The Fat God System

Chapter 85: Spike

Hugh twisted the guard's wrists and tried to pierce through the guard's body with his own knife. Everything was in Hugh's sight and calculations.

With his eagle eyes, he could adjust his actions as soon as he saw a problem. The edge of the knife penetrated through the fabric of the guard's uniform and onto his skin.

The knife was only able to penetrate a few centimeters in the skin before Hugh felt resistance from the guard's wrists.

Hugh can no longer push any deeper even though he had used his armored fists to power through the force. He looked up and saw that the guard had a contorted face while trying to use every bit of force he could muster against Hugh.

Hugh knew that his attack was not successful; so he decided to attack in another way. He planned to let go of the guard's wrist and perform a slashing attack on the guard's body using his armored eagle claws.

Before he could let go of the guard's wrist, he saw a slight movement in his peripheral vision. This signaled a movement in his brain and he dodged without a second thought.

A sharp object cut through the air where Hugh was originally placed. If Hugh reacted just a bit slower, his whole body would have been cut in half.

Hugh backed away and reevaluated the situation. He saw that the other guard had recovered from his injury and attacked Hugh while Hugh was preoccupied with fighting the guard.

He looked at the other guard and saw that there was a crescent moon-like sword on his arms. It was sharp, and the lights were reflected off its shiny exterior.

Hugh could feel that the guard's weapon was not something he should take lightly. Even one small mistake could threaten his life.

The crescent moon guard slowly walked towards Hugh with wary eyes. Hugh was confident in surviving the fight against the crescent guard, but there was another guard that he had to worry about.

The other guard put his hands together and revolved his hands together. The hands morphed into something bigger and with more speed until it was like a turbine that blew air towards Hugh.

The crescent guard and the turbine guard walked towards Hugh with the intent of catching him. They were cornering him into a wall so that he had no escape.

Hugh knew that he had to get out of the corner if he wanted to survive. The turbine on the guard's arms looked like it would shred his body into pieces if he got hit.

If he were to fight against them, he could survive for a long time thanks to his eagle. He would activate his eagle eyes at the most critical times for him to react quickly to their attacks. The problem laid on the eagle eye's activation time.

If the fight wore on, he would lose time on the eagle eyes. If his eagle eyes are on cooldown, he did not know if he would be able to survive against their attacks.

Once all of his abilities are on cooldown, Hugh would be forced to use his transformation to escape. That would not be a good idea because he was still at the Student Council Headquarters.

He did not show any of his anxiousness on his face. He learned this survival technique fighting with the wild mutated monsters of the dungeon.

If he showed any weakness to them, they would pounce on him without any hesitation. The two guards kept on advancing towards Hugh, but they kept a wary eye on his movements.

With the two guards in close range, Hugh activated his eagle eyes to see every bit of their movements. He could perceive their attacks with pinpoint accuracy, so he did not have to worry about surprise attacks.

Hugh backed away until he felt the cold touch of the wall on his back. He knew that he was now cornered with nowhere else to go.

The two guards used this as a signal to attack Hugh. They charged with their weapons in their arsenal at full force towards Hugh.

Although Hugh could see their movements, that did not mean that it was not dangerous. He had to have great eye-hand coordination to pull off a dodge against two dangerous weapons coming towards him.

The turbine came directly towards Hugh's body intending to deal the most damage. The crescent sword was there to cut off any escape attempts that Hugh could go through.

Thankfully, Hugh had no intention of retreating. Contrary to their thoughts, Hugh charged towards them with his armored claws in hand.

Hugh bent down low and dodged the turbine coming towards his body. The guard with the turbine did not expect Hugh to charge towards him, so he was caught off guard.

The guard tried to change his direction at the last second to chase after Hugh, but Hugh anticipated this attack. With the same maneuver, he did the last time, Hugh grabbed the guard's fist and twisted it.

The crescent guard tried to slash his sword towards Hugh but found that the turbine was now coming towards his body. This unexpected turn of events caught him off guard, and he was forced to let go of his attack on Hugh.

The crescent guard used the sword in his hand to parry the turbine coming towards his body. The collision sent sparks flying all over the place, and the crescent guard was caught in the crossfire.

The crescent guard's shoulder was caught in the turbine, shredding his flesh into pieces. The guard was sent flying away from them with serious injuries.

The turbine guard was distraught at what had happened. He did not think that Hugh would use the same tactic as before, and now his companion was injured by his own weapon.

Although his turbine had great offensive potential, this, in turn, gave him a defensive liability. The guard had no way of defending against Hugh now that Hugh had his hands on the guard's wrists.

Hugh reared his fist and punched it towards the guard's neck. His armored claws pierced through the air and were aimed towards the most lethal attack he could think of.

Hugh's claws hit the guard's neck and were about to pierce through the skin when Hugh felt a cold chill in his neck.

His hands were forced to stop before his claws pierced through the guard's skin. Hugh felt a cold hand on his wrist that prevented him from moving any further.

The guard had cold sweat pouring down his back as he looked at Hugh's claws near his neck. His neck bled a drop of blood from the attack, but thankfully, it did not go any further.

Hugh looked at the hand that stopped him and saw a familiar face. This was the guy who had interrogated him because of the murder that occurred last week, Ace.

Ace had his firm grip on Hugh while he looked at Hugh with a serious face. Hugh felt a chill in his neck as he looked at Ace, which forced him to retreat his hands back.

Ace was a different kind of beast compared to the two guards he had faced. Even if he could use an unlimited amount of time in his eagle eyes and armor, he did not think that he could win against Ace.

If he used his transformation, he was sure that he could have a chance to escape, but there was no way that he could defeat Ace even with his transformation.

Feeling all of this danger underneath the surface of Ace's skin, Hugh wanted to get away from him as fast as possible. He tried to retract his hand away from Ace's grip, but Ace had a crushing grip on his wrists.

Hugh furrowed his eyebrows as he summoned every hit of power he had to try and get out of Ace's grip. It was immovable for a second, until Ace let go of Hugh's wrists.

The sudden release forced Hugh's body backward due to his own power. He tumbled for a few steps until he regained his footing.

Hugh looked up at Ace with the eyes of a cornered animal. He kept backing away from Ace even though Ace did not move a step.

Ace kept looking at Hugh with furrowed eyebrows. He felt that there was something different about Hugh, and that Hugh was stronger than before.

That did not make sense because Hugh had only been away for a week. That was way too fast for a power spike this big.

Ace looked towards the two guards that were on the ground. It was clear that Hugh had won this fight, which made Hugh even more of a monster in Ace's eyes.

These guards were at the A-rank unadvanced level, but Hugh won against the two of them.

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