The Fat God System

Chapter 169: Building

What?" Serena blurted out as she tried to process what Jane said.

Then, Serena watched as Jane got closer to her and took the perfume away from her hands. She could not help but be bewildered at the situation.

With the perfume in his hands, Jane then walked up next to Hugh and squatted down to him. Hugh ignored her and kept on enjoying his time by himself.


Jane let out the perfume once again. The recipient of the perfume was once again Hugh.

"Raise your left leg and try to perfume a handstand," Jane said as soon as Hugh was touched by the perfume.

At first, Serena was wondering what got into Jane. She did not think that Hugh would follow Jane's instruction so easily if he was normal.

Contrary to Serena's expectation, Hugh followed Jane's words to the tee. Hugh indeed raised his left leg and performed a handstand.

This handstand was hard to do since Hugh was an o see kid, but Hugh still had the upper strength for it. His face seemed to be full of concentration as he focused on maintaining the pose.

"Return to normal," Jane commander as she once again sprayed Hugh with the perfume.

With her commands, Hugh realized what he was currently doing. Surprised by his actions, Hugh lost focus and he fell to the ground.

The first thingy hat Hugh saw was the world upside down. He was right to question the world that he saw.

"What happened? Why was I in a handstand?" Hugh asked.

The last thing he remembered was talking to Serena. Then, he did not remember anything more.

"Wow! It truly was the perfume wasn't it?!" Serena exclaimed she realized how powerful the object was.

Seeing how powerful it was, Serene was surprised. She stole the perfume back again from Jane. She was the first one to handle the perfume, and this gave her a sense of familiarity.

She wanted to keep the perfume all by herself. This was a wonderful weapon that could be used to alter the world with one spray.

Jane did not mind much that Serena got the perfume. Although the object was powerful, she did not find it to be that special.

She was more surprised by what she saw earlier.

Back then, they saw five objects that were standing on five pillars. It was random enough to warrant a look around, but the group did not find them to be special.

Then, Serena opened the perfume by chance. With that, the other objects disappeared.

If the perfume was a mystical object, it would not be far-fetched to think that those other objects were mystical as well.

If they were to choose a different object back then, would it have a different power?

This thought wandered in Jane's thoughts for a long time. For as long as they were in the fallen palace, she could not think about anything else.

She even forgot about the current problem their group had. Mia was still out there in captivity. Nobody knows if she was still even alive or not.


"There! That's their base," Darren said as he pointed his fingers towards a building in the distance.

Darren and Miser were currently hiding in a boulder a little bit away from a building filled with guards. This was the building of the Shark Loan company.

"Mia is there, I can feel it," Miser said as he eyed the building with wariness and determination.

Miser would be happier if Hugh and the others were with him, but unfortunate circumstances happened.

They lost Hugh's group on the way and could not find them anywhere else. Since they were on a time limit, they both decided to continue on their mission without Hugh's group.

"Okay. Now that we know where they are, let's go to the city and find some allies," Darren said.

However, Miser stood in place as Darren turned around to leave. For some reason, Miser did not want to leave.

If Hugh and the others were here, they would not hesitate to fight their way towards the building. With their strength, it was easy to destroy the building in search of Mia.

Feeling this sense of regret, Miser balled up his fist and struck the ground.

Darren could not help but be sorry. He was only a normal soldier without any special powers.

If what they were facing was just a couple of thugs, then he would have volunteered to fight by himself. However, what they needed to do was to storm a base filled with at most a hundred enemies.

It would truly be a suicide mission if Miser and Darren decided to do that.

Steeling himself, Darren turned towards Miser and spoke to him.

"Let's go. We'll find some more support in the city. We must be patient."

Miser could not help but agree with Darren's words. Right now, he could not do anything. However, that did not mean that he was useless.

He convinced himself that he was doing the right thing. If he were to barge through the building without any help, then he might endanger Mia's life even more.

"Let's go," Miser said as he was liked alongside Darren away from the building.

They both walked in silence towards the Cheroque kingdom. They both had nothing to say, but the awkwardness could not be more stuffing.

*gallop* *gallop*

Then, they both heard horses from a distance. This alerted the two of them and they both instinctively lowered their heads.

From what they could hear, the horses seemed to be more than four beings. The alerting part of this was that it seemed that the horses were getting near them.

"Where do we hide?" Miser asked with urgency.

Darren did not answer as he could not find the right answer. He had a bad feeling in his stomach as he thought that they were already noticed by the horses.

They were not noticed by the horses, but they were the original mission. It seemed that someone sent these horses to find Miser and Darren.

Then, Darren and Miser were hopeless to watch as five horses galloped towards them and surrounded them.

With nowhere left to run, Darren and Miser were forced to surrender.

Darren observed the riders of the horses and found them to be familiar. They were all bald and had the same uniform as those in the Shark Loan Company.

"Please accompany us," a bald guy said as he offered his hand towards both of them.

Miser could not help but accept the hand that was given to him. With it, he mounted the horse and sat behind the bald guy.

Another horse rider gave Darren a ride. With this, both of them were captured without any effort.

Darren could have tried to fight all of them, but this might have been a better way to find Mia. If they were captured, then they would have a good chance of finding Mia at the prison.

"How did you find us?" Darren asked.

"We always knew you were there," the bald man replied.

With the number of people guarding the building, it was not hard to notice two distinct old men looking at the building.

Since the building was out of the way of the kingdom's roads, normal people should not wander around the building.

The horses escorted Miser and Darren towards the building. It did not take long as the horses were a fast and efficient way of traveling.

Then, the horse riders forced Miser and Darren to dismount off the horse and put them into restraints.

Then, they were both escorted into the building.

Once they entered the building, Miser could see that it was the same building as the one that he had seen back then.

Bald people were working all over the place, and the furniture seemed to have been duplicated.

At the end of the room, there was a group of people waiting for them.

There was a particular person that took Miser and Darren's eyes. This person was in the middle of the room and the middle of the bald people.

However, the most noticeable trait of the guy was that he still had a head full of hair.

This guy was the only person in this room that still had his hesitation except for Miser and Darren.

Once the guy noticed that Miser and Darren were close, he walked towards them and faced them with a smile.

Miser and Darren were both nervous to their core. They were surrounded by enemies with no way to escape. If this was their end, then it would be inevitable.

However, contrary to their expectations, the non-bald guy bowed towards them with respect.

"Hello, sir Miser and sir Darren," the non-bald guy said. "My name is Hyun, the person in charge of this place."

Miser and Darren were both confused as to why Hyun was showing respect for both of them.

"As esteemed guests of this place, it was my duty to greet you two. Please, tell me if you need anything," Huh said with a mysterious smile.

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