The Fat God System

Chapter 175: Imitate

Aric's eyes widened as he saw the fangs on Hugh's mouth. It looked like a monster was trying to bite out a good chunk of his neck.

His instincts kicked in and he quickly coated his whole body with black fire. He used the coldness of his black fire to freeze the floor and glide out of the bite.

At the very last second, Aric was able to dodge away from the terrifying biting power of Hugh.


Hugh could only bite the air as it missed Aric's neck by a small hair.

Once he saw that he had escaped from Hugh's bite, Aric retreated and reconvened with Jane.

"How is it able to do that?" Jane asked.

It was wired to see a creature from the darkness imitate and copy a person that they knew. It was not like the creature had ever seen the real Hugh before.

"I don't know," Aric uttered.

They both confronted the creature posing as Hugh. Although the monster looked like Hugh, the savageness of the creature distinguished it from the real one.

"Does it think that we won't attack it if it has Hugh's face?" Jane asked.

Jane would have no problem killing this creature. It was nothing like the Hugh due to the demonic features on the creature's face.

Hugh looked at Jane and Aric with a tilted head. It opened its mouth and saliva started to drool out of its lips. It was every sight to see.

Then, the creature started to emit a sound.

"Aug…," the creature uttered.

Jane frowned. For a second there, she thought that she heard Hugh talking. The voice and the pitch of the voice were the same as the real Hugh.

"Heaaa…," the creature continued to utter sounds as it stretched its mouth.

Aric had a bad feeling about this.

"Hey, ff-friends," the creature said.

This time, the voice was the same as Hugh's. There was no distinction between this fake one and the real thing. If they closed their eyes, they would have thought that Hugh talked to them.

"What the hell is this creature?" Jane uttered as she frowned.

"Ccc-come he-here…," the creature said as if luring Aric and Jane. "I-I won't h-hurt you."

The creature slowly approached them, but Aric and Jane took a step back as the creature approached them. They did not believe a word that the creature was saying.

"I want t-to help you," Hugh said.

Props to the creature for replicating Hugh's expressions and intonation. It was as if the creature had seen Hugh face to face before.

Aric frowned as he had enough of this charade. He enveloped himself in black fire and charged towards the fake Hugh.

Jane frowned and charged behind Aric. They both decided that the best way to solve this problem was to attack it head-on.

The fake Hugh just smiled as it saw Aric and Jane running towards him.

Aric gathered all of his black fire in his fist and punched it towards the fake Hugh's stomach.

However, even though he was being attacked, the fake Hugh continued to stand still with a creepy smile on his face. It was as if he did not care about the punt attack of Aric.

Just as it had been before, Aric's attack just passed through the creature's body. It rendered Aric's attack useless.

Just as Aric's whole fist passed through the creature and left, the creature raised its fist and attacked Aric.

Aric watched as e creature's arm become enveloped with tentacle-like creatures that increased the size of the fake Hugh's arm.

The fake Hugh smiled as he punched Aric's stomach as a counter-attack. The tentacle arm seemed to be full of energy and strength as it attacked Aric at full speed.

Aric felt the full blow of the attack. He was in mid-air and he could not dodge away from the attack.

His stomach quickly turned upside down and the air inside his lungs was forced out.

The pinching force was enough to make Aric's body go flying away at high speeds.

The fake Hugh smiled and looked at the tentacle-filled arm. This was reminiscent of the armor that Hugh had, although it had been changed into tentacles.

It had the same property as Hugh's armor. It increased Hugh's attack and speed multiple times.

Unfortunately, Aric was on the receiving end of a terrifying and increased attack.

Thankfully, Jane was just behind Aric. She was able to catch him before he flew away into the wall. However, the force was too strong as she was also punched back several meters behind.

When she finally stopped, the soles of her shoes burned. Thankfully enough, she had saved Aric from colliding with the wall.

Jane panted as he brought Aric down on the ground. He was holding his stomach as it was in extreme pain. It was as if thousands of needles were stuck inside his abdomen.

"Are you okay?" Jane asked.

However, Aric continued to close his eyes and groan in pain. Jane realized that Aric was in no condition to fight the monster, so she had to be the one who stepped up.

She looked at the fake Hugh and frowned. With a layer of air around her body, she ran towards the monster.

She knew that the monster could make her attacks obsolete, so she had to find another way to damage the creature.

For this plan, she had to make some experiments to figure out the real power of the clay man.

When she came face to face with the creature, she did not attack it head-on. Instead, she attacked the floorboard beneath the creature.

Under the air pressure that she conjured, the floorboards broke and revealed a deep pit underground. One of the creature's legs got caught in the hole and got stuck.

After this, Jane used her air pressure to attack the fake Hugh head-on. This way, the creature had no way to escape while Jane attacked it multiple times.

With a barrage of attacks, Jane made sure to occupy the monster's skills. She continued to give the creature punch after punch even though her attacks were rendered useless.

Then, after the thirtieth attack, the creature finally changed its action.

Back when Jane had attacked it, the creature did not move its body at all. It did not need to, since the attacks would not hit anyway.

However, this time, the fake Hugh had moved its head away from Jane's attack. This was the first time that the creature had dodged an attack.

Thrilled by this discovery, Jane attacked the fake Hugh once again to see if it would dodge again.

However, before she could even throw her punch, she felt a strong force to her waist. She did not realize this, but she had been kicked in the waist.

Jane was surprised when she looked down. The leg that had kicked her was the one that was supposed to be stuck in the hole.

She did not know when the creature had escaped, but she was caught off guard because of it.

Due to the force, Jane's body flew away. However, something had caught her before she started to fly away.

When Jane looked at who had grabbed her, it was the fake Hugh. The creature had caught Jane before she escaped.

With one hand keeping Jane at bay, the creature raised its other hand and started to barrage Jane with punches. This was the same treatment that Jane had given to the fake Hugh.

Jane flinched as she closed her eyes and protected herself with a layer of air pressure.

The first few attacks of the fake Hugh were rendered useless by the layer of air pressure. However, Jane knew that it would not last long.

By her estimation, she could only last for five more attacks before her layer of air pressure was destroyed.


After five attacks, Jane felt the air pressure crack and get destroyed in an instant. Without her armor, she was vulnerable to the attacks of the fake Hugh.

She was not sure that she would survive a full head-ok attack by the creature.

The creature smiled as it saw that Jane's armor had finally been broken. It raised its tentacle arm in the air and prepared to smash Jane's face.

Then, the fake Hugh brought down its most powerful attack down to Jane's face.

It traveled through the air and was about to hit Jane's face. Jane closed her eyes and accepted her fate.

At the very split second that the creature's fist had landed on Jane's skin, the creature suddenly screamed in agony.

"GRAWHHHHH!!" the creature yelled.

Jane expected to be dead, but she had been saved. Due to the unexpected scream of the creature, it could not compete for its attack on Jane.

There was only a small cut on Jane's face where the creature's punch had landed and slid away.

When Jane opened her eyes, she saw the fake Hugh with a huge hole in its stomach. There was an arm protruding from the stomach.

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