The Fat God System

Chapter 171: Winery

Hugh went through the right door and immediately inspected the whole room. From what he saw, this room looked like it was a winery back in the old days.

There were rows and rows of shelves inside the room. Some of them had empty bottles of wine, and some were just full of spider webs.

There was not much in this room, not even a window to the outside.

Hugh looked around, but he could not see any exit anywhere. This meant that he and Serena were now trapped in this room.

Seeing the horde of monsters behind him and Serena, Hugh climbed up the shelves and sat on top.

This was the only way that he could evade the monsters. He only hoped that they would not be able to climb up to him.

With one powerful jump, Hugh was able to land on top of the shelf. However, he did not think his decision through.


He heard a crack from the shelf that he stood upon. Due to his weight, it could not handle enough force that was put upon it.

The passage of time also did damage to the structural integrity of the shelf.

Hugh stood still as he felt the shake crack. Then, he saw Serena towards one of the shelves, the same as what he did.

Thankfully for her, the shed seemed stable enough for her weight.

With the two of them relatively safe, the horse of monsters finally entered the room. They could not fit through the door since they all rushed towards the opening.

Some of them were forced through the door, leaving a stampede in their wake.

The first wave of monsters crashed through the room and looked everywhere for Serena and Hugh.

Through their carelessness, the shelves went tumbling down. It was like a piece of carefully placed domino piece as it tumbled down forward.

Seeing her inevitable future, she jumped from shelf to shelf for safety. Soon after, Hugh and Serena were both at the end of the room at the last shelf. At least this shelf will not tumble down.

However, Hugh and Serena were still not in the clear. The monsters continued to harass their way towards the room.

They rampaged through the shelves looking for Hugh and Serena.

Hugh observed the monsters and saw that some of them were looking through the ground with their nose. They sniffed the ground as if they could smell where Hugh and Serena were.

Hugh did not know how strong their sense of smell was, but he could see that it was only a matter of time until they found them.

The monsters were currently on their way towards Hugh and Serena.

"Do you think they can find us?" Serena whispered to Hugh.

Hugh only gulped and did not answer. He was not very hopeful in wishing that the monsters would jot find them.

"Ahhh…," Serena sighed.

She did not like this type of adventure as it was mentally and physically draining for her. She would much rather fight someone one on one rather than survive a horse of monsters.

Serena bumped her head to the wall behind her as she leaned on it. This truly did seem like the end of their journey without any real way out.


As Hugh heard the collision, he suddenly realized something. He suddenly gained energy as if something had given him hope of surviving.

Then, Hugh started to knock on the wall behind them. At his first knock, he seemed to be very diss appointed with what he found.

"Serena, move your head," Hugh whispered.

Serena did not have any real reason for disagreeing with Hugh, so she did what he asked for.

Then, Hugh knocked on the wall behind Serena.

"Damn it!" Hugh almost shouted out his frustration.

Serena flinched as she heard Hugh almost give away their position.

"Why? What's wrong?" Serena asked as she put her hand on his shoulder.

Hugh calmed himself down and took a big breath.

"I thought that we could burst our way out of this situation. This could have been a hollow wall," Hugh explained.

If he discovered that the wall was hollow, then he could have punched a hole there. Then, they could escape through that and wave the horse of monsters behind.

Serena understood what Hugh was trying to say. However, she was not as quick to give up as Hugh. She looked around the room.

"How about that?" Serena asked Hugh as she pointed towards a certain section of the wall opposite them.

Hugh looked at what Serena pointed at, and it gave him a little bit of hope.

The wall was slightly destroyed and there was a small part of the wall that was missing.

Behind the wall was a shroud of darkness. Since it was dark, Serena could not see anything beyond it. However, she was sure that it was not just another wall, but another room they could do into.

Hugh squinted his eyes and used his eagle eyes. With improved vision and night vision, he was able to see beyond the past through the shroud of darkness.

What he saw there was a glimmer of light inside a room. This was their ray of hope, their only chance to escape the horde of monsters.

Hugh started to smile as he looked at Serena and nodded. They were both happy to know that they could escape the monsters.

However, as Hugh and Serena were celebrating, the monsters continued to destroy the room.

The shelves were being turned down and tumbled. Through their sheer size, the shelves were soon turned into something like stepping stones.

The monsters took that opportunity to travel to a higher altitude.

Climbing through the tumbled shelves, the monster finally saw their prey, or smelt them.

The first one to see then became crazy as it shouted towards its other monster comrades.


The monsters behind it soon followed until every single one of the monsters was shouting. Soon, the monsters charged towards Serena and Jane.

Hugh and Serena may have found the hollow wall, but it was located on the other side of the wall.

They could not simply walk there since the monsters were coming right pearls them. They would be walking into their death if they were to do that.

"What do we do?" Serena asked as she watched the monsters in front of her.

Hugh looked at her and spoke, "we will just have to run."

Then, Hugh took Serena's hand as he led her over towards the belly of the beast, towards the horde of monsters coming towards them.

Serena was flustered, but she had no choice but to follow Hugh.

Even though they were coming towards the monsters, Hugh continued. The monsters seemed to know that Hugh was coming towards them, so they got even faster in running.

Hugh and Serena were running hand in hand. Hugh looked at her in the eyes and shouted.

"Jump when I say jump!"

Serena was speechless, but she understood what Hugh wanted. She gulped and went with the flow of the current situation.

The horse of monsters and Hugh and Serena were currently on a collision course.

Just as they were about to collide, Hugh shouted towards Serena.


At the same time, Hugh and Serena jumped over the heads of the monsters.

The two of them were physically strong, so they were able to soar through past some of the monsters in the front.

Then, Hugh and Serena used the monsters' heads as a stepping stone towards the hollow wall.

Due to Hugh's weight, the monsters that he stepped on almost became mush. They tumbled under Hugh's extreme weight as some of their bones broke.

Beside Hugh was Serena who also walked on the heads of the monsters. However, Serena was as light as a feather.

The monsters who she stepped on did not even realize that they had been stepped on. She was like a fairy steeping on the waves of a strong ocean.

The monsters were thrown in for a loop as they could not pinpoint where Hugh and Serena were. It was chaos as they tried to stumble towards Hugh and Serena.

Hugh used all of his strength on one leg and jumped as high as he could. With this one giant jump, he was able to reach the hollow wall.

Serena was also only one step away from the hollow wall.

However, just as she was about to step into safety, a monster had grabbed her ankle and prevented her from moving.

Serena was anxious as she tried to shake off the monster away from her feet.

She was hanging on to the ledge with both of her hands while the monster was trying to drag her down.

Soon after, the monsters realized that Serena was only a hand away. They then proceeded to trample on each other until they could reach Serena.

With more monsters hanging onto her, she was soon losing her grip on the ledge. It was only a matter of time until she dropped into the sea of monsters.

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