imply that both scenarios receive identical treatment. In the case of a team kill, all members share the accomplishment. However, this shared rank is upheld only as long as all team members remain part of the team.

In the event that a member dies or sustains severe injuries, they will be demoted by one rank. Although this demotion may seem punitive, it functions more as a protective measure. CEC aims to discourage teams from accepting missions that exceed their current capabilities. After all, our agency doesn't possess an excess of agents to expend carelessly.

Having slain a 4th-ranked creature, Genji is extended an offer of a corresponding rank for a solo kill. Should he aspire for a higher rank, he would need to either eliminate a stronger corruptor or engage in combat against a few higher-ranked agents to earn their endorsement. Upon learning of the potential challenges posed by the test, Genji chooses to accept the offered rank and move on.

Following a series of additional procedures, Genji is presented with an ID card. The moment he took it, EverRealm prompted him.

[You have joined CEC.]

[You have triggered the faction-specific mission: Corruption Hunter]

[Corruption Hunter]

Objective: Hunt as many corruptors as possible. For each kill, you will earn faction reputation. Accumulated points can be spent on items in the faction store or converted to rewards of comparable value within EverRealm.

Upon reading this mission, Genji found himself driven by an additional incentive to pursue corruptors.

"EverRealm, you're too generous," he mused.

What Genji hadn't yet realized was how difficult it was to join CEC. For normal people, they would have to go through the usual recruitment process and work their way up. At best, they might reach rank 3 before the world's end.

Special recruitment required soloing an elite monster, something not everyone could accomplish. Not to mention, the faction mission requires them to hunt down corruptors for rewards—a mission that contradicts the goal of survival. After considering all these conditions, Genji might be the only one daring enough to entertain such thoughts.

"Though I suspect you have no need for it, I'm compelled to ask. What do want for your fuhai-boshi?" The sergeant went through the motions.

Genji pondered for a moment. If it pertained to a weapon, he had no need. Yet carrying a katana around in plain sight is not optimal. Then he realized: this was a perfect opportunity to request additional equipment!

"I could actually use some weaponry. Can they be custom-made as well?"

The sergeant furrowed his brows at this annoying request, but he put up with it as this agent might be stronger than he lets on. 

"It's possible, but it'll take a few days."

"That's fine. I'll make do with a temporary one."

Genji then described the weaponry he envisioned, aiming to optimize efficiency and expedite his hunts. The concept abandoned everything else for this goal.

The sergeant rubbed his temples.

"Why do you need all these features anyways? Also, that's so much fuhai-boshis."

"Let's just say I plan on killing a bunch," Genji replied with a grin.

"Very well. I await your results. Amon, guide him to get a temporary weapon."

"Yes, sir!"

Amon led Genji to a storage room, housing an assortment of suitcases. Each case featured an attached paper illustrating the contents' assembly process. Genji surveyed his options before settling on a sword and shield. Despite his unfamiliarity with the latter, his recent clash with the champion had provided insight into its usage. Genji considered this an opportunity to diversify his combat repertoire, preparing for scenarios where his daggers might not suffice.

[You have obtained a fuhai-boshi]


Rating: Uncommon

Type: Sword and Shield

Damage: 8

Defense: 8

Durability: 55/60


Specialized: Deals 300% damage to corruptors, inflicts -50% damage to humans


Examining the effects, Genji realized this weapon exceeded [Muramasa] in damage output. As for the drawback, he could easily switch back to [Muramasa].

Genji nodded in contentment, proceeding to acquire additional equipment essential for agents.

"Oh, one more thing. Do I receive compensation for eliminating corruptors?"

Amon looked at him oddly. Based on the impression he had, this mysterious person didn't appear to be overly attached to worldly possessions.

"Don't look at me like that. I don't have much money right now, remember?"

Amon vaguely recalled him mentioning this last night, but he had been too engrossed in his recruitment efforts to pay much attention.

"If you're looking for some cash, you can collect some rewards at the desk, though it's not a lot."

"That's fine. I just need some to go around town and not seem suspicious when I'm standing around."

"Then that should not be a problem, though you can trade in the bodies for some cash if you're interested."

"Sounds good."

Genji collected some pocket money and started exploring the city. He pulled his hood down and lugged around his metal suitcase. Although he looks weird now, it won't stick out.

As he was walking, his radar started buzzing. Genji took it out and realized the dot is close. He put it away and started jogging over. When he got there, Genji looked around and confirmed that this was a remote location.

"Pretty good for a start."

Genji assembled his fuhai-boshi and closed his eyes to sense the creature. Behind the corner.

Genji walked over and saw a squirrel-like creature with tentacles sticking out. After inspecting it, Genji realized it was a common mob without any skills.



The critter jumped at him upon noticing Genji's presence. Genji blocked it with his shield and decapitated it with one swing.

"What a disappointment."

[Your maximum energy has increased by 1]

He took out his phone and gave headquarters a call.

"This is agent Enigma. I have a rank one corruptor body at 13th Joku Street. Send someone to retrieve it."

Shortly after, a staff member appeared with a medium-sized box. Wearing latex gloves, he entered the alley. Genji pointed to the body, which they carefully put into the box. Then they exchanged a nod before the staff member left.

Genji isn't sure what the organization does with these bodies, but they ask agents to report if they find them intact. They also try to clean up the area, but Genji thinks they might have another reason for keeping the bodies. Maybe they use them for research? That could be why they have such advanced weapons.



Kazuya was an ordinary high school boy. Well, as ordinary as an orphan could be. Just a regular teenager. Nothing peculiar stood out when looking at his life. And he believed his life would continue this way. He believed, past tense. That's because he had recently found himself in a difficult situation. Nothing illegal or of that sort, but something much worse.

It all began when he confessed to the girl at the cafe. He had a crush on her for a while, but never had the courage to talk to her. She looked so beautiful reading her book and gazing out the window. His friend noticed this, and they made a bet. He won't go into details about that. Just know he lost the bet and now he has to approach this goddess.

"H-hello there," Kazuya blushed, feeling embarrassed.

The girl looked up from her book and smiled at him. His heart almost stopped at the sight.

"Can I join you?"

His friend gave him a thumbs-up and slipped away. Cheeky brat.

"Of course."

Kazuya sat down and engaged in some small talk with her.

"So, what do you want?"

He could see the girl was growing impatient, wanting him to leave her alone.

"Ah, I-I..."

He found himself at a loss for words. The awkwardness only increased when the girl giggled at him.

"I really like you, so can you be my girlfriend?" He blurted out in a typical nerd fashion. It was a mess. He closed his eyes, bracing for rejection. He regrets accepting the bet now. How could he be so delusional? Why would she accept? She's way out of his league. As thoughts of self-doubt formed, the lady gave an unexpected response. Unexpected to him, at least.

"I would love to."

He looked up in surprise, seeing the lady with the biggest smile he had ever seen and a flushed face. That smile, though. It's so beautiful. Almost unnatural, but so beautiful.

Over the next few weeks, the two of them started dating, and Kazuya learned her name was Risa. Turns out they had a lot in common; both were loners and enjoyed visiting the cafe.

"Then I'll be heading off," Kazuya bid his farewells at the end of the date.

"Then I'll see you later," she waved back at him.

"What a happy life," he thought to himself.

He made a turn and entered the older side of town. This was where his home was. A place reserved for the poorest people in the city.

Growing up without parents took a toll on his wallet, you know? But even if he still had parents, he didn't think the situation would be any better. His mom was struggling to barely provide for the family.

It was tough when Dad was battling illness in the hospital, though the financial strain eased when he passed away. This, however, only caused his mom to break down faster, leading her to overwork herself to support him.

As he walked, he heard a whistling sound behind him. Then he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He looked down to see a blade sticking out of his chest. He stiffly turned his head around to identify the source of the attack. Instead of a human, he was met with a giant mantis. The insect-like creature pulled the blade out and disappeared.

Then Kazuya fell to the ground, his face buried in blood.

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